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CCP Using State Police Forced to Terrorize Chinese People in the PRC

Watch this video to learn more (click link ->

End the CCP/ Bai Lan or Tang Ping Uprising Chinese Youth

When the PRC & CCP took control of Hong Kong in 1999, people Hong Kong took to the streets with protesting ever since. When the British Government administered Hong Kong, immense economic, social, technical, manufacturing, and business excellence thrived in Hong Kong. When the CCP took over Hong Kong it made everything worse for the people living in Hong Kong.

Cultural Degradation In China

9:9:6 Working 9 am to 9 pm for 6 days per week a hard work cultural ethic in China from 1949 to 2014, but now the youth of China are recognizing they no longer have the opportunities their parent had in terms of vertical mobile as in the ability of a person to work hard to get out of poverty and become a wealthy homeowner with dedication, education & hard work. Its virtually pointless to be a try hard in China or the PRC now as the government and many private business have stopped pay income & benefits to works for many months. Many hundreds of thousands of businesses in China were delisted or closed down during the draconian COVID19 closures the CCP enforce with heavy handed military engagement of the general public in China. 

Economy of China Deflating

Deflation taking over in China today as the economy of China heads into a downward spiral of increasing unemployment, decreasing consumer confidence, decreasing spending, broadly increasing incidence where employees of government agencies & private business are not being paid and have not been paid for months, losing their income and benefits, unable to pay for housing, electricity, food, clothing or other goods, people in China have stopped buying things and stopped traveling, causing further negative feedback loops of economic decline taking hold of the PRC's economy, shaming the CCP broadly for its numerous failures & unethical military violent suppression of peace demonstrations. 

Taiwan Special & Worth Defending

The ROC or Taiwan or what was previously known as the Island of Formosa, a free democracy like an improved version of the USA with Chinese people. Improved democracy of Taiwan because the public sentiment of the people of Taiwan reflected in laws & measured enacted by the ROC government, such that the legal institutional basis of Taiwan reflect the interests of the people of Taiwan. American has only a notion of actual democracy remaining in 2024 because of 50 years of social decay and increasing income inequality that even Adam Smith warned about in his landmark public of The Wealth of Nations where he clearly outlines the 10 principles of the Concentration of Wealth & Power. 

10 Principles of Concentration of Wealth and Power: 

1. Reduce democracy by reducing public unity
2. Shape ideology to idolize wealth, power & money
3. Redesign the economy with increasing income inequality benefiting super wealthy people
4. Shift the burden of taxation to shrinking middle & lower class, tax breaks for wealthy
5. Attack solidarity to increase social division to cause societal decay so wealthy take advantage
6. Run the regulators by paying for election campaigns, with bribery & corruption
7. Engineer elections to appoint inside players who represent transnational corporations
8. Keep the rabble in line to suppress social uprising or demands for egalitarian law creation
 9. Manufacture consent by controlling media messages to engage in mind control of the public
10. Marginalize the population with currency inflation making everything more expensive 

USA or American Culture Falling Apart 

Watch this video that explains

"Disposition to admire, & almost to worship, the rich & the powerful, and to despise, or, at least, to neglect persons of poor & mean condition is the great and most universal cause of the corruption of our moral sentiments.” –ADAM SMITH , SCOTTISH POLITICAL ECONOMIST (1723-1790)

"Solidarity is quite dangerous, from the point of view of the masters. You’re only supposed to care about yourself, not about other people." -Noam Chomsky

"A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within" W. Durant

"Truth will always be truth, regardless of lack of understanding, disbelief or ignorance." ~ W. Clement Stone

If the act of voting was important, the General Public wouldn't be allowed to engage in it.

Charles Bukowsky said, "Slavery was never ended, it was just Expanded to include everyone".

"Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities." - Voltaire

Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires." ~John Steinbeck

“The poor have sometimes objected to being governed badly. The rich have always objected to being governed at all.” –G. K. CHESTERTON , ENGLISH ESSAYIST (1874-1936)

“The media’s job is to create a misinformed electorate that will make irrational decisions, often against their own interests.” - Noam Chomsky.

Looking at today 2024 America (USA) inequality has never been greater. That is the wealthiest people make proportionally significantly more income than people in entry level jobs. Consider billionaire vs homeless people today, or a CEO that makes 5000x more income than new employee

Idolatry of maximizing next quarters earnings or profit margins no matter who or what it harms or hurts or kills or destroys / evil idolatry of money, gold, wealth, luxury, excess, with avarice & hatred of lower class lower income people / arrogant elite income earners judging

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