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Nothing Great Built in a Day

Large projects take many days, weeks, months or even years. No one finishes elementary school in one day, middle school in one day, high school or college in one day. No one learns a new language in one day, nor do people eat for a lifetime in one day, many aspects of life require daily contribution, ongoing focus, often collaboration with others or many other people, and can accomplish the creation of amazingly complicated things like the Boeing 787 aircraft or large bridges connecting roadways across large bodies of water. Even the biggest Mega projects take years with thousands of people working on them daily. 

I have done 3D printing projects that take more than 1 week of slow PETG printing on the Prusa Mini, then the collection of all the other bearings, shafts, wires, logic, etc to make the DIY project come to life in reality. While I did this on my own, I was leveraging access to online 3D parts files that I could modify and send to the 3D FFF FDM printer to convert roles of PETG into objects, later glued or bonded together with special adhesives. 

Some projects are able to be accomplished by an individual over 250-400 hours of assembly, like the assembly of an experimental aircraft kit in a larger garage or barn space or hanger. Building a hotrod from scratch using parts and kits for such. Nothing that a normal person can do in one day, but over many days, weeks or months, during spare time, before or after work or on the weekend. 

You did not learn to walk in one day or to speak your language in one day. Nothing complicated like that accomplished in a single day, not by one person. But because of the time zones, the world never sleeps somewhere its daytime while people sleep other places. The world rotates around the Sun on an axis that creates different times of day in different places, so there is always someone awake with billions of people and I am not just talking about sleeping disorders or sleepless people online. 

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