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Be Skeptical of Everything

Trust no one, not even yourself, the world is filled with liars & evil that human beings willing choose to do to one another for a variety of reasons, none of which are sensible or justified.

Everyone is a liar, dishonest, imperfect, hypocritical, & only has partial knowledge or incomplete knowledge about all. Only God knows everything about everything.

What you think you know is probably a mix of partial facts with your personal subjective opinions giving you bias & convoluting your thoughts.

Prove it. You cannot produce axiomatic proofs to reinforce things you assert as facts online on social media & elsewhere. How can you claim to know something that is impossible to know. 

Even if most people are "Good" with "Good intentions" the ones that control most of the world's wealthy don't care about you because they are unable to care about you & everyone else, just as you cannot care about everyone or be something to everyone. 

All people are selfish or self-centered or self-serving in one way or another! There is no such thing as a perfect person. 

Sold into sins, inner generational inequities, most people are doomed, and will be removed from the book of life by God himself when they die & their soul faces his final judgement. 

Shame on you & everyone else who sold your soul for temporary pleasures in this life. If this life like was a droplet, the afterlife is similar to an endless ocean. 

What you do in this life affects your soul & what happens to your soul when you die biologically & become long wave IR or whatever energy form your soul leaves your body as that I am sure quantum physics will discover in the future. 

You have no reason to trust the world governments, as they regularly engage in secret back room deals with the executives of large companies to exchange money for special favors, in what is widely known as bribery & corruption. 

Many people are idolators of heat, afraid of being cold, who unwittingly worship energy. Others are idolators of food & engage in gluttony that's just as toxic as alcohol or tobacco smoking. 

Ultimately, gluttony ruins lives, just like drunk driving accidents, only slowly causing the obese person to suffer inflammation, joint pain & preventable disabilities that worsen with time and as age advances. 

I am talking about the SAD or standard American diet or western diets of disease, namely not enough fiber, too many sugary carbs, not enough water, too much low-quality protein, and excesses of processed & ultra processed junk foods. 

I am talking about stroke, clot, embolism, heart disease, cancers, diabetes & high blood pressure, all from eating unhealthy foods in excess, never fasting, not drinking enough water, too much caffeine & alcohol, not enough vitamins or nutrients + questionable GMO, pesticide residue that does not wash off the fruits & veggies easily, herbicide, insecticides like neonicotinoids that are killing the bees & fungicide, that all of these toxic chemical weapons like substances are present on or in our foods as trace residues in small amounts. 

Add in industrial waste, air pollution from carbon combustion, microplastics, particulate, dust, molds, soot, smoke, fumes, viruses, pathogenic bacteria, parasites, war, crime, currency inflation, inequality & injustice + racism & bigotry, and it's amazing that anything works, and only by God's amazing & undeserved grace, love & compassion for people. 

Give your creator thanks & praise. God is responsible for all that is seen & unseen in every dimension & has absolute control over everything & everyone, and all entities & systems without exclusion. God is unlimited, all powerful, all knowing, always present. 

No one can keep a secret from God, he see's everything, even down to what is in a person's heart deep down inside the deepest parts of their mind & brain, soul & spirit. You cannot food or trick or hide anything from God.

Love God & give God thanks & praise, in the Holy Name of Christ Jesus, Amen. 

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