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H2 Fuel (Hydrogen) $18 brown or $38 green (So Expensive): Hydrogen Must Be Radically Cheaper for Decarbonizing Transportation

Few H2 fueling stations are available worldwide. H2 is very expensive, limiting its real-world adoption. Thats even with steam reformation of natural gas or brown hydrogen. Renewable hydrogen vastly more expensive and made on tiny scales. In order to make Hydrogen cheaper it has to be high volume mass produced the way gasoline made from crude oil at common oil refineries around the world. 

Free markets operating under a simple principle, call feasibility. That is something has to be cheap enough and widely available for purchase in order to sell well worldwide because most human people on earth are poor in terms of how much money they make or have. 

We live in a world with radical income inequality increasing, as some individuals have more money than some medium sized countries entire economies. Some people have more money than the entire country of Italy or Russia for example. 

These are ultra elite income earners who operated on the Motto "All for US and nothing for anyone else" or what can be reasonably called narcissism, pride or arrogance. In Adam Smith's (Scottish Political Economist) landmark paper the Wealthy of Nations he clearly articulates the 10 Principals of the Concentration of Wealth and Power. This means that H2 has to be much cheaper if it's going to displace or replace gasoline, ethanol, propane or diesel or natural gas CNG as fuels. 

Existing H2 stations are incredibly expensive to construct, around $2 million each, and the H2 fuel costs vastly more than gasoline on a gallon or liter comparison equivalent unit cost. There are only 58 H2 stations in California and 1 in Hawaii for example, in America as of 2023, though more are under construction due to Hyundai partnering with large H2 producers and Toyota and Honda as these automakers note that refueling H2 vehicles takes less than 5 minutes. Thats radically faster than charging lithium-ion electric vehicles, ask me how I know. 

Even L3 chargers take 30 minutes to spit out 50 kWh, way too slow. A gallon of gasoline contains 37 kWh of energy and takes less than 10 minutes to fill a 20 gallon fuel tank of a typical SUV like the Toyota RAV4 or 4RUNNER and even less time to add 10 gallons to our Prius III or Corolla Hybrid, or 1 gallon to our PCX150 scooter or 3 gallons to the MTO2 motorcycle. Fast refueling important cause time is money in business. 

That means that refueling a HFCEV or Hydrogen Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle can cost much more than one hundred dollars to go a few hundred miles or 1.6X more kilometers. 

Honda Clarity

Toyota Mirai 

Those are the only two practical FCEVs widely available, but only sold or leased in locals where an H2 fueling station practical to access for refueling the H2 Fuel Cell vehicles high pressure hydrogen storage tanks, similar to the way propane stored in tanks but at 10,000 or 15,000 PSI in the case of hydrogen composite filament wrapped ultra strong crash worthy storage tanks used in the aforementioned fuel-cell electric vehicles. Final drive in an FCV fuel cell vehicle also accomplished by electric traction motors present in many examples of BEV or battery electric and HEV or hybrid electric vehicles since year 2001. 

My daily driver a 2022 Corolla Hybrid that gets over 54 MPG on regular unleaded gasoline. I can easily drive it carefully in ECO mode to get more than 60 MPG, making it more fuel efficient than my 2020 Yamaha MT03 motorcycle, incredibly. I tried many different model year examples of Nissan LEAF but they never lived up to the claimed range per charge because I live in a very topographically variable area with lots of steep hills like small mountains grouped together with valleys where the faster roads exist. All the suburban neighborhood roads are 25 MPH zones unless near an elementary school in session where the Speed Limit drops to 20 MPH. Vally roads are 30 MPH or 35 MPH or 40 MPH and some highways are 50 MPH and Freeways nearby are 60 MPH. 

I think Hydrogen as a chemical diatomic elemental gas H2 from the periodic table of the elements #Chemistry is really nifty as H2 lighter than air and can be used like helium in ballons as a lifting gas, though H2 reacts easily with Oxygen in the air like the Hindenburg airship which caught fire & burned to ash. It takes almost no energy to kick off or start or initiate the chemical reactions between H2 and O2 or hydrogen and oxygen, and when they combust, they only release H20 or water or water vapor. Thats the coolest part about cryogenic H2 O2 rocket fueling systems, they also have the highest ISP or specific impulse like the amazing RS25 engines of the NASA Space Shuttles, as the cleanest burning rocket fuel technology, while also being very difficult and expensive because of the deep ultra cold operating temperatures of cryogenic hydrogen and oxygen.  

This same cost problem of handling, pressurizing, cooling and cryogenically storing H2 at a H2 fueling stations makes the resulting retail sale of compressed kilograms of H2 very expensive as a fuel. The main problem with Hydrogen Fuel that it radically increasing the operating cost of FCEV's. Fuel typically dominates operating costs, where the fixed cost of the price of the vehicle and depreciation are also expensive, the more you drive the vehicle the more fuel it consumes. 

There exists a fuel mass paradox with typical commercial rockets like the Space X Falcon 9 or similar, in that they are essentially giant fuel tanks stored vertically, like balancing an inverted broom in your hand, they want to tip over or are top heavy or unstable. This made it very hard for Space X to make Falcon 9 land as a reusable rocket platform, though they fuel tanks are mostly empty when landing Falcon 9 and I think they only gimble 1 engine along with fins near the base of the rocket to steer it for a stable landing, using data from IMU, gyroscopes, & other electronics to aid in stabilization. 

Consider that Toyota stayed away from BEV's and doubled down to the tune of tens of billions of dollars invested in NiMH cold tolerant hybrid battery systems using HSD or Hybrid Synergy Drive through the PSD or power split device that mixes the engine with two electric motors where one motor acts as a high torque traction motor and the other motor optimized as a power generator for brake regen to charge the Hybrid Battery when a Prius is going down a hill for example or when slowing to a stop with the engine off. 

This is why Prius gets around 40 to 50 MPG where typically gasoline engine only vehicles of the same capacity tend to achieve 24-32 MPG real world fuel economy. Toyota adding Hybrid drivetrain options to almost its entire vehicle lineup or available models for sale that normal people can purchase around the world, by 2025 or shortly thereafter. 

Oddly Toyota sold an EV version of the RAV4 in the 1990's based on a large format NiMH battery and front grill paddle charger system installed in the garage of the home of the persons who purchased OG NiMH based Rav4 EV's in the 1990's, mostly in California as I understand. Today California also home to the most H2 or hydrogen fuel stations. The state government in California also expertly adapted at taxing people in California in every possibly way almost as bad as New York. 

I agree with one former CEO of Nissan Carlos who said "the creativity of government to invent new forms of taxation is infinite" noting that businesses that generate profits by selling products and services are the basis of a functioning economy and that government taxes on profitable business are effectively a financial parasite in that the government does not create VA or value added activities an exists exclusively through debt spending & taxation of profitable businesses. 

Given that the US government then spends on aircraft carriers, expensive fighter jets, nuclear weapons, chemical weapons, direct energy weapons and all sorts of other highly expensive aerospace technologies for the US Pentagon military industrial complex. Certainty some profitable business make money by providing products and services to the Pentagon or any branch of the US Military, like Military Contractors, and weapons makers, noting that the M16 machine gun mass produced selling for about $1000 dollars plus per unit, meaning many billions have been or are being spent on purchasing machine guns from privately owned weapons manufacturers that make incredible profits selling governments firearms, ammo, munitions, explosives, vehicles, weapons systems, drones, UAV's, spy satellites, GPS satellites or many other kinds of products and services used in war or during times of war. I am thinking of all the Foreign Air that the USA has provide the Ukraine to help the Ukrainian Military defend against attacks from the aggressive Russian Military attacks ordered by Vladmir Putin.

Even just the VA or Veterans Administration spends billions of dollars that they do not make via profitable business activity. The Social Security Fund widely abused like a public piggy bank such that many people forecast the financial collapse, suggesting that millennials & younger people will never collect any social security benefits in the future. I am not sure how long Medicare or Medicaid or Social Security will last, but at least those egalitarian programs are socially intelligent ways to minimize elder poverty and to keep some people with medical problems from going broke or bankrupt due to the cost of managing their Type 1 diabetes or similar conditions for example. 

European countries are much older than America and have socialist governments with many parties whereas America has a two-party system of Republicans and Democrats. This means that congress and the senate of America are not reflecting the interests of the majority of Americans. Worse, elections are expensive which gives rise to corporations making large campaign contributions to get their person elected so that person can then pass laws that are special favors that make the corporation more profit, it what is grammatically accurately called briber or corruption. 

There have been many campaign finance reform efforts to minimize this corruption, but it still occurs because when the money gets to the multi-billion-dollar level, when people will sometimes do horrendous immoral unethical things to get some of it. People in America tends to idolatrize money, wealth and power with phrases like "How nice would it be to win the lottery", some of which pay out hundreds of millions of dollars. 

Adjusting for inflation, noting that the value of the US Dollar to pay private and public debts of all kinds, slowly declining with time, so when I graduated high school in the early 2000's a person with about $10 million could comfortably retire without ever wanting for anything. Now in 2024 that's about $20 million. Noting that home prices nearby at 4X higher than they were 20 years ago. 20 years ago, gasoline was around 1 dollar per gallon, now it's over $4 per gallon. 

Food prices have doubled in the past 20 years even when you adjust for inflation. A grocery store or supermarket in America is stocked with about 70% UPF junk food items that dominate sales. That means many Americans are almost exclusively eating junk food with artificial colors proven with evidence-based science to increase ADD and ADHD rates in populations of Children studied who eat more than the average amount of artificial coloring agents in UPF items mostly. 

If people spend all their money on food and housing, how are they supposed to buy new FCEV and pay extra for hydrogen fuel that sells at huge price premiums well above the cost of gasoline, CNG, propane, butane, diesel, jet fuel, kerosine or similar hydrocarbons that are currently high-volume mass produced and widely available. Hydrogen must be available at lower prices for people to afford to fuel hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, otherwise they are just a novelty for rich people, or a rich man's toy. 

Toyota Hybrid reliable, dependable, mass produced, proven, & very fuel efficient with lower emissions, eat least until dirt balls steal the catalytic converter. Ask me how I know. They are lucky I am not in charge. I would radically eliminate all forms of crime by making the punishments so extreme that most people would be deadly afraid to do anything illegal. 

They did such in Singapore and radically reduced crime levels. Public cane beatings are a punishment for breaking the law in Singapore, made famous by some punk American trust fund baby living in Singapore who spray painted parked cars in an act of vandalism. I like the death penalty and feel like more terrible people convicted of heinous crimes deserve capital punishment like the electric chair. In Idaho the penalty for throwing trash out of a car or littering $6250. 

By raising the fine for littering the rate of littering in Idaho radically declined. This is what I mean by increasing the penalties for breaking laws. I like law and order, a safe society where you can walk around at night without fear of being robbed at gun point. A society where warped sickos are in padded rooms well medicated or public prisons with no luxuries or services, cheaper and bare bones. 

I got a good laugh when Jeffry Epstein was murdered in prison, and also when his madam Ghislaine Maxwell was charged, convicted and sent to prison. I like to see fast justice or justice served, like that corrupt democratic senator Robert Menedez from New Jersey who was convicted of 16 felony counts of corruption by accepting many kinds of bribery from businessman from Egypt and Qatar. 

I value evidence-based science, facts with evidence backing up the facts, what is true or real, empirical science axioms and factually accurate information. I am talking about what is true with ample evidence, like the spherical shape of the Earth instead of that confusing flat earth theory. Astronomy space science not fake astrology. I want more transparency; more accurate and more precise verified true information I believe news agencies have a moral imperative to tell the truth about what is happening in the world since many people rely on the news to know what is happening. 

I value Faith in God, through salvation in Christ Jesus my Lord and Savior, empowered by the Holy Spirit to freely love and freely forgive myself and others actively focusing on that which is honorable, of good repute, that which is pure, innocent, decent, fair, loving or kind. I love other people, myself, animals, nature. I love God, my wife, my life, my body, soul and spirit. 

I believe in doing my best to do my duty to God and other people to be mentally strong, morally straight, and physically fit, making the best of each day and every lucky encounter I am blessed with when interacting with other people. I consider all human interactions and special blessing because we are all running out of time alive. 

No one gets out of here, life on Earth, alive, so it's wise to make the best use of our time being kind, polite, fair, loving and reasonable, always deliberately choosing all other people with dignity and respect even and especially when we don't feel like it. 

Feelings are temporary fleeting and subject to change, so morals and integrity and values and ethics are superior as they help hone & refine the way we behave, speak, act and interact with other people, animals and nature. It's even the mind body relationship such that what you think about in your mind translates into physical changes in your body, such that toxic negative thoughts can become diseases or medical disorders like cancer. 

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