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10 Min Les Mills Body Combat Workout then Fast Steep Walk Hike

After a disastrous dehydration episode on Sunday + a high glycemic meal at church & long drive afterward, I came home & passed out, only to require 9 quarts of water all night long, up and down, to rehydrate correctly. 

The extreme dehydration kicked off a full episode of acute psoriatic full body arthritis, migraine vascular headache, high blood sugar, when I woke up for work naturally at 5 am today I had to call out of work sick. 

I was unable to see or balance, felt like a train wreck, pounding migraine, joints all over, especially my neck was on fire with pain & inflammation, my sinus was clogged over, I could barely breathe through my nose, I keep pooping gas & liquid, peeing, like the water would not stick to me, my electrolytes got out of balance, I drenched multiple sets of underwear and my sheets. I coughed up colorful junk from my lungs after finally waking up for the day at 8:20 am, the latest I have slept in, in years. 

To recover, get rid of the headache & feel better, I drank two black tea's with nothing added, took my vitamins & minerals, some NMN, more water, no food. Played Forza Horizon 2 & beat the Bucket List Challenge after 7 sessions of attempts, 140 tries, finally got it :) watched YouTube videos on the TV. Hand washed dishes for 1.5 hours to help clear the kitchen. Working on laundry all day. 

I had eaten 3 hard boiled eggs, a premade plant based packed Orgain protein shake, a custom whole milk protein shake, with collagen & colostrum added. I also ate a prepackaged meat stick. The idea was to stay ketogenic in terms of macros. 

Blood glucose was 98 on waking, hovering between 91 and 101 all day, including before and after working out, so glass stabile at an average of 100, a tad elevated.

I was feeling a bit spaced & tired like falling asleep, so instead I put on the Meta 2 VR headset, calibrated Room Scale for the floor area, launched the Les Mills Body Combat App, did the K.O 4 10.00 Min workout, then put on warm clothes & headed outside for a long walk hike. 

432 FT Elevation Gain, up 923 ft, down 501, 400 total calories, 333 active calories, 17'05"/mi Average Pace, 2.37 mi total, 40 min 39 seconds, pulse range 102-171 average 139 beats per minute. I have a resting hear rate of 51, that goes down to 44 at the deepest stages of sleep at night, occasionally hitting a low of 39 bpm if I am very faithful to workout like noted above at least 3 times per week. 

I have been so sick with flu's and colds recently, that I fell off the workout wagon, though I also kicked coffee & have not had any alcohol for more than 30 days now :) I am focusing on stating hydrated, more active in terms of regular workouts, & keeping my blood glucose low & failing on that point because of eating carb heavy foods lately, when I know better. I feel like a failure for having to call out sick again, only to feel better after working out later in the day, when it finically got above freezing. I will be retiring to work tomorrow & no workout, since I give my self a "anabolic rest day" after a "workout day" & sometimes two days of rest & recovery. 

How to Lose Weight

How to lose weight, first understand carbs are fattening

When we eat sugar, starch or carbs, it raises blood glucose, insulin the hormone then takes blood sugar & shoves it into fat storage, causing weight gain, so don't eat foods that raise blood sugar, eat more fat & protein

"Carbs are Fattening"

More, get more activity, more physical activity, exercise, go for a walk daily, skip a meal daily, drink more water every day, only eat if your actually hungry & eat smaller serving sizes, eat less, eat less often. 

The benefits of regular exercise are extensive, improve memory brain executive performance, improved metabolism, better blood flow, improved bone strength & muscle strength, improved mood and emotions, better sex & sleep, improved endurance, improved balance & coordination, improved agility, weight loss, healthy overall health & wellness too :) 

If your overweight that means your body stored excess food as body fat, so now you need to burn it by raising your metabolism, so do something fun that raises your pulse rate, makes your breathe harder, makes you hot and sweaty, like playing tennis, hiking, going for long walks on steep hilly routes, HIIT burst runs on trails or hills, all sorts of free at home workouts, search Google and YouTube "At Home Exercises" there are tons of options. 

How to fast, fasting, intermittent fasting, ketogenic diets, weight loss programs, calories restriction, fitness, sports, excises, lots of channels of information to look at online, upgrade your search input by thinking more clearly about your goals

Insulin Theory of Obesity When people eat too many fattening carbs, insulin takes resulting blood sugar elevated & shove sugar into fat storage, causing weight gain Exercises burn stored body fat by raising metabolic rate, causing AMPK to liquify body fat into cell fuel.

Behavior: Overeating, lack of exercise, sleep deprivation can contribute to obesity Eat less, exercise more, sleep more, contributes to weight loss

The hormonal obesity theory suggests that hormones regulate fat storage in the body. This theory explains how obesity can result from a combination of genetics, hormones, and unhealthy behaviors.

Hormones involved

Insulin: A hormone that increases fat storage
Leptin: A hormone produced by fat cells that signals fullness
Ghrelin: A hormone that increases appetite
Cortisol: A stress hormone that increases insulin
Sex hormones: Hormones that play a role in body fat distribution
Growth hormone: A hormone that plays a role in body fat distribution
Other factors

Behavior: Overeating, lack of exercise, and sleep deprivation can contribute to obesity

Endocrine alterations: Obesity can be associated with conditions like hypothyroidism, Cushing's disease, and hypogonadism

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS): Obesity is a common feature of PCOS

Menopause: Loss of estrogens after menopause can increase body fat mass

Bogus Set-point theory suggests that the body has a predetermined weight range that it attempts to maintain. When someone loses weight, their body may try to regain it by increasing appetite and reducing metabolism. So try even harder when out walking to go further, on longer walks, push harder until your soaked in sweat & sore, then take a few days to rest & recover, then push even harder when you workout again, gradually increasing your time walking or hiking, going ever further, push though the pain wall, force your body set point to a faster metabolic rate, psyche yourself out more, go get it, you want that fit body, you want that weight loss, you can do it, I know you can! 

Movement of the body consumes energy, calories, body fat, something has to energize the muscles to move. Usually when someone is overweight they have eaten more food energy than they have burned moving. So they have been eating more & moving less, which causes weight gain. The opposite true, eating less & moving more will increase weight loss. That is very simple to understand. 

Practicing diet change can be challenge because you have to break patterns that are lifestyle habits, but after a while of healthy eating, better diet choices, more exercise, your new active eating less & moving more lifestyle will make you look and feel way better all of the time. What do you have to lose other than unwanted body fat, so give it try. 

Try intermittent fasting by skipping breakfast or dinner. Drink more water, go to bed earlier, get more sleep, less caffeine and only early in the morning. No more smoking or alcohol. Cut out sugar & refined carbohydrates from your diet. Limit daily total carbs to less than 20 grams, eat more fat from avocado, olive oil or butter, get more protein from fish, chicken, beef, eggs, dairy, animal product has superior protein availability. Consider nuts & seeds, leafy greens, spices & herbs, more fiber, more flavor, smart fit food :) 

Accidental Glucose Tolerance Test + Nutritional Analysis

Nothing thinking clearly, I ate a prodigious serving of Grape Nuts, 2.5 cups in 2 cups of whole milk at 3pm, an entire medium bowl filled to the top, in what would be 4 servings of what could hold if my hands were cupped together. 

Within an hour of eating it made me feel really sick, itchy, tired, joint pain, so I asked my lovely wife for a glucose meter & measure 171 blood glucose units, which is way high for a non-diabetic person. I had also eaten 2 serving of Butter Coconut Mochi I made from scratch last night, as breakfast this morning at 9:45am, after waking up at 7:20 *that's sleeping in for me* / 

She suggested since it was 4 pm & we were both feeling like garbage that going for a walk outside before the sun sets was a good idea. I reluctantly agreed. Noting that my blood sugar was super high I decided to a 1000 mg Metformin that I had left over from the past when I had Type 2 diabetes, drank 1 quart of filtered water, put on a bunch of warm layers, hat & gloves, it was just around freezing cold outside, especially at the higher altitude we walked & hiked too. 

Clear sunny & very cold, the view at the top was stunningly beautiful. Let me be perfectly clear. I sometimes take a metformin if I know I am going to eat an unusual amount of carbohydrates, starches or sugars on a random day, but rarely ever do that. Today nutritional excursion from norm, low carb, high fat, moderate protein, was exactly that, random, not something I do regularly. I also no longer regularly take metformin & only take a metformin if I measure a blood glucose higher than 140. 

It was very especially beautiful too since it was becoming twilight, with pink sunlight hitting the clearly easy to see Cascade Mountains covered in snow nearby & visible to the North from the high place with a view where we were hiking. 

We started out at walking through the nearby cemetery to the a park, climbing over the construction fence blocking the way, they are building a really nice playground in the park, & then went up the steepest roadway nearby, a windy climbing one way in one way out road, to the Bullet Fireplace Trail. The street was really icy up there, so we were careful to walk on the frozen grass and dirt to the side of the road to avoid slipping.

We covered a total of 2.3 miles, 456 calories burned, 352 ft elevation gain, or 839 ft up, and 479 ft down, moderate effort, my pulse went from 79 to 164 when I was ruining HIIT bursts on the trail, we averaged about 24 minutes per mile on this mix of steep segments. My 8th generation Apple Watch collected the Outdoor Walk fitness data. 

Upon returning my blood glucose tested 112, so that steep walk hike lowed it from 171 by 59 points, proof that exercising + anti-diabetic medication metformin works. I stopped taking metformin about a year ago, after using a Dexcom G7 for 10 days & noting that as long as I do not abuse carbs, eating a moderate diet, I never have a high blood glucose, and my most recent HbA1C score was 4.5, totally non diabetic. 

Nutrient Analysis 2 Cups Whole Milk + 2.5 Cups grape -nuts

Total Macros 1360 calories, 241 carbs, 35 grams fiber, 46 grams protein, 21 grams of fat, plus a huge mix of vitamins that the manufactures added to the grape-nuts & whole milk, listed bellow. I also took a NEW CHAPTER ONE DAILY EVERY MAN'S MULTIVITAMIN 40+, so I got way more than my DV for almost all micros also :) 

2.5 cups of grape nuts has 1000 calories, 215 grams of carbs, fortunately it also contained 35 grams of fiber of which 5 gram was soluble and 30 grams insoluble, and also contained 30 grams of protein, & 5 grams of fat, and contains 81 mcg iron, 1300 mcg potassium, 200% dv of Thiamin, 30% dv Riboflavin, 225% dv Niacin, 300% dv Vitamin B6, 1065mcg folic acid, 100% dv of Phosphorus, 50% dv Magnesium, 150% dv Zinc

2 cups of organic whole milk from Costco added 360 calories, 16 grams fat of which 10 grams saturated, 70 mg cholesterol, 250mg sodium, 26 carbohydrates of which 24 grams is sugars, 16 grams of protein, 6 mcg Vitamin D 30% dv, 604mg calcium 50%, 794 mg potassium 16% dv, 182 mcg Vitamin A 20% dv, 0.8mcg Riboflavin 60% dv, 2.4mcg Vitamin B12 100% dv, 2mg pantothenic acid 40% dv, 476 mcg Phosphorus 40% dv, 160mcg Iodine 100% dv, 2 mg Zinc 20% dv, Selenium 5mcg 20% dv. 

Anecdotal Proof that God is Real

I was driving the school bus this morning to return it to the base after my morning route was complete, & a beautiful sunlight foggy forest scene before my eyes caused me to cry out a sincerely thank you to God from the bottom of my heart when this song Pachelbel Canon in D Major ( instantly started playing in my head & the title also was obviously displayed in my mind so that I could find it online upon getting onto YouTube.

What we see with our eyes also largely illusionary, in the sense that these is much more going on that we cannot see with our eyes, even something as simple as the wind is invisible unless we look for evidence of wind interacting with other things like tree leaves, or feel the wind on our skin. 

Thanking God sincerely caused this beautiful music & its title to stream directly into my mind, in a beautiful loop of increasing audio clarity inside my head, as the title also continued to resolve with greater resolution so that by the time I got online to YouTube I knew exactly what to search for to find it, and have never listened to it on YouTube before this morning. 

That means that God gave me this as a beautiful reward for simply thanking the Lord our God for his beautiful creation, all the lovely little children on my route, all the benevolent kindness of people I encounter this morning, the beauty of the sun lit foggy forested sections of my bus route stunning & visually amazing to behold, with this song playing in my head while I drove though these amazing parts :) I am telling you that being thankful and appreciative sincerely in your heart unto the Lord our God can result in you experiencing profound inner beautiful and true happiness and a peace that transcends all understanding. Amen! Thank you Father God, thank you Christ Jesus & Thank you Holy Spirit! 

Rice Milk, Soy Milk, Oat Milk, Almond Milk, Cashew Milk, Coconut Milk or Mixtures Thereof

"Mooo" said the cow, pregnant female cows that makes real whole milk in her utters, to feed her babies or calfs, when they are born, so how does the dairy industry make so much milk, and why are there so many milk alternatives. 

Milk People

Cheese, Ice Cream, Heavy Cream, Half&Half, Whole Milk, Skim Milk, 2% Milk, Milk Fat, Milk Man, What the Milk are we talking about here other than a multi-billion dollar big dairy industry in America, but many milk dishes and milk products are traditional foods in Scandinavia, in Asia, in the Middle East, around the world in many countries dairy based foods have been a staple of nutrition for thousands of years, and many people have relied on milk for its protein, fat, vitamins & minerals, that's is real milk, with calcium and vitamin D so important to human bone health for example.

Rice, Soy, Oat, Almond, Cashew, Coconut, What is with these Milk Alternatives that Do Not Taste like real milk or even similar to milk, not even close in most cases, other than being a milky fluid, they did not come from cows, like real milk, or cows treated with rBST to make more milk, GMO label went where? 

Come now dairy cow, to Dairy Queen, its obscene, to listen to this noise of people who claim the dairy industry has a lobby, and hurts cows, and milk based products cause harm at these industrial farms, well guess what, you don't have to have any, but don't ruin it for the rest of us. 

I cook with real butter at home, with real whole milk, full fat dairy yogurt, they are tastier and more filling and fulfilling and taste better. When I bake cookies, they are made with real butter, not hydrogenated cotton seed oil called crisco, that's better for making emergency candles. I would not feed war criminals crisco. In UPF industrial food, the hydrogenated oils are also brominated to increase shelf life, like cooking food with pesticide reside mixed into trans fats, cancer & heart disease accelerated aging. 

Did you know that cows like watch videos, specifically MooooVies / Movies long form TLDR, not TikTok clips or YouTube Shorts. Who wears the shorts on that dairy farm? Bend my arm, why don't you? That sounds cheesy, right? Wrong, it's the whole milk or nothing else. Sometimes I like to have fun with my words, but the words that come between us also connect us somehow, it is amazing, like the Milky Way galaxy, pun intended. 

What is the Milky Way by the way? It's the galaxy nearby, our solar system exists in a rural calm zone out towards the outer edge of a spiral arm of the Milky Way. There are trillions of other galaxies, space vast beyond comprehension. There are thousands of other Earth like planets orbiting little stars like the Sun nearby. They are so far away that puny chemical rockets have a mass paradox problem without enough fuel density to get us to other habitat planets in a useful timeframe, but can we fame time, if time is arbitrary, but also time is so important, Thyme also a useful spice, wait, I am confused. 

Just because you grind up plants or nuts or seeds into water & it makes a milky fluid, that does not make it milk, its a milk alternative and does not taste like real milk and does not work the same in recipes. Down here in our part of the Milky Way galaxy real milk comes from a female cow utter, usually sucked out of such by vacuum pumps lubricated with purified mineral oil. Can the naysayers moooo-ve out of the way. Horses say Nayyyyyy, they eat hay, Hey you! Can I get a glass of milk? 

Beyond Rude, Highly Disrespectful, or Socially Inconsiderate

I previously worked at a place where random member of the public would bring in quartz wrist watches and automotive key fobs to get the internal battery cells changed.

This 75 year old women comes in & hands me her Audi key fob & says "I would like you to change the battery in this fob & tell me how long it will last"

I said "I would be happy to help you with that & change the battery in your fob, but in terms of how long it will last, I have to give you a simple analogy."

She says "ok, explain"

So I say in a calm steady peaceful voice "the battery in the key fob somewhat like a bank account with 1000 dollars in it. Every time you press the button on the key fob it takes 1 dollar from that account, so after 1000 presses there is nothing left & the battery has to be replaced, does that make sense? "

She says reply in a rude condescending way 'In my 75 years alive, I have never encountered such a rude person"

Taken aback, I reply "I am really sorry, I was only trying to explain that some people who only drive their car one day per week might experience 3 to 5 years out of a key fob battery, but someone who starts & stops their car like a realtor, many times per day might only get 6 months out of the same battery" 

She says "that does not make any sense at all, I asked you how long the battery will last, and your telling me stories about different use cases" 

So I say "I was only giving simple metaphors because the truth is, I have no idea how long the battery will last in your key fob because I don't know about your specific use case or about the electrical draw of the key fob when buttons are presided relative to the battery capacity, and furthermore if we compared 5 of the batteries, at least 1 of them would last significantly longer than the other 4, but I don't have a way of predicting the exact outcomes, so I told you a story to help explain that the battery has a finite capacity and that every push of the key fob button depletes the battery a certain amount, but its unknown exactly how much current or power each press takes or exactly how much capacity the tiny coin cell has."

Then my boss comes out & says "Mam, he has done more than anyone else that works here would do to politely explain to you in several ways, that we have no idea how long your key fob battery will last, but most consumers get 1 to 4 years of use out of coin cells we install in random key fobs, more or less depending on each persons use case."

So she says "Then give me a strip of 5 of these batteries" so my boss says 'I will agree to give you 5 of these batteries if you agree to leave" 

So he hands her a 5 strip of these 2032 coin cells & she scoff & says "I will never be back again" & leave the store. 

In social media this situation is known as interacting with a Karen, though that's unfair to many people with that name, noting that my name Aaron is Karen without the K on the front, as is Sharon my name with Sh on the front, variations of the sounds. 

What we are actually taking about here are rude inconsiderate people who irritate and annoy retail employees for no apparent reason. Rude & disrespectful people go around making life worse for other people, but being rude, disrespectful or inconsiderate are not illegal. Rude people are just socially unconscious & cruel. 

People have different levels of social intelligence, sympathy, empathy, concern for others, but there is no reason that someone should go around mistreating other people randomly. Look, everyone has bad days, that does not give anyone a right to be rude or mean or cruel to other people. 

I work as a school bus driver and the children on my routes have told me that I am absolutely nothing like the other older grumpy angry bus drivers they have encountered. I tell them, "that is because I set out when I was 10 years old determined to never become grumpy or rude & to always treat other people with dignity & respect, loving kindness, doing my best to be polite, fair & reasonable in all situations, considering each interaction I have with other people precious and special just like life itself. So its my ideology about life that makes me nicer to interact with"

That is why I found it so peculiar to be accuse of being rude when I was politely explaining an answer to a question of a random customer. I also went above and beyond giving multiple simple examples to try & explain an answer to a question for which no simple answer exists. 

In another example, working for the same business in the past, a woman calls the store & I answers and she says "You guy's ripped me off & told me that you put a lifetime battery in my wrist watch. Now I am a at a Gold course in Arizona, and my watch stopped working, and that was only 3 years, not a lifetime", so I said "Mam, I am really sorry that the watch battery died, but let me look that up in the computer so I can help you out" so I ask her for her phone number, look up the lifetime battery install, and see that we had changed it in her expensive jeweled bearing wrist watch, 3 years prior, but noted that the tiny SMC364 cell only contains about 20 milliamp hours of capacity, and while her expensive wrist watch contains a low friction high precious ETA movement featuring jewel bearings for ultra low friction, most people with fashion watches that use the same battery only get about 1 year of use, so the superlative movement in her watch enabled the same battery to last 3 times longer, and if she took her wrist watch to al local business of the same kind, they would gladly change the battery for free under the lifetime warranty. 

She says 'But you told me that it would last a lifetime" so I said "there is no such thing as tiny button cell battery that powers a quartz wrist watch for a lifetime, that would be a perpetual energy machine and no such thing has been commercialized even if it does exist, that's not something that anyone is selling random members of the public for use their wrist watches, especially not for $15. 

She says, well, I am a lawyer, and I am going to sue you for the battery, since you lied to me. But of course the owner of the business took her to court and the judge threw her out and said that it was a common understanding the differences between a lifetime replacement warranty & a "quote lifetime battery' since there are no such thing as batteries that last an entire lifetime, never was, is not and probably will not be a thing in the near future' and we got to laugh as she left in angry hissy fit. She was suing for $530, the cost of her wrist watch. The dead battery did not damage her wrist watch, she just needed to have the battery changed, and we gave her some free SMC364 and told her to take them to a Jewelry Store to have the technical change the battery, because the tech that did was not supposed to work on luxury wrist watchers. 

In another example, we were selling incandescent, halogen, CLF and LED bulbs A19 shape standard light bulbs and had a display comparing 3, the incandescent, CFL and LED. This Amish nurse comes in and asks me to explain the difference between the 3 lighting technologies. 

I say "here is the classical incandescent, it converts 83% of the energy it consumes into heat, and only 13 emitted as light, so it use 60 watts of energy to emit 540 lumens of light" "This spiral CFL only consumes 14 watts to emit the same amount of light, while the LED uses only 9 watts to emit the same amount of light, so if we compare the operating cost difference, the incandescent sucks power down much fast & so it cost much more operate, up to 4X more, and has a finite life of only 2500 hours, while the CFL was rated for 5000 hrs and the LED was rated for 20,000 hours" 

She says 'You said the word "Suck" which is highly disrespectful to women, and was used as a pejorative term to demeaningly describe women breast feeding babies in public.

So I said "Contextually, I as referring to the bulb sucking down electrical power much faster than the other bulbs, not making a reference to breast feeding women" 

She says "You need to use a different word than suck, because that is disrespectful word", then turns about and leaves, saying while she is leaving, the rest of your explanation made good sense, thank you for explaining"

I reflect on these memories because I was surprised at how sensitive people are to explanations and specific words 

In another example, this man asks me about a car battery saying "I heart that car batteries contain lead the metal, like bullets' which caught me by surprise, but I agreed saying "Yes, though the alloy of lead in the car battery contains calcium and antimony to make the battery anode & cathode plate more mechanically robust to vibration encounter when an automobile driven. So he says "Are you telling me that they use the same material as bullets in the battery" so I said yes, guns shoot bullets made of lead and lead is the base material for the anode & cathode of the lead acid battery, invented by Gaston Plante in France in the late 1800's. He nervously says "Did you say gun?" and quickly moves toward the door, and I say "Who is talking about guns" then he starts screaming, no Guns, No, Guns, No" and runs out the door 

My boss comes out and says "Why are you talking about guns" so I say "This is America, where there are more guns that people, and that guy was asking me if bullets are made of the same material as the anode & cathode of the car battery, so I politely explained" and told him that yes guns shoot bullets made of the same lead that's made into battery plates in typical car batteries, so it was part of his question, and was contextually relevant. 

Working retail was a real blunder for me. As an autistic person, I don't understand why other people react so strongly to simple phases like gun, or lead, or suck, especially when they bring up the topic. 

Another one that I always found funny is when someone would come in and say "You don't sell this, do you?" and I would wonder why do they open with "You don't sell" that could have been easily "Do you sell this or that" / I am reminded that each person has a unique mind. Some people are afraid of lead. 

I have uncle that would not drive across the i90 bridge to get from his home in Bellevue Washington to his job as a teacher at a school in Seattle, across the water, where there is an i90 and 520 floating bridges that connect, because he thought the bridges would collapse while driving on them, or irrational fear. His sister, my adoptive mother, when I purchased a 2005 Prius said "I heard that the Prius cannot go freeway speed, and I would never ride in a car that cannot go freeway speed" to which I replied "Where did you hear that" and she says "I was watching FOX NEWS and the host said the Prius is worse than the original hummer which can only go 55 mph maximum" 

The entire report was not even about the maximum speed of the Prius vs the Hummer, it was about the materials used in the hybrid battery of the Prius being more damaging to the environment than the materials used to make the AM General Original Hummer, with its diesel V10 & 4 wheel drive able to be dropped from a helicopter. The OG Hummer was the only real hummer, as the later versions were just rewrapped GMC Suburban with a body kit. The real hummer was a dope military vehicle, not a great American highway cruiser. It was never meant to be used as a family car for high speed trips on freeways or highways in America. Also, the environmental footprint of the manufacturing of the Prius is more than offset by its reduced consumption of gasoline since Prius get more than 40 miles per gallon of fuel, where the diesel Hummer gets around 10 MPG by comparison. 

Apples to oranges comparisons rarely make sense, and besides, Toyota has sold tens of millions of Prius and other hybrid vehicles to millions of happy customers who driven them at up to 105 MPH maximum, more than fast enough to safely operate on a freeway or highway in America. Do you remember cash for clunkers? Many people with low fuel economy SUV's traded them in on much more fuel efficient vehicles, with a generous rebate from the US Federal Government program known as cash for clunkers. This was because gasoline was selling for $0.99 per gallon in 1999, but had climbed to $4 per gallon as of 2008. The government failed to regulate the home mortgage and mortgage backed derivatives industry, so big companies went bankrupt in America, and the 2008 Mortgage Market Debacle caused a worldwide recession. In America, there are a lot of single family homes spread out in suburban neighborhoods where car, truck or SUV the only practical way of getting around. In other words, to be a full functioning person in America you have to own a car, unless you live in one of a few big cities in America with functional public transportation options superior to a car, like the Subway in New York City New York. 

Eating When Not Hungry is Toxic

 Many people find a health lifestyle mix elusive, finding it easy to put on weight with time, but I assure you there are a few simple ideas that most people would benefit from adopting that are easy & simple

When adults tell children to eat in order to become bigger and stronger, by logical inverse, if adult does not want to become bigger, then they should skip meals and not eat unless actually hungry, especially if they are not been physical active or live a sedentary life without getting hot and sweating from working out regularly.

We could be crude and just tell fat adults to "Move More and Eat Less" but that leaves out micronutrients, hydration, sleep health, metabolism, and healthy fun activities that can boost anyones metabolic rate. Like going to a walk, or jumping rope, or doing core training exercises on the floor at home or at work. You don't need any special equipment, just gravity and your body is enough to get you hot & sweaty if you look up "At home Workouts" on YouTube or any blog covering such material. 

Skip a meal & go hungry, but also consider serving sizes. Just as you do not breath too much oxygen & your brain auto regulates your breathing, you can think about what an actual serving size is for your body of a given kind of food. 

Effectively American's are fatter and sicker from eating too many starches, carbohydrates & sugars, in a diet comprises 73% of ultra processed junk food from colorful bags & boxes with added sugar & artificial dye proven to cause cancer. Dr. Robert Lustig is on YouTube in a big way teaching people how sugar can easily become a metabolic toxic to our cell mitochrondria if consumed in excess regularly. Mitochondria are the cells ATP power fuel maker of body energy, since ATP the electron source that energies the biochemical reactions that underpin all cell functions of the body. 

Notice that we breathing in Air to get unbound electrons form the Oxygen O2 content, transported by red blood cells that have iron hemoglobin that acts like a magnet to hold onto molecular oxygen for transport, so the electrons on the O2 can give the electrons to the cells that give off H+ ions, forming Water by a condensation reaction, such that those extra electrons in the Citric Acid Cycle or TCA enabling the mitochondria to convert spent ADP into regenerated ATP cell energy. Our body makes our body weight worth of ATP daily this way. 

If you sitting at your phone or computer, you're burning 1 MET of energy per hour. If you get off your duff and go for a walk, that climbs to 3 or 4 METS per hours. If you do something really physically intensive like running up and down a steep hill segment over and over again, then you can get up to 12 METs, hiking a steep tail for example. METS are metabolic equivalents, so 12 METS per hour hiking up a steep trail means your body will burn 12 X more energy as calories climbing that hill, that it would if you were sitting around at your computer or playing with your phone or watching TV. 

Rest also very important, so when you are being active hiking trails or doing Fitness Excises that call catabolism as in your consuming and damaging your body. When your resting, sleeping that night after the hike, anabolic processes engage in cell repair & muscle building and bone remodeling, but people who never hike or never get hot and sweaty are missing out on the benefits of catabolism triggering enhance anabolism later. At 41 years old now, I have active days where I work out more, walk more, move more, deliberately get hot & sweaty, then the following day is a rest day, where I deliberately try too be sedentary or as calm as possible & get high quality sleep. 

I was extremely sick recently & unable to move much, so I had no apatite & didn't much. It's all about energy balance. Being overweight means the body has stored extra food from what someone ate that they never burned with physical activity. In other words extra body fat stores body energy for future use. That means that overweight people can survive much longer without food than thin fit people. 

It also means that a very overweight person will burn more energy on that hike than a fit person doing the same. In physic it takes more energy to move more mass, so a bigger person will burn more calories of energy than a smaller person. This is why young small children do not have to eat as much as an olympic athlete or professional athlete. 

This is also why so many peoples grandparents eat dinner at 4pm, then don't eat the rest of the day & go to sleep. Overeating, especially near bedtime is metabolically toxic. That depends on what someone eats as well. Junk food has a higher glycemic index, meaning that it raises blood sugar more when eaten than a balanced whole nature food. Compare a Soda to an Apple or Banana. 

Everyone can probably think of some young men & women in their 20's who eat a voracious amount & never seem to gain weight. If you knew about their lives, they also tend at that age to be very active physically, & have an intrinsically higher base metabolism without even working out. 

Sugars, Starches & Carbs are great fuel for movement

Amino acids, proteins, are great for building muscle, fixing cells & for intermediate release of energy

Fats and lipids are energy dense slow burning metabolic fuel that work great as body base load energy 

Micro's are also just as important, so vitamins and minerals, because they are needed to use the starch, carbs, sugars, proteins, & fats or Macros. Water is also very important not only as a solvent to rinse the kidneys, but its also a major ingredient in many of the bodies biochemical reactions & important for the biochemistry of your body too stay in homeostasis so that you stay free of diseases for more of your time alive in what is now known as Health Span vs Total Life Span. 

Everyone is going to dye eventually, but on your way through life making healthy food & lifestyle activity choices keeps you vivacious and healthy longer, sometimes even into old age if your are faithful to eat less & move more, especially in the later years. 

I Do Not Want to be Forgotten / I Want to be Remembered

A powerful motivator, perhaps as much as anything else, uniquely human, to want to be remember by people in the future.

Mental means of the mind, or active processes happening in the human brain. But everyone knows your brain is not your mind, but somehow they are part & parcel, one and the same while distinct & different.

I think therefor I am, said a famous philosopher

But are you because you think? Can you prove this? What are you other than a brain & body connected that lives & dies. So many questions about death even thought everyone eventually faces biological death, but what about our soul & if we have an afterlife, is that music, or do we look to physics about how energy is never created or destroyed and only changes form. 

Matter is also made of energy, via E=MC^2 Energy equal to the mass of ordinary matter times the speed of light squared. 3.0x106* meters per second, light photon packets hustle quickly across spacetime. 

We can estimate the distance between celestial objects by estimating how long it took the light to travel, as aspect of astronomy science that uses space telescopes like JWST & Hubble, to perform multi-spectral imaging of celestial phenomena at great distances. 

Looking into deep space also looking into ancient history for it took massive amounts of time for that distant ancient light to reach the retina of your eye or imaging sensors of the space telescope. Microscopes help us look deeper into the smallest, while telescopes help us see far away. 

Your perspective an aperture into your brain, so when you watch videos those images & sounds become part of your brain, by protein synthesis known as neuron plasticity, such that your brain fires and wires together in response to what you see, hear, watch, listen too, or interact with, such that the brain becomes in both form & structure more like what you spend the majority of your time doing. In this way as a person we also become more like people that we spend time with, and that is why you should be caution about who you spend your time with. 

My late adoptive father Ken told me "People learn about recreational drugs from their friends" or users of drugs introduce other people to drugs. Think about why so many American Pharmaceutical companies spend so much money on advertising. I think the prescription drug ads are hilarious, featuring actors that look sad or morose, then after taking the drug being promoted, they are dancing around with flights of fancy like small children or people high on stimulant drugs & drunk at the same time. This while some lawyer reads off all the risks of side effects required as a declination by FDA law governing the direct marketing of drugs to consumers in the USA. 

Does owning more stuff during this life make you remembered? No. Think of all the billionaires in Malibu California whose elaborate mansions just burned to the ground because of wild fires. Will those homes ever be associated with who previously owned them? No one can take money into the after life & if you leave children with too much they become trust fund snobs & never really accomplish anything noteworthy or worthwhile during their lives, then have children that are even worse such that by the 3rd generation all the wealth you left behind will have been squandered away into waste of excess. 

Legal Bullshit: Individual Results May Vary

 Give me a break, speak clear English, these legal declarations in advertising are bogus joke! Of course everyone is different and not all patients will get the same benefits or have the same side effects. Everyone has a unique DNA, their diet & lifestyle are unique, including what they known and who they regularly interact with or who they grew up with. Your results may vary. Your mileage may vary. 

What about the objective factually accurate truth, not flat earth theory. Quantify each patient, compare the procedure, substances, their biochemistry, biome, DNA, then use statistics to give them a risk analysis. I am not asking for psychic predictions, I am saying tell the people the factual truth, evidenced based science, with clear plain easy to understand explanations of benefits or risks. 

Smoke & mirrors sucks, show people what is actually possible, the risks & benefits of things. Stop selling people bogus ideas that this or that new thing will make their life better, and instead teach them about the product, what it took to make it, design it, market it, ship it, move it, the legal and business & investment, the prototypes, how it got to market, alternatives and why your product or service is better. 

I am thinking of these stupid direct to consumer pharmaceutical commercials featuring actors dancing around as if high on stimulants and drunk at the same time, prancing around in a drug induced fancy. Only small young children behave like that naturally, and what do these strange scenes depected have to do with the drugs you are promoting or trying to sell? 

Tell people the science, what these drugs do in the body, the cell targets, the biochemistry, with graphics lies your teaching biochemistry in college, video art of the molecules in the drugs and their functional ligands or targets in the cells and what is being modulated, How It Works" if you will // 

Its bad enough that there exist actually scams and fraud in the world, so make your advertisements factually accurate, not what the FDA requires, that corrupt ineffective government agency doesn't know what its doing, just do your part to communicate effectively with your customers & teach them about. your drugs or biologics or therapies, real facts, how it works, or why it might cause a side effect, by what mechanisms, and how to screen for it. 

Don't take "Kunicity"(fake drug name)  if your are allergic to its ingredients; what are the ingredients then and how is someone supposed to know ahead of time if they are allergic to something they have never taken? What an absurdity to tell someone to not take the product yourself if they are allergic too it. It's like saying doing shoot yourself in the face with a gun, if doing so will cause you harm. A waste of effort to say pointless nonsense that doesn't communicate anything useful. 

Donald J Trump Saved America

Tariffs, Taxes on Imported Goods from Abroad, for more than 50 years every other country around the world has been penalizing the USA with unfair trade, enough is enough that is ended today! No more ripping off the American people anymore, the drug cartels are now terrorists & should have been labeled as such a long time ago. Companies profiting from artificial food dye are a kind of terrorist because their food dye causes DNA damage & cancer & almost everyone knows it now. Let's leave gender out of this talk and focus on what is going to happen in America.

Taking Back the Panama Canal

Drill Baby, Drill, XL Pipeline, American Petroleum Exported

Energy Leaders in Nuclear, in Renewables, in Chip Making, and in AI

We are going to see the US dollar become stronger with deflation, instead of 100 years of inflation

Our national debt of $36 trillion will be paid off in part by the CCP in China who unleashed SARS CoV-2 virus cost the world $9 trillion in loses during the COVID19 debacle and continuing on today


Did you know that in many foreign countries to buy anything made in America, you have to pay a 200% or more import duty tax, so that American made goods cost way too much to compete against locally made goods. This is one of the ways that so many other countries have been cheating the USA, but then we are so polite we do not do the same, but that's over with. 

Now America is going to put big import duty taxes on things made outside of America and important and sold in America so that American made things can compete more effectively, noting that labor & every other kind of cost much higher in America than it is in the developing countries, so many nations abroad have many kinds of advantages that enable lower cost production abroad, but tariffs help to level the playing field more evenly. 

Every Kind of Nuclear Reactor

We need to double electricity production in America, not just to decarbonize all energy, but to energize winning the Artificial Intelligence Race worldwide. Today little Russia, as in the economy of Russia smaller than the economy of Italy, little Russia today is a leader in crypto currency mining, but it all started in America, and so did computers in Silicon Valley, chip making, even smartphones the way we know them today, though it would fair to give that hat to Canada and RIM or Research in Motor as their Blackberry Bold 9800 for example was really a technological ancestor of what the OG 2007 iPhone or similar smartphones from Samsung today. 

Gas Cooled High Temperature Reactors

Molten Salt Reactors

Small Modular Reactors

Heat, Power, Electricity, Efficient, Safe, Smartest Nuclear Energy FTW

With clean coal, that means coal can be turned into a slurry, then acids applied & polymer beads to take out all the heavy, toxic, rare or valuable metals, then the hydrocarbon & carbon left behinds can be heated to make clean coal gas, purified, then gas to liquids means gasoline, diesel, lubricating fuels, and all sorts of other petrochemical products can be made from coal & natural gas. Energy, American Energy for America, what a concept. 

China owes the world $9 trillion for the COVID19 pandemic loses which are still mounting. Did you know that there are tens of thousands of variants of SARS CoV-2 circulating around now? Did you know that COVID never went away? Did you know that China, the CCP, the PLA Military paid the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Hubei Provence, China, to develop the SARS CoV-2 as a bioweapon, so the Chinese Communist Government engaged in an act of war that killed 7+ million people with COVID19 infections that were fatal, infections from the Chinese bioweapon released in Wuhan, Hubei, China in 2019. Did you know they, the CCP, knew about the COVID19 outbreak in July of 2019. The entire COVID19 pandemic could have been avoided, but the Chinese did not want that, they wanted a global pandemic to wipe out millions of people worldwide. 

Thats a typical operating agenda of the CCP, to murder millions of people, since they do not value human life at all. They have no sense of basic human rights in China and China is also the world's biggest polluter, polluting on a scale never previously observed by any standard in history. In other words China has pioneered polluting in a world record setting way. Releasing the COVID19 virus means China also evil. China also invented fiat currencies in the 10th century BCE. Fiat as in fake currencies that are prone to losing value & defrauding everyone of the moneys buying power, making everting more expensive for everyone over time while increasing elder poverty. Thanks for the Fiat currency idea China! 

Gender Clarity Restored to America

When a man loves a woman, song lyrics that resonate with my personal proclivity about Biblical Marriage between an XY man & an XX woman in terms of scientific genetics like it was all throughout history. I like traditional family because I great up with a mother & a father, through adopted, they treated me like I was their real biological son. When I was a school boy I was interested in other little girls & thought they were cute, not other boys, and was attracted to other little girls when I was a little boy. That seems perfectly normal to me.

Lately, as in since the 2010's, the WOKE have been promoting more than 620 personal identities. If that sounds crazy to you the way it does to me, I am not even sure how it makes any sense at all for a human adult person to identify as non living objecting and things like tables, chairs, copy machines, fax machines, computers, doors, or windows. To make a joke out of this for a while I told other people that I personally identified as a Snufalufagus, and that in the Snufalufagai community were a very sensitive to any form of criticism. 

When Donald J Tump president 47 of the USA said in his inaugural speed this morning that at the US Federal Government there will be two officially recognized genders, man & woman, it was so refreshing to hear a clearly defined simple gender definition like that, binary, many & woman, which perfectly matches the genetic biological science of gender such then Men have XY DNA & Women have XX DNA respectively #science #biology #genetics 

When these perverted men wanted to go into the girls or women's locker room or bathrooms, that
just upset me, that these sexual perverts were hiding behind WOKE terminology, that made girls & women in such places very uncomfortable, which is the definition of sexual harassment.

When Men were changing their gender in sports & then competing against girls & women, breaking records, that seemed unfair on many levels I am glad the sporting agencies are reversing their previous decision to allow such men XY to compete unfairly against XX girls & women

What was the point of Title 9 that allowed girls & women to compete against other girls & women on sporting teams, if men are allowed to "become women" & then compete with a unfair XY biological advantage ? 

Seemed like erasing women from sporting records allowing men like this, and ended up defrauding a lot of real XX girls & women from getting scholarships based on athletic record performance merit, because the trans XY man who competed as a woman had better times or better performance //

Sars Cov-2 Enhanced ACE2 Attachment S-Spike Protein Modification at Wuhan Institute of Virology Paid for by CCP

Spreading quickly by small droplets emitted when people speak in first person, laugh, cough, sneeze, or interact, or even touching a surface where such viral particles resting on transfer then to the finger tip which can then if that finger touches the eye, nose or mouth transfer the virus to the body.

Watch the Documentary about What Really Happened in Wuhan <click here ||

CCP a draconian authoritarian heavy handed cruel mean inhospitable brutal violent government that worked with the PLA or peoples liberation army of CHINA to fund the Wuhan Institute of Virology to develop a highly contagious airborne SARS virus to cause a viral pandemic, COVID19 Pandemic that has been estimated to have cost the world $8.5+ trillion in loses, many millions of people killed by Coronavirus, many hundreds of thousands of business closed, supply chain shortages, & all the other problems. The COVID19 pandemic which never went away with the latest variants, since SARS COV-2 continues to be modified as it jumps from one host to another in a virtually endless chain of victims. 

China, the CCP, should be required to pay every country affected by COVID reparations in the tens of trillions of dollars range worldwide, just as post WWI Germany was tasked with repaying the damages they caused with all that violent warfare. This can be understood by looking at the following images. 

Notice the World Getting Darker (As in More Evil?)

That's not a coincidence, it's part of a grand plan where Christ Jesus will return, but not for a couple of generations, which means about 40 years. To understand what I am talking about you have to watch the linked video < click "blue color link" to get to the related YouTube video.

Now that you have watched the video about Biblical Fasting to become closer to Christ Jesus and God, understand that its not just about you right now, by prayer & petition + fasting you are allowing the power of Christ Jesus to enter this world as a golden thread connecting you to heaven, but that thread also builds up a store of blessing around you in this world so that you can better overcome dark days ahead, and I assure you that its going to become harder, more expensive, and much darker in terms of increasing evil in the world, so bad already that I came razor close to suicide this morning out of absolute displeasure & despair over how during my 41 years alive the world locally has become more evil, with more school shooting, teen suicides, currency inflation and loss of buying power or shrinking middle class, many business bankrupted by COVID19 or how about the 2008 debacle. 

Genuine Good Disappearing, More Evil of Every Kind Increasing

Think of how movies have become more sinister, darker, more perverted, more blasphemy, more graphical gory details at higher resolution, really violent, cruelty and evil depicted, strange new kinds of genders and gender confusion, parents giving teens hormone blockers, WOKE having transvestites talking to elementary children, and all sorts of other things like increasing abortion rates, increasing STD transmission rates, more cancer, more greed, more selfish self idolatry, more income inequality, more merger and acquisition, more kinds of fraud and scams and more corruption and bribery, more pollution and much more human population, more plagues, more viral outbreaks, bacterial infections that are hard to kill with antibiotics because of antibiotic resistant bacterial strains that are more common now and many other dark concepts like child trafficking, date rape drugs used, panel vans abducting people who have their organs stollen with forced surgical removal of organs wanted by someone paying big with bitcoin for it. With bitcoins you can buy anything illegal online, including any narcotic, any psychedelic, any drug of any kind can be purchased online without prescription, even illegal drugs. 

Trust No One in the Future, Other than God

You never know the murdering psychopath sitting next to you, do you Dexter? Do you know yourself well enough to know that even you are able to engage acts of horrendous cruelty under the right circumstances, like so many German soldiers did during WWII, at concentration camps for example. Do not think you are better than any of them either, every human being without exclusion is a mixture of good and bad. No one is perfect either, so being a good person means leaning into the Good parts & rejecting the bad, just as the Bible Commands followers of Christ Jesus to center their minds on what is says in Philippians 4:8 

"Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things" sayeth the Lord our God, Amen! 

Biblical Fasting Does Not Earn the Love of Christ

Jesus Christ loves everyone, but when you engage Biblical Fasting that means you are inviting the power of Christ Jesus into your life and opening a bridge between heaven and earth between you and other people you are having a positive spiritual influence on, not just in the immediate, but across generations. This is how we know that we have about 2 or 3 more generations before Christ Jesus returns. He tells people who have NDE encountering him about how their life connects them with a couple more generations of people that are being prepared for the return of Christ. 

Antichrist Rising Now

We have very dark days ahead, and he says to people who have had NDE's that people are going to need to do Biblical Fasting in the days ahead in order to shine like lighthouses in a sea of increasing darkness as evil increases in the world. The Anti-Christ is about to shine then, already present in the world, the leader of the darkness of Men works directly with Lucifer or Satan, and will wield power and demonstrate power worldwide broadcast online to a global audience of gamers who watch the livestream, and even many believers will be deceived, and it says this in the Bible. 

False Preachers Lead Many to Ruin

There is a time coming when people will no longer hear sound or wholesome doctrine, but will only listen to that which their itching ears want to hear. In the end times travel too and fro will abound and information will increase radically. Right now in the world online information doubles every 12 hours at a historically unprecedented rate of increase, something known as big data getting much bigger. 

Be Careful Not to Follow Satan

The Bible warns us also that not only is Satan the Prince of the Air of this World, but also warns "you are the children of your father the devil, and you love to do the evil things he does. He was a murderer from the beginning. He has always hated the truth, because there is no truth in him" John 8:44 

Confusion Abounds Today

In our times today we already have people calling wrong, right, and calling right, wrong. People today say that perverted things are fine but that good things are stupid. Good is called bad and bad is called good. How many nice girls want a "Bad boy" for example. Being bad has become synonymous with being virile and sexy, a deception that's become normalized. 

Normalizing Sin

Many kinds of dark evil have been promoted in media as normal so that people become acquiescent with sin, becoming desensitized to evil, violence, perversion of all kinds, and every kind of evil. Almost the exact opposite of increasing spiritual decrement that God asks of his believes, instructing us to be wise and alert, making the best of a time alive, giving prayer and petition unto the Lord in all circumstances, singing songs of spiritual praise from our hearts unto God, delighting in our salvation in Christ Jesus. 

Hyper Selfishness Epidemic Today was Foretold

In second Timothy 3:1-2 we learn "For people will love only themselves and their money (fiat currency, gold coins); they will be boastful and proud, scoffing at God, disobedient to their parents, and ungrateful, considering nothing sacred" 

Unreal Real Estate Prices, When "Everything" Else Depreciates? Taking Inflation into Account with Examples

Home prices nearby are so astronomical, I am not sure what income level is needed to pay $400 to $700 per square foot, but most of the homes are 1400 to 5000 square feet, so when you multiply that, it works out to $550,000 to $2,500,000

Meg takes in $2200 per month as a Nanny & I make about $3000 per month as a School Bus Driver averaging for the entire year, so we pull in about $5000 per month, which if you told me that when I was 10 years old, sounds like a decent income. That is not enough to buy any homes nearby, not even close.

I was speaking to a 24 year old local man about a year ago & he says to me "It is not livable around here anymore, how is anyone supposed to live the American Dream if its become 7X more expensive" So I tell him about the man who did my laser eye surgery in 2006, Dr. Kent Levitt, who that year has a federal income tax filing for $7.1 million in income. 

The questions becomes "How many people can possible make $7 million per year in America" "Does the economy of America support an average family income of $7 million? NO / I have it on good authority from doing lots of online research about all the US States, that most families in America are making less than $85,000 per year, data from the IRS says about the same. So what kind of homes can people on those income actually afford? 

My examples are from King Country, Washington State, USA, in glib overprices suburban areas that previously had homes for sale at affordable prices from 1950 to 2001, but then from 2001 to 2025 the prices have increased 19-39% every year vastly outstripping average wage or income increases. 

Many apartments nearby now cost $2K to $3k per month. In 2025 dollars I think rent for a studio apartments should cost $700 per month by comparison, as that would allow someone working full time 40 hours per week for $20 per hour, making $800 per week, to pay for their rent with 1 week of income. Maybe $900 per month for a 1 bedroom, $1200 per month for a 2 bedroom, and $1500 per month for a 2 bedroom with a garage. It cost $3500 to $5500 per month to rent full homes nearby. I think they should cost $2000 to $2500 per month to rent. 

My Uncle purchased a 3400 square food brand new 2 story home with a 2 car garage in 1980, at the top of a local mountain in Bellevue, Washington, USA, for $30,000 & his monthly payment was $215 & property taxes were $411 per year. He was able to work as a school teacher in Seattle at Sacred Heart & living in Bellevue, with a stay at home wife, my aunt, and have 3 children. 

A fair value. His same home today is worth more than $1 million, nothing any school teacher can pay, not even if mom & dad both work as school teachers, that's even though they pay more now, the USD or dollar has lost so much of its value since 1980. Let's consider income back then vs now in terms of purchasing power by looking at relative value of the dollar given inflation.

Using my uncle's nice home & his original payment of financing $30K for 30 years, monthly payment & taxes annually adjusted for inflation in 2025 USD terms. 

$30,000 in 1980 is worth $114,207.16 in 2025 / Now he purchased the home NEW for $30K, if I purchased it today in 2025 for $115K, that would be buying a 44 year old home that was never designed or made to last a long time like a Stone Castle in Europe. My uncle tells me he has thrown more than $100K in repairs & maintenance, replacing windows, siding, remodeling. 

His monthly mortgage payment of $213 in 1980's dollars would be $810 today 2025 /

Renting Land REET Taxes Are A Scam

Annual property taxes are based on constantly reassessed fair market value, so his annual property taxes today would be $17K, but he get a senior property tax exemption of 50% discount & only pays $9500 per year, or $791 per month, which is 370% more than his original monthly mortgage payment, noting that he paid off the loan & owns the title or deed now. 

My parents were both realtors and told me that owning a home is a liability & only an investment if the prices of homes keep increasing, in a flip friendly real estate market. Flipping a home means you buy it for $1 million, then pump in $250,000 making it really nice, then sell it for $1.6 million, netting $350K in profit, not withstanding that sales tax & closing fee's will mean more like $250K in profit from the flip, more if you spent less & did some of the work yourself DIY style. Ever watch Home & Garden TV? 

In other words life was affordable for people on normal incomes before 1980 in American suburbs. Over time since then the home prices nearby have increased about 10X faster than local average wages, while the money (US dollar) has lost 280% of its purchasing power. 

That means that everything today is about 300% more expensive in terms of rent or housing costs nearby, but worse because of property price inflation, or how demands for homes has outstripped supply, putting upward price pressure on homes & rent prices, especially cruel to first time home buyers or people nearby looking to buy their first home. 

Older Homes in Disrepair for Higher Prices

Note also that nothing NEW in terms of housing even remotely close to affordable, as even older properties needing a lot of costly work are exceptionally expensive, as in more than $1 million. Most of these local homes build in the 1960's cost less than $10,000 back then, but inflation has increased 959.8% since 1960, so $10,000 in 1960 similar to $105,976 in 2025 funny dollars. 

Something rubs me as wrong about paying more for something older that's needed a lot of costly work. Imaging if used cars increased in value. Would that make sense? My dad said homes are large, heavy, stationary, and much more durable than a typical automobile. Sure, an apples to oranges comparison, but I thought almost everything depreciates in value from when it was new vs after it's been used for a long time. That makes intuitive sense. Someone else got to enjoy the NEW thing when it was NEW & got good use out of it for a while before it was used and sold to someone else, usually at a discount. 

Consider a new bicycle or snowboard vs a 10 or 20 or 30 year old example, or perhaps RV's or motorcycles. Usually older stuff costs less because it has a lot of wear & needed repairs & works to continue operating in good order, and may even require an overhaul or refurbishment, many times the labor of which can easily exceed the value of the thing being remade correctly to like new or better than new condition. 


Awake Sleeper, Stop Believing Obvious Lies

Do you actually think any government cares about you? If you do, you are diluted or confused, the governments of the world are just sleazy people beholden to the special interests who paid for the expensive election campaigns in exchanged for special favors. It's bribery & corruption every way possible & non of it includes any considerate of you or any other normal person. 

The dishonest jerks in power in world governments are just puppets of trillionaire & transnational corporations. In 2008 many people realized that big American insurance companies, banks & investment institutions got bailed out while the global general public got sold out, literally, not just figuratively, they literally sell your personal information, spy on you, own your online account, computers via EULA & all sorts of other high level fraud & abuse so dark and perverted that most people do not even want to think about it, or it would upset them & make them throw up with disgust. 

How many children are abducted worldwide every year and inducted into the child sex slavery industry patronized by the world's wealthiest perverts? How many young women seduced into an offer for a modeling job end up being drugged with date rape drugs, raped & left for dead? 

How many young men near fishing docks in Asia are abducted onto pirate fishing boats, force feed food laced with meth to keep them away for days as a time before they might be lucky enough to be freed by that benevolent billionaires asian woman who dedicated her life to freeing enslaved young men from these evil pirate fishing vessels. 

You think that cold or flu viruses are funny, they kill people every day, yet people leave their homes sneezing & coughing, onto buses, school buses, into work place, into markets, into grocery stores, where the sneeze & cough vectoring illness via the viral pathogen they were too selfish to stay home as rest from until well, which almost everyone knows now after covid19 debacle taught the entire world to stay home if sick until well or healed before going back into the general public. 

No one cares about you, only you do, and maybe not. You can't count on anyone else. As WWII proved, normal people are able to engage in horrid acts of evil under the right circumstances. You or I are no better than anyone else, we are all flawed hypocrites in need of correction & increased social intelligence. 

Watch this

The Global Economy is About to Collapse

You heard it first here, on my blog, the blog they demonetized, yea, they (the Man) took away my pennies per month of earnings from ads because I said something unpleasant or unpopular, like Alex Jones, but won't even tell me what it is that I said that caused them to take away the ad's & tiny venue? Even so my blog more popular than ever now, since I tell the absolute truth on my own accord, owned by no one other than God! 

Ever wonder how the US economy functions with $36 trillion in national debt? If you took all debts in the USA into account that number is actually $90 trillion, so credit & consumption are the economic drivers keeping this global house of cards upright for now, not for long, within 2 months the entire global economy is going to collapse worse than the Great Depression, literally not just America, but all the economies that are linked to America are all going to experience radical loses of value of stocks, bonds, mutual funds, 401k, evaporating into thin air, the dollar losing all of its remaining buying power instantly, plugging the entire global economy into the dark ages almost as bad as a long duration global power outage, but just wait, it is worse than that.

Ever get the sense that something weird is going on in the background, that something is just not right but you can't quite put your finger on it mentally? Have you noticed a sense that something is deeply wrong, something systemic, something far bigger than you, than your city or state, that something evil is brewing on a global scale about to be unleashed like a global atomic war but on the economic level, if you have been feeling that, you are correct. 

No mainstream media will cover this because such media, legacy and even modern social media is beholden so special interests with deep financial control, power, sway & influence worldwide, so they have black listed topics like this, because it can cause hysteria, but be assured this is just a PSA warning.

Watch this 

YouTube Video Clip Examples I Make

3 brand new just posted video clips on my personal YouTube channel #videos #shorts #clips

Bigger Tea Cup #shorts #4k #video #clips

Globalists New World Order Conspiracy

Deliberately polluting the air, water & food with toxic substances to depopulate by increase diseases

Notice all Fiat Currency losing purchasing value ? Dollar, Euro, Yuan, Ruble, all weaker with time? This due to increasing amount of Fiat released, known as quantum easing by evil people doing it to tax everyone secretly while also ruining the global economy; A House of Cards //

Adam Smith "The Wealth of Nations

10 Principles of Concentration of Wealth & Power 
Reduce Democracy & Shape Ideology 
Redesign Economy & Shift Burden 
Attack Solidarity& Run Regulators 
Engineer Elections & Keep Rabble in-Line 
Manufacture Consent & Marginalize the Population

Elites' vile maxim "All for us & nothing for anyone else" Does that sound like increasing income inequality today Perpetual merger & acquisition unto 1 mega corporation One Government, One World Order, One Currency Take the Mark of the Beast to be able to Buy or Sell

Ask yourself, why are so many people dying of cancer? Why are so many people dying early of cancer?

COVID19 vaccine shots that block parts of the DNA that protect against cancer

After taking the COVID19 vaccine & boosters both Meg & I have experiences inexplicable disease pathologies that we had zero symptoms of before getting these Pfizer BioN Covid Vaccine shots. In my case I have had colorful goo & blood existing my anus at all times & the medical tests show idiopathic cause as in the western disease doctors have no idea why this is happening, the colon scan shows early signs of stage 1 colon cancer but the blood tests show negative for any cancer, so the doctors tells me "Your probably just eating something your allergic too or drinking too much alcohol or very stressed out or exposed to something at work with toxic effects, but do not worry about it, just use toilet paper or underpants liners to catch the goo, cut back beer & candy, lower your blood pressure with regular exercise, and cut back on metformin by eating less sugar, starch & carbs, increase healthy protein & fiber in your diet & switch oils and fats to olive oil and butter and see how that works.

If we look at the Woke Agenda, it says that human overpopulation a blight on the health of the biosphere, making life worse for all people, and all future generations, with excess emissions from the increasing scale of industrial activities of all kinds making climate change accelerate faster, causing more forest fires like those in California while confusion prevents efforts to pump filtered sea water from the long Pacific Ocean coast of California in flexible pipes with pumps to put out the forest fires with filtered sea water.

Micro's are missing from a lot of food, and they constantly focus on macros, when that misses the essential value of vitamins & minerals such that those micros are essential for overall health. Food grown on industrial farms now less nutritious that the same foods grown in the past before radical industrial farming with huge diesel machines the size of buildings that cost as much also, such that only large agrochemical companies like Monsanto can afford to do industrial farming or agriculture of GMO mono crops in enormous farms of tens of thousands of acres to get the lowest cost per bushel, of crops also sprayed with RoundUp or glyphosate that is a proven carcinogen.

What happens to umbilical cords & aborted babies, they are liquefied in special blenders to harvest the pluripotent stem cells as cell line inputs to monoclonal antibody biological medications & similar PAB or polyclonal medications prescribed, that down or up regulate various biological axises of the body to modulate disease pathology, but tend to also have weird intense side effects because the MAB & PAB broadly diffuse in all the flesh of the body, including where they have bad effects or unwanted side effects, so my doctor says he only prescribes MAB or PAB to people who are not helped by safer low dose small molecule prescription drugs that have been around & safely used for decades or GRAS generally accepted as safe, like metformin to help patients suffering from dietary excess type 2 diabetes or metabolic syndromes.

Alex Jones & Joe Rogan Podcast tell people factually accurate truth unlike legacy media fake news. So more people today get their facts from reliable sources that seek to expose the lies of colluded mega corporations & huge conglomerates that own legacy media & have a woke liberal internal message to trick, confuse & manipulate people with the goals of the New World Order run by the Woke leaders.

It is what it is, whatever, or "It's what It's" in new lingo lol

Calm down, take a few deep breaths, everything is going to be ok. Look at the bright side, find the silver liner to every situation or circumstance. 

Think of your favorite color, favorite music, favorite food, favorite drink, favorite person, favorite book, favorite website, things you are appreciative of or thankful for & focus on those things to instantly improve your mood or outlook or give you something today worth looking forward to, to keep you going, even when times get hard or tough or thinks look bleak, there is always another way forward, never give up entirely until your dead! 

So many issues to “care about” but you only have so many hours in your day & issues you have to attend to daily, so why care about things outside of your control instead of paying better care of your diet and lifestyle where you have agency to make a difference, focusing more on your health so that you can have more energy to spend making the world a better place for all people by setting a good example with your optimal lifestyle! 

It’s not about being selfish or selfless, it’s more about time and priority management. Your not only not everyone, you also have a limited budget not just of money but of remaining time you have alive, or time you have alive free of diseases that afflict so many older people stealing their brain functions and memory performance but also bone density and muscle strength 

So many people concern themselves with that next purchase, shopping, clothes, appliance, remodel, vacation, electronics, gold coins, bitcoins, fancy cars, motorcycles, zip code envy, or you name, claim it, let it rain money or is that currency losing value. 

You can not take "It" with you when you die, money, things, stuff, no matter what you try, and remember you heard it hear first on the low down, real hush hush, on the QT, on Aaron Kenneth Schwarz's personal blog "Thinking About it" because everything you think or do starts with patterns of electrical chemical exchanges in the world, in the biosphere, in all living things, in every body, in every brain, hydrogen plus ions shuttling out of mitochondria forming water in condensation reactions as electrons are exchanged from oxygen we breath to make ATP from ADP continually in cell mitochondria using macros & micros from our diet as chemical inputs to form all the fresh, to fix & repair & replace dead or dying cells during our time alive, and to energize movement & thinking of all kinds, even in our gut where microbes help us break down food in what is now known as the gut biota or microbiome of the human digestive system. 

Mind your own business, take care of your own railroad, do your own thing, think differently, so what, who do you think you are, what makes the difference, get your priorities in order, stop wasting time, back to work, what are you doing, stop that, move sinner, get going, carry on, keep your head down, look the other way, there's nothing to see here people. Do these phrases remind you of anything? They should! Your should be able to make sense of these black marks on the screen if you can read English writing, or go ahead and have Google translate the webpage into your local language and enjoy :) 

Somewhere In Between

 Do you remember being a little boy or girl, 3 or 4 years old, where everything was a surprise, where you were constantly learning, experiencing new things, making new social connections, your brain exploding with acetylcholine, cells shimmering building up your body, ATP surging energy in every cell 24/7 as you became bigger, taller, stronger & smarter every year until suddenly you find yourself as an adult reflecting back on how you got to where you are now.

Think of your earliest memories, now slowly scroll through your childhood memories, when you transitions to becoming a teen, then young adult, the transition in your early 20's through the end of high school then through college as your brain started forming its final full adult configuration at 25 to 27 years of age. 

Ask yourself why people are always chasing new experiences when they can afford to do so, or even though cheap content they stream, or why listening to the same song your really liked at first becomes less enjoyable the more you listen to that song. How many times can you watch a movie & get the same hit of enjoyment, does chasing the dragon not only apple to the abuse of illicit drugs but perhaps even common experiences like that video game that you were completely addicted to at first but became old news & boring to play after some time. 

Novelty something that all peoples brains chase for enjoyable stimulation or activation of the complex of symphony of electro chemical activity bursting actively across the brain even while your asleep dreaming, but faster when your wide awake fully aware & lit, engaging life to the fullest. Elastic brain activity increases & decreased depending on what you are doing, so taking that mountain bike down a narrow trail with lots of tight curves & bumpy rocky soil at full speed in your 20's, or skiing or snowboarding through gladded upper alpine snow covered hills dotted with tree's & tree wells in the snow that can suck you in & cause you to crash if your slip up & make an error, or while driving where if you make an error it becomes a car accident. 

Do you function at your peak on the seat of your pants like olympic athletes or F1 drivers? Did you know that physical exercise that increases your heart rate & breathing & makes you hot & sweaty also turns on your brain, increasing blood flow to the brain, the same reason that sitting around too much sedentary causes the blood to pool up in the legs, gravity pulls the blood down, & slow metabolism from not moving much also means that blood pooling in the legs increasing the odds of a stroke, clotting or embolism. Eating too many carbs or starches made of polymerized sugars that break down into blood sugar when you eat then, or God forbid, eating sugar directly the easiest way to pack on body fat & become fatter & sicker with all the diseases associated with being sedentary & never getting hot & sweaty exercising. 

Your brain is largely dedicated to making sense of the world & figuring out how to articulate your bones & muscles too move within the world so that you can make it happen, all the things you do in your life. Your brain rums REM dreams to keep your eyes & visual system from being hijacked by the brain that changes itself with neuron plasticity such that if your were to bind your eyes for 2 weeks so you can't see anything, then take the binding off so your eyes can see light again, amazingly it takes a few days for your brain to rewire your retina to the occipital lobs for brain processing of imaging signals, but while your eyes were bound with covers preventing light in for 2 weeks your brain rewired the occipital lobs to process touch so you could read brail with training with amplified signals from your fingertips, almost the opposite of neuropathy from chronic high blood sugars & high blood pressure associated with eating ultra processed junk foods in excess or the diseases of civilization from eating the western industrial bagged & boxed foods typical of the standard American diet or SAD. 

Our brains is always wiring up taste, smell, proprioception, touch, hearing & sigh signals, to try to operated effectively more or less, so that even though the brain in a bone capsule filled with cerebral spinal fluid, dark & silent, that hidden brain can still make sense of phenomenon so that you as a person can enjoy full functioning adulthood interacting with people & things that comprise all the choices & decisions you make in your lifetime alive before dying from some cause of death because no one can get out of this life as a human on Earth alive, no matter what they do, for we are made of space dust of 126 different chemical elements most of which were made in stars bigger than the Sun that supernova blew up long ago, spraying those elements everywhere until they accreted into part of the Earth eventually becoming part of you & me & every other living thing in the biosphere of Earth.

From ashes to ashes that space dust in our body becomes parts of other people after first breaking down, becoming plants & animals that eat those plants, over very long time intervals, all chemicals are recycled in the biosphere of Earth, using solar input energy from the sun, or chemical energy from valence electron exchange that are the core mechanism driving all chemical reactions of all kinds, including in biochemistry of all lifeforms, and the inorganic chemical reactions that form volcanoes, nuclear decay isotopes, everything rock or mineral, the hills, the soil, all things share the same chemistry and all life shares the same kinds of DNA, at least until we use aerospace & space travel to find space aliens on other planets in other celestial systems vastly far from our local solar system, as in many light years, so far that chemical rockets do not carry enough energy to access such in useful time frames. 

Understand How China Leapfrogged Past Every Other Economy

You might snicker at a GDP personal parity of $15,000 USD 2025 for the average Chinese person, like I did when looking at that number at first, since such an income would be abject poverty where I live, where you have to have a household income of at least $55,000 to even have a basic apartment, used car, nothing fancy, its impossible to have a full normal working poor life where my wife and I live on anything below $55,000 per year in income after taxes, otherwise you would require government assistance. But everything in China is cheaper, & more importantly during its growing industrial main sequence it was much much cheaper than today, the cost of labor in 1980' China was around $1 USD 1980/ hour, building a factor was cheap & the CCP was super friendly to foreign investment, helping anyone who wanted to make something in the PRC at every level to build the manufacturing, setup supply chain for inputs, sign legal documents, get power setup, housing, people to man the factory, they literally pioneered rapid industrialization better than any other country in the history of the world.

If we consider the purchasing parity of $15,000 USD2025 in China, that's like have $95,000 Euros 2025 in terms of what it enables a Chinese person to buy in terms of housing, clothing, vehicles, goods.

How to Grow an Economy

The CCP setup infrastructure investments via State Owned by CCP capital invested, building power plants, steel plants, copper plants, rare earth mines, roads, rails, airports, all the critical essential inputs of energy, water, sewer, building, roadways & rails, all connected, with continual investment into education, research, science, technology, a potent mix of private foreign investment with brutal efficiency CCP infrastructure build out, and even though that resulted in some ghost cities or ghost towns, or roads to no where, China went on a building spree for the last 30 years, really the last 50 years, and even as far back as 80 years ago, and has been an Ally of USA the entire time. 

Capital or Money or Currency, think Value Added Profit, Invested into Development of Primary Inputs

Talent Creation Education, Higher Education, Experts, Research, Science, Innovation

Technology Means Applying Intelligence to Materials to Make High Value Added Goods & Services

Value Added Economic Growth Created when Intelligent People Motivated to Make Money (Profit) work as teams with collaborating other teams, to apply emerging information to make improved new better innovative products & services that they then market & sell to people who want it to make their lives better, and with tens of millions of people, all doing that in different ways, a giant economy of vibrant mix of different industries emerges, mixing power, intelligence, humans collaborating, to build, create, fix, repair, update, upgrade, to make it happen making the economy grow.

20th Century & Prior Economic Miracle

The Problem with Europe & also America is that they underwent peak economy growth more than 100 years ago, that is England or the UK, the Netherlands or Dutch, the Germans or Germany, Italians or Italy, French or France, & Spain or Spanish, while America was the new up & coming multi economic miracle mixing soft social programs like social security during an era of government investment in hydro dams for clean power & electricity & to irrigate farms in the American southwest where sun means more farm output, and into highways, rails, roads, cities, colleges, universities, hospitals, power, sewer, water, natural gas, & heave innovation in core science & core technology development from 1950 to early 2000, the US was the leader in all matters of innovating products & services. 

America Pioneered Made In China 

In many ways in the 1960s, all the business people in the US moved factories out of America to China because they obtained a 3X advantage in lower operating costs, with easier cheaper factories, cheaper labor, better access to materials and supplies, excellent logistics for export to global markets, China set up the means and mechanism to enable foreign investors to bring trillions into China, then by cloning and copying at first, the Chinese learned the core technology, started teaching it to Chinese people in school, and by early 2000's PHD level Chinese scientists & tech experts were working directly with industry in China to innovate applied technology, while costs of everything in China were still lower than America or Europe. 

China Becoming Expensive Now

Today in 2025 the cost of living in China on the rise & the CCP companies are outsourcing to cheaper parts of Asia like Viet Nam, Laos, Cambodia, India, Bangladesh, places where labor really low cost, where government ready to partner to bring in money and economy growth, where its like 1980 China when European & American companies kept coming to build industrial production of everything, such that China became the worlds manufacturing hub, well that created so much progress that now Shenzhen so expensive in terms of housing, retail rent, building costs, factory costs, that its not cost efficient to make electronics there anymore, so FOXCONN builds factories in CCP in cheaper cities like FEZ in rural areas where all such things are less costly, but they are running out of poor cites with the correct capacities in China, so many Chinese companies are outsourcing to cheaper markets now. 

Where did Hard Drives come from, America

How about Computer History, America

Satelite Commercial, America

Automobiles Mass Produced, America

Software Industry, Search Engines, Apps, America

Industrial Farms, Highways, Freeways, Air Travel, America

During the 20th Century America was sizzle popping in terms of Economic Progress from 1950 onward, though by 1971 Richard Dildo Nixon took the US dollar off the Gold Standard, so after 1973 OPEC oil spaz, the Economic Growth in GDP & real wage increases virtually stopped in America. In other words while people income continues to increase in America, the number of misleading because inflation from Fiat quantum easing means the real purchasing power of Americans has been stagnant since 1974, with no real increasing in actual wages in terms of what that weaker money today actually buys. I have complained for years now, about unaffordable housing nearby, where homes that sold for around $100K in 1980s are selling for more than $1 million today, while wages did not go up like that, so much elder poverty exists because their social security payments are fixed at 1999 levels while gasoline, groceries, clothing, medications, everything else in terms of lifestyle basics for consumption to live has become 2X or 3X or 4X more expensive, making more older people proportionally more poor with time.

Spain was the world's economic superpower in the 1700's, France slightly later, England after that, Germany, America, Italy, Japan

Toyota Lexus makes the highest quality vehicles in the world, a product of the Japanese industrial miracles from 1960 to 2002 & Toyota a major part of the Japanese economy today.

South Korea took off after 1970 & the economy of South Korea will peak in about 2030, like the US Economy peaked in 1968. The German Economy peaked by 2004. The Italian economy peaked by 2014. These are my loose opinions, but the main idea is that the G7 countries already peaked long ago, while China not only has no national debt & hundreds of billions in surplus, they also have been stockpiling real gold coins and bars, since the Chinese Yuan a weakening fiat currency, worse than the dollar, part of why it was so much cheaper for so long to Made in China manufacturing on many levels. I think the Chinese Economy will peak in 2080, then new up and coming like Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Laos, Cambodia, Viet Nam, those cheaper countries will have economic peaks in the 2100 years, since they have not accelerated yet. India has at least 50 more years of rapid economic growth.

So if you want to invest, invest in economies that are up & coming undergoing early industrialization with lots of room for ongoing economic growth, while the labor & everything else in those counties is still cheap so manufacturing stuff there gives your company a huge profit advantage.