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2003 The Year I Made the Worst Mistake

I joined dark forces in 2003 and it took until 2006 to finally realize that the military industrial complex of America was really just a mechanism for the New World Order to execute depopulating the world through complex genetic manipulation known as GMO & so called vaccines which actually at least in some way are to sterilize people so they can't have children.

To understand what I am talking about you have to first acknowledging that the "War on Drugs" executed by the DEA and FBI inside America is contrary to the trafficking of illicit narcotics into America by the CIA using help from the DIA and NSA. In this respect government debt spending racking up increasing national debt in America is logically contradictory in its aim and funding of programs that oppose one another's operating basis or principles of operation, funding or objectives contradictory or illogical. 

Now take into consideration the Lost Generation in Japan, the global loneliness epidemic, obesity epidemic, diabetes epidemic, and UPF ultra processed unhealthy food increasingly popular causing all the above problems to become worse along with the kidney failure & heart disease epidemics from chronic inflammation from GMO rape seed oil sold as Canola Oil or included in UPF after being brominated as BVO to increase the shelf life of so many popular snack and junk food items sold widely to billions of customers daily who have no idea what they are eating, some 10,000 + FDA approved chemical food additives of highly questionable nature, nothing I would feed anyone that I love personally, I would ban and outlaw UPF items if I had the power to do so. 

I hate greed, lies, crime, corruption and the sick UPF industry which harms way more people than big alcohol or big tobacco, car accidents, plane accidents and gun crimes combined. UPF are the most damaging and deadly thing executed against the public interest with greed and evil at the highest level possible, with elite income earners benefiting from the mass production and global sale of so many UPF items. 

Back in 2003 I made choice to date a liar who manipulated me to get to my money, thinking she could gold digger her way to a comfortable life by misleading me and gas lighting me to manipulate in every way possible, so that every time I was home from missions working as a contractor for the Pentagon, I was over at her place in Seattle. We were hiking in Issaquah one day when she started asking pointed specific questions about my financial history and position. 

It was on this day in 2006 that I realized what was happening, she was engaged in long term inception, trying to get into the deepest parts of my mind and emotions to sabotage me, under the guise of loving me in all ways possible as a kind benevolent giving lover, but she was doing it deliberately to trick and confuse me into obedience, to program me into giving into her manipulative plan hidden in the shadows of her mind as she sugar coated her output in voice, action and behavior, personality and person all with the aim of seducing and confusing me into legal bondage in a fake marriage without a real basis, something I never entered because ironically after that fateful hike questioning sessions she broke up with me, possibly the best thing that ever happened to me, other than having that useless sperm donor father of mine take off when I was baby never to communicate with in any way ever, probably better too because only a completely price of crap human does something so low as to ignore his children lifelong, but sadly there are many fatherless children and sperm donor low quality men today, part of the reason for the hyper feminist anti-male cultural shifting in America today in 2024. 

God knows the truth and facts about all of this and why I still feel sad and bitter about all of it today, even though I forgave the other party for her treacherous conduct, since I never let her back into my life after that for good reason. Her greatest fear was becoming overweight and guess what happened to her ? UPF induced morbid obesity. 

In 2007 I met a very lovely honorable young Christian reader doer of the word level lady who had been in a bad relationship for several years with a guy who was 10 years older and going no where. She ended up moving away to Africa as a missionary, after working locally as a social worker for a few years when I met her. We never actually dated, rather went on walks and talks for hours together, but never more than that. I was never keen on the idea of going to any country in Africa for a variety of reasons. To this end I had to say goodbye. 

Incredibly in 2010 I met the most Amazing woman on Earth, the lovely talented intelligent and gifted Megan that I am fortunate to call my wife today, since 2013 in fact. We dated for 3 years because I was deeply skeptical after some other relationships that I left out of this posting. I was mislead and manipulated many times and Meg was too. We were both lonely damaged goods when we met and able to understand each other more as a result. 

You know that what happens to you in life refines your soul, mind, spirit and emotions. You become more like who you spend time with and what you focus on, in a compounding ongoing cumulative way. I have been driving school busses for nearly 5 years now, so my brain has an extensive driver control section for how to safely pilot a school bus filled with children. 

I found a relationship with God though Christ Jesus in 2020, just 4 years ago, having been raised catholic growing up, the public outcry against pedophile priests being shuffled around by the papal authority and a wake of victims all over America who had been molested or raped by Catholic Priests, this information caused me to embrace agnostic views after 2003. It was during this time that I began engaging in the dark arts, which I now recognize was wrong. I was avid about Lucid Dreaming and Remote Viewing and manipulating electronic systems of all kinds with mental energy or telepathy, and used this for great amusement and personal benefit, to myself well healed and safe in dangerous places against powerful forces who hate young white American military personnel. 

2003 was a weird time and I reflect on, having watch the movie Lost in Translation back then. I have watched it a few times since then and really like the fun loving romantic platonic friendly vibe, music, comedy, focus on ephemeral enjoyment of experiences, flavor, taste, aroma, smells smoking, music, social engagement, travel, leisure, work, something that hit home really hard. Think sexual energy, tension, pressure, apatite, desire, lust, feeling, pleasure, your body, sensory perception, focusing intensity on the now, each passing moment, harnessing your focus to maximize experience intensity in every possible situation and circumstance to be more engaged and to live a more dynamic and intense pleasurable stimulating life even in simple ways in simple places, find joy and happiness in strange places, finding beauty in the negative spaces, seeing the silver lining and learning to find loving kindness to spread and share with others in beautiful social exchanges with dynamic discussions that I love abundantly. 

Watch and listen to this YouTube video to get the vibe I am trying to describe //

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