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Russian Government Should Be Forced to Pay Back ALL the Costs of the War In the Ukraine

That means the Russian Government will owe NATO & its partners, including the Ukrainian Government, many trillions of dollars. When Russia loses the war, the rest of the world should put increasing sanctions to take the money out of the Russian Government and hand's of the Russian Billionaire Oligarchs.

NATO estimates a full World War against Russia by 2044

War In the Ukraine is So Expensive

As of early 2024 Russia Spent $211 billion attacking the Ukraine

NATO & the allies of NATO have spent over $200 billion in support packages & aid to the Ukraine

Russia dedicated another $140 billion in July 2024 to continue the Russian military assault on the Ukraine, using a third to total government spending in the weak Russian economy. That signals that Russia determined to drag on the War in the Ukraine with no end in sight. 

Any claim of peace talks or ceasefire from Putin are just a dishonest distraction to give the Russian Military a chance to make more weapons and conscript another 300,000 young men from Russia to replace all the dead Russian soldier killed or badly wounded so far in the military offensives against the fiercely defended targets in the Ukraine. 

We Know that the Ukraine just the first in many other Eastern European Baltics states in Putins military ambitions to take over. Putin is trying to rebuilt the USSR control using the Russian Federation military assets mobilized as the war in the Ukraine, where Russian Military forces are attacking targets in the Ukraine while Ukrainian forces are just defending against the attacks. 

The tanks, rocket systems, drones, loitering munitions, protective equipment, fuel, spares, parts, vehicle, time, money, effort, loss of human life, damage to infrastructure and much more, the war creates incredible fallout and damage & super ultra expensive in many ways more than just the monetary costs. 

Russia appointed economist Andrei Belousov as the new Minister of Defense, signaling a commitment to mobilizing the entire economy of Russia into a long term military offensive, dragging the War in the Ukraine on until 2027 or longer. 

Based on a defeat of Russia in 2027, I estimate the total cost of the War in the Ukraine at over $2 trillion all said. I believe that many more extensive sanctions should be placed against Russia to recover all the costs to western nations that helped the Ukraine and to rebuilt infrastructure that Russian Military forces damaged in the Ukraine. 

People Hurt Other People By Denying God

War, rumors of war, there will continue to be war and wars because some people refuse to yield to God, and are either knowingly or unknowingly serving the kingdom of hell, with cold hardened hearts of stone, unable to hear the truth of the Gospel of Christ Jesus for salvation. 

Many people are oppressed by demonic forces from heavenly places, and a cunning cold cruel hater of people, the accuser himself, a disgraced former leader of worship in heaven, Lucifer, or Satan, the prince of the air of this world, who with his billions strong army of demons that never sleep whisper ideas into peoples heads using their own inner voices so they think its their own thoughts. 

This way the people blame themselves for being pieces of trash or horrible as people, and can plausibly deny the existence of anything beyond what meets their eyes or science experimental results in physics or chemistry research to suss out any new knowledge about how things work in objective empirical reality as can be repeatedly demonstrated in as the result of experiments run by different teams around the world that come up with the same results. 

The greatest trick the devil has ever played people with is getting them to deny his existence entirely! This way the kingdom of hell can operate in secrete behind the scenes, never sleeping, studying people and how to corrupt each persons mind, by hanging on every word that comes out of their mouth, watching their actions, patiently looking for any way to get a foothold into someones mind to influence their choices, speech, actions or behaviors, or getting them to hate themselves so they commit suicide or harm other people with mass shooting or acts of terrorism or similar. 

Science Obscured by Political Forced

Cold Fusion for example became LENR or Low Energy Nuclear Reactions, quickly classified for military use as the scientists who developed Cold Fusion were officially discredited. Even the guy Frank Whittle who invited gas turbines now widely used in aircraft of all kinds around the world, was not originally paid or given credit for his invention, even though he spent more than 10 years commercializing axial turbine engines which are the basis of nearly all commercial aircraft engines today. 

In his later years, the British government honored Mr. Whittle for his amazing contribution to aviation technology in terms of inventing and commercializing the first axial gas turbine engines or what are sometimes call turbojet engines, though today they are the core of high bypass passenger aircraft engines like those of the Boeing 787 that Meg & I flew to England on in 2018. 

At the time of introduction of Jet Turbine engines World War 2 was starting and the British Government needed this technology along with the USA to gain a tactical advantage over the NAZI Luftwaffe. Superior fuel supply chain logistics enabled the Allies to win WW2. Hitler trying to invaded Russia sent many SS and German soldier to a cold wet muddy death on their way to Stalingrad during the winter. 

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