That's not a coincidence, it's part of a grand plan where Christ Jesus will return, but not for a couple of generations, which means about 40 years. To understand what I am talking about you have to watch the linked video < click "blue color link" to get to the related YouTube video.
Now that you have watched the video about Biblical Fasting to become closer to Christ Jesus and God, understand that its not just about you right now, by prayer & petition + fasting you are allowing the power of Christ Jesus to enter this world as a golden thread connecting you to heaven, but that thread also builds up a store of blessing around you in this world so that you can better overcome dark days ahead, and I assure you that its going to become harder, more expensive, and much darker in terms of increasing evil in the world, so bad already that I came razor close to suicide this morning out of absolute displeasure & despair over how during my 41 years alive the world locally has become more evil, with more school shooting, teen suicides, currency inflation and loss of buying power or shrinking middle class, many business bankrupted by COVID19 or how about the 2008 debacle.
Genuine Good Disappearing, More Evil of Every Kind Increasing
Think of how movies have become more sinister, darker, more perverted, more blasphemy, more graphical gory details at higher resolution, really violent, cruelty and evil depicted, strange new kinds of genders and gender confusion, parents giving teens hormone blockers, WOKE having transvestites talking to elementary children, and all sorts of other things like increasing abortion rates, increasing STD transmission rates, more cancer, more greed, more selfish self idolatry, more income inequality, more merger and acquisition, more kinds of fraud and scams and more corruption and bribery, more pollution and much more human population, more plagues, more viral outbreaks, bacterial infections that are hard to kill with antibiotics because of antibiotic resistant bacterial strains that are more common now and many other dark concepts like child trafficking, date rape drugs used, panel vans abducting people who have their organs stollen with forced surgical removal of organs wanted by someone paying big with bitcoin for it. With bitcoins you can buy anything illegal online, including any narcotic, any psychedelic, any drug of any kind can be purchased online without prescription, even illegal drugs.
Trust No One in the Future, Other than God
You never know the murdering psychopath sitting next to you, do you Dexter? Do you know yourself well enough to know that even you are able to engage acts of horrendous cruelty under the right circumstances, like so many German soldiers did during WWII, at concentration camps for example. Do not think you are better than any of them either, every human being without exclusion is a mixture of good and bad. No one is perfect either, so being a good person means leaning into the Good parts & rejecting the bad, just as the Bible Commands followers of Christ Jesus to center their minds on what is says in Philippians 4:8
"Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things" sayeth the Lord our God, Amen!
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