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Fats do NOT cause Heart Disease, Saturated Fat & Cholesterol are Actually Factually Speaking From Evidence Based Science Fantastically Healthy to Consume!

First of all, cholesterol is made by the human body if we do not eat dietary sources of cholesterol.

Saturate fat is fantastic for health if eaten in the absence of sugar, salt, carbs or processed junk. Eskimos eat protein & fat almost exclusively and have and had no common disease that plague countries that eat a western diet. 

Its processed foods, added sugars, simple refined modified starches, artificial ingredients and chemical additives in boxed and bag foods that are making people fatter and sicker every year! 

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Sugar, high blood sugar, triglycerides levels increased by eating added sugars, starches which become blood sugar when the break down during digestion, or carbohydrates which are just made of polymerized or linked together sugars that break back down into sugar when we digest them where the become elevated blood sugar levels. 

Can you say Insulin Resistance & Type 2 Diabetes & High Blood Pressure, Stokes, Clotting, Embolisms, Edema and HEART DISEASE from eating highly refined foods made with added sugars and cheap modified starches and artificial ingredients and strange chemicals in colorful bags of boxes called UPF or ultra processed food sold so well in America that UPF items comprise 73% of  what people in the USA are eating. 

What typical Americans are eating on the SAD or standard American Diet following deranged government advice from the sleazy dishonest narcissistic loud mouth Ancel Keys who popularized the non factual idea that eating saturated fat & cholesterol in the diet was the cause of heart disease, when that is factually wrong or scientifically inaccurate or not true! 

Sugar, Starches & Carbs in excess cause almost all of the medical problems associated with western disease of civilization epitomized by processed junk foods like Oreo Cookies or Coca Coal sweetened with lots of cane sugar in Mexico or High Fructose Corn Syrup in America.

Ancel Keys was wrong when he said that Saturated Fat & Dietary Cholesterol was causing heart disease, during a time when black & white TV ad's of this or that doctor prefers this or that kind of cigarette, when we now know that smoking is very unhealthy scientifically speaking from fact based evidence. 

Cook from scratch at home using butter, ghee, lard, tallow, coconut oil, olive oil, eat lots of healthy omega 3 fat sources and nuts and seeds and oily younger fish low in mercury, and meat, and dairy organic pasture raised eggs from family farms. Shun industrial western processed foods or anything that comes in a colorful bag or box. 

Buy local, organic, whole, natural, clean free of artificial ingredients, with no added sugar, with more saturated fat and protein. Shop using sound science based nutritional science and common sense, asking "Was this food 1000 years ago, because if it was not, it might be fake or engineered and bad for my health to consume" or something like that! 

Get you facts straight about the relationship between food diet and disease by watching this documentary film that will tell you why the government is lying to people about what is healthy to eat. Why the AHA or American Heart Association puts its logo on sugar cereals that are metabolic toxins to people who are overweight, though its possible too be thin and fat on the inside with lots of visceral dangerous white fat around the organs and a swollen liver from carb and sugar abused. Who can blame anyone from eating carbs and sugar in excess as they are the cheapest foods available, especially UPF junk foods and soda. 

I am going to argue that eating UP as the primary part of a person total dietary intake is more dangerous that drinking 4 alcoholic beverages per day. I believe that all the added sugars in UPF items make something like 300 grams of sugars and carbs and starches in a person total of barely more than that of total food consumed daily. 

Now during famine, or economic downturns, when people are starving and hungry, sure rice, cereals, pasta, bread, all the high glycemic index sugary things, people will eat anything to survive during war, or hard times. 

That's not people today, at least outside of the Ukraine and 3rd world countries. People in OECD or wealthy nations are becoming fatter and sicker every year from abusing pre-prepared ready to eat snack foods, candies, baked goods, coffee drinks with more sugar than soda and milk added, and lots of bags of chips made GMO powders and artificial colors and flavors that frankly taste really good because they were engineered with Bliss Point engineering by multinational food companies only interesting in maximizing sales and profits, even if they know the products are hurting or harming people that buy and eat them. 

I feel sad that I have to teach other people that UPF foods like Oreo cookies and Coca Cola soda are not real food or even made from real food, they are ultra processed unhealthy sugary salty disease causing foods that make people who eat and drink them regularly fatter and sicker with time. Factually acetate truth with lots of evidence from the physiology and metabolism sciences of nutrition #science #facts 

Processed foods, added sugar, low or no fiber, modified starches, lots of carbs, artificial flavors, artificial colors, chemical additives, heat, acid, caustic, pressure, industrial processing ultra extreme western disease causing foods & unhealthy beverages, these are killers

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