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Psyche & Persona Easily Damaged (Emotional, Social, Intellectual, Physical, Financial)

Health & Wellness

Break down the word disease into dis & ease, or not at ease. What does it mean to be at ease, to rest and digest after a nice meal for example.

Flavor, taste, aroma, smell, the experience of eating produce a enormous cascade of chemical changes in your body as all the food your put in your mouth and chew with your teeth and saliva has to become a liquid after bile and stomach acid break it down more so that the food chemical components can become biochemicals in your body, after passing through the membranes as a liquid mixture in your small intestines which eventually also gets safety filtered through the portal vein into & out of your liver and further filtering by the kidneys.

Food is made of fats or lipids (so are membranes in your body), amino acids (DNA) from proteins, and carbohydrates are stored as body fat in adipose tissue after fist becoming blood sugar after we eat sugars, starches or carbohydrates. 

Losing weight means radically cutting back carbs, starches, and sugar consumption and replacing it with more omega 3 healthy fats and high quality proteins, probably skipping breakfast or dinner with interval fasting or intermittent fasting and doing a 3 to 5 days water only fast a few times per year. You will also need to go for longer walks regular, starting out for 5 minutes if you have been inactive for a long time and working up to 30 minutes or an hour or more. Carbs, sugars and starches are fuel for your muscles to move, and if you eat them and do not move actively they will be stored as body fat increasing. 

Your brain is an organ made of many kinds of cells, mostly from lipids and amino acids from fats and proteins in our diet, in a system of systems that support nerves and neuron functioning as your brain is the most important organ in your body. Without your brain your body cannot work, because the brain sends out thousands of substances to regulate the body. 

Your thinking controls your movement, muscles, speech, conduct, behavior and aspects of your mind are your personality to persona or character and how other people perceive you. The science of traumatic brain injury highlights the mind body relationship clearly. 

Healing from injuries or accidents strongly influenced by your thoughts. The mind body relationship firmly established in medicine and physiology also mirrors what Christ Jesus talked about in the New Testament of the Christian bible thousands of years ago. 

Recovering from cancer largely depends on the cancer patient having a strong will to survive, something to look forward too, a good reason to keep living. Having a strong positive outlook if you have cancer increases your odds of living longer by a lot. Many people have been able to cure cancers by removing all processed junk food and sugars from their diet, water fasting, interval fasting and improving their mindset and outlook on life. 

It was true, is true and will remain to be true that what you think about strongly influences your health, largely by regulated what and when and how much you eat and drink, since food and beverage are the largest input of chemicals into your body. This is also why artificial colors and synthetic preservatives are not food and bad for the body. This explain why heavy metals and pollutants are harmful to the body. This means we have an urgent moral imperative to teach everyone about real food and to radically reduce all forms of pollution emissions. 

Hunger for example created as the brain releases ghrelin the hunger hormone. When we feel full our brain sends out the satiety creating hormone leptin. 

When our brain releases norepinephrine it motivates us to get up and do something, to be active and happy and motivated to make it happen.

Dopamine & anandamide are special reward pathways chemicals released for example when you have to go poop really bad and have to wait in order to access a toilet or way to relieve yourself, when you finally do relieve yourself your brain sends out a huge pulse of dopamine and anandamide that produce bliss, relaxation, euphoria, joy, and happiness feelings that make reliving yourself highly enjoyable so that we continue to do so in order to expel waste products created by digesting foods we eat. 

This whole hunger, food, digestion system can be highjacked or gas lit or manipulated by UPF junk snack foods made with "Bliss Point" engineering, making such things as Oreo cookies super satisfying to eat and probably also very addictive since eating a bliss point engineered UPF highjacks the reward pathway in the brains nucleus accumbens (NAc or NAcc) or pleasure center of the hypothalamus where reinforcement learning is biochemically solidified. 

Understanding how a UPF can become additive or why people gamble obsessively or abuse drugs or alcohol as addictions, these abuses of life all exploit the same biochemical pathways in the brain that make having fun or doing something entertaining enjoyable, like watching content where your brain takes flat 2D images on the screen and projects the imaging into your brains working memory as an inner mental projection so that other parts of your brain can compare the imaging to derive facts about the story, characters, assets in the scenes or other aspects of the content so that you can make sense of what you are watching on YouTube or TikTok or Instagram or Apple TV or Hulu or Netflix or whatever. 

If we invert the idea of bliss or fun or joy or happiness we see negative emotions

Fear or anxiety or anger or depression. People are really hard on themselves, unforgiving inwardly, while generally fast or quick at forgiving other people. This inner self hatred or self unforgiving can over long periods of time become dis-ease or diseases, and because a causal factor in why people abuse food, drugs, gambling, themselves, other people, animals or nature. 

Obsession can cause people to abuse watching content, listening to unhealthy music with despicable ill repute dirty lyrics and nod their head along to the nice beat without thinking clearly as those messages are subliminally programmed into the listeners brain, causing the person to unwittingly engage in the subconscious idolatry of money, wealthy, power, fancy things, nice stuff, luxury, zip codes, with envy, jealousy and rage at not having the things that other people supposedly get to enjoy. 

I enjoy my Corolla Hybrid at lot more than a man I recently spoke to about his Porsche Macan GTS. He said "It cost way too much, over $90 thousand, loses value fast, costs a fortune to fuel, insure and maintain, and everything from basic fluids, to tires, belts, hoses, costs a fortune in operating cost, while it also requires premium fuel and gets really terrible fuel economy compared to the RAV4 Hybrid he traded in to clime up the Jones latter to a "nicer life" but commiserated that it was really a hollow victory as his life expenses kept up with his increasing income so that he is just a broke without liquid capital to flex as he was when he made a lot less money. 

Having nice things only makes you happier if your superficial enjoy to actually enjoy spending more for things that are not meaningfully better. Consider the Toyota RAV4 Hybrid as more reliable, less expensive, more durable, stronger, with better construction, better parts, lower operating cost, able to use basic gasoline and gets fantastic fuel economy and has very low tailpipe emissions and costs a lot less in all ways than the Porsche Macan GTS "upgrade". I told the Porsche Macan GTS guy get a Lexus RX450h if he wanted the best of both premium luxury and reliable high fuel economy with low emissions.

The word "Premium" implies of higher quality, and that would make a vehicle more reliable and more efficient, so obviously the Lexus Hybrid SUV vastly more premium than the Porsche Macan GTS. Premium means you get more for your money, more quality, higher reliability, higher efficiency. Consider a $500 mini-spit air source heat pump system with a COP or 3.1 when the $1,650 version has a COP of 7.1 / which is the Coefficient of Performance, because the more expensive one has larger well made copper alloy heat exchanges with class leading brushless motor & CFD optimized fan blades that move more air across the radiator with less electricity and can vary the speed from 1 RPM to thousands of RPM to throttle in a broad range of temperature conditions so the nice premium system has better performance all year in all weather conditions and able to heat or cool indoor spaces more effectively with less electric and also longer lasting. When you pay more in this example or air source heat pumps you actually pay a premium for a premium product thats substantially better in many ways. The Speed Queen washing machine designed to last 23 years of daily use is a premium longer lasting product with ultra high reliability. The Sun Frost fridge uses 90% less electricity with cleaver compressor pumping heat intelligently and lots of extra insulation and intelligent design, so the premium you pay for the better fridge uses 90% less electricity and last a lot longer. 

Premium emissions controls make use of multiple O2 sensors, 3-way catalytic converters, a detailed 3D engine map, variable ignition timing and variable valve control, variable multi- pulse direct fuel injection + port injector to keep the valve seats clean of carbon soot deposits that plagued early GDI engines. Using multi technology emission controls and fuel injection means that modern automobiles release 85% less pollution in the tailpipe emissions than older carburetor large displacement engine vehicles from the past. Modern vehicles get better fuel economy and have more performance, more torque and power, are more reliable, more fuel efficient and have radically lower emissions than classic cars from the 1960's or really pre-1980 when the tailpipe emissions had way more HC or hydrocarbon vapors, way more NOX or oxides of nitrogen, way more SOX or oxides of sulfur, and much more PM or particulate matter emissions. Those components of smog are harmful to humans damaging lung tissue and brain and kidney tissue and even harming the liver. In urban areas where gasoline and diesel use common, SMOG from vehicle emissions including tire and brake dust, are the major source of pollutant exposure making people sick with preventable diseases that could be radically reduces with clean energy technology including improves emissions controls. It costs more to put catalytic converters and O2 sensors and a better ECU and fuel injection into a vehicle engine that could be fueled with a cheaper simpler easier to work on carburetor. In this way emissions controlled vehicles have a premium value in that they are less polluting when operated.

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