When we eat sugar, starch or carbs, it raises blood glucose, insulin the hormone then takes blood sugar & shoves it into fat storage, causing weight gain, so don't eat foods that raise blood sugar, eat more fat & protein
"Carbs are Fattening"
"Carbs are Fattening"
More, get more activity, more physical activity, exercise, go for a walk daily, skip a meal daily, drink more water every day, only eat if your actually hungry & eat smaller serving sizes, eat less, eat less often.
The benefits of regular exercise are extensive, improve memory brain executive performance, improved metabolism, better blood flow, improved bone strength & muscle strength, improved mood and emotions, better sex & sleep, improved endurance, improved balance & coordination, improved agility, weight loss, healthy overall health & wellness too :)
If your overweight that means your body stored excess food as body fat, so now you need to burn it by raising your metabolism, so do something fun that raises your pulse rate, makes your breathe harder, makes you hot and sweaty, like playing tennis, hiking, going for long walks on steep hilly routes, HIIT burst runs on trails or hills, all sorts of free at home workouts, search Google and YouTube "At Home Exercises" there are tons of options.
How to fast, fasting, intermittent fasting, ketogenic diets, weight loss programs, calories restriction, fitness, sports, excises, lots of channels of information to look at online, upgrade your search input by thinking more clearly about your goals
Insulin Theory of Obesity When people eat too many fattening carbs, insulin takes resulting blood sugar elevated & shove sugar into fat storage, causing weight gain Exercises burn stored body fat by raising metabolic rate, causing AMPK to liquify body fat into cell fuel.
Behavior: Overeating, lack of exercise, sleep deprivation can contribute to obesity Eat less, exercise more, sleep more, contributes to weight loss
The hormonal obesity theory suggests that hormones regulate fat storage in the body. This theory explains how obesity can result from a combination of genetics, hormones, and unhealthy behaviors.
Hormones involved
Insulin: A hormone that increases fat storage
Leptin: A hormone produced by fat cells that signals fullness
Ghrelin: A hormone that increases appetite
Cortisol: A stress hormone that increases insulin
Sex hormones: Hormones that play a role in body fat distribution
Growth hormone: A hormone that plays a role in body fat distribution
Other factors
Behavior: Overeating, lack of exercise, and sleep deprivation can contribute to obesity
Endocrine alterations: Obesity can be associated with conditions like hypothyroidism, Cushing's disease, and hypogonadism
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS): Obesity is a common feature of PCOS
Menopause: Loss of estrogens after menopause can increase body fat mass
Bogus Set-point theory suggests that the body has a predetermined weight range that it attempts to maintain. When someone loses weight, their body may try to regain it by increasing appetite and reducing metabolism. So try even harder when out walking to go further, on longer walks, push harder until your soaked in sweat & sore, then take a few days to rest & recover, then push even harder when you workout again, gradually increasing your time walking or hiking, going ever further, push though the pain wall, force your body set point to a faster metabolic rate, psyche yourself out more, go get it, you want that fit body, you want that weight loss, you can do it, I know you can!
How to fast, fasting, intermittent fasting, ketogenic diets, weight loss programs, calories restriction, fitness, sports, excises, lots of channels of information to look at online, upgrade your search input by thinking more clearly about your goals
Insulin Theory of Obesity When people eat too many fattening carbs, insulin takes resulting blood sugar elevated & shove sugar into fat storage, causing weight gain Exercises burn stored body fat by raising metabolic rate, causing AMPK to liquify body fat into cell fuel.
Behavior: Overeating, lack of exercise, sleep deprivation can contribute to obesity Eat less, exercise more, sleep more, contributes to weight loss
The hormonal obesity theory suggests that hormones regulate fat storage in the body. This theory explains how obesity can result from a combination of genetics, hormones, and unhealthy behaviors.
Hormones involved
Insulin: A hormone that increases fat storage
Leptin: A hormone produced by fat cells that signals fullness
Ghrelin: A hormone that increases appetite
Cortisol: A stress hormone that increases insulin
Sex hormones: Hormones that play a role in body fat distribution
Growth hormone: A hormone that plays a role in body fat distribution
Other factors
Behavior: Overeating, lack of exercise, and sleep deprivation can contribute to obesity
Endocrine alterations: Obesity can be associated with conditions like hypothyroidism, Cushing's disease, and hypogonadism
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS): Obesity is a common feature of PCOS
Menopause: Loss of estrogens after menopause can increase body fat mass
Bogus Set-point theory suggests that the body has a predetermined weight range that it attempts to maintain. When someone loses weight, their body may try to regain it by increasing appetite and reducing metabolism. So try even harder when out walking to go further, on longer walks, push harder until your soaked in sweat & sore, then take a few days to rest & recover, then push even harder when you workout again, gradually increasing your time walking or hiking, going ever further, push though the pain wall, force your body set point to a faster metabolic rate, psyche yourself out more, go get it, you want that fit body, you want that weight loss, you can do it, I know you can!
Movement of the body consumes energy, calories, body fat, something has to energize the muscles to move. Usually when someone is overweight they have eaten more food energy than they have burned moving. So they have been eating more & moving less, which causes weight gain. The opposite true, eating less & moving more will increase weight loss. That is very simple to understand.
Practicing diet change can be challenge because you have to break patterns that are lifestyle habits, but after a while of healthy eating, better diet choices, more exercise, your new active eating less & moving more lifestyle will make you look and feel way better all of the time. What do you have to lose other than unwanted body fat, so give it try.
Try intermittent fasting by skipping breakfast or dinner. Drink more water, go to bed earlier, get more sleep, less caffeine and only early in the morning. No more smoking or alcohol. Cut out sugar & refined carbohydrates from your diet. Limit daily total carbs to less than 20 grams, eat more fat from avocado, olive oil or butter, get more protein from fish, chicken, beef, eggs, dairy, animal product has superior protein availability. Consider nuts & seeds, leafy greens, spices & herbs, more fiber, more flavor, smart fit food :)
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