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Legal Bullshit: Individual Results May Vary

 Give me a break, speak clear English, these legal declarations in advertising are bogus joke! Of course everyone is different and not all patients will get the same benefits or have the same side effects. Everyone has a unique DNA, their diet & lifestyle are unique, including what they known and who they regularly interact with or who they grew up with. Your results may vary. Your mileage may vary. 

What about the objective factually accurate truth, not flat earth theory. Quantify each patient, compare the procedure, substances, their biochemistry, biome, DNA, then use statistics to give them a risk analysis. I am not asking for psychic predictions, I am saying tell the people the factual truth, evidenced based science, with clear plain easy to understand explanations of benefits or risks. 

Smoke & mirrors sucks, show people what is actually possible, the risks & benefits of things. Stop selling people bogus ideas that this or that new thing will make their life better, and instead teach them about the product, what it took to make it, design it, market it, ship it, move it, the legal and business & investment, the prototypes, how it got to market, alternatives and why your product or service is better. 

I am thinking of these stupid direct to consumer pharmaceutical commercials featuring actors dancing around as if high on stimulants and drunk at the same time, prancing around in a drug induced fancy. Only small young children behave like that naturally, and what do these strange scenes depected have to do with the drugs you are promoting or trying to sell? 

Tell people the science, what these drugs do in the body, the cell targets, the biochemistry, with graphics lies your teaching biochemistry in college, video art of the molecules in the drugs and their functional ligands or targets in the cells and what is being modulated, How It Works" if you will // 

Its bad enough that there exist actually scams and fraud in the world, so make your advertisements factually accurate, not what the FDA requires, that corrupt ineffective government agency doesn't know what its doing, just do your part to communicate effectively with your customers & teach them about. your drugs or biologics or therapies, real facts, how it works, or why it might cause a side effect, by what mechanisms, and how to screen for it. 

Don't take "Kunicity"(fake drug name)  if your are allergic to its ingredients; what are the ingredients then and how is someone supposed to know ahead of time if they are allergic to something they have never taken? What an absurdity to tell someone to not take the product yourself if they are allergic too it. It's like saying doing shoot yourself in the face with a gun, if doing so will cause you harm. A waste of effort to say pointless nonsense that doesn't communicate anything useful. 

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