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God the Best Father, Jesus Christ Healed Thousands, The Holy Spirit Empowers and Encourages People

Consider saying no to evil and sin when you make a mistake and try to repent and tell God your sorry for doing what you know is wrong in your heart when the knowledge of Good and Evil encoded into each and every human by God himself who programmed knowledge of Right and Wrong into our DNA and epigenic mechanism. 

Listen to this beautiful song about Trust in the Lord our God (click following hyperlink "blue text"

You have agency and free will to deliberately choose not to sin or do wrong or be a bad person and you know how to be a good person, how to do what is honorable and right, how to become a better version of yourself, remade and redeemed by being accountable to God, your country, other people, doing your duty to be morally strong, physically fit and mentally straight, taking captive over every thought and comparing it to what God says about you in Romans in the Bible. You have an obligation as a socially conscious human adult to be a decent human deliberately even when you do not feel like it. Life is not just about feelings, it's about moral integrity and being an honorable, fair, kind person who treats all other people with dignity and respect. 

Everything that science learns about the mind body relationship confirms what the Bible says about being honorable, loving, kind, sincere, humble, respectful, polite, slow to anger, quick to forgiveness, speaking blessing over other people, animals and nature, being the best version of yourself possible by showing all other people genuine loving kindness, inspiring other people with edification, education and showing them the best ways forward by example, giving song and praise in your heart to God, thankful for your salvation if you call upon the name of Christ Jesus as your Lord and Savior, who died for you as a blameless innocent man, so that whoever calls upon his name shall be saved and forgiven of sins by the Father God, master God and supreme absolute master of all realms, who reigns supreme in every dimension, to all beings in all places, who is all powerful, all knowing and always present, championing anyone who turns to him wanting a sincere relationship with the Lord, our God and creator, who created all that is seen and unseen in every realm and every dimension such that everything belongs to God, praise be God, thank you Father God, in the name of Christ Jesus, thank you father, and thank you Holy Spirit! 

I pray a healing blessing of peace and healing, restoration and happiness over anyone who reads this and turns to you father, that you will appear to them in their dreams and bring them profound deep inner change so they can learn to love themselves and other people the way you intend, therein making the world a nicer place for everyone's benefit according to your holy intention for people father, Amen! 

Thank you for my life, my lovely wife, for other people, animals, nature, ecosystems, air, water and food. Thank you for all of your blessing and for redeeming me from a life of sin to become a kinder nicer and more loving person so much that people who have known me for a long time in real life have been asking me if I had a makeover because of how much I have changed from reading the Bible and practicing daily what it says about proper human conduct, especially in Romans and Ephesians. 

Thank you for being consistent, unchanging, loyal, honorable, honest, fair, gracious and reasonable, and for your underserved grace and favor Father God, thank you Lord God, thank you in the holy name of Christ Jesus, and thank you for sending me the Holy Spirit who empowers and enables me to make better choices and to have better thoughts and to feel better and think nicer thoughts and sleep better and become stronger, smarter and faster, thank you father for remaking and redeeming me, for breaking the chains of sin around me, for freeing me from evil, for removing demonic forces from my life, for helping me to love my wife, for helping me to wish the best for other people with a grandfather like platonic generalize concern for the health and wellness of all people. 

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