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All Thoughts Become Changes in Your Body

Your mind is the battlefield on which a holy inter dimensional war being played between the Kingdom of Heaven, God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, Angels and God's People and the Kingdom of Hell, Satan & Demons

Your thoughts become physical biochemical changes to your brain and body, and all aspects of chemical signaling and control of the body, cells, cell systems, organs, flesh and bones.  

When we learn something good or bad, it becomes parts of our brain which is part of the mind or where the mind operates the mind body relationship. 

This is why brain injuries cause such profound mental problems long term as many former professional boxers and football players have experienced with depression and PTSD from profound brain injuries or traumatic brain injuries. 

Many people that haven been in bad car accidents and survived have long terms problems because their brain hit their skull when the vehicle rapidly decelerated due to the energetic vehicular accident. 

All thoughts cause protein synthesis in the brain, becoming part of the structure and function of the brain~ 

Therefor take all thoughts captive to the obedience of Christ Jesus to embrace wisdom and real knowledge, that which causes people to abandon lives of sinning habitually to embrace cleaner honorable Godly lives of proper Christian Conduct, treating themselves, other people and animals with sincerely loving kindness, helping other people at all times with random acts of kindness, saving wildlife or animals from harm, reducing pollution with smarter intelligent technology and upgrading our minds and technologies for everyones collective benefits, to eliminate all pollution, to make the biosphere of Earth healthy, happier, and better for all life. 

If all people were obeying God as described in the New Testament then most of the existing world problems would not exist. They would be almost no crime of any kind. 

People would be connected in more ways with more money and more opportunities and amazing lives of energetic abundance with cheap healthy foods that are eco-friendly, regenerating soil and dirt, making ecosystems function better than they were when we previously ignorantly polluted them with evil pollutants from greed and idolatry because the people in Charge were not living accord to the Holy Word and were living lives of habitual sin, placing increasing profits above the health of other people & nature. 

Join Team Jesus and become an important part of Gods Holy Kingdom. If you worship the Lord and reject evil and satan, satan and demons will flee from you. Read the Bible out loud as these evil being hate hearing God's holy word. 

If you speak the Bible out loud the demons and satanic will flee because they hate hearing it. Evil opposes God's holy word. 

Read the Amplified Bible for better clarity and increased understanding and pray to God before you read the Bible asking God to help you remember the Holy Word, for the Word of God is your weapon against evil powers, principalities in heavenly places, dark forces, satan and evil, the evil doers and people who hurt or harm other people listening to evil thought injected into their mind by the kingdom of hell, since we know that satan is the prince of the air of this world, the same reason that air pollution of many kind abounds harming and hurting other people & nature with increasingly runaway climate change, ocean levels rising obliterating coastal regions and causing widespread destruction with increasingly energetic hurricanes or tropical storm systems of ever increasing intensity. 

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