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Will Power Verses Sweet Tooth

Do you enjoy confections, baked goods, pie, cake, ice cream, candy, soda ? Well these high glycemic foods are very popular worldwide. If they are sold as shelf stable long shelf life items on the shelves of isle of grocery stores or supermarkets and come in colorful bags or boxes with lots of graphical images and strange nutritional claims, then they are probably UPF and made with modified starch, artificial colors, GMO rape seed oil treated with bromine to enhance shelf life, strange questionable preservative chemicals and any of 10,000 + FDA approved UPF food additives applied to ultra processed foods proven to increase obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancers, and are effectively the basis of diseases of civilization or what is wrong with the SAD or standard American diet, rife with up to 73% UPF items. 

UPF means Ultra Processing something thats very hard for anyone to do at home using a stand mixer or similar common kitchen equipment. Most people do not have artificial colors, artificial flavors, preservatives, BVO or any of the 10,000 + FDA approved chemical food additives in their pantry or fridge, so virtually no one cooks food at home the way industrial food processing companies make common well selling UPF items like Dorito chips flaming hot or Oreo cookies, though I could include Skittles or M&M or any other junk food or snack food made in with industrial UPF methods to enhance shelf life and maximize profits even though UPF are proven with high quality science evidence to increase cancer risks, risks for developing type 2 diabetes, causing chronic inflammation that becomes heart disease, elevating the risk for stroke, clotting and embolisms that no one wants. 

This is why I hate the FDA and why the FDA is a crooked dishonest sleaze example of a corrupt bribery inhibited government regulatory agency that provides special favors for industrial food processing companies that use the Tobacco industry playbook to market their unhealthy UPF items to children who are unable to make sense of what is and what is not an ad, as their young developing brains cannot discern the intentions of companies marketing things to them. Shame on Governments that allow companies to sell people unhealthy foods and beverages, since many UPF are the base calorie input to so many American diets. Many children are unwitting victims of their parents buying UPF items and bringing them home and letting their children eat UPF the child viewed in a tablet or smartphone ad or free game. 

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