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Eating When Not Hungry is Toxic

 Many people find a health lifestyle mix elusive, finding it easy to put on weight with time, but I assure you there are a few simple ideas that most people would benefit from adopting that are easy & simple

When adults tell children to eat in order to become bigger and stronger, by logical inverse, if adult does not want to become bigger, then they should skip meals and not eat unless actually hungry, especially if they are not been physical active or live a sedentary life without getting hot and sweating from working out regularly.

We could be crude and just tell fat adults to "Move More and Eat Less" but that leaves out micronutrients, hydration, sleep health, metabolism, and healthy fun activities that can boost anyones metabolic rate. Like going to a walk, or jumping rope, or doing core training exercises on the floor at home or at work. You don't need any special equipment, just gravity and your body is enough to get you hot & sweaty if you look up "At home Workouts" on YouTube or any blog covering such material. 

Skip a meal & go hungry, but also consider serving sizes. Just as you do not breath too much oxygen & your brain auto regulates your breathing, you can think about what an actual serving size is for your body of a given kind of food. 

Effectively American's are fatter and sicker from eating too many starches, carbohydrates & sugars, in a diet comprises 73% of ultra processed junk food from colorful bags & boxes with added sugar & artificial dye proven to cause cancer. Dr. Robert Lustig is on YouTube in a big way teaching people how sugar can easily become a metabolic toxic to our cell mitochrondria if consumed in excess regularly. Mitochondria are the cells ATP power fuel maker of body energy, since ATP the electron source that energies the biochemical reactions that underpin all cell functions of the body. 

Notice that we breathing in Air to get unbound electrons form the Oxygen O2 content, transported by red blood cells that have iron hemoglobin that acts like a magnet to hold onto molecular oxygen for transport, so the electrons on the O2 can give the electrons to the cells that give off H+ ions, forming Water by a condensation reaction, such that those extra electrons in the Citric Acid Cycle or TCA enabling the mitochondria to convert spent ADP into regenerated ATP cell energy. Our body makes our body weight worth of ATP daily this way. 

If you sitting at your phone or computer, you're burning 1 MET of energy per hour. If you get off your duff and go for a walk, that climbs to 3 or 4 METS per hours. If you do something really physically intensive like running up and down a steep hill segment over and over again, then you can get up to 12 METs, hiking a steep tail for example. METS are metabolic equivalents, so 12 METS per hour hiking up a steep trail means your body will burn 12 X more energy as calories climbing that hill, that it would if you were sitting around at your computer or playing with your phone or watching TV. 

Rest also very important, so when you are being active hiking trails or doing Fitness Excises that call catabolism as in your consuming and damaging your body. When your resting, sleeping that night after the hike, anabolic processes engage in cell repair & muscle building and bone remodeling, but people who never hike or never get hot and sweaty are missing out on the benefits of catabolism triggering enhance anabolism later. At 41 years old now, I have active days where I work out more, walk more, move more, deliberately get hot & sweaty, then the following day is a rest day, where I deliberately try too be sedentary or as calm as possible & get high quality sleep. 

I was extremely sick recently & unable to move much, so I had no apatite & didn't much. It's all about energy balance. Being overweight means the body has stored extra food from what someone ate that they never burned with physical activity. In other words extra body fat stores body energy for future use. That means that overweight people can survive much longer without food than thin fit people. 

It also means that a very overweight person will burn more energy on that hike than a fit person doing the same. In physic it takes more energy to move more mass, so a bigger person will burn more calories of energy than a smaller person. This is why young small children do not have to eat as much as an olympic athlete or professional athlete. 

This is also why so many peoples grandparents eat dinner at 4pm, then don't eat the rest of the day & go to sleep. Overeating, especially near bedtime is metabolically toxic. That depends on what someone eats as well. Junk food has a higher glycemic index, meaning that it raises blood sugar more when eaten than a balanced whole nature food. Compare a Soda to an Apple or Banana. 

Everyone can probably think of some young men & women in their 20's who eat a voracious amount & never seem to gain weight. If you knew about their lives, they also tend at that age to be very active physically, & have an intrinsically higher base metabolism without even working out. 

Sugars, Starches & Carbs are great fuel for movement

Amino acids, proteins, are great for building muscle, fixing cells & for intermediate release of energy

Fats and lipids are energy dense slow burning metabolic fuel that work great as body base load energy 

Micro's are also just as important, so vitamins and minerals, because they are needed to use the starch, carbs, sugars, proteins, & fats or Macros. Water is also very important not only as a solvent to rinse the kidneys, but its also a major ingredient in many of the bodies biochemical reactions & important for the biochemistry of your body too stay in homeostasis so that you stay free of diseases for more of your time alive in what is now known as Health Span vs Total Life Span. 

Everyone is going to dye eventually, but on your way through life making healthy food & lifestyle activity choices keeps you vivacious and healthy longer, sometimes even into old age if your are faithful to eat less & move more, especially in the later years. 

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