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I Do Not Want to be Forgotten / I Want to be Remembered

A powerful motivator, perhaps as much as anything else, uniquely human, to want to be remember by people in the future.

Mental means of the mind, or active processes happening in the human brain. But everyone knows your brain is not your mind, but somehow they are part & parcel, one and the same while distinct & different.

I think therefor I am, said a famous philosopher

But are you because you think? Can you prove this? What are you other than a brain & body connected that lives & dies. So many questions about death even thought everyone eventually faces biological death, but what about our soul & if we have an afterlife, is that music, or do we look to physics about how energy is never created or destroyed and only changes form. 

Matter is also made of energy, via E=MC^2 Energy equal to the mass of ordinary matter times the speed of light squared. 3.0x106* meters per second, light photon packets hustle quickly across spacetime. 

We can estimate the distance between celestial objects by estimating how long it took the light to travel, as aspect of astronomy science that uses space telescopes like JWST & Hubble, to perform multi-spectral imaging of celestial phenomena at great distances. 

Looking into deep space also looking into ancient history for it took massive amounts of time for that distant ancient light to reach the retina of your eye or imaging sensors of the space telescope. Microscopes help us look deeper into the smallest, while telescopes help us see far away. 

Your perspective an aperture into your brain, so when you watch videos those images & sounds become part of your brain, by protein synthesis known as neuron plasticity, such that your brain fires and wires together in response to what you see, hear, watch, listen too, or interact with, such that the brain becomes in both form & structure more like what you spend the majority of your time doing. In this way as a person we also become more like people that we spend time with, and that is why you should be caution about who you spend your time with. 

My late adoptive father Ken told me "People learn about recreational drugs from their friends" or users of drugs introduce other people to drugs. Think about why so many American Pharmaceutical companies spend so much money on advertising. I think the prescription drug ads are hilarious, featuring actors that look sad or morose, then after taking the drug being promoted, they are dancing around with flights of fancy like small children or people high on stimulant drugs & drunk at the same time. This while some lawyer reads off all the risks of side effects required as a declination by FDA law governing the direct marketing of drugs to consumers in the USA. 

Does owning more stuff during this life make you remembered? No. Think of all the billionaires in Malibu California whose elaborate mansions just burned to the ground because of wild fires. Will those homes ever be associated with who previously owned them? No one can take money into the after life & if you leave children with too much they become trust fund snobs & never really accomplish anything noteworthy or worthwhile during their lives, then have children that are even worse such that by the 3rd generation all the wealth you left behind will have been squandered away into waste of excess. 

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