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Please Do Not Give Up

Listen to this song to start, it helped me stop committing suicide repeatedly

If your a human, another person, I want you to know something, God the creator of all, wants a loving relationship with you, if you are willing to stop and ask Christ Jesus to be your Lord and Savior, empowered by the Holy Spirit to forgive yourself and others of mistakes and errors and wrong doings, to see that we are all as people beautifully made in Gods image and can become Chris Like in the Obedience to God, by making the best choices, showing other people loving kindness anyway we can imagine in every situations speaking healing blessings over others, giving melody and song of praise in your heart to God for salvation, for Christ Jesus and for the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost that empowers and enables you to love yourself and love God and other people, animals and nature. Brothers and sisters I am making a moral appeal to you, in my lowest hours, please listen and pray to God the only legitimate father. My father, worldly father took off when I was born, and I have been bent on becoming successful because my adoptive father Ken was amazing Dad who inspired me to share the truth with you for your benefit because life is not just about me, other people are more important, which is why I am sharing this with you! 

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