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All World Problems Could Be Solved with A Healthy Fear of God

Energy and money alone do not make a happy life, but we can create a lot more of everything for everyone while also reducing pollution, improving recycling of all materials, and radically improving the health of nature, soil creation, fresh water creation, electricity creation, more healthy natural organic foods at lower prices, and better healthcare options that are more affordable, especially cures like the one created for Hepatitis C. 

Who Are You ? You're Not Everyone! 

How about a level of concern against animal cruelty, but then why do we allow the war in the Ukraine to persist? Why slavery still happening? People are animals, why not human animal cruelty? 

A baby is born with a blank brain and knows almost nothing, so its up to everyone alive to cultivate children with edifying lessons to teach them to be a high functioning, ethical, fair, loving, moral, kind, humble, respectful, polite adults who treats other people with dignity and respect. But there are a lot of low life's who have children who are unfit to be parents, people who are not even fit to own a dog or cat, let alone a gold fish, who are allowed to have children, that everyone else has to pay for, indirectly! 

If they know in Medicine how to cure Hepatitis C then it is obviously technically possible to cure AIDS, Cancers, Heart Disease, Autoimmune Disorders and many other kinds of illness that plague healthcare costs in America, that causes avoidable pain, suffering, inflammation, anxiety, fear, stress and loss of life that leaves the people with grief and sadness. With war, a lot of people die, but the same problems continue? 

What is wrong with people? Why do people like violent and perverted content? Why do people abuse narcotics and unhealthy foods? 

We know with science how to solve nearly all the problems in the world and there are more solutions and technologies than problems to solve. 

I am saying that it's evil sicko's, selfish narcissistic whacko's, weirdos and despots in large business and governments that are making life worse for everyone, including harming nature in ways that do not have to happen, though entrenchment of toxic industries that pollute the biosphere of Earth with poisons that sicken people with preventable disease, like hormone disrupting chemicals and the Neonicotinoids that cause Bee Colony Collapse. 

A French envoy of 20 scientists came to USDA in the early 2000's to explain that we need to spray agricultural pest control chemicals at night in the dark when the bee's are not out flying around foraging, pollinating and making honey. 

The USDA and big agro said that would cost too much, to put lights on the tractors and farming equipment, and spray at night. Moreover, systemic pesticides that sterilize the pest species work with much less chemical spray and are much safe for ecosystems and human health. If I know that and write it here, what in the hell is the USDA doing to help farmers understand this? 

Its cultural and social forces of ignorance, hatred, negativity, biogotry, fear, anxiety, stress and confusion that cause people to harm each other, to hurt and harm other people and themselves, to harm nature by blinding ignoring pollution emissions by effectively putting our heads in the sand so long as such emission do not hits us in the wallet directly. Americans have become selfish to an extent that everyone is all about celebrity, idolatry of money and wealth, materialism, vanity, excess and waste. 

I think a lot of the negative changes in America are due to increasing evil that causes school shootings and other massacres. People in America no longer have a reverential holy fear of God! They even worship themselves and other flawed hypocrites and sinners who are unworthy of being praised. 

Guilty of worshiping nearly anything other than God, I don't even trust people anymore unless given a solid reason. I a skeptical and suspicious of other people. Wolves parading around in sheep's clothing seeking to harm, hurt, steal from or kill, and this motivates me to carry protection, like a plastic pen that I can use as shank to stab for self protection. Imbeciles in government might want to outlaw guns, but no rational government is going to take away kitchen knives, pencils, pens, utility knives or other sharp objects like a broken wine bottle that can be used in self defense situations. 

I particularly hate government from over taxation, currency inflation, insourcing, outsourcing, selling off the economy or large sections of it, while also giving the hyper wealthy tax breaks when these people already want for nothing, then increasing taxes on the marginalized working class and poor people who have to spend most of their money on rent, food, fuel and life basics, and are largely unable to climb the economic ladder. 

I find it surprising given the level of different technologies that you highlight that we are not living in a technologic nuclear breeder reactor abundant energy & wealth diffusion utopia worldwide. It amazes me that so many solutions exist at the same time as so many problems that remain unsolved. 

Why do humans for example wage expensive wars against other humans? 

Why does crime exist if transparency can end it? 

 Why do some parents not love their children (fatherless) and why do some children not love their parents?(Some have even killed their parents)(School Shootings Too) 

 Why are some people insane? 

Why do we continue burning carbon to make grid power when we started using atomic energy 50+ years ago ? 

If we can make fresh water from sea water, there should be no fresh water shortages. 

If pollution of automobile engines can be largely eliminated with emissions controls, catalytic converters and similar, why can oil refineries not be upgraded to reduce air pollution emissions? 

I could go on and on, but we have a lack of STEM educated people in the USA and making CHIPs or IC like GPU, CPU, SOC on leading nodes requires a lot of highly educated STEM people // I am just such a person but work as a School Bus Driver because I hate the system that rewards selfish jerks and stupid celebrities when amazing scientists are not exactly household names or achieving fame of any kind. 

America's have become more superficial, self serving, arrogant, vain, and materialistic, but then again that happens with people in other countries too. 

Why so much fragmentation, division, hatred, bigotry, ignorances, confusion, people claiming the Earth is flat and similar? 

See cultural forces are more powerful than technological progress or innovation and hinder mankind from a better existence.

Sometimes the old way is better than the new way / French traditional butter tastes better and lacks questionable substances like pesticide residue thats present in petrochemical industrial agriculture America where GMO cows eating GMO corn make GMO milk and GMO butter and dairy products that have strange hormonal effects on people that consume them. 

Why do so many people take multiple drugs instead of addressing lifestyle issues that cause preventable sickness? 

Why is fasting not a normal part of modern disease of civilization? 

Why are there thousand pound people now? 

Why do we allow light and sound to cause sleep disorders? 

Why are buildings not more insulated for better energy efficiency that also blocks out the sound of barking dogs and traffic? 

Why so many leaking natural gas pipes and power wires under wind bouncing tree branches? 

Why so many pot holes in roads and failing infrastructure? 

Why so much hatred in the world? 

Why do people not love each other and nature and animals more? 

Why are people excessively selfish? 

Why do we not care about one another more? 

America been on a social and economic decline for decades. Look at the price of gold and consider the inverse relationship between gold prices and the health the economy. Your money, the USD or dollar has been losing value fast since 1964 where evil sicko's took America off the Gold standard. The people who benefited from this are dead! Now we are left to pick up the pieces with overpriced housing and the costs of life's basics effectively making everyone more poor. 

The covid 19 economic debacle was just a prevue of what is happening when the US economy goes off the end of a cliff in the near future and when WWIII unleashed a bio war that reduces human population worldwide by 90 within 3 months. 

America outsourced a lot of its critical industries in what amounts to ignorantly chasing the maximization of profits with the lowest possible operating costs. I am thinking of dutch ovens made in France that cost $400 when similar are made in China for $60 // but I would rather send my money to France than China, I like France more for many reasons. Especially because the French government does a better job of treating French people well! Shame on the USA for allowing people to go bankrupt because of injury or illness and not giving everyone basic public healthcare options.

I hope I upset or frustrated someone, so they go out and are challenged to solve these problems, even if just internally in their minds by giving God praise and worship immediately calling all their thoughts into obedience as to the Lord as did Christ Jesus who encourage us to do the same as he went around performing healing miracles on people during his time alive! 

How about you? Do you go around healing the sick and performing miracles? No, you don't. If your reading this your probably like most modern people, confused deeply and in desperate need of spiritual, moral and mental health improvement! You know how I know, I am part of the problem. Instead of fixing these problems in the world, I write about them one here effectively complaining publicly. To this end I want these posts to enter the ether as a record of my thinking, as a record that I actually care about myself and other people and love God in my heart and mind, the same way that I love my wife, my life, all the blessings that God has given me even though most of it does not make sense, because he blesses those who love him, even though it does not make logical sense in the world. 

What we see with our eyes and even tools, tells us very little about what is actually happening in the Universe, in reality. The Earth is in the galactic boondocks, a dim rural part of a spiral arm of the Milky Way galaxy, which orbits around a giant black hole at its center. There are trillions of galaxies with billions of starts and even more planets around each star, many thousands of Earth like planets with similar conditions, temperature, pressure, water, air, just not able to be reached with finite fuel rockets, we can only get to those distant earth like planets with nuclear energy powered spacecraft! 

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