"Mooo" said the cow, pregnant female cows that makes real whole milk in her utters, to feed her babies or calfs, when they are born, so how does the dairy industry make so much milk, and why are there so many milk alternatives.
Milk People
Cheese, Ice Cream, Heavy Cream, Half&Half, Whole Milk, Skim Milk, 2% Milk, Milk Fat, Milk Man, What the Milk are we talking about here other than a multi-billion dollar big dairy industry in America, but many milk dishes and milk products are traditional foods in Scandinavia, in Asia, in the Middle East, around the world in many countries dairy based foods have been a staple of nutrition for thousands of years, and many people have relied on milk for its protein, fat, vitamins & minerals, that's is real milk, with calcium and vitamin D so important to human bone health for example.
Rice, Soy, Oat, Almond, Cashew, Coconut, What is with these Milk Alternatives that Do Not Taste like real milk or even similar to milk, not even close in most cases, other than being a milky fluid, they did not come from cows, like real milk, or cows treated with rBST to make more milk, GMO label went where?
Come now dairy cow, to Dairy Queen, its obscene, to listen to this noise of people who claim the dairy industry has a lobby, and hurts cows, and milk based products cause harm at these industrial farms, well guess what, you don't have to have any, but don't ruin it for the rest of us.
I cook with real butter at home, with real whole milk, full fat dairy yogurt, they are tastier and more filling and fulfilling and taste better. When I bake cookies, they are made with real butter, not hydrogenated cotton seed oil called crisco, that's better for making emergency candles. I would not feed war criminals crisco. In UPF industrial food, the hydrogenated oils are also brominated to increase shelf life, like cooking food with pesticide reside mixed into trans fats, cancer & heart disease accelerated aging.
Did you know that cows like watch videos, specifically MooooVies / Movies long form TLDR, not TikTok clips or YouTube Shorts. Who wears the shorts on that dairy farm? Bend my arm, why don't you? That sounds cheesy, right? Wrong, it's the whole milk or nothing else. Sometimes I like to have fun with my words, but the words that come between us also connect us somehow, it is amazing, like the Milky Way galaxy, pun intended.
What is the Milky Way by the way? It's the galaxy nearby, our solar system exists in a rural calm zone out towards the outer edge of a spiral arm of the Milky Way. There are trillions of other galaxies, space vast beyond comprehension. There are thousands of other Earth like planets orbiting little stars like the Sun nearby. They are so far away that puny chemical rockets have a mass paradox problem without enough fuel density to get us to other habitat planets in a useful timeframe, but can we fame time, if time is arbitrary, but also time is so important, Thyme also a useful spice, wait, I am confused.
Just because you grind up plants or nuts or seeds into water & it makes a milky fluid, that does not make it milk, its a milk alternative and does not taste like real milk and does not work the same in recipes. Down here in our part of the Milky Way galaxy real milk comes from a female cow utter, usually sucked out of such by vacuum pumps lubricated with purified mineral oil. Can the naysayers moooo-ve out of the way. Horses say Nayyyyyy, they eat hay, Hey you! Can I get a glass of milk?
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