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Inner Destruction, Self Hatred, Feeling Rejected, Abandoned, Hated or Judged

The way you think, especially towards yourself, strongly affects your mind, mind body connection, health and wellness. Toxic negative thinking of any kind becomes diseases of many kinds by causing disturbances of homeostasis by causing hormone and cell enzyme levels and cytokines and other signaling molecule systems to be knocked out of balance. 

These thought based biochemical imbalanced from negative thinking become manifest as disease pathology or disfunction of cell systems, regularly becoming auto-immune disorders or 83 known common kinds or any of the cancers, often from bitterness, unforgiving, harsh hatred, anger unresolved, from envy or strife or PTSD or Rejection

Forgiving other people very important, but its even more important to forgive yourself

Ask God right now out loud, say "Lord forgive me and help me forgive myself" "Father God I come to you as your son or daughter to ask for forgiveness" "I recognize that what I said or did to harm myself or other people was evil and wrong, I repent from engaging in such thoughts or behaviors, and I am asking in the holy name of Christ Jesus for your forgiveness Lord, and I accept your forgiveness and since you are willing to forgive me I am also willing to forgive myself. 

Put off your old self, call your mind, body, will, emotions, soul and spirit into obedience to the Lord and be remade in God's image, sanctified and purified, cleansed of all unclean spirits, free to be the best version of yourself that God intends for all people. God has more thoughts about you than there is sand particles in the world or drops of water in the oceans. Jesus Christ, God, the Holy Spirit, they love you and want you to stay with them in prayerful consultation about all matters in your life. 

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