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Many Generation Z people in their 20's today grew up as digital natives with smartphones since early childhood and nearly persistent social media and online access to news from many sources around the world about what life is like where they live and where other people live. In part this is why I love Japan, and why in 2010 I traveled to Tokyo to experience life there briefly. 

I realized that Japan was not entirely perfect the way I had imagined, studying Toyota's manufacturing methods and why Toyota automobiles tend to exhibit legendary reliability, not always, but more often than cars, trucks and SUV's made by Nissan, Ford, GM, BMW, or Mercedes, though sometimes those company make a highly reliable model depending on the exact model and model year, in essence its on you to do online research to avoid buying a high cost to maintain and repair lemon model of a specific vehicle. 

Older generations got their information about the world from watching TV with impulsive advertisement like watching YouTube videos without a Premium YouTube subscription for $24.99 + tax per month to avoid being bombarded by ads' while watching YouTube videos. 

I produce a personal YouTube channel that you can find by clicking the following *blue* hyperlink:
468 subscribers
745 videos
Joined Sep 21, 2011

My latest video to teach people about HPS or high pressure sodium lighting technology, with an educational spin given my naturally propensity to want to teach other people about things I find cool or like. 

I then posted a link to the video on my X page (formerly Twitter profile) 

Aaron Schwarz@CosmicInglewood via

I try to share my Christian Faith in God the creator, in his only begotten son Jesus Christ, enabled by the Holy Spirit to help other people doing random acts of kindness in real life and loving them and myself with a genuine sincere desire to see other people happy and healthy and doing well in life. 

I hate crime, war, inequality, injustice, bigotry, racism, pollution, and when people hurt or harm other people or animals. I want other people to treat other people with dignity and respect because I deliberately choose to do so even when I do not feel like and know that they can too. 

I don't like that the Federal Reserve and other world banking systems removed currencies from the gold standard with Au or the autonomic symbol for Gold the element on the Periodic Table of the Elements #chemistry #science as the basis for securing an intrinsic material value, such that hyperinflation happening robbing regular people of their hard earned money by indirectly making everything more expensive. 

Search for "Currency Inflation" and learn about it on wikipedia

I really like applied technology that improves living standards and creates lots of shared opportunities to make a better life with higher income and access to persistent on electricity, running water and sanitation, fridges, microwave ovens, basically a middle class American life of incredible privileges that I wish everyone could enjoy while also reducing pollution and harm to nature with more energy efficient, cleaner electricity and excellent recycling technology including capturing biogas for use as fuel from trash dump gas recovery systems and compost biogas recovery technologies. 

I know with absolute certainty that if they in the pharmaceutical industry know how to cure Hepatitis Type C and the cure is for sale and widely available, then they also know how to cure Hepatitis A & B, and probably also know how to cure people of many common kinds of cancers and many autoimmune disorders, but they choose instead to sell drug treatments that keep people on profit generating lifetime subscriptions that never cure the people, but make lots of money for the big pharmaceutical companies. 

I hope you understand that with medical science and technology as of 2024 we already know how to revere aging using Genetic Reprogramming technology from gerontology physiology cell science and bioscience and life science, but that this is being reserved for very wealthy customers as the treatment currently over $80 million dollars. 

We already know how to clean up coal power plant emissions, reducing toxic pollutant emissions of heavy metals like lead, arsenic and mercury by 99% using electrostatic precipitation and exhaust gas particle capture technology, but this is not being done widely because it costs more and makes less profit for the coal power plant owners. It costs millions to upgrade an existing coal power plant with emissions controls or exhaust stack gas cleaning technologies and has increasing operating costs that make the resulting coal power generated electricity slightly more expensive.

We know how to phase out toxic artificial ingredients and unhealthy industrial seed oils from common foods sold at grocery stores, proven to sicken people with obesity and other diseases because of the inflammatory effect of eating Omega 6 containing veggie oils made by industrial seed oil extraction and processing technology similar to chemical engineering oil refinery technology with synthetic solvents, strong acids and bases and other poisons applied to the refined industrial seed oils. I know that we use plant derived non-toxic food coloring instead of petrochemical synthetic coal tar derived artificial colors prevent to sicken people who eat them. Or remove toxic shel life improving substances like BVO or TBHC and replace them with vitamin C or vitamin E as vitamins that improve the shelf life of processed foods sold in the isles of most Grocery Stores or Supermarkets in America. 

We can easily relatively cheaply radically reduce light pollution, sound pollution, traffic congestion and tailpipe emissions and have done so with catalytic converter 3 ways pollution reducing technology on automobiles equipped with emissions reduction technology. That this same emissions control technology can be broadly applied to aircraft turbine blades as catalytic coatings that reduce toxic turbofan passenger jet aircraft emissions by 50% or more, but that they are not doing it because slurry coating the exhaust turbine blades with platinum and palladium and rhodium makes the blades more expensive and slightly heavier, so they resist doing it such that turbine exhaust emission contains unhealthy excessive amounts of  HC or unburned fuel vapor, oxides of nitrogen or NOX and particles like PM2.5 that are extremely toxic to human lung cells and membranes of the human lungs. 

There are high voltage plasma arc technologies that can be applied to the exhaust exiting a passenger jet turbine that break toxic exhaust gas components into non toxic substance, just like a catalytic converter, by electrical plasma burning off HC and burning up PM into CO2 and water vapor, and reducing NOX to safe nitrogen and oxygen gas. Thus we can radically clean up air quality in, around and near airports to improve public and environmental health. This would also reduce acid rain and smog forming emissions also bad by rusting ferrous metals with acid rain caused corrosion increasing rates as the dilute nitric and sulfuric acid forms when NOX and SOX interact with rain water. By reducing acid rain forming emissions it would improve the health of lakes, rivers, streams and oceans, improving the health of marine wildlife of significant economic value to fishing industries. 

Much of the pollution emitted because doing it that way, the old dirty way is also cheaper and more profitable. I think its immoral and unethical because the owners of these industries are billionaires who live opulent lives of incredible privileges with access to things other people can't even pronounce and usually do not even know about, like age reversal technology or Life-science ART. 

I am just asking the world's wealthiest people to upgrade their industrial processes to reduce toxic emissions to make everyone healthier and to help improve environmental health to help wildlife and nature to thrive more. I am asking you the reader of my blog to do random acts of kindness and to live a lifestyle of making the world a better place than when you entered it. Please consider not being wasteful and being thoughtful, considerate, polite and kind. 

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