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Death Penalty

Some bad actors who kill senselessly many other people, can be said to be "deserving of death" as a penalty, noting that everyone eventually faces death at some point.

My 3 year old sister was killed in a freak accident while making a snow angle in the front yard, when a teen drive driving up the steep hill in front of the yard lost traction control of his vehicle and the vehicle slid down the hill over the curb into the yard where her young fragile head was struck by the bumped, she died on life support when parents pulled the plug after Dr. Stunts the brain surgeon told them there was little of any hope of a recovery due to incredible damage to her brain.

With some irony Dr. Stunts died a few months later skiing off the edge of a cliff into a rock embankment where he died of a blunt head injury at the age of 46. So in both instances a freak accident took people at different ages.

Some people die in their 20's of lymph cancer, other in old age from heart disease or complication from super morbid obesity, like a bad blood clot in a critical area that cuts off blood and cause cell death from hypoxia, a cerebral aneurism if you will.

No one can get out of this life alive even if they try.

Watch this video about the Death Penalty in Japan compared to the USA

Death in modern terms means your body no long function, that your heart, breathing & brain activity have ceased to stopped or are not longer happening. In this context someone who has died a biological death is biologically dead, like other organism in nature that die and are dead at some point. 

No one lasts forever and nothing lasts forever, for all things on earth are subject to the principle of entropy or decay or to move from ordered to disorders, rotting and falling apart, from atoms to atoms again, dust to dust if you will, everything in the biosphere, especially water, is recycled. 

We are made of recycled star dust from stars long ago much lager than the local star the Sun that bathes Earth in energy. Almost all life on Earth is either directly solar powered, plants, water cycle, soil, nutrients, or animals that ate plants, that die and become part of the soil again, or buried in either case becoming coal or oil under heat and pressure in the ground for long persons. Carbon and hydrocarbon energy like coal, gasoline, diesel, natural gas are effectively made of ancient sunlight that once powered plants that have died and become coal or oil eventually, stored carbon, or embedded or accumulate chemical energy. 

There are obviously many ways of thinking about life and death. Humans perfected the art of killing other people with nuclear fusion weapons, fission bombs like the ones dropped on Japan to end WWII for example. Many kinds of mortars, munitions, guns, cannons, directed energy weapons, bioweapons, there are many ways that people kill other people during time of war or in warfare. Apparently it's not murder but act of war so long as a nation state sponsors the activity. 

If you kill someone on your own motivation without being ordered to do so by a state government, that is deemed murder, and you can be subject to great civil and criminal penalties like a lifetime prison sentence or be ordered to be killed by the death penalty in the USA and Japan while most other counties have abolished state murder of criminals, the states still order their militaries to kill members of the enemy state during times of war, like the war in the Ukraine right now. 

Japan has one of the lowest crime rates in the world, but that comes at great expensive in different ways that would not be acceptable in most other countries. There are many cultural and social factors unique to Japan that give rise to such a low crime rate, but it largely boils down to a Face Saving cultural focus, where your Image as Person must be maintain, even if fake, otherwise great shame will come to you and your family, if you "Lose Face" in Japan. This is a very high pressure culture where suicide rates are higher because of the intensity of psychological pressures people trying to be something to everyone end up subjected to, in order to Save their Face or Image or Perception by Others. It's a forced polite culture where being polite is required to save face if even you fake it or do it without sincerity. Superficial, phony, fake, this creates a culture of people who will do almost anything within reason to maintain their public image or save face. 

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