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Clean Air Pollution Reduction with Vehicle Emissions Controls & Electronic Transistor Based Fuel Injection Variable Control & Electronic Transistor Variable Spark Timing Control + Exhaust Catalytic Converter with O2 sensor exhaust gas temperature voltage signals to ECU for dynamic Engine Control Maps

From mechanical fuel injection, to MFI & Port Injection to Direct Injection

Transistor chips enabled precise electronic variable control of injection timing & spark timing making it possible to use O2 sensors & an advanced catalytic converter to remediate NOX to N2 and O2 making the exhaust radically less smog forming or much cleaner, up to 95% reduction in tailpipe emissions of HC or brain & kidney damaging hydrocarbon vapors burned off on the hot catalytic surfaces inside the catalytic converter than also break NO2 & SOX down so that nitric and sulfuric acid forming NOX's and SOX's are remediated so the tailpipe emission contain 95% less smog forming emissions, thereby reducing acid rain formation and urban smog formation. 

Engines with Pistons are air pumps where fuel injected so that the combustion of fuel with air generates hot expanding pressurized gas to shove the piston down generating torque output to the transmission and wheels to move the vehicle. Internal combustion engines are the prime mover or energy conversion device that converts the chemical energy of gasoline or diesel or biofuels or DME or propane, into useful work in the form of rotational toque, in engines able to vary their operating speeds, similar to how your legs work with different gears on a bicycle to vary the bicycles travel speed or the amount of effort your exerting as the bicycle rider, the engine is like the person on the bicycle, the source of energy, where the person eat foods for metabolic fuel the gasoline or diesel engine needs hydrocarbon liquid fuels as energy inputs, and where the muscles in your body crank the pedals on a bicycle, the pistons and hot expanding pressured combustion of gasoline or diesel and air are cranking the engines output shaft with torque to spin the gears in the transmissions that ultimately turn the wheels to move the automobile. 

Rotary Vane vacuum pumps use an electric motor to spin a shaft offset inside an oval housing where the vanes are spring mounted in the rotor produces a swept volume change, such that if the vacuum pump were reversed we could inject air and fuel, compress it, spark or glow plug ignite it, vent the hot expanding exhaust gas pressure after it exerts work on the rotor shaft producing torque output, then start the process over again, suck, squeeze, bang, blow, thereby making an internal combustion rotary vane engine thats superlative in terms of extracting most of the fuels energy and converting it to torque output with incredible thermal efficiency, more torque earlier in the RPM range, more peak power, lower fuel consumption and radically cleaner emissions. 

ICE fuel based engines with piston have been refined for more than 140 years, while the Felix Wankel Rotary engine was nifty, we can obtain the best of both in a light weight power dense clean hyper efficient gasoline or diesel fueled rotary vane engine. Less mass, more torque sooner, cleaner emissions and less fuel consumption mean the best of all engines for road vehicles of all kinds. Combining rotary vane meninges with axial flux electric motors in PHEV and HEV vehicles means event greater fuel economy above 100 MPG or miles per gallon, with a low mass composite vehicle made of carbon fiber able to get more than 200 MPG using cleaver CFD tuned aerodynamics drag reducing design tricks like the Aptera Motors aircraft inspired road vehicles.

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