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Verbal Murder : Rejection Causes PTSD like Emotional Damage Echos for Years of Torment

 Rejection hurts a person in a deep lasting way that continues to harm their mind, psyche, emotions and mental health. Being rejected by the father, your worldly father the worst as the most desired thing amongst all people worldwide is approval by their worldly father. My worldly father was a sperm donor who took off when I was still an infant and have never heard from him in any way and have been unable to find him and have no idea if he is even alive. 

Thankfully my adoptive father, the legendary Ken Black, was exceptional as a father even though I was adopted son. He taught me how to use tools to fix and repair machines of all kinds, how to do home improvement, to create plans and solutions and how implement them and make it happen. He was patient, loving, kind, respectful, friendly, and taught me a lot about the world and helped me to find ways to learn even more, eventually such that I became a college educated scientist. 

I was rejected in school by foolish hateful students who called me a faggot or queer or gay, even though I am none of those, and am heterosexual and married to an honorable amazing woman today. I never liked being verbally harassed with gay slurs, something that is a hate crime and bullying thats prohibited in schools today, though it still happens online where the schools have limited ability to regulate or control it, on social media apps where people text messages disparaging or harsh or harmful cruel words to other people in order to bully or manipulate or gas light or similar forms of disobedient witchcraft or evil. 

The bibles warn that our tong is fire, a dangerous rudder to the ship of our body, able to speak both blessings and curses, to lift up or tear other people down. That we are to take all of our thoughts captive and be obedient to God as to Christ Jesus and the Holy Spirit to think on that which is pure, honorable, decent, loving, kind, respectful, of good repute, that aligns with God's instruction in the New Testament of the Christian Bible about Proper Christian Conduct and to be imitators of God, godly, treating all other people with loving kindness, with a humble contrite heart, putting other people up as better than yourself, acknowledging that you are a flawed hypocrite sinner prone to thinking and doing inappropriate wrong things, but are able to use your free will agency to make better choices inspired by the Holy Word in the Bible, or real knowledge that is edifying about honorable human conduct to other people and the rest of God's creation or all life on Earth. 

It further specifies that greed is evil and must not even be hinted at amongst the Kingdom of God or God's people on Earth. It says that polluting and polluters are evil because they place profits above a concern for the wellness of other people, through idolatry of money and wealth emitting toxic poisonous pollutants that harm other peoples health and damage ecosystems and environments, for the sake of increasing profits, when a cleaner process available that would cost the owners or masters of society a small amount more to do the same process in a eco-friendly non toxic or less poisonous way. 

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