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Food Laws

Many governments impose strange food laws. In France for example they criminalized poverty. Italy said that starving people can steal small amounts of food without going to jail, and not guilty of a crime, but it has to be a very small amount of food.

Is a sandwich a sandwich if it doesn't have bread. How much sugar vs flour can be used before it's considered cake or bread? Ireland said that the bread of Subway contains too much sugar.

Long been widely known that there is a Scientific link between too much sugar consumption and obesity. Chili banned companies from advertising high sugar or high fat items to children. Mexico banned cereal mascots designed to market to children. This is often done with quasi free tablet and smartphone games produced and distributed by industrial food companies that sell popular UPF or ultra processed foods like an Oreo Cookie to make Oreo focus games for young children that are effectively brainwashing children into becoming lifelong addicts or customers who regularly buy and consume unhealthy sugar rich ultra processed junk food, such as Oreo cookies, which are totally fine to eat sparingly in small amounts, but metabolic toxins that harm the cell mitochondria with high blood glucose levels when such things are eating regularly in large servings, enough to constitute a meal of calories. 

UPF are effectively a slow food based assault on the bodies of people who regularly eat UPF because of the added artificial colors and any of 10,000+ FDA approved food chemical additives that are called "Natural Flavors or Spices" in the long ingredients listings on the back of the packaging. You can easily identify a UPF if it comes in a colorful bag or body containing more than 9 ingredients and at least 2 chemical ingredients with names you do not recognize and have a difficult time pronouncing, chemicals that almost no one cooks with at home, like BVO or brominated vegetable oil, which is made by cooking GMO rape seed oil with bromine, added to UPF because it enhanced shelf life & profits, but not healthy to consume as rape seed very high in inflammatory promoting Omega 6 oil and the GMO aspect questionable, but bromine is poisonous, as in consuming brominated substance has a toxic negative effect on the body, like other heavy toxic metals such as arsenic, lead or mercury. 

Children younger than 15 cannot understand what is an ad or what is not an ad. Its is far easier to learn good habits when we are young than it is to unlearn bad habits when we are older. This makes marketing unhealthy junk food to children morally and ethically abhorrent or an abomination to sensible thinking. No loving parent would deliberately feed their children something poisonous or toxic, but these industrial food companies are blinded by trying to maximize profits endlessly every fiscal quarter in order to increase profits in what is effectively the idolatry of money at a systemic level, something that also caused many pollutants harmful to public and environmental healthy to be released. 

I am thinking of the cancer causing foam blowing solvents used at many foam factories that make foam for furniture and car seats and similar, where hexane was chosen over CO2 because it was cheaper, but not safer for the foam factory employee, few of whom lived past the age of 60 having died of cancers scientifically linked to chronic hexane exposer to the foam blowing agents that workers at foam factories were exposed to daily for years, resulting in a class action lawsuit now. 

Did you know that greed is consider evil according to the Christian Bible and described as such. the Bible also says that polluting is evil and the people doing things that result in pollution are idolators who place profits and money making over the health of other people & nature. Greed causes many people to do sick, immoral, unethical things that harm or hurt other people. Greed is also toxic to the mindset of the greedy person who ends up living an isolated lonely sad life of superficial materialistic empty loss where their children do not love them and their spouse files for a divorce. Greedy people sacrifice their family friends for money, making greed a kind of mental illness or psychosis. 

In other words the employees of the Federal Reserve Banking System of the USA are greedy idolators who will be rejected by God when they die and stand before God as he says to these greedy idolatry, "Depart from me, I did not know you" to workers of inequity who fail to repent for their sin. They are some that stop working for the Federal Reserve and turn away from a life of habitual sin to embrace faith in God, repenting for their sins, and being remade as a man or woman of God serving the Kingdom of God on Earth for their remaining time alive so that when they get to heaven to face God for their final judgment the Lord says "Welcome my beloved child" that is not to say that such people live a blameless life, for all people sin, and have fallen short of the glory of God, but people who love God and live a blameless life of humility, doing their best to never offend God, respecting the Lord and holding close the valued of Proper Christian Conduct as described, but such people must repent regularly to be sanctified, such that no person can boast, but only some shall be healed by sincere respect faith to God in the name of Christ Jesus. It says in John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, so that whoever believes in Jesus Christ shall not perish, but have everlasting life, after death, in the afterlife. 

Ketchup and Barbecue Sauces are notoriously packed with added sugar in high levels, that most people are surprised to learn such sauces have so much sugar, almost like liquid candy. There is an obesity epidemic worldwide, particularly in latin American counties, China and India, because they largely have no laws against blatant marketing of unhealthy foods to children. There are even cleaver ways to circumvent strict food laws regarding child marketing in France, where the UPF company pays an app developer to make a fun free tablet or smartphone game for Android or IOS, that centers around a given UPF item like an Oreo cookie. 

I like bash Oreo cookies because I actually eat them sometimes and really like the Oreo chocolate cookie flavor, probably because its made with high technology bliss point engineering by adding 56 essential oils in tiny quantities to make Oreo cookies have a distinct amazing flavor, even though they are largely empty calories like other candy or alcohol. 

Big tobacco and big alcohol cannot market to children anymore, at least not in America. Candy cigarettes were something that my wife and I encounter as children. In 1994 that all ended with a ban on tobacco advertising to children. Big daddy Coca Cola slangs HFCS and massive Sugar Added acidic tooth eating soda pop that's respoible for a diabetes epidemic, a high blood sugar epidemic, kidney failure epidemic and making people fatter and sicker in countries like Mexico where the local water unsanitary such that most people drink UPF soda, made in a factory with RO water or filtered purified and sanitized water, before the questionable HFCS and other chemicals are added. I don't drink soda anymore and neither does my wife because we avoid UPF items prevent by hard science to slowly sicken people who eat them regularly. 

Many new food laws are designed to reduce the consumption of unhealthy foods and to promote the consumption of healthier foods, including increasing public education and increasing awareness about scientifically accurate nutritional information, so that people edified by such make healthier food choices through their increased nutritional intelligence or greater understanding of what is or is not healthy to eat. 

Crips, Chips, Snack Cakes, these are usually UPF cooked in GMO seed oil and sprinkled with many different strange artificial chemicals and additives to give them amazing flavor and taste using bliss point engineering. I am thinking of Dorito chips with flaming hot powder added to an overcooked mixture of modified starch powder that would taste bland like eat cardboard, so they spray the UPF base with oil then sprinkle strange chemicals and additives that bind to the chip, with bright colors and amazing flavors, but almost no vitamins or minerals or virtually no or very low nutritional value, as yet again empty calories. 

Understand that sugar, starches and carbohydrates all break down into higher blood sugar after you eat them, and that's great metabolic fuel for walk, run, jog, bike ride, yard work, or anything like working out in VR that gets your heart rate up, that makes your body hotter and sweater, and causes you to breathe so hard that its hards to speak more than a few words without gasping for more air in your next breath. Thats called LEVE 4 workout that you can get doing HIIT exercises fast cheap and easy with no special gear almost anywhere at any time. Eating such things without moving causes body fat to form as the increased blood sugar triggers and insulin release that tells cells to uptake or take in sugar, and that become glycogen and then body fat. 

Excess sugar consumption creates more body fat. If you want to lose weight, cut out all added sugars from your diet. Stop eating carbs and starches, and start eating more fat and protein. No UPF foods or junk foods or soda or candy. Eat real food, traditional food, in reasonable serving sizes. Drink enough water to stay hydrated and get off your duff and move around more. If you handicapped you can still workout sitting. Swimming is a low impact way to workout for people with skeletal joint pain issues, like many older people or people who have been in car accidents or are injured at work or while skiing or snowboarding or similar. 

Norway & Austria for example banned a lot of foods containing artificial food dye, since scientific studies have proven a link between the consumption of such dye and an increasing rate of ADD and ADHD in children who regular consumed UPF items with added artificial food dye, which is also made from coal tar or petroleum. Emerging science shows that many artificial food coloring agents promote cancer, or are carcinogenic or carcinogens. 

Artificial colors come as paste, liquid, powder or gel and are added to make bland boring UPF base foods more interesting. The industrial processes used to make the UPF food base powders remove almost all flavors, tastes, aromas or smells and even colors, such that they bland boring modified starch, which the UPF company then adds tons of sugars, spices, coloring agents, artificial flavors, perfumes, dye, preservatives and other strange chemicals to boost shelf life more. Thats why UPF are unhealthy, because of how they are made and what they are made of. 

Singapore outlawed chemical gum in 1992 because used chewing gum was being found everywhere and to be a public nuisance. Violating the gum law in Singapore can net someone a $100,000 fine and 2 year prison sentence. 

France implemented a Baguette law in 1983, Decret Pain or Bread Decree, describing what French Bakers can or cannot do when making a baguette, a national symbol of French culture, as there are more than 10,000 bakeries in France that bake bread fresh daily. 

Many countries have strict biosecurity issues at their border crossings, at airports and other transit terminals, to minimize the movement of pest species that can cause devastating harm to agriculture. Many illiterate or unformatted travelers from abroad try to bring food with them when they fly to America, only to have border agents take the food and put it in a disposal wet grinder into the sewer. Locally I am thinking of highway signs when entering King Country about an Apple Maggot Quarantine Zone, though the sign looks old, as in many decades old. 

Protecting ecosystems and agricultural industries as major aim of border biosecurity measures, to protect farmers and livestock with important commercial value to the economy. The idea is to minimize vectoring of insects, fungi, bacteria and viruses that can have devastating impacts if trafficked internationally, usually unintentionally by people trying to bring local foods with them when they travel abroad, something that sounds absurd to me as an American, but I am not a rural citizen from a third world country who obviously placed a higher value on food than other aspects of life. 

Australia is plagued with rabbits for example brought there is the 1800s and which have become a nuisance ever since. Australia has some of the most stringent biosecurity measures to prevent invasive species from being trafficked into Australia by international passengers traveling abroad. 

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