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Donald J Trump Saved America

Tariffs, Taxes on Imported Goods from Abroad, for more than 50 years every other country around the world has been penalizing the USA with unfair trade, enough is enough that is ended today! No more ripping off the American people anymore, the drug cartels are now terrorists & should have been labeled as such a long time ago. Companies profiting from artificial food dye are a kind of terrorist because their food dye causes DNA damage & cancer & almost everyone knows it now. Let's leave gender out of this talk and focus on what is going to happen in America.

Taking Back the Panama Canal

Drill Baby, Drill, XL Pipeline, American Petroleum Exported

Energy Leaders in Nuclear, in Renewables, in Chip Making, and in AI

We are going to see the US dollar become stronger with deflation, instead of 100 years of inflation

Our national debt of $36 trillion will be paid off in part by the CCP in China who unleashed SARS CoV-2 virus cost the world $9 trillion in loses during the COVID19 debacle and continuing on today


Did you know that in many foreign countries to buy anything made in America, you have to pay a 200% or more import duty tax, so that American made goods cost way too much to compete against locally made goods. This is one of the ways that so many other countries have been cheating the USA, but then we are so polite we do not do the same, but that's over with. 

Now America is going to put big import duty taxes on things made outside of America and important and sold in America so that American made things can compete more effectively, noting that labor & every other kind of cost much higher in America than it is in the developing countries, so many nations abroad have many kinds of advantages that enable lower cost production abroad, but tariffs help to level the playing field more evenly. 

Every Kind of Nuclear Reactor

We need to double electricity production in America, not just to decarbonize all energy, but to energize winning the Artificial Intelligence Race worldwide. Today little Russia, as in the economy of Russia smaller than the economy of Italy, little Russia today is a leader in crypto currency mining, but it all started in America, and so did computers in Silicon Valley, chip making, even smartphones the way we know them today, though it would fair to give that hat to Canada and RIM or Research in Motor as their Blackberry Bold 9800 for example was really a technological ancestor of what the OG 2007 iPhone or similar smartphones from Samsung today. 

Gas Cooled High Temperature Reactors

Molten Salt Reactors

Small Modular Reactors

Heat, Power, Electricity, Efficient, Safe, Smartest Nuclear Energy FTW

With clean coal, that means coal can be turned into a slurry, then acids applied & polymer beads to take out all the heavy, toxic, rare or valuable metals, then the hydrocarbon & carbon left behinds can be heated to make clean coal gas, purified, then gas to liquids means gasoline, diesel, lubricating fuels, and all sorts of other petrochemical products can be made from coal & natural gas. Energy, American Energy for America, what a concept. 

China owes the world $9 trillion for the COVID19 pandemic loses which are still mounting. Did you know that there are tens of thousands of variants of SARS CoV-2 circulating around now? Did you know that COVID never went away? Did you know that China, the CCP, the PLA Military paid the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Hubei Provence, China, to develop the SARS CoV-2 as a bioweapon, so the Chinese Communist Government engaged in an act of war that killed 7+ million people with COVID19 infections that were fatal, infections from the Chinese bioweapon released in Wuhan, Hubei, China in 2019. Did you know they, the CCP, knew about the COVID19 outbreak in July of 2019. The entire COVID19 pandemic could have been avoided, but the Chinese did not want that, they wanted a global pandemic to wipe out millions of people worldwide. 

Thats a typical operating agenda of the CCP, to murder millions of people, since they do not value human life at all. They have no sense of basic human rights in China and China is also the world's biggest polluter, polluting on a scale never previously observed by any standard in history. In other words China has pioneered polluting in a world record setting way. Releasing the COVID19 virus means China also evil. China also invented fiat currencies in the 10th century BCE. Fiat as in fake currencies that are prone to losing value & defrauding everyone of the moneys buying power, making everting more expensive for everyone over time while increasing elder poverty. Thanks for the Fiat currency idea China! 

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