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Commercial Quantum Computer Development Milestone Acheived

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A quantum computer is a computer that takes advantage of quantum mechanical phenomena. See more at Quantum computing - Wikipedia 

Quantum mechanics is a fundamental theory in #physics that describes the behavior of #nature at and below the scale of atoms and the foundation of quantum physics, quantum chemistry, quantum field theory, quantum technology, & quantum information #science

At atomic & subatomic scale, physical matter exhibits properties of both like that of particles and of waves. 

Quantum computing utilizes this paradoxical non-classical physics behavior of quantum superposition and entanglement using custom made super cold noise isolating hardware able to support the organized manipulation of quantum states to accomplish compute tasks beyond the scope limits of resistive transistors digital integrated circuit computers, servers, and cloud computing respectively. 

Quantum cryptography for example can produce virtually unbreakable true random rolling code obscure encryption to protect valuable asset ownership or asset management protection, or cyber security enhancement that is safe even when such systems are connected to the world wide web vis the internet. 

Layers of shells or sandboxed data methods used with system level user permissions in UNIX and Linux to produce superior security to that of Microsoft Windows OS for example, which is a leaky operating system in terms of security features. 

Chrome the browser similarly uses nested layered permissions sandboxing to secure internet browsing even from within the windows or Mac OS environments.  

Balancing speed with performance a major challenger for AWS from Amazon, Microsoft Azure, and other elastic cloud compute platforms from Google via Alphabet inc. and others. 

Higher levels of security mean slower access with multi-factor authentication, like Persona authentication of agents working in intelligence working remotely over LTE or 5G-NR wireless smartphone or similar networks & COTS devices to access sensitive national security data or systems like PRISM. 

Larger scale quantum computer can break common data encryption schemes as well as aiding physicists in performing physical simulations like quantum fluid dynamics to optimize the aerodynamics of aircraft as an example. 

The current state of the art in quantum computing still low volume largely experimental and not feasible, cost effective and also impractical, with many technical obstacles to overcome before useful applications are commercialized broadly. 

Moreover, scalable quantum computers do not hold promise for many practical tasks, and for many important big data tasks' quantum information processing enhancements not even proven possible yet. 

Quantum computers nondeterministic in general. 

If a quantum computer manipulates qubits in a particular way, wave interference effects can amplify desired measurement results. 

Design of quantum algorithms means creating procedures that allow a quantum computer to perform calculations fast and efficiently. 

Qubits must be sufficiently isolated from noise in environments, otherwise they suffer from quantum decoherence, introducing noise into calculations.

Paradoxically, isolating qubits entirely also undesirable as quantum computations need to initialize qubits, control qubit interactions, & quantify the resulting quantum states. Each operation introduces errors and noise, and math or data inaccuracies accumulate.

Many governments around the world have engaged in well-funded experimental research aiming to develop scalable qubits with longer coherence times and lower error rates. 

Two promising technologies are superconductors (isolate electrical current without electrical resistance) and ion traps (confine ion elements with electromagnetic fields).

A typical common non-quantum (classical) computer can slowly solve the same computational problems that a quantum computer does rapidly.  

Quantum advantage comes in the form of time complexity rather than computability, and quantum complexity theory shows that some quantum algorithms for carefully selected tasks require exponentially fewer computational steps than the best-known non-quantum algorithms. 

Such tasks can in theory be solved on a large-scale quantum computer whereas classical computers would not finish computations in any reasonable amount of time. However, quantum speedup is not universal or even typical across computational tasks, since basic tasks such as sorting are proven to not allow any asymptotic quantum speedup.

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