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Gasoline Cost to Increase By 2050 & Beyond

Not just crude oil or petroleum derived gasoline and diesel fuels, also synthetic gasoline and synthetic diesel, bio-gasoline and biodiesel, even hydro-gasoline and hydro-diesel.

FT gas to liquids means natural gas, propane, butane, biogas, trash dump gases, compost gas, cow farts, swamp gasses, & many other industrial emissions of CO2 and CO or Hydrogen can be captured, cooled, compressed and polymerized into higher value liquid hydrocarbon fuels.


Unleaded gasoline already a mixture of more than 100 different chemicals. Government regulations for example require the addition of 10% ethanol to common unleaded E10 gasoline sold at millions of gas stations across the USA. At oil refineries, many chemical processing stages convert crude oil or petroleum release gasoline as a cross section of distillation fractions with a range of different size hydrocarbons centering around Octane or the 8 carbon chain, but many isomers and alkanes and other molecules are blending to optimize production, for seasonal adjustments to the vapor pressure for winter or summer gas mixes tuned to work at different ambient temps. Effectively we are talking about mixtures of carbon and hydrogen that combust to make transportation energy as heat and pressure to shove pistons down cranking the wheels through gearing to move vehicles, people, cargos and stuff over large distances quickly.

Ethanol-Free Gasoline 

I deliberately buy pure gas with no ethanol content or E0 or ethanol-free gasoline from "The Grange" Issaquah, Washington, USA, but the Pure Gas app for Android or iOS can help anyone locate ethanol free refueling stations. 

Fuel Oxygenating Ethanol or E10 

Ethanol replaced MTBE as the fuel oxygenating additive because ethanol less poisonous to aquatic wildlife, important because gasoline spills from leaking tanks and small errors made while refueling events billions of times over add up to a lot of spilled gasoline. Leaking engine oil, leaking power steering fluid, leaking coolant, older poorly maintained vehicles common in the USA also emit a lot of tire and brake pad dust. 

Helping Gasoline Cleanly Burn

Oxygenating agents help gasoline to burn more completely or more cleanly and work together with fuel injection, O2 sensors, ECU maps, catalytic converter or advanced emissions controls to reduce toxic tailpipe emissions by 95%. Thats a huge improvement, reducing emissions of poisons by 95%. 

Understanding Engine Combustion Energy Extraction 

In the early days of vehicles, carburetor preceded fuel injectors, as cheaper, simpler, easier to tune without electronics, analog way of mixing fuel with air in the intake track of an engine. An engine typically inhales a mixture of gasoline and air near the stoichiometry or best mix ratio, so that during the compression stroke just after top dead center as the piston starts to move down during the crank energy production stroke, the spark plug spark heats the fuel air mixture and initiates a flame front emerging from the flame kernel around the spark plug, the heat and pressure of combustion shoving or pressing the piston down, which translates the force through the pistons wrist pin into the connecting arm that translates the downward force of the piston into rotational torque to spin the crankshaft which is connected by gearing in the transmissions to shafts that are connected to the vehicles wheels through which that torque is applied through the flexible tough tires as traction propulsion pushing or pulling force to move the vehicle forward with pleasurable or enjoyable acceleration. 

Reducing SMOG with Emissions Controls & Brake Regen 

The tailpipe emissions of CO2, CO, HC, NOX, SOX, PM and worse create smog toxic to human lung tissue, though so are all the microplastic released as tire tread erosion particles or super fine ceramic dusts released as brake pads scrub brake rotors slowing the vehicle by friction converted forward inertia into heat wasted, which also is why hybrid, plug-in hybrid and BEV's all run the traction motor generator backward when the vehicle slowing for brake regeneration to create electric power to charge the vehicles traction battery, stored power later used to help accelerate the vehicle in a way that reduces gasoline consumption, lowering emissions and improving fuel economy. Many millions of Toyota Prius or similar widely produced globally sold in high volume hybrid electric vehicles feature brake regeneration and in BEV's brake re-gen increase range by 5-15%. 

Emissions Regulations Tightening & More Fuel Taxes 

Climate change, global warming, public health, acid rain, and many other trending topics about CO2 or carbon dioxide or carbon emissions will result in increasingly stringent emissions controls that make it more expensive to manufacture vehicle engines that comply with emerging laws regulating what the engine can release in its exhaust during the operation of that vehicles. 

This is because poisons, pollutants and toxic substances in vehicle exhaust harm public and environmental health in many ways that are widely understood by most people today. This means more government taxes will raise fuel costs to so that people are encourages to use less or conserve fuels, by buying more fuel efficient vehicles for example or at least prioritizing the consideration of fuel economy when shopping for a new car, truck or SUV. 

Energy Prices to Rise

Global energy consumption forecast to increase 3X by 2050, and without a clean way to increase the amount of energy produced, that means more price pressure on fuels and electricity utility costs. 

Currencies like the USD are prone to losing value over time, making gasoline, food, rent, clothing, housing and everything else more expensive. 

More taxes from socialist government regulations increase the costs of fuels and many other aspects of economic activity. Remember it is the free market, businesses engaged in value added activities applying intelligence to products and services sold that create economic prosperity, and everyone need energy as food or fuel or electricity to do almost anything related to value added activities good for the economy, the creation of shared wealth and prosperity, the complete opposite of increasing taxes which slow down the economy and reduced the creation of wealth and prosperity. 

Wonder How I Create Content Like This? 

I was watching this and it made me reflect on related ideas that are present in this blog posting :) 

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