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Ethanol Metabolism w/ BAC Meter Testing (YouTube Links)(Updated)

To motivate yourself to stop drinking, think of all the things you will gain. Less brain fog, no hangovers, more energy, clearer thinking, able to remember social interactions completely, improved hydration, improved sleep, improved cell mitochondria functions, improved liver functions, improved kidney health, improved skin. 

Is getting drunk for 4 to 6 hours really worth 2 days of hangover feeling like crap with mental fog not achieving your potential as a person? You're probably wasting your money, time & health by buying alcohol. If anything the alcohol industry should be giving out their products for free, because if your paying for alcohol your ripping yourself off in many different ways since it damages your health! Almost like committing biochemical fraud on your body! 

Watch this YouTube video to learn why giving up alcohol highly beneficial to your wellness overall

Why Drinking Feels Good at First

When ethanol passes the blood brain barrier it improve the dopamine transport mechanism, boosting synaptic dopamine levels, kind of like cocaine, when you have 1 or less than 1 drink, this effect of boosting dopamine reward pathway release makes people feel fantastic at first, but doing this deplete your brains dopamine reserves, kind of like MDMA does with serotonin producing Tuesday blues after a manic Friday night rolling session. 

How to Overcome a Hangover

This requires on the fly thinking while your drinking, no rhyme intended, but you have to drink a lot of water. I am talking about 800ml or almost a quart of water for ever 2 shots or pint of beer. You will be peeing like a Bacchus fountain, as excess BAC blood alcohol content will act as a diarrhetic forcing your kidneys & bladder to eliminate water, one to remove sugar from your blood from the carbs in the beer causing a high blood sugar, but also to eliminate the water created by the oxidative pathway that converts ethanol eventually into CO2 you burp out and water or H2O that your pee away in your increase urine output after drinking. 

Think about it this way, for every standard drink, drink at least 12 oz or 355 ml of water to compensate for the alcohol intake. It will not eliminate the hangover, but it will help to soften it significantly, and when you wake up for the next day, pound 33 ounce or two cups or 1 liter of water & take a multi B vitamin, and possibly some NMN to restore the depleted NAD+ used up processing the alcohol that you drank the night before. That will really reduce the severity of your hangover.

Interestingly ethanol at low doses or small servings, boosts brain serotonin release making feel good feelings increase in ways that people find highly enjoyable, at least at first, and only for one standard serving or less. Ethanol has an inverted U shape effect curve moving from a mood boosting euphoria creating experience to a depressant reducing joy or happiness as consume more than 1 standard serving. All the negatives of alcohol increase as you continue increasing alcohol consumption. If you drink way too much you can die from fatal alcohol poisoning. 

Alcoholic Beverages are Ancient & Engrained in Society

Its the feel more outgoing, less inhibited, happier, more loose, more funny, more social, these are the reasons that people have been brewing beer for 9000 years and why its such a popular beverage, and almost the same can be said for wine or spirits. 

This long history with alcoholic beverages also why despite its dangerous toxicity level, alcohol has been a part of nearly all human societies for millennia, meaning it's an engrained part of many cultures today in 2024 despite all the science showing the toxic harmful effects of ethanol on the human body, which are attenuated or increased with larger servings or heavy drinking regularly. 

Ethanol Harms the Body in Many Ways

Ethanol damages cell membranes of nearly every organ as it diffuses throughout your body after you drink alcoholic beverages and takes more than 14 hours to fully metabolize, during which time the intermediate metabolic byproduct acetaldehyde wreaks cellular havoc damaging your brain, liver, kidneys, gut, skin, eyes, almost every system of the body is harmed by acetaldehyde, which is also a class 1 carcinogen, which is why heavy drinking or being an alcoholic increases the risk factors for developing many kinds of cancers. 

Ethanol Harm Evidence

In general, overall, according to scientific evidence based physiology & medical science, drinking alcoholic beverages has an increasing toxic effect when more than 1 standard serving consumed, especially in quick succession. That means 1 pint of beer (12 oz @ 6% = 0.72 oz ethanol) 1 glass of higher ABV wine (5 oz @ 14% = 0.70 oz ethanol, or 2 shots 25 ml each of 80 proof spirits (50 ml @ 40% = 0.20ml or 0.68 oz ethanol) 

Drinking ethanol containing beverages damages cell mitochondria, membranes in many cell systems & organs, forms a toxic intermediate metabolite called acetaldehyde, and damages the brain, liver, kidneys, pancreas, bladder, urethra, throat, mouth, stomach, small intestine, causing gastric and digestive problems, and increasing the risks of heart disease by raising blood pressure while also increasing the risks for many kinds of cancer in the affected aforementioned organs. 

Health Benefits of Less Alcohol Consumption

This is a great set or reasons to radically cut back beer, wine or spirit consumption. With alcohol, less means more healthy or reducing alcohol intake improved wellness, sleep, skin, sex, eye function, energy levels, balance, coordination, memory performance, brain performance, agility, endurance, thinking clarity, situational awareness and generally boosts executive function of the brain while improving the health of your liver, kidneys and pancreas, positive health effects that are greatly enhanced after abstaining from drinking alcoholic beverages for 4 weeks or 30 days. It takes 3 more months before the health boost effects of ethanol cessation peak. 

Consider the following dose to toxicity graph for ethanol (see following graph image) this is from a person who binge drinks vodka to the point of blacking out drunk, or what I call frame rate drunk where you only see a very slow refresh rate of a few frames per second while stumbling around very intoxicate from drinking alcoholic beverages in excess quickly, by rapidly taking shots or spirits, or chugging beers by shotgunning beer cans, or by drinking off the wine bottle directly until its empty. 

"Elimination curve of ethanol following binge drinking of vodka amounting 4.28 mL/kg body weight as assessed by blood ethanol content and breathalyzer estimate." via

I recently did a bunch of biochemical physiology research on what the human body does after a person drinks alcoholic beverages to metabolize ethanol. 

Highly simplified graphical model of ethanol metabolism, noting intermediate Acetaldehyde very toxic & largely responsible for the cell damage to cell membranes, tubules, red blood cells, liver & pancreas & kidney cells, but also dehydrates skin, bad for the retina of the eye, causes an increased risk of heart disease by increasing blood pressure, and causing digestive problems like acid reflux or pancreatitis or diarrhea or stomach pain, gastric pain, pain in the gut, or other problems like increasing the risks for various kinds of cancer because of causing scar tissue in the liver, stomach, small intestine, portal vein, heart, brain, pancreas, kidneys, urethra & bladder. Acetate becomes an alternative to glucose for brain metabolic fuel. Ethanol along with Acetaldehyde diffuse into nearly all body tissues where they form adducts in cell mitochondria that damage the mitochondrial functions. Drinking ethanol containing beverages also forces the body to use its limited NAD+, and consuming the NAD+ to process ethanol by metabolizing it make the NAD+ unavailable for other cell energy process, causing lethargy or tiredness as a consequence of hangover, as the body struggles to recover from all the toxic impacts of ethanol

BAC Testing for Personal Specific Ethanol Metabolism Answers

Being a scientist by training, I am very curious to understand the difference between my lovely wife Megans ethanol metabolism first pass in terms of breath output, and compare this rate with my own breath output of ethanol, after we each drink the exact same quantity of a beer that we split, so we can see the difference in metabolic clearance rates that are known to be faster in larger men and slower in smaller women respectively. This means that ethanol is very dangerous to smaller younger children who have less blood volume and less body water and smaller liver, so they cannot process ethanol by metabolism nearly as quickly as a larger adult. 

To find my answers, and in order to reverse analyze the ABV or some sugar small beer made on in glass jar with lid using 400 ml of purified water with 2 table spoons of sugar, 1 table spoon of molasses & a 5 gram packet of Star Red wine yeast, after fermenting, filtering & drinking it. I added lemon juice fresh squeezed in order to improve the flavor according to online research about making small beer at home using sugar, when in reality this is more similar to making weak lemon flavored rum. Other people who have done this, and provided the previous recipe said that it tastes terrible and they recommend starting with fruit juice and boiling it in the fermentation container then cooling to just under 100 F or 35 C to pitch the yeast then fermenting for 3 to 8 days depending on ambient temperatures. 

All of that to say that after doing some market research, I purchased a BAC meter of the following type. 

  • ESTIMATE YOUR ALCOHOL LEVEL WITH PRO-GRADE ACCURACY - Powered by BACtrack's patented BluFire Fuel Cell Sensor, the C6 utilizes the same professional-grade technology trusted by hospitals, clinics, and even law enforcement. 
  • KNOW WHEN YOUR BAC WILL RETURN TO 0.00% - BACtrack's innovative ZeroLine technology estimates the time until your BAC is 0.00%, allowing you to quickly and easily know where you stand. 
  • CALL AN UBER - Remember, the only safe time to drive is when your BACtrack shows 0.00%. Anything above that? You can call an Uber directly from the App. 
  • OPTIONAL WIRELESS CONNECTIVITY - Use the BACtrack C6 with or without your smartphone. "Standalone Mode" delivers your BAC results directly to your C6. "App Mode" wirelessly delivers your BAC results to the BACtrack App on your smartphone. Easily switch between modes. 
  • ONE YEAR WARRANTY - If your BACtrack C6 ceases to function properly during the first year of operation, we will repair or replace the defective product

Testing BacTrack C6 BAC Meter on YouTube 

BACtrack C6 arrived from Amazon & I promptly went to work testing it with a 24oz 4.7% beer & a few shots of 40% spirit, but was only able to get my BAC to 0.064 well below the 0.08 BAC limit for drivers in the USA where I live, which I think is dangerously high, since I felt very intoxicated at 0.064 since ethanol plugs into the brains GABAa receptors to inhibit propagation of signals in the brain, slowing the brain down, while its primary metabolite acetaldehyde is a stimulant and carcinogen that gives rise to most of the health problems from drinking ethanol regularly in larger doses. 

Ethanol a serving size related poison when someone has multiple servings beyond 2 standard drinks, overwhelming their livers P450 CYP6 enzyme pathway of ALD & ALDH alcohol dehydrogenase enzyme that breaks ethanol into acetaldehyde then acetate, then CO2 & Water for excretion (main FPM first pass metabolism of ethanol)

Issues Noted

1. If you do not drive a car or own one, there is little if any risk of a DUI, so you can walk it off or take the bus or train or bicycle home, or hang out and drink water or soda until your BAC or blood alcohol content declines, using a portable BAC meter like the BACtrack C6 I recently purchased & tested on Amazon. 

2. Humans have been drinking beer & wine for thousands of years, long before automobiles, trains, planes, bicycles or any modern transportation technology was developed, where walking or riding an animal was the only way of getting around.

Early version of beer like small beer only around 3 to 4 % ethanol content or 6 to 8 Proof, very weak or low strength, and adults even through the 1700s were drinking up to a gallon of such weakly alcoholic beverages as water was unsanitary and dangerous to drink, before coffee became popular by way of Italy globalizing. 

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