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What is a UPF (Ultra Processed Food)

These are foods you find in the middle isles of a grocery store of supermarket, ready to eat or super easy to prepare. UPF items often come in colorful boxes or bags with a long ingredients listing on the back of the package containing at least one complex chemical ingredient that virtually no one cooks with at home and that most people can't pronounce or even understand what the chemical additive is. 

Bliss point engineering means that UPF foods are made of powders pressed together that taste bland on their own. They have no water or fiber so they have a long shelf life, but to make them palatable sugars & spices and artificial colors & natural and artificial flavors are added, some of which are straight chemicals derived from coal tar, they way gasoline derived from crude oil, or unhealthy and possibly toxic if consumed in larger amounts. I am talking about common synthetic artificial color pastes, powders, gel, dye, the make the UPF vibrant in color since we "eat with our eyes first" Essential oils are added to make the bland UPF smell like real foods. 

Americans eat up to 73% of their food calories as UPF items, like Doritos or Oreo Cookies or soda pop made with high fructose corn syrup from GMO corn crops owned by Monsanto (banned in most European Counties entirely) / these are foods proven to make people sick with metabolic diseases via all the added sugars, removed fibers, lack of omega 3 fats, too many trans fats and inflammatory omega 6 fats, low quality bend damage prion proteins and super heated garbage like Vegetable Oil made from rape seeds, yuck. Cooking with cheap oil almost as bad as cooking food in pesticide. 

All the real foods are around the outside edge or border of the super market or grocery store and have been foods in traditional food cultures for thousands of years. I am talking about dairy, meat, fish, veggies, leafy greens, root vegetables, nuts, seeds, fruit, berries, spices, herbs, salad greens, natural foods high in healthy fats, healthy doses of fiber, good quality proteins with good bioavailability with high quality full spectrum amino acid profiles. Nuts like almonds are nutritional wonderland, walnuts, pecans, hazelnuts, and seeds like pumpkin seed, sunflower seed, coriander seeds, think a vegan wonderland of colorful natural organic foods that are healthy and that everyone can identify as real natural food that has been food for most of human history. 

Here is a picture from Dr. Sten Ekberg, an Olympic Athlete who shares facts about health foods to eat! 

Actually Healthy Food to Eat as Part of Your Diet

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