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Understand Demonic Oppression & Influence

Even Christ Jesus had to cast out demons from other people during his life on Earth

Listen to this on repeat while reading

Unclean spirits, evil spirits, and demons are synonymous

Demonic oppression means a person under the influence of a demonic force, or demonized, even Christians can have areas of their life influenced by demons. 

Being demonized does not mean a person is crazed, it can be subtle corruption of their thinking, usually starts out soft to test if the person will obey the crooked injected evil thoughts, then increases in intensity as the demons gain a stronger foothold into the corrupted persons mind. 

Sometimes a demonic spirit will speak through a person, if identified to be called out, and a voice that is totally unnatural will emit from the person as the demon speaks through the demonized person. 

Satans evil kingdom long to hide in darkness, hiding inside people, in other inter dimensional planes, in the heavenly shadows in high places using superior to human knowledge and technologies. 

Understand that Satan & Demons are formidable powerful enemy of God and human people, who hate people, who want to kill steal or destroy people by any means. The kingdom of hell much more powerful than all the world militaries combined. 

Demons are persons without a body that have their own will, desire, and express themselves in words, while they are awaiting final judgement before God in the future. They seek to be in a human body to call it there house so they can use a person to exert their evil schemes to harm, hurt and kill other people. 

KOMO4 News interviewed a man in Seattle, Wa, USA, who randomly assaulted a woman at a bus stop near him, asking him "Why did you violently attack that woman" and he replied "voices in my head told me to do it" / what dos that tell you? It tells me that even the non spiritually discerning man identified voices in his head other than his own inner voice telling him to do evil things. That is a concrete example of demonic oppression. 

Satan is known as the accuser, who accuses people with condemning thoughts, so they think they are a horrible person for having those thoughts, or to make people feel bad about themselves. Often the accusations are baseless or exaggerated but still cause emotional chaos in the persons mind. 

Demons seek to deceive people via demonic oppression, whispering evil thoughts into peoples minds.

People are enticed by evil injected thoughts to engage in sinful evil acts. Demonic thought injection often torments people. People can be enslaved mentally by demonic thinking. People can be made sick or tired or defiled by evil thoughts injected by demons who oppress demonized people. Most people, even people of faith are demonized at some level and have to engage in repentance to God to free themselves of these evil influences in our minds. 

Usually only certain areas of a person mind are affect by demonic influence, not the entire person. 

Examples of evil thoughts injected by demons, those of emotions, attitudes, or relationships, like envy, jealousy, pride, self-pity, resentment, hatred, rejection, depression, loneliness, fear, phobias, panic attacks, doubt, unbelief, indecision, procrastination, compromise, confusion, forgetfulness, insanity, blasphemy, gossip, dumbness, blindness, spine distorted, epilepsy, arthritis, allergies, tumors, cures that are of undiagnosable causes according to differential medicine or idiopathic without known cause, but we know the cause, demonic oppression. 

Generational Curse are those that follow family lines to temp the children in the same way as the parents sinned. Curses come about onto a person form engaging in Free Masonry, witchcraft curses, idle words, and may be from a spirit of Death working to bring about an untimely death because the person spoke over themselves that they wished they world die, which is very common. I have done this many times, and at some level want to be free of the struggles and pain of this world. 

Curses also come to people for visiting fortune tellers, palm readers or false profits. Anything spoken that fore's of a negative thing or a desired thing that is not what God has for you, and is accepted and not renounced, gives evil spirits permission to bring a curse upon the person, who them manifests what was spoken over them. If it was not what God intended for you it will bring a curse upon you as you work to pursue it and try to make it come to pass. Often this is a fleshly lust enticement to cheat or engage in promiscuous dangerous sexual interactions with fluid exchange that vectors herpes that becomes cancer in the affected tissue long term for example. 

Curses can cause a pregnant woman's body to reject the baby, or a birth defect, or cause a miscarriage. In a home where such demonic oppression causes rejection, children are often under pressure of strife or negative chaos in their home. 

Examples of common witchcraft include domination, intimidation, or manipulation. In moments of weakness or during trauma the demonic influence strikes with the curse, causing people to engage in sinful acts or sinful habits. 

Sometimes occult practices bring upon curses from engaging in false religions or evil practices in the presence of children. False religions include Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses, Scientology, United Pentecostal Church or Oneness Pentecostal, or Christian Science. 

Occult practices are very common today. Examples include entertainment, books, movies, music, TV shows, streaming, fairs and parties, and can found in training or exercising or yoga or some martial arts. Even self help, hypnosis, psychoanalysis, horoscopes, enneagram, or anything that tries to frame you into a personal that is not what God intended for you and are because of engaging occult. It could be practices like reiki, acupuncture, homeopathy, games involving casting spells like Dungeons & Dragons, or any wizard games like Ouija board; the devil is a legal expert & looks for any permissible reason to gain access to your mind. In effect the Bible warns you to not engage in any of the preceding practices, but if you do, it gives satan a legal right according to God's rules, to demonize the person as a consequence. 

You can easily identify demonization in yourself if you have compulsions, feel ideological enslavement, feel tormented by evil ideas or nightmares, when these temptations to do what you know is wrong in your heart overwhelm you into doing evil sinful things that defile you, or that feel uncontrollable as though you are out of control. Effectively demonization is like holding you underwater to keep you away from God's blessings, to ruin your mind and kill you before your intended time. If you find yourself habitually sinning, you know you are demonized. 

If you are unable to read the Word Of God or can't understand it, or fall asleep or become very tired while trying to read it, or can't remember any of it, that is a sign of demonic oppression. 

If you hear any accusations thoughts against yourself, you know that is demonic. If you feel exessively tired all the time, that can the evil spirit of Slumber. Look, rest is important and sleep disorders are really common because of light pollution from smartphone screens, artificial lights lamps and bulbs that extend the day by injecting artificial light that stimulates and keeps people awake. If you feel no sense of comfort and are constantly restless or unable to focus for a long time, you are probably being pressed by a demon. If you are unable to achieve a state of peace, thats from demonic influence. 

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