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Anecdotal Proof that God is Real

I was driving the school bus this morning to return it to the base after my morning route was complete, & a beautiful sunlight foggy forest scene before my eyes caused me to cry out a sincerely thank you to God from the bottom of my heart when this song Pachelbel Canon in D Major ( instantly started playing in my head & the title also was obviously displayed in my mind so that I could find it online upon getting onto YouTube.

What we see with our eyes also largely illusionary, in the sense that these is much more going on that we cannot see with our eyes, even something as simple as the wind is invisible unless we look for evidence of wind interacting with other things like tree leaves, or feel the wind on our skin. 

Thanking God sincerely caused this beautiful music & its title to stream directly into my mind, in a beautiful loop of increasing audio clarity inside my head, as the title also continued to resolve with greater resolution so that by the time I got online to YouTube I knew exactly what to search for to find it, and have never listened to it on YouTube before this morning. 

That means that God gave me this as a beautiful reward for simply thanking the Lord our God for his beautiful creation, all the lovely little children on my route, all the benevolent kindness of people I encounter this morning, the beauty of the sun lit foggy forested sections of my bus route stunning & visually amazing to behold, with this song playing in my head while I drove though these amazing parts :) I am telling you that being thankful and appreciative sincerely in your heart unto the Lord our God can result in you experiencing profound inner beautiful and true happiness and a peace that transcends all understanding. Amen! Thank you Father God, thank you Christ Jesus & Thank you Holy Spirit! 

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