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Pasta, Noodles, Rice : History of Food

Yes, I have demonized sugar, modified starches, refined carbohydrates or high glycemic index foods since the abuse thereof responsible at least in large part to the emerging pre-diabetic epidemic, type 2 diabetes epidemic, and metabolic syndrome and disease epidemic worldwide making people fatter and sicker with many kinds of preventable disease and medical disorders.

I have blamed added sugars, artificial colors, strange chemical additives, artificial flavors, preservatives, the basic building blocks behind all the ultra proceed food powders used to make junk food like Oreo Cookies or Dorito Chips as common examples of popular well selling UPF items that move in huge volumes in many grocery stores and supermarkets of America where many Americans are getting up to 75% of their food calories from UPF items that the executives of UPF food companies never eat because these food like items are metabolic poisons of the cell mitochondria which becomes metabolic diseases when such are abused in larger than normal serving sizes multiple times per day in what is accurately described as diseases of civilization, or SAD the standard American diet or nutritional excess with acute intake deficiency in fiber, healthy mono-unsaturated omega-3 anti inflammatory fats or lipids, and vitamins missing or not enough high quality protein or amino acids, such that many industrial western processed foods are mostly made of add sugars, modified starches and cheap carbohydrates made from industrial powders with added fake flavors and fake colors to make such appear like real food. 

But the spread of noodles and pasta across the world out of China into the middle East and then Europe into Italy and then westward eventually becoming a staple food in America, Canada & Mexico, while noodles and pasta are also being broadly adopted in South America, Africa, South East Asia, and the rest of the world. Flour, Water, Salt and Possibly Eggs or Butter or Oil, the basic ingredients of noodles and pasta are similar in that the idea to stretch gluten to create long tangles strands that become elongated thin noodles or thin pasta able to hold up like pizza dough to repeated strength to thin layers like phyllo dough or that which is used to make dumpling casings or ravioli filled with cheese, meat, seasoning, flavor, taste, experience amazing etc. 

I just made a soup for lunch based on 2 cups of filter water, a table spoon of dry garlic powder, Italian herbs and spices, no salt spice mix, the seasoning packet and noodles of a Maruchan Raman Noodle Soup smashed to small bits in the big with a wooden mallet. I sprinkled a little bit of hot chili flake into the soup after adding 3 organic chick eggs to the boiling noodles and broth. While I did this in a stainless steel pot on our electric glass top stove, Meg went aerospace and put the noodles & chicken broth in a white ceramic bowl into the Radar Range or Microwave oven to heat and cook it & gave me the included seasoning packed because it contains MSG that she avoid and that I love the flavor of. That nearly 2 grams of salt & 54 grams of carbs, so I also added about 2 tablespoons of olive oil to the finished soup while it was cooling down. I cooked it boiling hot for 4 minutes to get the egg to a soft boiled state where the yoke not totally cooked solid and still a gel in part with some solidified. By adding eggs, olive oil, spices and flavors the soup goes from ok to spectacular in terms of nutrition and taste and aroma :) Yummy

So how can I eat noodles and also claim that refined carbs are making people sick. In part because I burn 2400 calories per day sitting still most of the day and easily burn 3000 calories daily if I am highly active. I have a kind of excess production of thyroid hormones T3 and T4, and when I was a younger man in my 20's was able to burn 6000 calories daily and 8000+ calories if I was super active all day from 5am till 11pm and regularly did that to jam more life in my time alive, working, going to college full time, and snowboarding 3X per week for 8 years :) 

Holy YOLO amazing, I have memories that so fantastic I reflect on them often wishing that I was still 23 years old and super active, though NMN has helped me regain some of my mojo if you will. This age reversal NMN helps boost glucose processing or enhances the way the body makes ATP from blood glucose by activating the Sirtuin system. See epigenetic modification and age reversal technology as a reference in gerontology or the science of aging and why we age and why we do not have to age. If Noah lived for 950 years, so can you or I if we figure out the difference between his food, diet and biochemistry and ours today. 

We can become younger longer and live longer free of disease even eating the wrong things, exposed to pollution and microplastic and similar that Noah never had to deal with, but using the best of emerging genetic reprogramming age reversal technology as it is broadly commercialized as the best selling product worldwide in 2028 onward. Selling the worldwide public age reversal genetic reprogramming will be generating trillions of dollars of profit to the company that sells Genetic Reprogramming Age Reversal to the most number of customers worldwide. This company that broadly commercializes Genetic Reprogramming will become the most profitable company in the world, exercising incredible geopolitical control of world government while wielding incredible power over world economies. The company that commercializes and sell high volumes of effective age reversal pills (2 weeks of pills, like the Hepatitis C cure) will become the most powerful organization in the world. The principal founder of this Age Reversal Genetic Reprogramming company will become the wealthiest and most influential person in the world. That means you can eat noodles without gaining weight and enjoy them ;) 

Watch this History of Noodles Video

Annoying Trends in Societies Worldwide

Understanding Societal Decay 

1. The world has become more complicated in many different ways. Currency losing value from hyperinflation leading to renumeration, higher prices for everything, making life so expensive that its become a luxury to be able to afford having children since housing so costly nearby (Issaquah, Wa, USA)

2. Specialization of labor evidenced in industry specific jargon. From research science, aviation, engineering, medicine, physiology, R&D, there are many industry specific legal jargon terms & technical terms such that English the language has more than 8 million words now.

3. Highly specialized jobs pay the most in medicine in America, causing healthcare costs to rise, but also because of dehydration causing kidney failure, chronic inflammation from being obese from eating carbs & starches & sugars that all become blood sugar stored as body fat increasing, such that people eating UPF heavy western industrial food dominate diets become sick with Type 2 diabetes and many other metabolic syndrome disease and disorders or become fatter and sicker with time, something even affecting children now. 

4. Very hard to be a board certified surgeon in more than one area of specialization. The complexity of the human body means that no one doctor an expert at every branch of medicine. Nutritional confusion amounts such that many doctors deny the benefits of water fasting even though the science of fasting very clear that it helps people undo or reverse metabolic syndrome disorders like Type 2 diabetes, caused by a low fat high carb diet full of processed and ultra processed easy fast cheap junk foods, refined white flour and added sugars and strange chemical additives in colorful bags and boxes with huge ingredients listings containing multiple things that no normal person can even pronounce or understand, namely artificial additives synthetic and chemical, obviously not healthy to consume and not part of any real food historically in any traditional diet of any country worldwide. 

5. Professionals in engineering require regular testing & ongoing learning. This means professional societies with high bar hard expensive to acquire in college industry specific skills and knowledge like how to execute a high accuracy gas chromatography test of a substance sample for drug testing urine or blood for example on expensive low volume bespoke scientific equipment with huge complex owners manuals and complicated calibration, cleaning and maintenance that becomes a virtual full time job for a scientist and lab technicians. 

6. Trade imbalances & currency manipulation outsource simple labor to cheaper labor markets abroad, to exploit cheap labor in poor countries so that first world rich economies can profit from a higher valued added knowledge based service subscription economy, where core mining and manufacturing of raw materials, crude oil, minerals, rare earths & similar happen abroad, like cobalt mining by armed gangs and child labor in the DRC or Democratic Republic of the Congo. 

7. Human overpopulation means mass productions required for fuel & food, so that 8+ billion humans can be alive at the same time, such that the emissions associated with each human life multiply by the billions such that we have pollution of many kinds emitted at increasing scales as more people worldwide are embracing materialism like America has since the end of WWII. 

8. Many advances in chemistry & physical already achieved, now the challenge to make better products & services with this knowledge. In small volume its possible to make titanium foam bubbling argon through a ceramic super hot crucible with boiling hot liquid titanium alloy, such that a continual stream of argon titanium alloy foam bubble sheet rectangular cross section sheet exits the top, cut to length after cooling to harden with forced air blown at it to solidify it faster to trap the bubbles. This ultra low mass strong titanium foam used in aerospace, in space satellites, but so costly to make that automakers can't feasibly make use of it. 

BMW significantly worked with BASF to make a kind of "Hot Glue" like fast carbon fiber hot cold stamping that can crank out a large stiff carbon epoxy part in less than 1 minute, or about 240X faster than vacuum bagging into an autoclave to pressure cook for 4 hours like is done for carbon carbon ultra high performance military helicopter parts. In this example we can see the low volume aerospace method vastly too expensive, but the fast hot forming press cooled carbon fiber production for the i3 electric or REX range extended electric BMW I3, means that BMW the first automaker to medium volume produce main automotive parts in a cost effective way cheaply out of carbon fiber.

9. Technological lock-in, entrenchment, bribery & corruption mean many kinds of applied technology or science are blocked. When Sony went to the battery makers in Japan in the late 1980's for a better energy density battery for Walkman portable music player, Sony scientists wanted aerospace tech lithium-ion batteries that were developed for missiles in America & Britain in the 1960's. In Japan NiCD makers and NiMH makers were not interested in commercializing Li-Ion because doing so would reduce the sale of NiCD & NiMH batteries that said makers had spend many billions of dollars setting up the manufacturing for. In a similar vain Lead Acid or PbA batteries, like a common automotive SLI 12v car battery, an entrenched industry that deliberately forced Nickel Iron batteries that are superior out of production. While a typical 12 lead car battery lasts 3 to 6 years, the NiFE or Edison Nickel Iron batteries last 20 years. In the lithium ion battery space LFP & Lithium Titanate batteries much longer lasting, 10 years and 3000 cycles for LFP and 20 years and 50,000 cycles for Lithium Titanate. Lithium Cobalt Oxide Carbon batteries are the most common kind of Li-Ion in consumer electronics of all kinds because they have the best initial energy density & predictable 3 year life before fading capacity causes people to upgrade their smartphone or wearables like Apple AirPods because the battery life sucks after a few years of regular daily use & can't be easily changed. The AirPods are effectively e-waste when the original batteries are in poor working performance and sonic welded into the case such that a complicated surgery to remove AirPod batteries breaks the AirPods. Many big oil companies like Shell or Big Pharmaceutical companies, big tobacco or big alcohol or big UPF processed food companies. You tell me why it can be dangerous to be correct on matters for which powerful people are wrong. 

10. Merger & Acquisition + transnational corporations means super monopolies like Amazon has 1151 lobbyists & Jeff owns the Washington Post read by people on congress & the senate. Many large Tech companies like Microsoft or Alphabet Inc the parent company of Google go on tech buying spree's to buy up and coming new emerging technology companies to integrate the new IP or intellectual property into the products and services to enhance software or server/ cloud function to improve speed of access with constantly improving security to minimize the proliferation of malicious software or computer viruses, or to ensure the financial integrity of online purchases on Ebay or Alibaba or Amazon or many other online retail stores of many kinds using the secure socket layer or nested security sandboxing and similar. 

11. Some billionaires have more money & power than entire economies like that of Russia or Italy. This is people with hundreds of billions of dollars that weird global economic and political power like a first world nation. Some of these sickos are operating under the motto "All for us and nothing for anyone else" and are effectively self worshiping narcissistic sickos. 

12. Adam Smith wrote about the 10 Principles of the Concentration of Wealth and Power in his book The Wealth of Nations. One "Reduce Democracy" Two "Shape Ideology" Three "Redesign the Economy" Four "Shift the Burden" Five "Attack Solidarity" Six "Run the Regulators" Seven "Engineer Elections" Eight "Keep the Rabble In Line" Nine "Manufacture Consent" and Ten "Marginalize the Population" 

I know a surgeon who makes $650+ thousand per year, nearly $1.3 million in income every two years, but has to pay 43% income tax in the highest US tax bracket since he does not engage in unethical financial trickery like triple nesting his income offshore like Glock pioneered to shield his income from the Austrian government, for example. He says to me "Even if I work for 30 years until he is almost 70, as a surgeon, at that pay, he will only make about $20 million total and on see less than half of that after taxes and life expensively living large with a glacial mansion and similar. He said he will never have the political or economy power or influence of a billionaire even though he is by income standards and elite income earner, just not rich enough to buy elections like some billionaires do. See the previous point listing above about the 10 Principles of the Concentration of Wealth and Power. 

13. We have more kinds of distraction to keep people watching content streaming or playing many types of electronic gaming. I am not just talking about E-Sports like CS:GO matches that have huge payouts for the winning team, I am talking about app games on smartphones and tablets abused by even small young children daily for hours as their parents find such a convent way to keep the child amused so the parents can get relief and relax, known as the electronic nanny by some. Its streaming movies, music, TikTok videos and YouTube videos and many other kinds of online radios and video streaming on Amazon Prime Video or similar. The internet can become an endless vortex of continual additive distraction easily. I recently spoke to a 15 year old teenage girl and her parents, who together told me that during he summer break away from school its "nearly impossible to get her away from constantly watching YouTube videos on the floor of her room on a laptop" I operate a YouTube channel and post to X or formerly twitter and publish this blog by hand typing the content on my physical keyboard of a 2019 iMac that Meg & I bought on a discount off cycle at Costco, that last Intel iMac before apple M1, M2, M3 and so further Apple Silicon based chipsets became iMac IC's or integrate circuits or the chips that make the action happen on the motherboard or mainboard logic inside the MacBook or iMac or iPhone, as CPU, GPU or integrate entirely systems as a chip SOC or systems on a chip the brains of a smartphone or tablet computer. 

14. Extreme housing prices & currency inflation making life more expensive or costly, thus shrinking the middle class, some 15% less middle class in America since 1968, still the largest wealthiest middle class in the world, yet America does not provide American Citizens with Universal Basic Healthcare though some states like Washington State have a Medicare/ Medicaid/ Social Security funded Apple Healthcare plan for people who cannot afford private insurance. 

15. Global 24/7 news cycle acidic to peoples minds, stressful, hard to stomach, anxiety, depression on the rise as a result. Say "Information Overload" as people are bombarded with ads on TV and the internet almost continually so much that I pay $25/mo to not watch YouTube ads with a YouTube premium subscription given that I watch a lot of YouTube videos and make and upload them as well. You get faster upload speeds with a YouTube premium account (Shhh don't tell anyone else lol) 

16. Sound & light pollution, air and water pollution, traffic congestion, social division, there are many kinds of internal society decay now. Not just school shooting by even Sonya Massey called 911 for help with a prowler around her home, and the police that showed up, the state police, murdered her in cold blood for no reason. Artificial lights and bulbs and lamps making seeing the stars in space harder at night time, even during the winter when it gets dark earlier in the day. Sound pollution near airports, trains blowing their loud annoying horn at 3am when people like me have to be at 5am for work, causing peoples blood pressure to rise, like barking dogs and crying babies and similar. 

Add in things like the 2008 Mortgage Market Collapse or COVID19 Pandemic and its no wonder than School Shootings are increasing. People are so disturbed they challenge even the shape of the Earth, with some erroneously claiming the Earth is flat when all the evidence shows that the Earth, Sun and Moon are roughly spherical in shape, like human eye balls. 

They are plenty of life steaming video channels from Space from the ISS or video documentaries about Astronomy or a virtual mountain of evidence suggesting that the Earth is not flat but round or spherical in shape. It could not be easier to look up facts on your phone on Google, on the internet, even with voice search using Echo Dot or similar "Hey Goggle" or "Hey Siri" voice searches queries. 

People are not thinking to look up evidence or supporting facts and espouse their misinformed personal opinions on social media, giving rise to things like the Flat Earth movement. I can't help but wonder if prions are causing a reduction in mental executive performance of such peoples brains,  in order that they are able to hold such inaccurate false ideas a personal opinion without any evidence. 

When I purchased by then new 2005 Prius my late mother claimed that Prius could not go freeway speed because of something she watched on FOX news. In reality the FOX news reporter (Sean Hannity) was saying that the manufacturing impacts of making a Prius with more computers, a larger NiMH battery with lanthanum and nickel, all the added wires, electric motors, that this made the Prius more eco-toxic than the GM H2 Hummer- but that did not consider the lifetime fuel consumption of both vehicles and the second gen. Prius has a top speed of 105 MPH perfectly able to travel at 60 MPH or 70 MPH or even 85 MPH in the middle America where Freeway speeds are 80 MPH & people travel slightly faster to cover the vast swaths of area. 

Automotive air pollution emissions increase as the service life of the engine & emissions controls reaches beyond 3000 hours. Piston rings even with oil film lubrication, eventually shave down the walls of the cylinder, giving rise to a loss of compression, oil dilution and oil blow by. Even the best automotive engines like the 2JZ or 1UZ, only operate well if well maintain with regular oil changes, for 20,000 hours. Many industrial turbo-diesel truck engines also have a service life of around 20,000 hours. 

Many aircraft turbojet and turbofan engines have a useful working life before teardown rebuild of 20,000 hours. In all cases because of entropy or decay, the engines performance slowly degrades and emissions increase. Catalytic converters wear out too as the noble metal slurry on the ceramic core slowly boils away the platinum palladium and rhodium in the hot exhaust stream gasses after 150,000 miles of operation. Nothing lasts forever, even the human heart, the most durable pump known, only works for around 100 years, which is a drop in the bucket compared to the age of the Earth or Sun, or The Universe as we know it from science #science from latin "To Know" 

Then again I am a savant polymath so things that seem easy to me are very hard for other people, and things that are easy for other people are very hard for me. I am not perfect and do not have all the answers and feel like a flawed hypocrite sinner because thats an accurate description of my natural propensity to judge other adults for not being more intelligent or at least well informed, since its really easy to acquire information online about almost anything nearly instantly in the palm of your hand with a common popular smartphone that nearly everyone has now. 

H2 Fuel (Hydrogen) $18 brown or $38 green (So Expensive): Hydrogen Must Be Radically Cheaper for Decarbonizing Transportation

Few H2 fueling stations are available worldwide. H2 is very expensive, limiting its real-world adoption. Thats even with steam reformation of natural gas or brown hydrogen. Renewable hydrogen vastly more expensive and made on tiny scales. In order to make Hydrogen cheaper it has to be high volume mass produced the way gasoline made from crude oil at common oil refineries around the world. 

Free markets operating under a simple principle, call feasibility. That is something has to be cheap enough and widely available for purchase in order to sell well worldwide because most human people on earth are poor in terms of how much money they make or have. 

We live in a world with radical income inequality increasing, as some individuals have more money than some medium sized countries entire economies. Some people have more money than the entire country of Italy or Russia for example. 

These are ultra elite income earners who operated on the Motto "All for US and nothing for anyone else" or what can be reasonably called narcissism, pride or arrogance. In Adam Smith's (Scottish Political Economist) landmark paper the Wealthy of Nations he clearly articulates the 10 Principals of the Concentration of Wealth and Power. This means that H2 has to be much cheaper if it's going to displace or replace gasoline, ethanol, propane or diesel or natural gas CNG as fuels. 

Existing H2 stations are incredibly expensive to construct, around $2 million each, and the H2 fuel costs vastly more than gasoline on a gallon or liter comparison equivalent unit cost. There are only 58 H2 stations in California and 1 in Hawaii for example, in America as of 2023, though more are under construction due to Hyundai partnering with large H2 producers and Toyota and Honda as these automakers note that refueling H2 vehicles takes less than 5 minutes. Thats radically faster than charging lithium-ion electric vehicles, ask me how I know. 

Even L3 chargers take 30 minutes to spit out 50 kWh, way too slow. A gallon of gasoline contains 37 kWh of energy and takes less than 10 minutes to fill a 20 gallon fuel tank of a typical SUV like the Toyota RAV4 or 4RUNNER and even less time to add 10 gallons to our Prius III or Corolla Hybrid, or 1 gallon to our PCX150 scooter or 3 gallons to the MTO2 motorcycle. Fast refueling important cause time is money in business. 

That means that refueling a HFCEV or Hydrogen Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle can cost much more than one hundred dollars to go a few hundred miles or 1.6X more kilometers. 

Honda Clarity

Toyota Mirai 

Those are the only two practical FCEVs widely available, but only sold or leased in locals where an H2 fueling station practical to access for refueling the H2 Fuel Cell vehicles high pressure hydrogen storage tanks, similar to the way propane stored in tanks but at 10,000 or 15,000 PSI in the case of hydrogen composite filament wrapped ultra strong crash worthy storage tanks used in the aforementioned fuel-cell electric vehicles. Final drive in an FCV fuel cell vehicle also accomplished by electric traction motors present in many examples of BEV or battery electric and HEV or hybrid electric vehicles since year 2001. 

My daily driver a 2022 Corolla Hybrid that gets over 54 MPG on regular unleaded gasoline. I can easily drive it carefully in ECO mode to get more than 60 MPG, making it more fuel efficient than my 2020 Yamaha MT03 motorcycle, incredibly. I tried many different model year examples of Nissan LEAF but they never lived up to the claimed range per charge because I live in a very topographically variable area with lots of steep hills like small mountains grouped together with valleys where the faster roads exist. All the suburban neighborhood roads are 25 MPH zones unless near an elementary school in session where the Speed Limit drops to 20 MPH. Vally roads are 30 MPH or 35 MPH or 40 MPH and some highways are 50 MPH and Freeways nearby are 60 MPH. 

I think Hydrogen as a chemical diatomic elemental gas H2 from the periodic table of the elements #Chemistry is really nifty as H2 lighter than air and can be used like helium in ballons as a lifting gas, though H2 reacts easily with Oxygen in the air like the Hindenburg airship which caught fire & burned to ash. It takes almost no energy to kick off or start or initiate the chemical reactions between H2 and O2 or hydrogen and oxygen, and when they combust, they only release H20 or water or water vapor. Thats the coolest part about cryogenic H2 O2 rocket fueling systems, they also have the highest ISP or specific impulse like the amazing RS25 engines of the NASA Space Shuttles, as the cleanest burning rocket fuel technology, while also being very difficult and expensive because of the deep ultra cold operating temperatures of cryogenic hydrogen and oxygen.  

This same cost problem of handling, pressurizing, cooling and cryogenically storing H2 at a H2 fueling stations makes the resulting retail sale of compressed kilograms of H2 very expensive as a fuel. The main problem with Hydrogen Fuel that it radically increasing the operating cost of FCEV's. Fuel typically dominates operating costs, where the fixed cost of the price of the vehicle and depreciation are also expensive, the more you drive the vehicle the more fuel it consumes. 

There exists a fuel mass paradox with typical commercial rockets like the Space X Falcon 9 or similar, in that they are essentially giant fuel tanks stored vertically, like balancing an inverted broom in your hand, they want to tip over or are top heavy or unstable. This made it very hard for Space X to make Falcon 9 land as a reusable rocket platform, though they fuel tanks are mostly empty when landing Falcon 9 and I think they only gimble 1 engine along with fins near the base of the rocket to steer it for a stable landing, using data from IMU, gyroscopes, & other electronics to aid in stabilization. 

Consider that Toyota stayed away from BEV's and doubled down to the tune of tens of billions of dollars invested in NiMH cold tolerant hybrid battery systems using HSD or Hybrid Synergy Drive through the PSD or power split device that mixes the engine with two electric motors where one motor acts as a high torque traction motor and the other motor optimized as a power generator for brake regen to charge the Hybrid Battery when a Prius is going down a hill for example or when slowing to a stop with the engine off. 

This is why Prius gets around 40 to 50 MPG where typically gasoline engine only vehicles of the same capacity tend to achieve 24-32 MPG real world fuel economy. Toyota adding Hybrid drivetrain options to almost its entire vehicle lineup or available models for sale that normal people can purchase around the world, by 2025 or shortly thereafter. 

Oddly Toyota sold an EV version of the RAV4 in the 1990's based on a large format NiMH battery and front grill paddle charger system installed in the garage of the home of the persons who purchased OG NiMH based Rav4 EV's in the 1990's, mostly in California as I understand. Today California also home to the most H2 or hydrogen fuel stations. The state government in California also expertly adapted at taxing people in California in every possibly way almost as bad as New York. 

I agree with one former CEO of Nissan Carlos who said "the creativity of government to invent new forms of taxation is infinite" noting that businesses that generate profits by selling products and services are the basis of a functioning economy and that government taxes on profitable business are effectively a financial parasite in that the government does not create VA or value added activities an exists exclusively through debt spending & taxation of profitable businesses. 

Given that the US government then spends on aircraft carriers, expensive fighter jets, nuclear weapons, chemical weapons, direct energy weapons and all sorts of other highly expensive aerospace technologies for the US Pentagon military industrial complex. Certainty some profitable business make money by providing products and services to the Pentagon or any branch of the US Military, like Military Contractors, and weapons makers, noting that the M16 machine gun mass produced selling for about $1000 dollars plus per unit, meaning many billions have been or are being spent on purchasing machine guns from privately owned weapons manufacturers that make incredible profits selling governments firearms, ammo, munitions, explosives, vehicles, weapons systems, drones, UAV's, spy satellites, GPS satellites or many other kinds of products and services used in war or during times of war. I am thinking of all the Foreign Air that the USA has provide the Ukraine to help the Ukrainian Military defend against attacks from the aggressive Russian Military attacks ordered by Vladmir Putin.

Even just the VA or Veterans Administration spends billions of dollars that they do not make via profitable business activity. The Social Security Fund widely abused like a public piggy bank such that many people forecast the financial collapse, suggesting that millennials & younger people will never collect any social security benefits in the future. I am not sure how long Medicare or Medicaid or Social Security will last, but at least those egalitarian programs are socially intelligent ways to minimize elder poverty and to keep some people with medical problems from going broke or bankrupt due to the cost of managing their Type 1 diabetes or similar conditions for example. 

European countries are much older than America and have socialist governments with many parties whereas America has a two-party system of Republicans and Democrats. This means that congress and the senate of America are not reflecting the interests of the majority of Americans. Worse, elections are expensive which gives rise to corporations making large campaign contributions to get their person elected so that person can then pass laws that are special favors that make the corporation more profit, it what is grammatically accurately called briber or corruption. 

There have been many campaign finance reform efforts to minimize this corruption, but it still occurs because when the money gets to the multi-billion-dollar level, when people will sometimes do horrendous immoral unethical things to get some of it. People in America tends to idolatrize money, wealth and power with phrases like "How nice would it be to win the lottery", some of which pay out hundreds of millions of dollars. 

Adjusting for inflation, noting that the value of the US Dollar to pay private and public debts of all kinds, slowly declining with time, so when I graduated high school in the early 2000's a person with about $10 million could comfortably retire without ever wanting for anything. Now in 2024 that's about $20 million. Noting that home prices nearby at 4X higher than they were 20 years ago. 20 years ago, gasoline was around 1 dollar per gallon, now it's over $4 per gallon. 

Food prices have doubled in the past 20 years even when you adjust for inflation. A grocery store or supermarket in America is stocked with about 70% UPF junk food items that dominate sales. That means many Americans are almost exclusively eating junk food with artificial colors proven with evidence-based science to increase ADD and ADHD rates in populations of Children studied who eat more than the average amount of artificial coloring agents in UPF items mostly. 

If people spend all their money on food and housing, how are they supposed to buy new FCEV and pay extra for hydrogen fuel that sells at huge price premiums well above the cost of gasoline, CNG, propane, butane, diesel, jet fuel, kerosine or similar hydrocarbons that are currently high-volume mass produced and widely available. Hydrogen must be available at lower prices for people to afford to fuel hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, otherwise they are just a novelty for rich people, or a rich man's toy. 

Toyota Hybrid reliable, dependable, mass produced, proven, & very fuel efficient with lower emissions, eat least until dirt balls steal the catalytic converter. Ask me how I know. They are lucky I am not in charge. I would radically eliminate all forms of crime by making the punishments so extreme that most people would be deadly afraid to do anything illegal. 

They did such in Singapore and radically reduced crime levels. Public cane beatings are a punishment for breaking the law in Singapore, made famous by some punk American trust fund baby living in Singapore who spray painted parked cars in an act of vandalism. I like the death penalty and feel like more terrible people convicted of heinous crimes deserve capital punishment like the electric chair. In Idaho the penalty for throwing trash out of a car or littering $6250. 

By raising the fine for littering the rate of littering in Idaho radically declined. This is what I mean by increasing the penalties for breaking laws. I like law and order, a safe society where you can walk around at night without fear of being robbed at gun point. A society where warped sickos are in padded rooms well medicated or public prisons with no luxuries or services, cheaper and bare bones. 

I got a good laugh when Jeffry Epstein was murdered in prison, and also when his madam Ghislaine Maxwell was charged, convicted and sent to prison. I like to see fast justice or justice served, like that corrupt democratic senator Robert Menedez from New Jersey who was convicted of 16 felony counts of corruption by accepting many kinds of bribery from businessman from Egypt and Qatar. 

I value evidence-based science, facts with evidence backing up the facts, what is true or real, empirical science axioms and factually accurate information. I am talking about what is true with ample evidence, like the spherical shape of the Earth instead of that confusing flat earth theory. Astronomy space science not fake astrology. I want more transparency; more accurate and more precise verified true information I believe news agencies have a moral imperative to tell the truth about what is happening in the world since many people rely on the news to know what is happening. 

I value Faith in God, through salvation in Christ Jesus my Lord and Savior, empowered by the Holy Spirit to freely love and freely forgive myself and others actively focusing on that which is honorable, of good repute, that which is pure, innocent, decent, fair, loving or kind. I love other people, myself, animals, nature. I love God, my wife, my life, my body, soul and spirit. 

I believe in doing my best to do my duty to God and other people to be mentally strong, morally straight, and physically fit, making the best of each day and every lucky encounter I am blessed with when interacting with other people. I consider all human interactions and special blessing because we are all running out of time alive. 

No one gets out of here, life on Earth, alive, so it's wise to make the best use of our time being kind, polite, fair, loving and reasonable, always deliberately choosing all other people with dignity and respect even and especially when we don't feel like it. 

Feelings are temporary fleeting and subject to change, so morals and integrity and values and ethics are superior as they help hone & refine the way we behave, speak, act and interact with other people, animals and nature. It's even the mind body relationship such that what you think about in your mind translates into physical changes in your body, such that toxic negative thoughts can become diseases or medical disorders like cancer. 

Fentanyl Citrate

To win a war without fighting or weapons you only have to cause chaos and decay within the enemy society so that internal corruption, social decay, drug abuse, overdoses, fatalities, murders, crime and worse destroy the enemy from within before any armed conflict starts.

Enter the synthetic opioid killing 70,000 people annually with accidental overdose FENTANYL

Officially its even made into a lollipops laced with fentanyl to help ease pain

3 grans of salt worth of Fentanyl enough to kill a typical adult human

VICE, HBO, FDA, WHO, & many other news & government agencies


A pill that can kill someone within a few minutes.

Poppy opioids, medications or illegal heroin, deadly drugs, 1959 Fentanyl 50 to 100X more potent than morphine. Schedule 2 narcotic, less restricted than Schedule 1 cannabis at the federal level. Marketing of Opioid drugs gave rise to wide spread abuse of legal prescribed opioids, such that class action law suits against the ovoid drug makers emerged. Chinese companies make up to 90% of the Fentanyl according to the DEA. 

The Chinese pharmaceutical industry expanded at 17% annually for more than 30 years since 1990, giving rise to widely distributed chemical industry and pharmaceutical manufacturing inside China, much of it subsidized or directly operated by the CCP or Chinese Communist Government, noting that like Fentanyl a chemical weapon drug, Communism is an ideological virus noting how that CCP harms and hurts Chinese people in Hong Kong and Taiwan for example. China bitter about the opium wars from 170 years ago so they are reversing this effect westward to bombard America with Fentanyl. 

British sold opium to China to balance a trade imbalance emerging after the 1850's, noting a decline in British Silver value, and there was no intention of causing a opium crisis when Britain worked with India to produce and export opium to China, for economic gain. 

China used extreme measures to tackle the Opium Crisis in China, with strict authoritarian measures. CCP used similar violent governance to suppress democratic reforms in what is known widely as the June 4 incident. Today China exports the precursor chemicals used to make Fentanyl to Mexico, where Mexico makes and smuggles the Fentanyl into America. Sinaloa cartel in charge of Fentanyl making, and they use Americans to smuggle the pills filled with Fentanyl into America. 

AR15 by Eugene Morrison Stoner of ArmaLite Corporation in 0.223 or 5.56 Caliber (Millions Sold Worldwide)

Wars have been happening all through history. The Fire Lance was invented in China, the precursor to modern firearms of many kinds. Cannons were the basis of later flint lock piston and rifles. Black powder rifles are still popular with hobbyists in America. 

Projecting pieces of metal at high velocity to inflict tissue damage or injuries on the enemy or for hunting wildlife for food or for shooting competitions or sport, or at indoor or outdoor ranges. Known as kinetic penetrators, bullets are typically made of cast lead Pb slugs or coated in copper or hollow point. There are many kinds of bullets in many different sizes or calibers. 

Usually the ammunition case made of machined brass and contains smokeless powder made of lacquered nitrocellulose, with a primer mixture that converts the impact of the firing pin strike into a chemical reaction of hot burning flame propagation that ignites the powder load producing tens of thousands of PSI of pressure to shove the bullet out of the ammo case and down the rifle grove barrel that imparts spin stabilization as the bullet exists the barrel with a hot flash of expanding gas, pressure, particles and sound known as muzzle blast products that are poisonous to inhale because they contain microfine particles of lead & combustion pollutant products from the primer mix & smokeless powder reactions. 

The purpose of a silencer or suppressor, added to the end of the barrel or integrated into the weapon, to absorb and dissipate the muzzles blast emissions to radically reduce the sound pressure generated by dissipating the sound as heat inside the silence baffles. All the funky gas combustion emissions in the muzzle blast foul the silencer, such that silences have to be periodically disassembled and cleaned with poisonous solvents. Guns and ammo are thus not eco-friendly and very costly and resource intensive, like cars or aircraft and are manufactured with similar technologies as vehicles. 

A piston engines similar to gun, in that both create chemical gas pressure to shove metal down a tube, though the engine does this repeatedly for thousands of hours, while the gun does a single trick reaction with each round of Ammo to sent a single bullet out of the barrel. In the piston engine the bullet is the piston which is shoved down by gasoline or diesel combusting with air to produce thousands of PSI of pressure, making a piston engine effectively a gaseous pump in a way, obviously from the hot loud exhaust gases exiting the header of the engine in straight pipe designs. 

The purpose of automobile exhaust and emissions control system to minimize the sound levels and pollutants emitted from the tailpipe to make modern vehicles quieter and less polluting during operation. In this way a suppressor similar to a sound reducing muffler, which dissipated engine emission sounds in baffled canisters often filled with glass fibers or similar sound pressure to heat conversion materials. 

I grew up around guns of many kinds and was given a 22LR Marlin rifle for my 10th birthday by my adoptive grandfather Wesley. During my childhood from age 5 onward I would go on Saturday roadtrips to a local shooting pit in Cle Elum, perhaps an hour or so drive east on Interstate 90 about 100 miles east of Seattle, Wa, USA. Grandpa packed brown paper bag lunches for us, containing a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, a can of soda, an small bag of potato chips. We would stop at a local hardware store and buy lead tipped 22LR ammo for under $1 for a box of 50 rounds back then in the late 1980's and early 1990s. Sadly, in end, he committed suicide with a Walther 22 cal pistol while I was away at WSU attending college classes during my freshman year in college. The Renton Police confiscated all of his weapons and melted them down. 

I do not condone, endorse, or encourage violence or crime of any kind. I am a God fearing Christian who accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior therein empowered by the Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit to accept the love that God freely shares with anyone who calls upon the name of Christ Jesus for salvation according to John 3:16. 

Ignorant politicians try to ban the most popular rifle in America, variants of the AR15 available in many styles, with many millions of units already sold in 0.223" caliber or 5.56 mm caliber, some with hybrid receivers that can use either ammo type. The AR15 my favorite rifle design & a favorite to shoot at ranges for more than 20 years. Too bad the ammo so expensive now, making shooting for sport a costly hobby.

Popular with enthusiasts, sports shooters, hunters, for property or personal defense, for sport, for leisure, for shooting, at the indoor or outdoor ranges for practice, and the most customizable tunable upgradable rifle platform ever invented, commercialized and widely sold. 

AR15 can be configured with different stocks, different uppers, different lowers, different barrels, different sights, different magazines, and a whole range of optics, lasers, suppressors, grips, handles, red dot or holo sights or scopes in visible or IR.

Bad actors are sickos or warped demonically oppressed people like Slobodan Milosevic, Adolf Hitler, or Vladimir Putin, who use their countries national defense resources to commit acts of genocide or war crimes that result in creating millions of refugees, while many millions more are harmed or killed by the armed conflict violent exchange of explosives & munitions that also damage buildings, roads, power plants, water and natural gas pipes, or generally very destructive to infrastructure in a costly expensive way that requires years of complicated demolition and construction to repair after the armed conflicts end. In this way the war kills a lot of people while allowing the same problems to continue, or is illogical or evil or sick as examples of people harming other people. 

War is waste of human life, harmful and damaging to ecosystems, nature, and wildlife. War causes chaos and expensive destruction to national resources & infrastructure, destroying buildings, roadways, bridges, power, water, gas, gasoline, internet & other services or utilities. War causes many lifelong debilitating injuries, with landmines blowing off peoples feet, ankles and legs, robbing random people who step on landmines of mobility. War causes explosions and fires that destroy housing, schools, hospitals & other kinds of buildings.

Ideological differences in defining what "Better" consists of causes cultural friction that reaches tipping points exceeded that precipitate the start of armed conflicts, sometimes or usually before an official war. India & China for example have been engaged in armed border conflicts for hundreds of years, long before the AR15 was invented and broadly commercialized.  

Watch this

CCP Using State Police Forced to Terrorize Chinese People in the PRC

Watch this video to learn more (click link ->

End the CCP/ Bai Lan or Tang Ping Uprising Chinese Youth

When the PRC & CCP took control of Hong Kong in 1999, people Hong Kong took to the streets with protesting ever since. When the British Government administered Hong Kong, immense economic, social, technical, manufacturing, and business excellence thrived in Hong Kong. When the CCP took over Hong Kong it made everything worse for the people living in Hong Kong.

Cultural Degradation In China

9:9:6 Working 9 am to 9 pm for 6 days per week a hard work cultural ethic in China from 1949 to 2014, but now the youth of China are recognizing they no longer have the opportunities their parent had in terms of vertical mobile as in the ability of a person to work hard to get out of poverty and become a wealthy homeowner with dedication, education & hard work. Its virtually pointless to be a try hard in China or the PRC now as the government and many private business have stopped pay income & benefits to works for many months. Many hundreds of thousands of businesses in China were delisted or closed down during the draconian COVID19 closures the CCP enforce with heavy handed military engagement of the general public in China. 

Economy of China Deflating

Deflation taking over in China today as the economy of China heads into a downward spiral of increasing unemployment, decreasing consumer confidence, decreasing spending, broadly increasing incidence where employees of government agencies & private business are not being paid and have not been paid for months, losing their income and benefits, unable to pay for housing, electricity, food, clothing or other goods, people in China have stopped buying things and stopped traveling, causing further negative feedback loops of economic decline taking hold of the PRC's economy, shaming the CCP broadly for its numerous failures & unethical military violent suppression of peace demonstrations. 

Taiwan Special & Worth Defending

The ROC or Taiwan or what was previously known as the Island of Formosa, a free democracy like an improved version of the USA with Chinese people. Improved democracy of Taiwan because the public sentiment of the people of Taiwan reflected in laws & measured enacted by the ROC government, such that the legal institutional basis of Taiwan reflect the interests of the people of Taiwan. American has only a notion of actual democracy remaining in 2024 because of 50 years of social decay and increasing income inequality that even Adam Smith warned about in his landmark public of The Wealth of Nations where he clearly outlines the 10 principles of the Concentration of Wealth & Power. 

10 Principles of Concentration of Wealth and Power: 

1. Reduce democracy by reducing public unity
2. Shape ideology to idolize wealth, power & money
3. Redesign the economy with increasing income inequality benefiting super wealthy people
4. Shift the burden of taxation to shrinking middle & lower class, tax breaks for wealthy
5. Attack solidarity to increase social division to cause societal decay so wealthy take advantage
6. Run the regulators by paying for election campaigns, with bribery & corruption
7. Engineer elections to appoint inside players who represent transnational corporations
8. Keep the rabble in line to suppress social uprising or demands for egalitarian law creation
 9. Manufacture consent by controlling media messages to engage in mind control of the public
10. Marginalize the population with currency inflation making everything more expensive 

USA or American Culture Falling Apart 

Watch this video that explains

"Disposition to admire, & almost to worship, the rich & the powerful, and to despise, or, at least, to neglect persons of poor & mean condition is the great and most universal cause of the corruption of our moral sentiments.” –ADAM SMITH , SCOTTISH POLITICAL ECONOMIST (1723-1790)

"Solidarity is quite dangerous, from the point of view of the masters. You’re only supposed to care about yourself, not about other people." -Noam Chomsky

"A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within" W. Durant

"Truth will always be truth, regardless of lack of understanding, disbelief or ignorance." ~ W. Clement Stone

If the act of voting was important, the General Public wouldn't be allowed to engage in it.

Charles Bukowsky said, "Slavery was never ended, it was just Expanded to include everyone".

"Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities." - Voltaire

Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires." ~John Steinbeck

“The poor have sometimes objected to being governed badly. The rich have always objected to being governed at all.” –G. K. CHESTERTON , ENGLISH ESSAYIST (1874-1936)

“The media’s job is to create a misinformed electorate that will make irrational decisions, often against their own interests.” - Noam Chomsky.

Looking at today 2024 America (USA) inequality has never been greater. That is the wealthiest people make proportionally significantly more income than people in entry level jobs. Consider billionaire vs homeless people today, or a CEO that makes 5000x more income than new employee

Idolatry of maximizing next quarters earnings or profit margins no matter who or what it harms or hurts or kills or destroys / evil idolatry of money, gold, wealth, luxury, excess, with avarice & hatred of lower class lower income people / arrogant elite income earners judging

Wafer Bonding & the Future of Semiconductors

Chip fabs owned by TSMC, Intel & others manufacturing high volume integrated circuits on equipment that costs hundreds of millions of dollars made by ASML & others like Nikon or Cannon, the main bread & butter of the clean room equipment the lithography machines that etch integrated circuit layer information into the semiconductor wafers made of high purity silicon & doped with nitrogen & phosphorus to make PN junctions for solar PV, computer memory, CMOS image sensors & other such ASIC chips or just computer chips like the GPU designs of NVIDIA or Apple Silicon. 

Wafer bonding a way to create double sided chips that improve transistor density and data throughput in products like HBW memory or high bandwidth memory, important for computer simulations of increasing detail or even supply chain management or digital asset management for Amazon or Ebay or Alibaba. 

The need for improved information technology hardware also driven by a need for increasing energy efficient in data centers, where huge amounts of electrical power are energizing cloud computer clusters or elastic data & processing remote IO systems important for web services like YouTube streaming for parent company Alphabet Inc, known widely for their Google Search product & platform that connects users to products & services in novel ways never previously possible. This is what makes electricity, the internet & information technology a potent combination of technologies essential for ongoing innovation and progress during the remainder of the 4th and begging of the 5th industrial revolutions respectively. 

Without intelligent or smart switching technology, it would be unimaginably difficult to fully optimize manufacturing or logistics. This includes movement of the KEVA technology robots in Amazon warehouses, that have to be dynamically routed or moved in a scalable way in response to what items in inventory are under current purchasing demand, or what items are selling well vs items that move in smaller quantities such that the rack moving robots have to route items to minimize shelf time cost shrinkage using heuristic search optimization algorithms that are refined in real time with ongoing training of AI that continually improves efficiency or lowers operating costs in an ongoing way to eventually reach full optimization of a given state, though the state change in what is selling well constantly changes in response to cultural and social changes in what consumers value or want or desire, which changes by local, & many other variables, such that there will always be a need for ongoing optimization. 

Chip fabs have pushed lithography limits to 0.13 nm features sizes with ASML's latest EUV and High NA machines. That means hitting tiny droplets of liquid tin suspending in a parabolic mirror center of focus being hit by a 10,000 watt CO2 laser 50 times per second to make Deep UV pulses of light reflected off laser etched nickel mask reticles containing the CHIP layer data, then focused onto the wafer for light etching of the photopolymer after which chemical washes remove the parts hit by light, then CVD or chemical vapor deposition layers down copper or other layers, wires or features, with a product like a modern smartphone SOC made with more than 150 layers of lithography and chemical processes in giant multi-billion dollar global chip fabs. 

Van Der Waals forces, capillary action and hydrogen bonding #chemistry dictate the energetic chemical & physical techniques used to bond chip fab wafers. Imagine glueing together two nearly perfect flat disks of metal or ceramic, using a thin low viscosity adhesive like superglue, where a small droplet in the center can be spun spread over the entire area of one disk facing upward so that the upper disk lowered onto the bottom disk achieves a bubble free low defect bond, so both disks are nearly perfectly adhered or bonded together. That is what the chip fabs are aiming for with wafer bonding for double sided chips. Apple works with Hon Hai Precision and Flextronics to make double sides mainboard logic in iPhones for example, so a larger battery can be installed, with room for the speakers, RF section, antenna, cameras, and other hardware devices, such that the mainboard logic is thinking and where the SOC contains the memory, cache memory, CPU, GPU, graphic memory, Northbridge, South Bridge, IO, and an AI based network arbitrator that does SOC level data and power routing with ultra high efficiency so that the smartphone can run for 1 or more days using just 10 or so watt hours of power from single cell Lithium Ion polymer battery of 3.85 VDC nominal voltage in the latests battery chemistries. 

I have been studying information technology for more than 30 years to follow what is happening in computer science, software engineering, information technology, broadband internet access, mobile high speed internet on smartphones over 4GLTE then 5G NR and soon 6G mobile internet, with products like SpaceX StarLink emerging to provide internet access around the world to anyone with the required equipment and subscription. Software as a service, streaming content as a services, cloud computer and elastic cloud storage as a service, almost all information technology is moving to subscription models because the provide the company ongoing continual revenue that improves profit margins. 

This is what is know in business studies as market forces or free market actives that create economies, wealth and shared prosperity and new business models and new forms of gainful employment that make life better for more people in more ways. Thus information technology creates jobs of many different kinds enabling the replacement of jobs lost in other sectors to automation or robots. Artificial Intelligence experience a renaissance of high value investments, with a global AI races in military industrial complexes with American & Europe competing against China for example. I don't like the CCP or government in China because they do not observe basic human rights & use the military to harm or hurt Chinese people living in the PRC or what we call China today. That means the government of China hurts its own people. 

China has never been able to keep up with India, Israel, America, the UK, South Korea or German with chip fab technology, information technology, and have generally played the role of manufacturing partner, though the economy of China is collapsing and youth in China are about to overthrow the CCP. There are many YouTube video documentary covering the economic collapse in China or the Bai Lan movement of young people who have no hope of ever owning homes and have little of any opportunity to succeed in life with hard work the way their parents were able to do. Between 1979 and 2017 Chine experience an economic miracle of rapid industrialization, though this produce property price inflation and wage increases that created radical income inequality in the PRC today in 2024. 

This means the trade embargo and sanctions against the CCP for unfair trade and currency manipulation, combined with the sharp covid 19 closures in china, are together causing economic chaos within China, which I almost consider fair because of the way that the CCP ruined Honk Kong and continues bullying the ROC in Taiwan. I stand with India and Israel and NATO and oppose the CCP and am part of the End the CCP movement. I am pro technology, pro investment and pro free market enterprise, so communism makes no sense at all. State planned economies like those of East Germany before the fall of the Berlin Wall, never flourished. 

Silicon on Insulator technology since the 1960's to largely eliminate cross talk between transistors on the thick substrate. This oxide layer beneath the transistors acts as an insulator. SOI widely applied in MEMS and micro-electro mechanical actuator technologies including those important for commercial airbag sensors in mass produces automobiles, and DLP light projection technology using compact metal halide HID parabolic mirror assembly with coated optical lenses to projected a precise beam of rectangular uniform light agains the DLP chip by Texas Instrument who also made the TI 82+ calculator that got me through many college science classes in Chemistry & Physics that formed the basis of my Bachelors of Science of Environmental Science degree that made me a scientist by education, though today in 2024 and for the past few years I am a commercial drivers license or CDL holding professional School Bus driver, previously a Level 2 Device Repair Technician fixing smartphones by Apple and Samsung to replace broken screens and faded batteries. I am also a HAM radio Technician KJ7IOF. I have published more than 600 YouTube videos & more than 1000, blog postings. I try to share what I have learned and what I am learning, to make the world a better place by helping other people understand the same topics. 

BSI or back side illumination Sony Science Et. Al. now emerging as Backside Power Delivery or BDP technology, eliminating the need for wire network power layers over logic in past chip designs of lower energy efficiency. I am talking about TSV or through silicon via, ways of interconnecting different layers of logic and power :) Metal interlayer bonding for example in HBM such as TCH or thermo compression bonding. Heat, pressure, and metal inter layer. HMB3 the hot compression bonding developed by Howard Hughes in the 1950s makes a resurgence in NVIDIA stacked memory technology for AI training. Hybrid bonding makes a splash as a front end process when making transistors :) 

Data centers use about as much water as an 18 hole gold course, but are much more common, as in there are many more data centers than gold courses worldwide. This means the closed loop water purification cycling technology to reused cooling water ultra purified means lower operating costs or improved profits of data centers making renewable use of high purity water for cooling :) 

Water Recycling very important for Data center to reduce operating costs. 

Around the world Data Centers operate using a lot of water, while closed cycle water reuse systems can slash water consumption by 99%, radically improving the sustainability of data center operations! Free cooling, waste heat recover, and renewable energy, these are being adopted by data centers looking to reduce energy consumption 4 to 9 %, while improving cooling performance. Think sustainability vs money or budget or financing. Anything that improves data center energy efficient will serve market forces that drive innovation and progress. We will continue to make products and services of all kinds better with renewables, more applied intelligence, continual operation optimization and ongoing revisions that reduce energy consumption and improve throughput or efficiency. 

War in the Ukraine Denials Harmful Misinformation & Disinformation from Russian Federation Controlled Media Rhetoric & Factually Inaccurate

To get started with, it's beyond any shadow of a doubt that there is a military conflict in the Ukraine because millions of people have left the Ukraine to avoid the chaos of the Russian invasion. 

Hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian military personal have been injured or killed, and tens of thousands of Ukrainian civilians have been injured or killed. 

Saying that nothing is happening in the Ukraine and thats its all CGI is dishonorable and disrespectful towards all the people who have been injured or killed because of the Russian Invasion of the Ukraine. Get your facts straight and stop asserting opinion with no evidence! 

I would make spreading disinformation or misinformation an act of treason & prosecute people who spread harmful lies like those sleaze balls responsible for the Tide Pod challenge videos that sent more than 10,300 children to hospital emergency rooms because of phosphate poisoning because they ate Tide Pods after watching this horrible should have been taken down & responsible parties punished YouTube video. 

I do not mumble or say things without a mountain of evidence based information and facts. This is not my personal opinion, this posting is about what is factually true with a mountain of real world evidence from more than 32 countries who are not all politically aligned or do not have the same goals, and more than 200 different world news agencies, published by investigate journalists who have a long history of exposing the truth about what is factually accurate.

Start by reading the Wikipedia entry, it has more than 631 cited sources & being actively updated as the events in the War in the Ukraine unfold.

The next section was extracted from my personal X page about the War In The Ukraine.

Someone I go to church with said to me "Most of what you see about the War in the Ukraine is fabricated CGI from video game clips & military exercises or made with Blender or Photoshop or GIMP manipulated digitally & are being exaggerated since most of its fake" I honestly was so taken back by his blatant denial of the War in the Ukraine that I was reminded of Holocaust Deniers & people who claim the Space Programs are fake or that the Earth is Flat or some other non-factual conspiracy theory with no evidence against a mountain of facts. He then said that "The Ukraine belongs to Russia, because they never filled out the right paperwork"" & the leader of the Ukraine is a Nazi terrorist who seeks to take over control of Russia" I wonder if he has been watching official Russian State TV or something ? The pastor had to break us up because I start arguing with this guy, offering facts & evidence, but he kept saying that my sources are inaccurate, fabricated, not real, confused, & that I was wrong to want the Ukraine to win the war in the Ukraine. It made me really upset! I don't even know where to start explain the War in the Ukraine to this guy at church who denies that it even exists There is literally like thousands of YouTube videos from the last 2 years, cells phones from the Ukrainian military uploaded, super cuts, documentary videos. 

I think the FBI needs to crack down on people spreading misinformation or disinformation about the War in the Ukraine Americans are spreading accusations that the War in the Ukraine is not even real or happening. I consider that harmful for a lot of reasons!

As of 2024, Russian troops are occupying about 20% of Ukraine. From a population of 41 million, about 8 million Ukrainians had been internally displaced and more than 8.2 million had fled the country by April 2023, creating Europe's largest refugee crisis since World War II.

#UkraineRussiaWar 24 February 2022 Russia invaded Ukraine an escalation of Russo-Ukrainian War from 2014. Invasion largest conflict in Europe since WWII, caused hundreds of thousands of military casualties & tens of thousands of Ukrainian civilian casualties

Russian air strikes & a ground invasion were launched on a northern front from Belarus towards Kyiv, a southern front from Crimea, & an eastern front from the Donbas & towards Kharkiv. Ukraine enacted martial law, ordered a mobilization & severed diplomatic relations with Russia.

Putin espoused irredentist views challenging Ukraine's right to exist, falsely claimed that Ukraine was governed by neo-Nazis persecuting the Russian minority, and said that Russia's goal was to "demilitarize and denazify" Ukraine.

Late 2021 Russia amassed troops near Ukraine's borders & denied plans to attack 24 February 2022 Vladimir Putin announced a "special military operation" to support Russian-backed breakaway republics of Donetsk & Luhansk, paramilitary forces fighting Ukraine in Donbas since 2014

Russia, UK, & USA agreed in Budapest Memorandum to uphold Ukraine's territory 1999 Russia signed Charter for European Security 2002 Putin said Ukraine's relations w/ NATO were "a matter for those two partners" #UkraineRussiaConflict

After dissolution of Soviet Union Dec. 1991 Russian Federation & Ukraine maintained cordial relations. In return for security guarantees, Ukraine signed Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty in 1994, agreeing to dismantle nuclear weapons former USSR had left in #Ukraine

2013 Ukraine's parliament approved finalising association agreement w/ European Union (EU) Russia had put pressure on Ukraine to reject it #UkraineRussiaWar

After taking part in Georgian Civil War & military conflicts Ossetia, Abkhazia & Moldova of 1990s Russian forces invaded Georgia August 2008 & took regions Abkhazia & South Ossetia, demonstrating Russia's use of military force to attain political objectives #RussiaUkraineWar

This coerced withdrawal triggered a wave of protests known as Euromaidan, culminating in the Revolution of Dignity in February 2014. Yanukovych was removed from power by parliament and fled to Russia

Sergei Glazyev warned in Sept. 13 if Ukraine signed EU agreement, Russia would no longer acknowledge Ukraine's borders Then Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych suddenly withdrew, choosing closer ties to Russian-led Eurasian Economic Union

Long complicated well documented decline of the USSR & formation of the Russian Federation & its military abuses, makes denying the history & ongoing events in Ukraine particularly concerning. Not only a mountain of current evidence, also pre-internet evidence galore

Trust in the Lord "Song"

"Lyrics" for this beautiful song base on Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust in the Lord, with all your heart

and lean not on your own understanding, 

in all you ways acknowledge him and he will direct your path, 

trust in the Lord, trust in the Lord, you can trust him, 

trust in the lord with all your heart, 

and lead not on your own understanding

in all your ways acknowledge him

and he will direct your paths

trust in the Lord, trust in the Lord

you can trust him 

lay your burdens down

cast your cares on the one who cares for your 

he will be your confidence when you give it all, all to him

in all your ways aknowledge him and he will direct your paths 

trust in the Lord, trust in the Lord

you can trust him

Carnivore All Meat Diet ? Can That Help Solve Medical Problems, Revers CVD, HBP, T2D & Weight Loss?

Via YouTube

Can Eating an all meat diet with lots of red meat actually solve common health problems associated with the SAD or standard American diet? Diseases of Civilization or Western Industrial Ultra Processed Food Healthcare Crisis Disease Epidemics Increasing Debacle with People Getting Fatter & Sicker every year? 

People are hungry for change after they start having health problems from eating so many ultra processed junk foods with added sugars, artificial colors, funky chemical additives & other junk foods, foods friend in industrial GMO seed oils, fast food, food from bags and boxes, unhealthy read to eat items, baked goods, pastries, candies, soda, sugary drinks, all the unhealthy hallmarks of what is making people fat and sick with preventable diseases. Can eating an all meat diet solve all of these problems? 

By the time people arrive at trying the carnivore diet, they have usually first abandoned eating processed or highly processed foods, foods with strange additives, artificial chemicals, long lists of confusing ingredients, junk food and all the UPF items common in the SAD sick American Diet of Diseases. They try being vegetarian for a while, but that does not really work or leaves them feeling hungry and unsatisfied much of time. Then they aggressively phase out any remaining junk foods. Then they try the keto low carb high fat moderate protein diet and if that does not work they embrace skipping breakfast or dinner in what is called IF or interval fasting. Then they try Keto or Paleo and if they still have allergies or other problems they do super detailed into the Lectin Free Diet, and if that didn't work arrive finally at the carnivore diet. 

Many people resist trying the carnivore diet because it's expensive to eat 2 or 3 lbs of high quality meat daily, especially per person in a family of 4, that could cost over $100 per day, or $3000 per month in meat costs. Many people also know that meat production very resource intensive or possibly bad for nature and ecosystems because of how large industrial animal farms operate in America or deforestation of the Rainforest for cattle farming in South America. The may have moral or ethical concerns about only eating animal meat. 

Ethanol Metabolism w/ BAC Meter Testing (YouTube Links)(Updated)

To motivate yourself to stop drinking, think of all the things you will gain. Less brain fog, no hangovers, more energy, clearer thinking, able to remember social interactions completely, improved hydration, improved sleep, improved cell mitochondria functions, improved liver functions, improved kidney health, improved skin. 

Is getting drunk for 4 to 6 hours really worth 2 days of hangover feeling like crap with mental fog not achieving your potential as a person? You're probably wasting your money, time & health by buying alcohol. If anything the alcohol industry should be giving out their products for free, because if your paying for alcohol your ripping yourself off in many different ways since it damages your health! Almost like committing biochemical fraud on your body! 

Watch this YouTube video to learn why giving up alcohol highly beneficial to your wellness overall

Why Drinking Feels Good at First

When ethanol passes the blood brain barrier it improve the dopamine transport mechanism, boosting synaptic dopamine levels, kind of like cocaine, when you have 1 or less than 1 drink, this effect of boosting dopamine reward pathway release makes people feel fantastic at first, but doing this deplete your brains dopamine reserves, kind of like MDMA does with serotonin producing Tuesday blues after a manic Friday night rolling session. 

How to Overcome a Hangover

This requires on the fly thinking while your drinking, no rhyme intended, but you have to drink a lot of water. I am talking about 800ml or almost a quart of water for ever 2 shots or pint of beer. You will be peeing like a Bacchus fountain, as excess BAC blood alcohol content will act as a diarrhetic forcing your kidneys & bladder to eliminate water, one to remove sugar from your blood from the carbs in the beer causing a high blood sugar, but also to eliminate the water created by the oxidative pathway that converts ethanol eventually into CO2 you burp out and water or H2O that your pee away in your increase urine output after drinking. 

Think about it this way, for every standard drink, drink at least 12 oz or 355 ml of water to compensate for the alcohol intake. It will not eliminate the hangover, but it will help to soften it significantly, and when you wake up for the next day, pound 33 ounce or two cups or 1 liter of water & take a multi B vitamin, and possibly some NMN to restore the depleted NAD+ used up processing the alcohol that you drank the night before. That will really reduce the severity of your hangover.

Interestingly ethanol at low doses or small servings, boosts brain serotonin release making feel good feelings increase in ways that people find highly enjoyable, at least at first, and only for one standard serving or less. Ethanol has an inverted U shape effect curve moving from a mood boosting euphoria creating experience to a depressant reducing joy or happiness as consume more than 1 standard serving. All the negatives of alcohol increase as you continue increasing alcohol consumption. If you drink way too much you can die from fatal alcohol poisoning. 

Alcoholic Beverages are Ancient & Engrained in Society

Its the feel more outgoing, less inhibited, happier, more loose, more funny, more social, these are the reasons that people have been brewing beer for 9000 years and why its such a popular beverage, and almost the same can be said for wine or spirits. 

This long history with alcoholic beverages also why despite its dangerous toxicity level, alcohol has been a part of nearly all human societies for millennia, meaning it's an engrained part of many cultures today in 2024 despite all the science showing the toxic harmful effects of ethanol on the human body, which are attenuated or increased with larger servings or heavy drinking regularly. 

Ethanol Harms the Body in Many Ways

Ethanol damages cell membranes of nearly every organ as it diffuses throughout your body after you drink alcoholic beverages and takes more than 14 hours to fully metabolize, during which time the intermediate metabolic byproduct acetaldehyde wreaks cellular havoc damaging your brain, liver, kidneys, gut, skin, eyes, almost every system of the body is harmed by acetaldehyde, which is also a class 1 carcinogen, which is why heavy drinking or being an alcoholic increases the risk factors for developing many kinds of cancers. 

Ethanol Harm Evidence

In general, overall, according to scientific evidence based physiology & medical science, drinking alcoholic beverages has an increasing toxic effect when more than 1 standard serving consumed, especially in quick succession. That means 1 pint of beer (12 oz @ 6% = 0.72 oz ethanol) 1 glass of higher ABV wine (5 oz @ 14% = 0.70 oz ethanol, or 2 shots 25 ml each of 80 proof spirits (50 ml @ 40% = 0.20ml or 0.68 oz ethanol) 

Drinking ethanol containing beverages damages cell mitochondria, membranes in many cell systems & organs, forms a toxic intermediate metabolite called acetaldehyde, and damages the brain, liver, kidneys, pancreas, bladder, urethra, throat, mouth, stomach, small intestine, causing gastric and digestive problems, and increasing the risks of heart disease by raising blood pressure while also increasing the risks for many kinds of cancer in the affected aforementioned organs. 

Health Benefits of Less Alcohol Consumption

This is a great set or reasons to radically cut back beer, wine or spirit consumption. With alcohol, less means more healthy or reducing alcohol intake improved wellness, sleep, skin, sex, eye function, energy levels, balance, coordination, memory performance, brain performance, agility, endurance, thinking clarity, situational awareness and generally boosts executive function of the brain while improving the health of your liver, kidneys and pancreas, positive health effects that are greatly enhanced after abstaining from drinking alcoholic beverages for 4 weeks or 30 days. It takes 3 more months before the health boost effects of ethanol cessation peak. 

Consider the following dose to toxicity graph for ethanol (see following graph image) this is from a person who binge drinks vodka to the point of blacking out drunk, or what I call frame rate drunk where you only see a very slow refresh rate of a few frames per second while stumbling around very intoxicate from drinking alcoholic beverages in excess quickly, by rapidly taking shots or spirits, or chugging beers by shotgunning beer cans, or by drinking off the wine bottle directly until its empty. 

"Elimination curve of ethanol following binge drinking of vodka amounting 4.28 mL/kg body weight as assessed by blood ethanol content and breathalyzer estimate." via

I recently did a bunch of biochemical physiology research on what the human body does after a person drinks alcoholic beverages to metabolize ethanol. 

Highly simplified graphical model of ethanol metabolism, noting intermediate Acetaldehyde very toxic & largely responsible for the cell damage to cell membranes, tubules, red blood cells, liver & pancreas & kidney cells, but also dehydrates skin, bad for the retina of the eye, causes an increased risk of heart disease by increasing blood pressure, and causing digestive problems like acid reflux or pancreatitis or diarrhea or stomach pain, gastric pain, pain in the gut, or other problems like increasing the risks for various kinds of cancer because of causing scar tissue in the liver, stomach, small intestine, portal vein, heart, brain, pancreas, kidneys, urethra & bladder. Acetate becomes an alternative to glucose for brain metabolic fuel. Ethanol along with Acetaldehyde diffuse into nearly all body tissues where they form adducts in cell mitochondria that damage the mitochondrial functions. Drinking ethanol containing beverages also forces the body to use its limited NAD+, and consuming the NAD+ to process ethanol by metabolizing it make the NAD+ unavailable for other cell energy process, causing lethargy or tiredness as a consequence of hangover, as the body struggles to recover from all the toxic impacts of ethanol

BAC Testing for Personal Specific Ethanol Metabolism Answers

Being a scientist by training, I am very curious to understand the difference between my lovely wife Megans ethanol metabolism first pass in terms of breath output, and compare this rate with my own breath output of ethanol, after we each drink the exact same quantity of a beer that we split, so we can see the difference in metabolic clearance rates that are known to be faster in larger men and slower in smaller women respectively. This means that ethanol is very dangerous to smaller younger children who have less blood volume and less body water and smaller liver, so they cannot process ethanol by metabolism nearly as quickly as a larger adult. 

To find my answers, and in order to reverse analyze the ABV or some sugar small beer made on in glass jar with lid using 400 ml of purified water with 2 table spoons of sugar, 1 table spoon of molasses & a 5 gram packet of Star Red wine yeast, after fermenting, filtering & drinking it. I added lemon juice fresh squeezed in order to improve the flavor according to online research about making small beer at home using sugar, when in reality this is more similar to making weak lemon flavored rum. Other people who have done this, and provided the previous recipe said that it tastes terrible and they recommend starting with fruit juice and boiling it in the fermentation container then cooling to just under 100 F or 35 C to pitch the yeast then fermenting for 3 to 8 days depending on ambient temperatures. 

All of that to say that after doing some market research, I purchased a BAC meter of the following type. 

  • ESTIMATE YOUR ALCOHOL LEVEL WITH PRO-GRADE ACCURACY - Powered by BACtrack's patented BluFire Fuel Cell Sensor, the C6 utilizes the same professional-grade technology trusted by hospitals, clinics, and even law enforcement. 
  • KNOW WHEN YOUR BAC WILL RETURN TO 0.00% - BACtrack's innovative ZeroLine technology estimates the time until your BAC is 0.00%, allowing you to quickly and easily know where you stand. 
  • CALL AN UBER - Remember, the only safe time to drive is when your BACtrack shows 0.00%. Anything above that? You can call an Uber directly from the App. 
  • OPTIONAL WIRELESS CONNECTIVITY - Use the BACtrack C6 with or without your smartphone. "Standalone Mode" delivers your BAC results directly to your C6. "App Mode" wirelessly delivers your BAC results to the BACtrack App on your smartphone. Easily switch between modes. 
  • ONE YEAR WARRANTY - If your BACtrack C6 ceases to function properly during the first year of operation, we will repair or replace the defective product

Testing BacTrack C6 BAC Meter on YouTube 

BACtrack C6 arrived from Amazon & I promptly went to work testing it with a 24oz 4.7% beer & a few shots of 40% spirit, but was only able to get my BAC to 0.064 well below the 0.08 BAC limit for drivers in the USA where I live, which I think is dangerously high, since I felt very intoxicated at 0.064 since ethanol plugs into the brains GABAa receptors to inhibit propagation of signals in the brain, slowing the brain down, while its primary metabolite acetaldehyde is a stimulant and carcinogen that gives rise to most of the health problems from drinking ethanol regularly in larger doses. 

Ethanol a serving size related poison when someone has multiple servings beyond 2 standard drinks, overwhelming their livers P450 CYP6 enzyme pathway of ALD & ALDH alcohol dehydrogenase enzyme that breaks ethanol into acetaldehyde then acetate, then CO2 & Water for excretion (main FPM first pass metabolism of ethanol)

Issues Noted

1. If you do not drive a car or own one, there is little if any risk of a DUI, so you can walk it off or take the bus or train or bicycle home, or hang out and drink water or soda until your BAC or blood alcohol content declines, using a portable BAC meter like the BACtrack C6 I recently purchased & tested on Amazon. 

2. Humans have been drinking beer & wine for thousands of years, long before automobiles, trains, planes, bicycles or any modern transportation technology was developed, where walking or riding an animal was the only way of getting around.

Early version of beer like small beer only around 3 to 4 % ethanol content or 6 to 8 Proof, very weak or low strength, and adults even through the 1700s were drinking up to a gallon of such weakly alcoholic beverages as water was unsanitary and dangerous to drink, before coffee became popular by way of Italy globalizing.