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AR15 by Eugene Morrison Stoner of ArmaLite Corporation in 0.223 or 5.56 Caliber (Millions Sold Worldwide)

Wars have been happening all through history. The Fire Lance was invented in China, the precursor to modern firearms of many kinds. Cannons were the basis of later flint lock piston and rifles. Black powder rifles are still popular with hobbyists in America. 

Projecting pieces of metal at high velocity to inflict tissue damage or injuries on the enemy or for hunting wildlife for food or for shooting competitions or sport, or at indoor or outdoor ranges. Known as kinetic penetrators, bullets are typically made of cast lead Pb slugs or coated in copper or hollow point. There are many kinds of bullets in many different sizes or calibers. 

Usually the ammunition case made of machined brass and contains smokeless powder made of lacquered nitrocellulose, with a primer mixture that converts the impact of the firing pin strike into a chemical reaction of hot burning flame propagation that ignites the powder load producing tens of thousands of PSI of pressure to shove the bullet out of the ammo case and down the rifle grove barrel that imparts spin stabilization as the bullet exists the barrel with a hot flash of expanding gas, pressure, particles and sound known as muzzle blast products that are poisonous to inhale because they contain microfine particles of lead & combustion pollutant products from the primer mix & smokeless powder reactions. 

The purpose of a silencer or suppressor, added to the end of the barrel or integrated into the weapon, to absorb and dissipate the muzzles blast emissions to radically reduce the sound pressure generated by dissipating the sound as heat inside the silence baffles. All the funky gas combustion emissions in the muzzle blast foul the silencer, such that silences have to be periodically disassembled and cleaned with poisonous solvents. Guns and ammo are thus not eco-friendly and very costly and resource intensive, like cars or aircraft and are manufactured with similar technologies as vehicles. 

A piston engines similar to gun, in that both create chemical gas pressure to shove metal down a tube, though the engine does this repeatedly for thousands of hours, while the gun does a single trick reaction with each round of Ammo to sent a single bullet out of the barrel. In the piston engine the bullet is the piston which is shoved down by gasoline or diesel combusting with air to produce thousands of PSI of pressure, making a piston engine effectively a gaseous pump in a way, obviously from the hot loud exhaust gases exiting the header of the engine in straight pipe designs. 

The purpose of automobile exhaust and emissions control system to minimize the sound levels and pollutants emitted from the tailpipe to make modern vehicles quieter and less polluting during operation. In this way a suppressor similar to a sound reducing muffler, which dissipated engine emission sounds in baffled canisters often filled with glass fibers or similar sound pressure to heat conversion materials. 

I grew up around guns of many kinds and was given a 22LR Marlin rifle for my 10th birthday by my adoptive grandfather Wesley. During my childhood from age 5 onward I would go on Saturday roadtrips to a local shooting pit in Cle Elum, perhaps an hour or so drive east on Interstate 90 about 100 miles east of Seattle, Wa, USA. Grandpa packed brown paper bag lunches for us, containing a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, a can of soda, an small bag of potato chips. We would stop at a local hardware store and buy lead tipped 22LR ammo for under $1 for a box of 50 rounds back then in the late 1980's and early 1990s. Sadly, in end, he committed suicide with a Walther 22 cal pistol while I was away at WSU attending college classes during my freshman year in college. The Renton Police confiscated all of his weapons and melted them down. 

I do not condone, endorse, or encourage violence or crime of any kind. I am a God fearing Christian who accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior therein empowered by the Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit to accept the love that God freely shares with anyone who calls upon the name of Christ Jesus for salvation according to John 3:16. 

Ignorant politicians try to ban the most popular rifle in America, variants of the AR15 available in many styles, with many millions of units already sold in 0.223" caliber or 5.56 mm caliber, some with hybrid receivers that can use either ammo type. The AR15 my favorite rifle design & a favorite to shoot at ranges for more than 20 years. Too bad the ammo so expensive now, making shooting for sport a costly hobby.

Popular with enthusiasts, sports shooters, hunters, for property or personal defense, for sport, for leisure, for shooting, at the indoor or outdoor ranges for practice, and the most customizable tunable upgradable rifle platform ever invented, commercialized and widely sold. 

AR15 can be configured with different stocks, different uppers, different lowers, different barrels, different sights, different magazines, and a whole range of optics, lasers, suppressors, grips, handles, red dot or holo sights or scopes in visible or IR.

Bad actors are sickos or warped demonically oppressed people like Slobodan Milosevic, Adolf Hitler, or Vladimir Putin, who use their countries national defense resources to commit acts of genocide or war crimes that result in creating millions of refugees, while many millions more are harmed or killed by the armed conflict violent exchange of explosives & munitions that also damage buildings, roads, power plants, water and natural gas pipes, or generally very destructive to infrastructure in a costly expensive way that requires years of complicated demolition and construction to repair after the armed conflicts end. In this way the war kills a lot of people while allowing the same problems to continue, or is illogical or evil or sick as examples of people harming other people. 

War is waste of human life, harmful and damaging to ecosystems, nature, and wildlife. War causes chaos and expensive destruction to national resources & infrastructure, destroying buildings, roadways, bridges, power, water, gas, gasoline, internet & other services or utilities. War causes many lifelong debilitating injuries, with landmines blowing off peoples feet, ankles and legs, robbing random people who step on landmines of mobility. War causes explosions and fires that destroy housing, schools, hospitals & other kinds of buildings.

Ideological differences in defining what "Better" consists of causes cultural friction that reaches tipping points exceeded that precipitate the start of armed conflicts, sometimes or usually before an official war. India & China for example have been engaged in armed border conflicts for hundreds of years, long before the AR15 was invented and broadly commercialized.  

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