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Dietary Fats, Red Meat & Cholesterol : Home Cooked from Scratch Food Healthier

If you mostly eat a paleo low carb diet of high quality meet, oily fish, non starchy root veggies, cooked from scratch in organic butter, ghee, oil oil, organic peanut oil, coconut oil, tallow or lard, then you would free yourself of processed foods proven to cause obesity and diseases that plague western civilization.

Weight loss can be achieved with a low carb ketogenic diet, cutting out refined processed junk foods, eating smaller servings of fruit & berries, eliminate grains, eating more healthy fats & protein, and getting fiber from whole veggies, leafy greens and non starchy root veggies. A little bit of carb ok, but if you're already overweight that means you have been eating way too much sugar, added sugar, starches & carbs for a long time. 

Carbs, Starches & Sugars are fast burning food fuels to empower physical activity, like a brisk jog, steep hill hiking, biking up hills, longer distance aerobic activities that make you hot and sweaty and make your breathe so hard thats it is difficult to speak even a few words before taking another breath, with your heart elevated to its target heart range for working out, thinking about fitness & exercises or harm manual labor.

When inactive people who sit around a lot, who do not get enough movement, when these people eat large portions of bread, rice, pasta, added sugars, those simple carbs & sugars cause elevated blood glucose levels that over time create insulin resistance, obesity, heart disease, and many other diseases and disorders, especially obesity by making people fatter and sicker every year. That means they are probably not eating enough healthy fats or proteins, probably getting too much sodium, and not getting enough fiber. Probably also chronically dehydrated, stressed out, angry & irritated about why they can't seem to lose weight no matter what they try! 

It's really insulin resistance that causes so many healthy problems. So study what you are eating, and are you eating so many carbs that your stuck in a state of insulin resistance? Serving sizes too big? Are you well hydrated? What is your A1C? What's your fasting blood glucose level in the morning after sleeping all night before eating anything? 

Your brain can operate on up to 2/3 blood ketones, with the remaining glucose coming from gluconeogenisis by converting some of the proteins you eat into blood sugars. The computer dictionary does not even know the word gluconeogenisis and underlines it in red unless I right click and tell it to ignore. That's how pervasive the nutritional confusion is. I suggest studying the science of Glycolysis & Gluconeogenisis as they are complimentary opposites for cell energy inputs #physiology #medicine #biology #lifescience 

Processed foods & Ultra Processed Foods

Tradition diets rarely caused any disease or obesity because the food eating in traditional diet mostly whole natural & has been human food for thousands of years. The serving sizes were smaller, more meat, more fat, more whole natural foods higher in fiber, no added sugar, nothing artificial or chemical, no additives, just real natural spices, a few ingredients like carrots, broccoli, greens, fruit, berries, nuts, seeds, fish, chicken, dairy, all the kind of foods you can find around the outside border of the supermarket, bacon, eggs, fresh fish, dairy, organic & or natural with virtually minimal processing as raw ingredients.

Life Costs Rising = No More Home Cooked Meals

In America housing prices went up so much that mom & dad both have to work so no one at home to cook home cooked meals from high quality natural whole food ingredients into minimally processed home cooked meals nutritious and healthy to consume, with enough healthy fats, fiber & nutrients to offset whatever complex carbs are present. 

Understand UPF

Pick a random bag of potato chips at Grocery Store in America and flip the bag over and read the ingredients. It should say potatoes, salt, & peanut oil, herb spice blend. That's 4 ingredients. Instead you find a list of things with modified starches, artificial flavors, artificial colors & chemical additives that most people can't pronounce and have no idea what they are and would never cook with such at home.

While I am quick to use Oreo Cookies or Coca Cola as examples of UPF unhealthy foods, its because they sell so well and are so popular with people that do not understand that eating them just as unhealthy as abusing alcohol. 

Colorful Bags & Colorful Boxes, more than 5 ingredients with at least one you do not recognize, that is usually a UPF or ultra processed food. If you eat this UPF regularly as a major part of your diet, then it will become a metabolic poison for most people who are not elite athletes, making them fatter and sicker every year as they become older chronologically. 

Food Made from Scratch Spiritually Significant

There is a special spiritual significance when someone puts a lot of time, effort and focus into preparing high quality nutritious meals for their family. It can take 2 hours per day, more including dishes and shopping for perishable real foods, cooking them from scratch, and cleaning up after. It's a part time job to do that, cook home cooked meals for lunch & dinner & a healthy breakfast for a family of 4 or more. 

Its can be more expensive to eat high quality organic foods whole natural real food thats perishable and healthy, like pasture raised eggs, family farm whole milk unpasteurized milk, grass fed beef, wild caught fish, pasture raised chicken, organic salad greens or leafy greens, whole garlic, real onions, real whole fruit, real whole berries. Eating a clean safe diet can be much more expensive, not just in cost, but in the added required time, focus and effort. 

I believe that when a person dedicates themselves to cooking whole natural foods from scratch using high quality ingredients, the resulting foods are healthier to eat because they contain the embodied mental effort and physical labor pain of the person who prepared the person painstakingly from scratch. 

I also believe that home cooked meals are healthier because the person cooking them from scratch far more likely to buy much higher quality produce, meat, dairy, eggs, fish, chicken, herbs and spices without added sugar or strange chemical additive or weird ingredients that typically found in UPF foods. The home cooked meals are similarly higher in healthy fats, higher in fiber, higher in highly bioavailability nutrients and vitamins, and has high quality better bioavailable protein. 

My Personal Diet in Part // 

I love eating pan cooked bacon that I cook over a butane stover on our patio in a st. steel pan that I have to scrub clean aggressively afterward. That's what I ate for dinner last night, a pound of Black Forest bacon pan cooked until almost crispy over a butane campaign stove on the patio :) I love eating eggs & steak and sometimes add organic heavy cream to my morning coffee, that I make by hand grinding coffee beans into the AeroPress, St. Steel French Press or machine ground beans into fine grinds to brew in the espresso machine. I usually add water to black coffee to drop the temp so I can drink it immediately. I only add soy milk, almond milk, whole milk or heavy cream sometimes.  

I start my day with a big 1 quart jar of water and add a scoop of NMN when there is a few ounces left and swirl the NMW then shoot it fast so the suspended NMN powder goes down in one gulp with the remaining water. I wait 20 mi to 1 hour then make coffee and don't eat anything for 4+ hours after that, usually after 11:30am after waking up at 4am 5am or 6am naturally without an alarm. I keep it going till 9pm or 10pm and can sometimes make it 11pm or midnight. I am current abstaining from alcohol consumption to improve my sleep. I was also just very ill with a cold virus, but slept more and ate less and am 100% well today :) That took about 5 days to overcome. 

I barbecue chicken or beef on a propane grill but add hard wood pellets and once they are lit turn the propane off and then cook the meat or chicken over the smoking wood pellets on fire, sometimes with the propane on low for the fist few minutes of cooking to keep the temps up, but for last couple of minutes I blow out the flame on the pellets and smoke the meat or chicken, making them moist and flavorful :)

I fine dice most of the stuff I add to a salad, including the greens, so that each bite contains the whole symphony of flavors, fresh garlic, cilantro, olive oil, balsamic vinegar, onions, a tough of honey, black pepper and salt, usually a citrus like lime including the lime juice and bit of the rind zested, or same for lemon or orange, a splash of orange juice, pom juice, grape juice, add chopped almost or walnuts, sometimes candying the nuts first in hot sugar cooked in a pan until it starts to darken then turn the heat off and add the nuts and stir till they solidify into candied nuts. I alternate types of salad greens, types of peppers, types of apples, always fine diced so that each bite contains all the flavors :) 

I eat a lot of raw nuts throughout the day, almonds, pecans, walnuts, hazelnuts, peanut butter. I get a lot of my calories from trees nuts, butter and meat fat :) I sometimes eat a cereal but nothing commercial, higher quality organic Cascadian Farms Blueberry Almond crunch no Added Sugar :) or similar granola, usually in organic whole milk, or organic whole milk yogurt from Nancys. Sometimes I add a 1 gram scoop of mallic acid powder to add tart flavor to the yogurt before mixing in fresh berries and granola. This would be a breakfast on days where I eat breakfast, usually a few times per month, usually on a Saturday morning. 

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