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CO2, Carbon Emissions, Climate Change :: Smoke & Mirrors to Cover Up Air Pollution Proven as Causal Basis of Diseases Harming Public Health & Environment w/ Acid Rain

I am talking about NOx's or oxides of nitrogen that react with atmospheric water droplets that become acid rain contaminated with dilute nitric acid that acidifies bodies of water important to commercial fishing industry, but also increasing corrosion of vehicles & infrastructure that has economic toxic and environmentally toxic impacts. 

Oxides of Sulfur from combustion also form dilute sulfuric acid in rainwater contaminated by SOx's or sulfur oxide emissions from combustion of coal, gasoline, diesel, wood, fuel oil & other common widely utilized hydrocarbon fuels like butane & propane or similar. 

Particles of super fine soot that go deep into lung tissue membrane causes scar tissue in lung membranes that reduce gas exchange efficiency so a reduction in blood oxygen saturation, increasing respiratory difficulty COPD, more asthma & lung cancer & worse. I am talking about PM2.5 tiny soot particles in coal power emissions plus toxic heavy metals & radioactive fly ash emitted. Coal the dirtiest burning most toxic emissions profile of all carbon energy sources utilized industrially at thermal plants to make heat and electricity, or similar. 

Given that gasoline and diesel power 98% of passenger vehicles worldwide & lithium ion mining already maxed out, we cannot make BEV or battery electric cars for 8 billion people, as there is not enough lithium metal or cobalt or copper or aluminum or steel to make 8 billion passenger cars like the highest volume produced ever Toyota Corolla with more than 100 million units sold over 12+ generations of corolla. 

Look, I am a gun carrying EDC conservative American patriot, drive a diesel powered school bus professionally, love gasoline, love diesel, love propane, love biofuels and renewable fuels and synthetic fuels and new alternative fuels and anything innovative or new like range extended electric vehicles that reduce ground level ozone levels emitted where most people are living and breathing in big cities, can you say for the public good or to improve public health by lowering toxic emissions released by REEV's or range extended electric vehicles. 

REEV's or PHEV's are electric vehicles that combine best in class gasoline generator sets of 100kw output with many dozens of kWh of battery & capacity energy storage, so that short trips to the store in town are electric for the first 40-60 miles or around 80-100km, but the onboard emissions controlled clean burning operating at one peak thermal efficiency RPM range as a generator gasoline engine can enable longer road trips to visit family hundreds of miles away within a day or so, where flying would not make sense, but also where a pure EV battery only would take 3 days to get there with charging along the way L2 style slow an annoying. 

To match the typical gas station gasoline unleaded refueling time of 7 min for 300+ miles of range, that 500km or so, the battery charging station needs to feed an EV one megawatt or a million watts of energy to charge a 150kWh lithium ion 800vdc EV battery pack to 80% from a low state within 10 minutes. So no matter how you figure it out, EV charging way slower at 350kW Tesla Superchargers, and those are the most powerful widely available public DC fast chargers deployed worldwide today. 

Making solar panels not ecologically friendly or low impact as there are huge toxic emissions at many states to make mono-crystalline PV panels in shatter resistant glass panels wrapped in aluminum extrusion framing for mounting and securing the panels as arrays or groups to rooftops where they covert incoming solar energy to DC current flow into micro-inverters (best kind, they distribute heat, and provide array redundancy) // but none of this wiring or metal or glass is a free lunch. So called green solar PV actually industrial like a nuclear power plant or diesel truck, just with different kinds of mining and emissions often obscured in complex supply chains and intermediate materials processing stages like making the large silicon signal crystal cylindrical ingots of 15in diameter or 300mm that are 6ft or 2.5 meters tall and weight 1400 lbs or 600kg while hanging suspended extrusion pulled from an argon purged furnace on a thread only 1mm or about 1/22in in diameter exploiting silicone amazing tensile strength even if its more brittle than glass in other ways of measuring mechanical strength. 

Fiberglass wind turbine blades & the rare earth metals in the wind power turbines IPM motor generator are also not ecologically friendly as the blades are complicate like e-waste trash after 20 years of spinning making electricity when the wind was blowing fast enough but not too fast. The problems with intermittent renewables is that they cannot make firm power 24/7 that grid loads customers require in modern industrialized economies. 

Industrialization is toxic to environmental health no matter how you look at it. There are cleaner, more intelligent and overtly better lower impact safer ways of doing many things, like adding catalytic converters to automobiles to radically reduce toxic tailpipe emissions to reduce smog in cities and traffic, like on congested freeways and highways of America. 

Does breathing smoke or soot from carbon combustion sound healthy to you? 

Does acid rain from carbon emissions sound ecologically renewable or sustainable or good for the food web or ecosystems or animals or nature in bodies of water where acid rain causes algae blooms that remove O2 from the water, choking out the fish or marine wildlife of commercial and ecosystem functional significance. 

Does breathing vehicle caused ground level Ozone sound health for your lungs? 

Does breathing hydrocarbon vapor cause brain damage or kidney and liver damage like VOC' exposure or foam blowing agents subjected to a class action lawsuit now? 

Do you defend polluting the water or air, or poisoning your friends or family or animals in nature? Are you so greedy as to be blind of the emissions problems from emitting 37 trillion tons of CO2, as it has nothing to do with Carbon Dioxide but everything to do with toxic air pollutant emissions. 

Wake Up : Its for everyone's benefit to reduce pollution! 

Hiking For Health

Hiking is just walking on trails, usually trails with topographic variation from hills & mountains. This means that climbing the hill trail makes your heart work harder. The cardiovascular exercise of moderate to high intensity increases heart rate and breathing rate that strengths your arteries, veins, & capillaries, such that aerobic exercise that makes your body sweat, making it hard to speak a few words without taking your next breath, this kind of intense cardio improves the effectiveness and efficiency of your heart, lungs, brain, & vascular system, thus improving overall health & wellness. 

Pain in your feet, ankles, knees or hips, perhaps hiking sounds too painful or intensive if you have been sedentary for a long time and are overweight such that every added pound of body mass puts up to 5 pounds of stress on the feet, ankles, knees & hips. 

For people with pain in the leg & food & hip area, swimming a safer less painful workout because your body has buoyancy when in a pool or body of water, which reduces stress on your feet, ankles, knees and hips. The neutral buoyancy benefit actually better for people who are 10 or 15 or more pounds overweight because fat is lighter than water, meaning overweight people experience additional lifting assist from the pool water or lake or ocean, because the float more effectively because the body fat acts like a lift assist low density tissue. 

Did you know that the human body only has a finite number of fat cells and cannot increase or decrease the number of fat cells. Thus obesity is actually a chronic inflammation disorder caused by carbohydrate, starch, & added sugars typical of UPF or ultra processed foods which are major seller and thus major part of the typical American diet also known as SAD or the Standard American Diet proven to cause obesity, chronic inflammation which caused heart disease, high blood pressure which causes stokes, clotting, and embolisms, and in general makes joint pain worse, such that Ibuprofen and other NSAID's sell really well in America as people take so many kinds of OTC drugs to self medicate the diseases & disorders caused by dietary excess of carbs, starches, and added sugars. 

Ask yourself, what does an artificial ingredient from a UPF food do inside the human body. How about chemical preservatives that make it hard for our gut biome flora to break down UPF foods. The same things added to foods to increase their shelf life to prevent common bugs from spoiling foods on the shelves of stores also make it harder for our gut flora to effectively break down foods that we eat, thus UPF foods are also proven to cause digestive problems and gastric disorders.

What about common pollutants like vehicle exhaust or micro-plastics proven to act as hormone disrupters, what do these synthetic poisons do inside the human body. Does our liver or kidney have enzyme pathways for breakdown golf course herbicides, tiny plastic particles or vehicle pollutant emissions. Do the emissions from a coal power plant harm or help public health? 

The answer is obvious, and you already know that coal power emissions cause public harm, and so the law makers, they understand that coal power hurts the environment and public health, but coal is the cheapest way to make electricity as Firm Power 24/7 with lower capital outlay than large much cleaner & safer nuclear power plant. There are 440 nuclear fission plants making electricity for the public good worldwide. Nuclear the newest, safest, lowest emission, cleanest way of making electricity on the Terawatt scale and nuclear 4th Gen. breeder reactors using today technology make use of 96% of the fuel element energy, meaning less nuclear waste to handle carefully. 

Back to hiking, walking, jogging or running for health, fitness, exercise or activities that are good for your overall health and wellness. Did you know that working out can improve your emotional health and improve your outlook on life, making you feel better all the time. Regular exercise also improves the joy from sex and the restorative healing aspects of higher quality sleep. Exercising regularly makes food taste better, as any hiker knows that eating a snack at the top of the trail after working really hard and sweaty to get there, tastes even better as a sweet enjoyable snack. Many hikers bring a bag of nuts, seeds and dry fruit and a large bottle of clean water to eat & drink in order to replenish that which is expelled, such that we loose water in our breath and via sweating, but also because staying well hydrated effective for preventing kidney damage and promoting good brain health. 

Many elderly people for example have dementia from eating too many western ultra processed foods and never exercising enough to keep their blood glucose levels balanced in a good optimal range between 70 and 180. Chronically elevated high blood sugars above 180 are neurotoxic and cause kidney damage & dehydration. Every extra carb like sugar in the body, can cling onto water and keep the water form critical cell processes, such that if you carb load by eating a lot of bread, rice, pasta, jam, candy, soda, or other starchy carbs and do not move enough by bicycling, walking, hiking or doing fitness exercises like HIIT, then those added sugars, starch and carbs will cause your blood sugar to stay elevated at a dangerous high level. 

Glucose toxicity from high fructose corn syrup, added sugars, modified starches or excess simple carbohydrates, really arrises from too much of that kind of food in a meal. Food serving sizes are widely misunderstood and its known in the food industry that a person drinking soda with HFCS can eat 40% before feeling full from leptin signaling, as leptin is the Full Feeling Hormone that the body releases at the end of a meal to make us feel satiated so we stop eating. Many food additives block Leptin Full Feeling Hormone release and promote the release or Ghrelin the "Hunger Promoting Hormone" that makes people seek out eating or hungry in the first place. 

A healthy lifestyle consists of mental health, feeling connected to other people with healthy relationships, having something to look forward too, a balanced amount of health activities to provide 150 min per week of moderate to intense make the body hot and sweaty level fitness exercises. I use the Meta Quest 2 VR headset when its cold and rainy, to exercise using the Les Mills Body Combat App, a $400 solution with the Upgrades head strap battery, that gets my heart rate up into the target heart rate zone enough to cause full body sweating profusely as I punch digital targets out of the air synchronized to music in the different workouts that range from 4 to 24 minutes in length. I tend to pick 8 to 15 min activities of enough intensity that I only wear underwear and do it in private inside my home where others cannot look upon me while I am doing it, since I have a prudish desire to not be seen in such reveling clothing or what other people call modesty. My parents were not modest and did not shy away from showing their raw human body without clothing and told me not to be ashamed to be naked at home and to love the body that God gave me unconditionally. There was something that did not sit right with me about our neighbors seeing me naked. I just never liked being around other people without clothing and tend to be a private person with a high value placed on privacy and security. 

Yes I know the NSA project PRISM is listening to my blog, texts, smart devices, everything connected to the internet is a spy portal for government to listen in inside you home so they know everything about you from what you talk about at home. I talk out loud while writing these blog posting, mostly to make sure it sounds like my real world voice, but lovely wife also helps to improve my writing by giving me edifying advice and editing suggesting in real time as I write these posting by hand on the keyboards of one of my computers. 

Admittedly I am a little bit zealous about internet connected devices, online activities, blogging, running my YouTube channel, posting to X or what was previously called Twitter, and writing blog posting as my friends from past FaceBook interactions noted that I have a lot of share, in terms of educational ideas to help other people, motivated to give them powerful facts like TED videos, so they can ponder the bright ideas and integrate them into their lives as healthy lifestyle improvement, like choosing to go for a walk after dinner, after reading this article, for example. 

My late adoptive father Ken Schwarz told me to make my point in 30 seconds or less, otherwise I will lose most people who can't focus much longer than that as ADD and ADHD are on the rise from TV commercial content interruptions that break peoples focus when they are watching shows. I spent a lot of time drink beer with my adoptive father watching Modern Marvels & How its Made videos on TV, and we would mute the TV and talk about what we were watching. This is because I lived with my parents until I was almost 30, helping to pick up the slack as their live in care taker as their abilities and fitness declined for the reasons I outlined previously, namely Junk Food Jockeys who never exercised. I am a bit of a Fitness Focused person afraid of being overweight. Moreover I just wanted to avoid all the health declines, diseases and disorders that come along with chronic inflammation from being morbidly obese. I am not judging anyone and only trying too help others people understand that Obesity and Hearty Disease are intimately connected as chronic inflammation disorders that are leading causes of early preventable death worldwide, even more than all cancers combined. 

Heart Disease the Big Killer of people and my goal in teaching people about nutrition or fitness is help them avoid nutrition traps that are so easy to miss or not understand. Confusion about healthy nutrition and proper serving sizes abounds because the commercial processed food industry makes $4 trillion in profits annually in America, and spends large portions of that immense profit marking highly profitable highly processed artificial industrial junk food garbage called UPF to people who crave Oreo Cookies, Coca Cola and other food like substance that are potent to destroy oral health and damage peoples metabolism. I have given you a lot to think about here in this posting, so if you would be so kind, if you any suggestions or advice, please leave a comment and consider coming back for more of this kind of deep dive information designed to free others people with powerful facts also called Truth that are scientifically accurate, axioms if you will, based on best understanding in medicine and physiology integrating what I learned about Toxicology and Environmental Science in College. 

Curing Aging : Age Reversal : Death Escape Velocity : Curing All Diseases : Using AI & Science + Trillions in Investment $ to Create Solutions to All Problems

Ending pollution, designing the atmosphere to block harmful UV so sunlight becomes healthier to be exposed to all day. Biological comprehensive soil protecting sustainable permaculture agriculture based on the best methods and practices for long term safe clean food production.

Genetic Reprogramming Age Reversal 14 Day Pills Made From Your White Blood Cells & DNA

The best selling product in 2029-2037, effectively a $6K or six thousand dollar patient custom made treatment made using white blood cells and DNA of the patient as a custom 14 day genetic reprogramming pill treatment that reverses your biological age by 10+ years, making you feel and look younger like you did 10 years ago. We are talking about a multi trillion dollar block buster sales record breaking product in medicine and healthcare that lets nearly anyone able to pay reverse their age by 10 years, and done repeatedly can get back to 23 biologically while retaining all the learning and wisdom they have accumulated in their natural 30-80 years alive. 

Commercial Age Reversal Genetic Reprogramming Treatments will enable women to stay fertile and young their entire lives, dramatically changing the economic and social fabric of all countries. Economically more disrupting than commercial nuclear fusion decarbonization, enabling people to cheat death by escaping all disease pathologies with cures for all diseases using the patients undamaged bone marrow DNA copies that contains everything they had a baby for a clean copy, even with the ability to edit their epigenetic factors and DNA to remove errors that are know to cause disease risk, so we can clean up the gene pool and end all rare genetic diseases, radically reducing healthcare costs in all countries, thus helping the economy by allowing investment into cures and other lifespan enhancing technologies, products, and services. 

We are talking about nutrition tuned daily with AI using urine & feces analysis smart toilets, smart underwear, biological tracking like the 20th generation Apple Watch or Samsung Gear 23+ smartwatches of the near future. Think smart contact lenses, the ability to upgrade the retina of your eyes for better color and light sensitivity, to install adaptive hearing upgrades that improve noise filtering and signal analysis from your ears, in your brain computers that integrate intuitively at the wetware cell level to add the internet to your knowledge and understanding so you can instantly fact check anything on demand and download new skills and abilities like the Matrix Movie protagonist Neo. 

I am talking about smart flooring, smart roofing, smart walls, smart carpet, smart clothing, smart cars, smart tools, adding AI and digital analog compute chips and passive energy capture electrical power technology and passive PV into all engineered surfaces clean perpetual renewable electricity and energy storage batteries and capacitors at the terawatt scale by the billions of devices distributed at the individual level enabling every person on earth to live a happy, low eco impact, 12KW lifestyle like an upper middle class American did in 1990. 

I am taking about ending all poverty, all crime, making everyone alive fantastically more intelligent. I am talking about making technology so advanced it will seem like magic for decades as it diffuses and sells better than anything in history worldwide, creating untold wealth and value added prosperity paving the way to increasing R&D investments into radically innovation and more wild alien like age ending technology that will enable some people to cheat death for thousands of years. 

Can you say the sizzle that upgrades the steak, something beyond most people's imagination, just as most scientists before 1900 said that airplane flight was impossible until it was proven so in 1903 by the Wright Brothers in Kansas. 

If this sounds crazy, that's because it is exactly what's unfolding during the 4th Industrial Revolution as artificial intelligence and robotics enables Lights Off Manufacturing and hyper efficiency in many industrial mining operations, in agricultural pest management and soil generating technology.

We are going to gain mastery over Earths Climate. Remember technology is just the realizations commercially of things learned using the scientific method about how reality works objectively, factually and accurately modeling real physical phenomena so super computer AI can find novel drugs faster and cheaper that have better efficacy and no side effects as they are custom made for each patient. 

Everything involves electron exchanges between the valence electrons shells of atoms, the elements from the periodic table. As this proves true repeatedly more products and services will leverage this as the core intellectual property since it will enable radically improve materials, radically improved magnets, radically improved motors, radically cleaner engines, radically more efficient nuclear energy, deeper space access, more exploration, leveraging the human desire to understand and travel to infinite and beyond, even enabling commercial access to warping worm holes, a complete understanding of black holes, harvesting dark energy for space propulsion bending and warping spacetime to go faster than light travel to access other galaxies in months or weeks where it takes lite photons years at the speed of light. \

Religious Zealots will call this game changing innovation satanic or evil because it will remove the limits of gravity, aging, and other so called natural laws of physics and chemistry. I am talking about commercialization of quantum technology, remote viewing, dimensional gateway travel access, faster than light travel, energy abidance with unlimited clean energy available perpetually everywhere for everyone's benefit. There will be no need for money or currency, energy the only important subject, since it enables everything to happen. Our energy technology about burning carbon to make heat and power makes all countries poor today and makes an unfair world with war and income inequality and drives most crime and drugs and problems. We need a science based society that embraces an energy defined economy so that radical innovation enhances everyones life's while reducing pollution at the same time. 

Understanding What Makes Pollution Toxic

Different ways that common pollutants harm the human body /

1. Heavy metals like lead, mercury, arsenic, they have unstable outer orbital valence electrons that cause them to act like DNA and cell damaging catalysts in the body, where the heavy metals cause unwanted damaging chemical reactions that damage cell organelles & cause cell death, mutations or DNA damage that can cause cancer or harm your epigenetic factors. 

2. Some pollutants damage the citric acid or TCA cycle of body energy where ADP made into ATP. By blocking cell energy production, the poisonous or toxic pollutants robs the body of energy, causing lethargy that translated into disease via a lack of activity or exercise, as the pollutant exposure makes the person exposed fill sick and painful or causes inflammation. 

3. Yet other pollutants behave similar to the bodies hormones, causing imbalances of important critical hormonal levels, such that some estrogen like chemical pollutants can feminize men, enlarging male breast tissue and suppressing the production of testosterone. Hormone disruptors can cause sleep problems and can be damaging to the heart, brain and other organs, especially flesh, where some pollutants cause acne, boils, scars and skin sensitization that makes the skin more sensitive to sun damage. 

4. Hydrocarbon vapors and solvents cause kidney and brain damage when they are inhaled as intoxicants as a cheap drug of abuse, usually by children in 3rd world countries, though many people working in US foam blowing industry developed rare cancers associated with exposure to the toxic foam blowing agents that were chosen for low cost even though they were know to have toxic impacts on human health, especially since less toxic alternatives like CO2 can be used as a foam blowing agent at slightly higher cost, such that greed on behalf of the foam factor owners responsible for the sickness and suffering of the people harmed by solvent exposure via the solvent based foam blowing agents. 

5. Particulate Matter of PM the super fine dust or soot from coal power emissions and the tail pipe emissions of fossil fueled vehicles that burn gasoline or diesel as fuels. CO or carbon monoxide also released in automotive exhaust, along with oxides of nitrogen & sulfur which are irritants to the eyes, nose and throat because the dissolve to form nitric and sulfuric acid when NOX and SOX interact with water, the same reason their form acid rain that causes increased corrosion of vehicles and infrastructure while also making bodies of water with fish acidic, which reducing oxygen content in the water and kills the fish, which as a negative impact on the fishing industry. Vehicles also release tire microplastic as tire erosion products or what the treat of the tire become as the tread of the tire wears off or wears away from regular use as tires on the wheels of automobiles of all kinds. 

PM extended : When this super fine dust gets into human lungs it cause asthma, coughing, black lung, lung cancer, COPD & cardiovascular damage. Coal power emissions also contain heavy metals and radioactive metal fly ash oxide products that are ionizing radiation emitters proven to cause cancer & toxic heavy metals. This is why the urgent need to decarbonize transportation exists, its not just CO2 emissions causing global warming and climate change, the pollution emitted by billions of vehicles produce a huge toxic burden on the biosphere of Earth making everyone sicker faster, causing healthcare costs to rise in all countries. 

Overall, there are solid particles pollutants, liquid pollutants, and gaseous pollutants, so pollutants exist in all three phases. This means we eat pollutants like pesticide residue, drink water pollutants and breathe air pollutants, all of which cause different medical diseases and disorders depending on the dose and route of exposure and how long the exposure lasting. Are you sitting in stop and go traffic breathing vehicle fumes for hours every day, people intrinsically understand that such is bad for mental and physical health. 

Using Electrical Arc Plasma to Break Toxic Exhaust Products into Non Toxic Gases

Interestingly electrical plasma can catalytically reduce common pollutants in vehicle exhaust for example as an alternative technology to catalytic converts or in concert with catalytic exhaust remediation technology. 

What makes pollution evil boils down to how it befits a tiny minority of elite income earners while making everyone sick with preventable diseases and disorders caused by pollution exposure. Can you say increasing income inequality via toxic emissions industries that make money by emitting pollutants since doing the actives they are engaged in cleanly would cost more, reducing their profit margins. 

This means evil green people are guilty of the idolatry of money & wealth and place money over people & nature. That is these creepy evil billionaire not just sex traffic children, the ill-gotten money they enjoy often results from the exploitation of cheaply paid foreign workers in Bangladesh for example, or externalizing their operating coast as an externality such that polluting is cheaper than doing those things cleanly. 

It means they do the wrong thing knowing that it harms and hurts other people, just so they can make even more money, when they are already so wealthy they want for nothing. Well they can't but their way into heaven! And to be hated by all people not nice either. These bad actors know in their hearts that what they are doing is wrong. God said in the Bible that he encoded in everyone heart an intrinsic knowledge of the difference between good and evil. 

Understanding My Intentions Towards Other People

 I want to encourage, edify, help, teach, share with, take time with, spend time with and engage other people to speak blessings to them that encourage them to have a more dynamic and engaging life with more fun and joy and fulfilling happiness with a glad thankful and appreciative heart overflowing with love for other people animals and nature such that they deliberately choose to treat other people with dignity and respect even if they don't particularly feel like it at a specific time. 

I am deliberate to be polite, friendly, and kind to other people, engages in random acts of kindness motivated by love from my wife, love for my life, love for other people, love for animals, love for nature and ecosystems and concern about the negative impacts of toxic pollutants and thoughtless industrial development that causes harm in ways like war or crime or industrial ultra processed foods proven to cause disease via artificial ingredients and too much omega 6 and not enough fiber or the hallmarks of the western American Industrial Ultra Processed Standard Diet of synthetic additives and preservatives that cause digestive and gastrointestinal problems. 

You see, as a polymath scientist, I am motivated to become an Elementary School Teacher because I recognize that children are the future of mankind on Earth. 

Anything I can do to encourage them to discover and pursue their passion in life, making little polymaths that have a broad interest in many topics so they have a better odds of finding that one thing that gives them motivation and encouragement to go out into the world and make a big positive difference making the world a better place than when they entered it. 

 am talking about peaking children's interest in STEM with crunch labs kits and demos that spark their curiosity and passion to understand and learn and remember so their brains can engage in novel idea synthesis in order to solve many of the unsolved global problems of today, as radical innovators who bring new cleaner safer products and services to market that are cheaper and faster and more widely available and thus less harmful to life on Earth but also highly profitable without exploiting workers or nature in manufacturing, using earth abundant materials like salt, sea water and sand as inputs in material goods for human use that are renewable or sustainable and can be easily up cycled or recycled or repurposed with basic tools and nothing complicated. I want appliance that are energy efficient and reliable and long lasting with a lower carbon footprint and easy to service and repair with widely available spare parts designed by NASA using the best possible technologies. 

I am talking about improving all aspects of life for everyones benefits by encouraging school children to become the leaders of the future. Its the profound desired of my heart & natural bent as a person to be a teacher of other people and I love teaching people interesting facts from science and things that I continue to learn reading online on wikipedia and watching editing content from engineering and science and technology on YouTube. 

In the past I posted ideas that are not appropriate for young children and I feel bad about it and will go back painstakingly to clean up my blog of such bad wording using word search features to help find the worst content. 

Becoming a reader and doer of the Holy Word encouraged by the Holy Spirit as a Follower of Team Jesus, I am a bible scholar who studies the word to perfect more excellence in my ways of thinking, acting, choosing and behaving. I have strong science bias towards understanding how everything works and thats part of why I love to teach young people, even on a School Bus as the driver currently. 

People that know me in real life have been telling me to become an Elementary School teacher for a few years now, especially my wife, noting that I find children funny and cure and how the encourage me to be the best version of myself and to be more energetic friendly and vivacious. I find interactions with children encouraging and uplifting and then therein am inspired to encourage them with edifying facts they will think are cool like I do and tell them nifty cool things in the spirit of Mr. Wizard. My nickname is Sargent Science Fair and that speaks to my core bias towards energy & science and technology :) Cheers friends & thanks for reading this posting! 

iOS 18 RCS Messaging A Game Changer

Notice that iMessages between iPhones works perfectly, but if you try to text someone with an android phone via SMS sometimes it will not go through, images will not work, videos will not work, links to websites or products online will not work, something that RCS update in iOS 18 will resolve partially.

Sri is a 14 year old girl that rides one of the school busses that I drive professionally. She sits in the seat directly to my right and talks with me about technology sometimes. Her father is a META developer and she talks with him about technology at home. She has an iPhone 13 and he has a Samsung Galaxy S23 and she was telling me that its annoying and stupid that Apple iPhones cannot message Android phones with errors and glitches that never happen when one iOS user uses iMessages to send a message to another iPhone users. 

When people are operating inside the Apple ecosystem, Apple Watch, iPhone, iPad, MacBook, iMac, the messages app seamlessly integrates across all the Apple user devices. But when an Apple product user tries to send an image text, video text, web link text or other complicated text message to an Android phone user, it rarely works correctly or does not work at all. 

My last android phone was a Samsung Note 3 that resides in a plastic bin with other disused electronics. It still works & I have 3 batteries for it. I keep them all partially charged periodically. I need one working google android phone as a data ID verification device for a specific type of cryptography work that I do online sporadically. iPhone cannot use this system because iMessages not compatible with RCS messaging and uses a proprietary communications protocol optimizes for use between iPhones in the iMessages app or Face Time video conferencing or similar. }

iOS also getting Apple Intelligence and Vital apps which vastly improve the usefulness of iPhone by adding features and functions that have been available in later versions of Android for a few years. Nothing magical in the sense that the same features and functions have been around on Samsungs Flagship high end smartphones since 2018, but when Apple releases "Magic" versions they have more polish and work better and are more data secure. 

Apple Vitals App will extend the Health & Fitness apps functionality to give iPhone & Apple Watch users deeper insight into their sleep health, activity tracking, heart & breathing rates, body temperature variation and other bio-data that the users doctor can view to gain a deep look into the patients health history. Being able to conduct an EKG using Apple Watch amazing! It's this kind of polish that gives Series whatever Apple Watches superlative functionality that requires sacrificing battery energy such that the one glaring defect of Apple Watches is short battery life requiring daily charging. 

Apple data security and privacy vastly superior to that of android. iPhone iOS became very secure when former US president Obama wanted an iPhone as his primary smartphone. Apple worked extensively with the NSA to tighten up the backend of iOS or the core stack of software so as to greatly enhanced network and app security, also on the Apple Store App Store, where apps are verified with strict quality control standards. 

Understanding Android Malicious Software

Android is the virtual wildest Wild West in terms of malware, spyware, viruses and other malicious software common in many Google App Store applications developed by distant disconnected 3rd parties with malevolent intentions to steal user information and sell it for a profit or worse. In this respect many under-the-hood security tweaks to iOS 18 will further enhanced Apple device security to protect Apple users from malicious software or similar negative expensive toxic stuff that plagues android users around the world today. More bad actors write malicious software for Google Store apps because Android the mobile operating system used on everything other than iPhone. 

Billions of underprivileged poor people, economically disadvantaged people, people with meager incomes, most of earths people cannot afford a new expensive iPhone. In other countries because of taxes the latest iPhone can cost over $1500. Mid-tier android phones brand new sell for under $400 and many quality examples are around $250 or less. Incredibly even some newest 2024 low-end cheap android phones have decent gaming & imaging performance. So the Android user base so vast its a giant honey pot of user data to mine or steal, motivating bad actors to develop vastly more malicious software for Android. Android software security vastly inferior to that of iOS on many levels. Android is basically very leaky with lots of back doors and side loading apps & something that power users really enjoy, the ability to do many desktop level tasks on an Android phone since Android not a walled garden like iOS. But as with other IT security issues, enabling more software features and functions and user tuning in Android also opens android up to malicious software, similar to that which plagues Windows users much more than Linux users, for similar reasons. 

Namely that Linux has much tighter leveled user permissions and nesting security, making it very hard to execute malicious code on the latest version of common linux distributions. I personally like Ubuntu Linux, since it has great hardware driver supper for newer PC graphics cards and similar, so gaming in Linux finally works well. Obviously Windows 11 way better for PC gaming because Microsoft Direct X and Microsoft Gaming enforced by market forces and profit seeking to make gaming with help from NVIDIA's latest GPU drivers much smoother with faster frame rates on newer gaming PC's featuring the Microsoft Windows Operating System and discrete GPU graphics from NVIDIA.

RingConn Smart Ring (No App Subscription) Activity/Sleep/Stress/Heart Rate Monitor iOS & Android (Silver, Size 13) Too Big/ Ordered Sizing Kit / Pending Size Testing Before Ordering Next One

After spending more than a week doing research on alternatives to the Oura Gen 3 Horizon smart ring, I arrived at the RingConn Smart Ring in "Moonlit Silver Color) Size 13 for my right pointer finger or ASIN B0D13WB7GG released April 8th, 2024 by Guangdong Jiu Zhi Technology Co., Ltd.

** Update I measured my finger using a zip tie to have exactly 70mm circumference / 3.14 (pi) for a diameter of 22.2929mm which corresponds to a US 13 size, but it was way too big in size 13 so I am sending it back. That means I also ordered the sizing kit since the manufacturer says the sizes are non standard and the RingConn smart ring needs to fit snugly without rotating so the sensor bumps can gather light health data from your finger flesh via LED red & green light pulse flash CMOS recording. Printing off the return sticker, lithium ion battery warning sticker, taping the box closed, and bringing it to the local UPS store relatively easy. It's really my fault for not taking the manufacturers advice to try their sizing kit before ordering with zeal and excitement thinking that my accurate finger measurement and math would suffice to enable ordering the correct size. I normally wear size 10 rings on my ring fingers, but wanted to wear the smart ring on my pointer fingers which are larger, but not size 13 apparently even though the data for size 13 matches my careful measurement and math.  

The include battery charging case extends portable operation when both are fully charged to over 100 days

The companion app for iPhone or Android offers deep health insights, a heart rate timeline, heart rate, hart rate variability, sleep analytics, activity monitoring, and a cleaver stress index.

For a few years I have been eyeing smart watches by Garmin that include recovery score, readiness score, sleep score, with very long multi-day battery life and solar PV charging in the face & all sorts of other features and functions typical of the the Garmin Smart Watch lineup as of 2024.

Year ago I converted a compact square iPod into a crude smart watch with a strap mount attachment. This was a few years before Apple launched Apple Watch Series 1. Meg & I both wear Apple Watches now, a Series 8 in black with a bright neon yellow green strap on my right wrist, and Meg a Series 9 with a bright yellow strap on her left wrist respectively.

I recently wrote a blog posting telling people to avoid buying the Ultrahuman Air Ring because the smart watches offer superior sensors, superior health sensing, superior app experiences, & are a robust multi-billion dollar program at Apple & Samsung with excellent long term support & regular software and firmware updates. The only smart ring with that level of detail, fit, finish, polish, user support, high quality app & excellence overall would be from Oura, but the $6/mo subscription for Oura to work means $70/yr or $350 in app subscription fee's over 5 years.

Noting that Apple launching Vitals App and Series 10 in later 2024, I am adding this $261.41 (total price) RingConn Smart Ring as an on body network device to pair with my iPhone 14 regular & Series 8 Apple Watch for enhanced body tracking. I also want to compare the information from the Apple Watch to the RingConn in order to have multiple channels of data.
Useful that the RingConn able to pair its data with iOS Health app, since that app also takes data from the Apple Watch to produce useful health insights with biological tracking bio data unique to each person regarding the wearers heart rate, breathing rate, blood oxygen saturation, sleep cycles, and even can perform an EKG when manually activated. 

Apple Watch can do text messages, take and make phone calls, vibrate with turn to turn navigation active on iPhone Apple Maps app and has 58 other functions that no smart ring matches yet. When Apple launches the Vital app via software updates in iOS 18, this will be around the same time that Oura launches Gen 4 smart rings.

RingConn smart ring & associated smartphone app offers an innovative timeline that documents data collected in a timeline that highlights aspects of your day when you look at the information and try to make intelligible sense of it.

Compact, light weight, made of durable titanium, RingConn and other smart rings are great for people who don't like to wear anything on their wrists. Also many smart watches light up with movement and emit a bunch of red and green blinking light between the watch body and wrist, which can be annoying in bed, especially when the fully color display lights up from movement. 

I suggest turning off "Raise to Wake" in the Apple Watch settings via the Watch App in iOS on iPhone. I spent a few minutes a week reviewing the Health app information on my iPhone based on Biodata collected from the Series 8 Apple Watch. When people ask my why I wear a self winding automatic mechanic wrist watch on my left wrist and a Apple Watch on my right, I tell them the Apple Watch a glorified $500 fitness tracker with 50 other features and functions I make use of sparingly.

Dumb Phone Revolution Emerging as Smartphone Brian Hijacking Damage Proven by Science

Oddly, you might be reading this on something like the 2007 iPhone OG, but my intention to tell you that using your smartphone for more than 30 min per day well proven to cause brain damage. That's the entire point of this posting, noting also that the Google Search for Dumb Phone increased 89% from 2018 to 2021, and the sales of Feature Phones *AKA Dumb Phones* reached 1 billion units by 2022, while smartphones moved 1.4 billion units in 2022. That's all for this posting, as with so many other things, with the endless vortex of distraction that the internet can easily become in your hand with a smartphone doom scrolling social media or worse, perhaps this old wisdom of "Less can be more" an appropriate thought to reduce your screen time and keep your smartphone in your purse or pocket more often. The average smartphone user touches their smartphone more than 2600 times per day, so don't be like them, moderate and enjoy technology responsibly. You have heard the truth about Smartphone Abuse, please share it! 

Ultrahuman Ring Air Smart Ring Fitness & Sleep Tracking & No Subscription App / Official Do Not Buy Recommendation

Several generations of Series whatever Apple Watches with various different straps have adorned my right wrist over the last 5+ years, such that a Series 8 now the daily on the right wrist with a bright yellow green silicone strap. A BERNY Automatic "Railway Clock" style wristwatch wears on my left wrist, or one of the other exceptional automatic self winding mechanicals in my watch collection. 

Oura Ring Suggestion 

I was visiting my cousin Dr. Miller in Michigan a couple years ago when he introduced me to & suggested I look into the Oura Ring as a fitness sleep tracker that he uses as a surgeon. I don't like the $6/mo subscription for the Oura App required for it to work. So I looked into a search for the best Smart Rings in 2024 and found some on Amazon that peaked my interest. I then performed a comparison between the Series 8 Apple Watch & the late 2023 Ultrahuman Air made of tungsten carbide coated grade 5 titanium with a polymer liner attaching & coating the electronics inside, they recommend you get the sizing kit before ordering the ring as the Smart Ring sizing different than traditional rings. 

Finger Rings 

My wedding ring is made of polished tungsten carbide and super scratch resistant, dark gloss shiny reflective, and proven very durable and wears nice. It was under $50 on Amazon back in 2010. I am not into vanity or materialism overtly, but like nice stuff. My car a 2022 Corolla Hybrid, my motorcycle a 2020 Yamaha MT-03. 


I wear a chunky metal 5oz Mexican silver chain around my neck that I got for $100 back in the year 2000 & it's my favorite necklace due to its bold look & invisible wear. I have been wearing it 24/7 for so long I don't even notice its there except when I take it off to clean it of silver sulfide black tarnish every few years or so. 

Fitbit & Fitness Tracking

I have been researching fitness trackers since early version of Fitbits long before I dove into the Apple Watch & iPhone consumer electronics daily charging short battery life arena, neurotic charge required because of the limited battery life since it has every feature and function a wrist computer can offer with a state of the art SOC made by TSMC's latest node for Apple with class leading power efficiency to run on a tiny lithium polymer 3.7vdc battery inside the Apple Watch for up to 18 hours. 

Constant Apple Watch Charging 

I wear my Apple Watch persistently except when charging it, when swimming, when hiking, when showering, when sleeping, and take it off and clean it in the shower and charge it my car on the way to work, or on my iMac at my desk at home, or on the School Bus using a USB adapter to plug into the dashboard and older USB-A ended Apple Watch charger & iPhone charing cable before the Type C versions launched, from older versions of both that are in my collection sitting idle nowadays. 

When I compare the Ultrahuman Ring Air to an Apple Watch Series 8, the Air has much less functionality. I also do not want to load a 3rd party App and appreciate the built in Apple Watch pairing ecosystem functionality with my iPhone 14. I am still interested in trying a Smart Ring as Blake indicated its much nicer passive fitness tracker with up to 6 days of battery life vs barely a day for Apple Watch. Keeping my Apple Watch Series 8 charged requires daily charging in bursts of 10-30 min, while having a few different Apple Watch chargers in my backpack, car, bus, bedroom, enables Meg & I to charge our Apple Watches daily easily. 

Meg charges her Apple Watch Series 9 at work, since she works in a home with an Apple Watch charging cable setup as the woman she works for tried an Apple Watch but didn't care for the short battery life & kept it. I gave Meg the Series 9 Apple Watch for her 42nd Birthday gift this year in April, and she really loves the bright yellow official silicon band that it came with too :) We both love bright yellow and bright or neon versions of green or yellow or yellow green or lime green or nuclear yellow or vivid yellow. I like bright high visibility colors in general, since they seem to make me feel better. 

3.8 out of 5 review score on Amazon for Ultrahuman Ring Air

Noting 3 days of battery life, failing after 1 month, causing finger irritation, disconnecting from App randomly and other problems, it seems to be in need of more refinement as a product, certainly not up to the exceptional fit, make, quality, function, tracking accuracy, precision, and build of the Apple Watch Series 8 or 9. Oura Ring Gen3 look much more refined & polished as product, but again the monthly subscription kill the deal and here is why. $6/mo on my budget not a deal breaker, but multiply this across 36 months and thats over $100 in added cost, raising the out of pocket cost for the Oura & thats assuming I can make good use of it for 3 years, since it could easily fail with lithium ion battery fading long before that as pervious versions of the Apple Watch have done, requiring me to use my Level 2 Wise Certified device repairs technician skills and tools to do device surgery to replace the Apple Watch batteries with parts from // though for upgrades I ended up getting newer versions anyways. 

Sealed Batteries Eco-Toxic 

How do you change batteries in wireless ear buds like Apple AirPods or the Smart Rings ? You don't, thats called designed obsolesce, such that as the batteries fade the device doomed to become e-waste within a few years when the sealed non user replaceable batteries fades away and unable to hold a decent or useful amount of charge anymore. 

Conclusion // 

Get A Samsung Gear if you use an Android smartphone

Get an Apple Watch Series 9 if you use an iPhone

Wait for a few more years until Smart Rings other than Oura have the same quality as Oura Rings. 

Look forward to optical blood glucose tracking & blood pressure tracking in future devices, radically increasing their medical value for tracking biological data to give patients real time feedback essential to more effectively treating conditions like hypertension and diabetes. 

Look forward to Smart Shoes or Smart Pants or Smart Socks or Smart Jackets, many other wearable internet-of-things devices of many sizes, styles and device classes aside from watches and rings. 

Optical Blood Glucose Tracking is the Abbot Freestyle or Dexcom G7 alternative that will help smart watches with this functionality to sell in far greater quantities to new kinds of customers that would have never considered purchasing one without this feature of function. This is because there is a global diabetes Type 3 and Type 2 epidemic affecting more than 1 billion people worldwide. Giving these people the ability to actively view their blood glucose level on a smartwatch will ship hundreds of millions of units because of just this exact function, optical blood glucose tracking! 

Apple Watch Series Whatever

More than a $10 billion dollar program at Apple, they consult doctors, elite athletes, sports nutritionists, and engage in R&D and extensive testing such that Apple Watch gets constant updates, pairs with Apple Watch seamlessly with excellent unbroken connectivity and great signal strength for on body pairing with iPhone is your pocket or bag or backpack and Apple Watch on your wrist. 

In a similar market capitalization and R&D expenditure, Samsung Gear watches are a multibillion dollar program spanning many generations with constant hardware and software updates that pair perfectly with the latest android smartphones of all different kinds. Apple Watches are way better fitness trackers than Smart-Rings. 

Even the best Smart Ring the Oura Ring Gen3 Horizon not nearly as good as a fitness tracking solution than a Series 8 Apple Watch or the last gen Apple Watch since they are currently selling Series 9. 

Watch OS11 Vitals App for Apple Watch builds on the Health App with sleep tracking features that rival the Oura Ring & the likes of Garmin smartwatches. This will help Series 10 Apple Watch to offer enhanced tracking of body vitals like body temperature variation, heart rate variation, breathing rate variation & movements recorded to get a clearer picture of sleep quality for insight about whether you should take it easy during the day or go vigorous with more exercise or intensive. 

Let's be clear, some days you need to rest and recover with anabolism or building & repairing damaged tissue & muscle. When you go hard core & tackle the day with great intensity and high level exercise thats called an on day or catabolism where tissue and muscle are damaged. Overtraining without rest and recover counter productive and can cause injuries that take weeks or months to heal, throwing you way off of achieving your daily fitness goals for a while. That's why alternating workout intensive days with rest & recovery focused days so important. 

The upcoming Apple Watch OS Vitals app sleep insights will help provide users detailed information about their sleep possibly superior to the Oura Ring Horizon related well polished Oura App. I am saying that a Series 10 Apple Watch a superior fitness & sleep tracker overall as an ecosystem with iPhone than the Oura Gen3 Horizon, though I still love the superior battery life & biometrics from the Oura in sleep well made package thats much more discrete than an Apple Watch. For anyone looking into the best smart ring, OURA Gen3 Horizon the best one available, otherwise Apple Watch Series 10 with the Vitals & Health & Fitness tracking apps a superior platform with way more features and functions.  

Future Smart Clothing 

E-textiles fabrics that enable electronic components batteries, lights, sensors, & microcontrollers to be embedded, while still washable in commercial washing machines & hot dryers, resistant to sweat & water & hold up well as fabrics with integrated electronics. Smart clothing an example of wearable technology that builds on top of smartphones and smart watches & smart rings of today. Flexible conductive fibers can be woven into insulating fabrics to provide paths for current flow power and data flow within the smart garment or e-textile or electronic textiles. 

This builds upon the wearable mesh networking between the smartphone & smartwatch and smart rings of today, or on body networking, wearable internet of things, such that new smart shoes and smart pants and smart shirts are emerging biodata collection platforms based on wearable research projects at many universities since 2004. Features in sci-fi shows and movies, smart clothing builds upon advanced made in electronic textiles for adding wifi and bluetooth & battery or capacitor and solar power capture function directly into washable textiles that never require dry cleaning and can be easily washed at home in a typical clothing washer and electric dryer units in most homes today. 


Global Debt Crisis 2024-25 Emerging

Economy of China (CCP) collapsing, salary cuts for governments employees, hundreds of thousands of businesses closing, outsourcing to cheaper Southeast Asia countries for manufacturing, currency inflation, globalization, sanctions chip fab & similar. Ghost cities built for online images for face or appearance now vacant or empty ghost towns where people go to shoot images of all the uninhabited buildings and infrastructure left to rot without being maintained since it was all fake process driven by a building boom from foreign investment, but there was no real local economy to produced shared weather so no local people can buy any of the condominiums or homes. 

Fake Fiat Currencies are increasingly worthless compared to silver and gold which keep their value for millennia in all countries through out time and are easily convertible back to the local current currency for immediate spending on credit cards online for example. 

In America, it's similar in a different way, but the US dollar been losing value continually. This makes everything increasingly expensive progressively increasing income inequality, or gentrification via specialization and globalization such that labor markets now compete internationally. It's all a big game played by people who control trillions of dollars. War is just the adult military industrial version of a street fight in a local neighborhood between two people. The national states are manipulated by the global elite to do the fighting, since everyone just a pawn controlled by powers evil and satanic.

Don't listen to me, clearly if I knew the best way I would be practicing it and not talking about it! Then again to talk about any issue we have to know about it. If no one talks about the issue then how would anyone think about them or how could a collaborative complicated solution to these issues emerge if no one is talking about them? Besides we can't watch everyone all the time, there are too many people and not enough hours in the day. 

Processed UPF food disease epidemic, with colorful bags and boxes o ultra processed hyper palatable foods designed to hook consumers into eating more "once you pop you cannot stop" kinds of engineered foods with artificial ingredients and strange synthetic chemicals with no history of consumption by people with toxic effects like pesticide residue or shelf stabilizer synthetic chemicals. Bliss point engineering with flavor, taste, aroma engineering so that that Oreo cookie tastes better than anything a normal person can made at home without going through an insane process using highly specialized expensive equipment not feasibly to own or operate on a small domestic kitchen scale. Making UPF food at home impractical because you lack the special equipment and special ingredients in your pantry or kitchen or fridge.

Eating industrial processed food causing morbidly obese children in India & China, who are increasingly less physically active spending most of their time playing games or gaming on smartphones. Sedentary lifestyle of sitting around & not moving very much, never playing sports or doing any kind of physically demanding work or leisure. Lazy, causing decreasing brain function of preventable stupidity, the science now shows that a sugar rich diet plus low activity levels kills many retired people who stop working within a few years of retiring, watching TV all day eating UPF snack foods from Costco for example.

Sugary soda or pop or candy or baked goods, lots of added sugars + refined industrial seed oils called "Vegetable Oil" even though it contains no vegetable, very little Omega 3 and way too much Omega 6 and forms trans fats proven to cause cardiovascular disease, joint pain & chronic inflammation. Eating industrial processed starches and carbohydrates the primary cause of dementia and Alzheimer, while many children suffering from ADD & ADHD have been eating UPF junk rife with added sugars, artificial flavors, engineered starches that break back down into blood sugar quickly, causing glucose-toxicity in their developing brains. 

The overuse of smartphones by children and adolescences also causes hyper activation of the brains pleasure and reward centers, while reducing blood flow to the hypothalamic pituitary axis and prefrontal cortex, therein causing a reduction in brain memory function, decreased learning, reduced task salience or focus, effectively setting the children up metabolically and neurologically to be less intelligent with an inability to hold their focus for more than 30 seconds. 

Diabetes, Cancer, Kidney Failure, Pre-diabetes, Type 2 and Type 3 Diabetes, say "Mitochondrial Degradation from Chronic High Blood Glucose Levels." That means that eating too much in large serving sizes, too often, too many times per day, causes and increase in blood pressure, blood sugar, and plague formation in arteries, giving rise to capillary damage, stroke, clots, edema, embolisms and increasing risks for many kinds of cancer of the liver with non-alcoholic fatty liver disorder or pancreatic or brain cancers, even tumors and metastasis of cancers accelerated with added sugars to diet since the high blood glucose resulting fuels the out of control development of cancer cell proliferation. Heart Disease and Many Cancers are the long term consequence of Metabolic Syndrome disorders caused by eating the ultra processed wester American SAD diet. 

Add income increasing income inequality stress, wages not keeping up with the increasing costs of rent, food, housing, fuel, energy, making the global middle class shrink, while forces of gentrification and snobbery make people who have a lot even feel like they are not enough. Add currency inflation, globalization and trade that exploits workers competing for labor around the world. Insourcing and outsourcing, online retail competition. It's not one thing, but really the long term outcome of hyper individualism that emerged in America in the 1960's. Now we have people meeting at conventions to talk about Flat Earth theory even though it's a known pseudo-science or factually untrue. Shut ins, loneliness, depression, anxiety, fear, uncertainty, doubt, confusion, ignorance, bigotry, racism, hate, evil. People are having mental illness because society changed more in the last 50 years than it did in the last 50,000 years. 

Real food around the outside of the grocery store, not in colorful bags or boxes. Real food been real food for thousands of years, part of traditional home cooked meals, largely forgotten as mom and dad both have to work full time to cover the increasing costs of life's basics. Having children has become a luxury premium affordable only to people with high income, the protected professional medical and legal industries or software or similar high income jobs. With a shrinking middle class that means more poor families that rely on SNAP or state assisted food funding. Looming WWIII between American & China & more like crime and fraud and scams on the rise. Add climate change and existential threats like CME or coronal mass ejections from the SUN. What about hurricanes and earthquakes and other natural hazards and disasters like drunk drivers who kill and hurt other people on the world's roadways? 

Humanoid Robots & Artificial General Intelligence 

Former US President Donald Trump found guilty of 34 felony counts of falsifying business records.

Firstly he is not a very savvy business man, having inherited nearly $600 million in the 1960's from his racist father Fred Trump Sr, Donald now 76 has the waistline of an obese American who regular consumes unhealthy fast food, something he is apparently proud of. Fond of upgradings his wives over the years, he's not exactly a high caliber personality to start with. He was long time friends with Jeffry Epstein (Child Sex Trafficking Pyramid $200 Payment Scheme), and Donald J. Trump has been long time friends with Vladimir Putin (See War in the Ukraine )

During and preceding the 2016 presidential election, Donald orchestrated a catch and kill scheme to eliminate negative information about him by identifying, purchasing & burying any negative information in order to deliberately improve his odds of being elected. He went to great lengths to hide his conduct, including creating volumes of false business records in order to conceal criminate activities, even related to violating election laws at the state and national levels. 

The following was copied and pasted from the above hyperlinked website for your immediate enjoyment! 

The 34 felony counts in Trump’s hush money trial

Trump was charged with falsifying business records in the first degree.

 Invoice from Michael Cohen, marked as a record of the Donald J. Trump Revocable Trust 
Feb. 14, 2017
 Entry in the Detail General Ledger for the Donald J. Trump Revocable Trust, bearing voucher number 842457 
Feb. 14, 2017
 Entry in the Detail General Ledger for the Donald J. Trump Revocable Trust, bearing voucher number 842460 
Feb. 14, 2017
 Check and check stub, Donald J. Trump Revocable Trust Account, bearing check number 000138 
Feb. 14, 2017
 Invoice from Michael Cohen, marked as a record of the Donald J. Trump Revocable Trust 
March 16, 2017
 Entry in the Detail General Ledger for the Donald J. Trump Revocable Trust, bearing voucher number 846907 
March 17, 2017
 Check and check stub, Donald J. Trump Revocable Trust Account, bearing check number 000147 
March 17, 2017
 Invoice from Michael Cohen, marked as a record of Donald J. Trump 
April 13, 2017
 Entry in the Detail General Ledger for Donald J. Trump, bearing voucher number 858770 
June 19, 2017
 Check and check stub, Donald J. Trump account, bearing check number 002740 
June 19, 2017
 Invoice from Michael Cohen, marked as a record of Donald J. Trump 
May 22, 2017
 Entry in the Detail General Ledger for Donald J. Trump, bearing voucher number 855331 
May 22, 2017
 Check and check stub, Donald J. Trump account, bearing check number 002700 
May 23, 2017
 Invoice from Michael Cohen, marked as a record of Donald J. Trump 
June 16, 2017
 Entry in the Detail General Ledger for Donald J. Trump, bearing voucher number 858772 
June 19, 2017
 Check and check stub, Donald J. Trump account, bearing check number 002741 
June 19, 2017
 Invoice from Michael Cohen, marked as a record of Donald J. Trump 
July 11, 2017
 Entry in the Detail General Ledger for Donald J. Trump, bearing voucher number 861096 
July 11, 2017
 Check and check stub, Donald J. Trump account, bearing check number 002781 
July 11, 2017
 Invoice from Michael Cohen, marked as a record of Donald J. Trump 
Aug. 1, 2017
 Entry in the Detail General Ledger for Donald J. Trump, bearing voucher number 863641 
Aug. 1, 2017
 Check and check stub, Donald J. Trump account, bearing check number 002821 
Aug. 1, 2017
 Invoice from Michael Cohen, marked as a record of Donald J. Trump 
Sept. 11, 2017
 Entry in the Detail General Ledger for Donald J. Trump, bearing voucher number 868174 
Sept. 11, 2017
 Check and check stub, Donald J. Trump account, bearing check number 002908 
Sept. 12, 2017
 Invoice from Michael Cohen, marked as a record of Donald J. Trump 
Oct. 18, 2017
 Entry in the Detail General Ledger for Donald J. Trump, bearing voucher number 872654 
Oct. 18, 2017
 Check and check stub, Donald J. Trump account, bearing check number 002944 
Oct. 18, 2017
 Invoice from Michael Cohen, marked as a record of Donald J. Trump 
Nov. 20, 2017
 Entry in the Detail General Ledger for Donald J. Trump, bearing voucher number 876511 
Nov. 20, 2017
 Check and check stub, Donald J. Trump account, bearing check number 002980 
Nov. 21, 2017
 Invoice from Michael Cohen, marked as a record of Donald J. Trump 
Dec. 1, 2017
 Entry in the Detail General Ledger for Donald J. Trump, bearing voucher number 877785 
Dec. 1, 2017
 Check and check stub, Donald J. Trump account, bearing check number 003006 
Dec. 5, 2017