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LSD-25 Dr. Albert Hofmann Sandoz Labs Switzerland + 100 Scientific Papers : Lived Bright & Intelligent to Age 102

One of the most interesting and most intelligent people in modern history, he not only co-discovered LSD-25 he also made and took the first dose accidentally and later went on to name and synthesize psilocybin and psilocin and other chemical analogs of such substances with similar but varied effects. 

When a person takes an effective 80-200 mcg or microgram dose of LSD they experience agitation, wild imagination, a kaleidoscopic experience of colors and patterns and feel true deep bliss and connection to all other people and nature as the same time, in what can be called a transcendent state of psychedelic fantasy, or a LSD trip that can last 16-45 hours, longer with higher doses. 

Be very careful with your brain, as of yet you cannot buy a new brain or have one installed even if it's harvested from another person. Mind altering drugs like caffeine, sugar, alcohol and LSD can be dangerous if misused or abused and have the ability to increase the risks for accidents of many kinds, in automobiles if the driver is under the influence, even while walking or riding a bicycle or electric kick scooter. 

It best to take substances like LSD in a comfortable indoor space with an intelligent calm assistant or someone to help keep you calm and enjoyable so you have as nice trip. Stay inside and lay down on a comfortable surface and pillow and fuzzy warm blanket and listen to music you like with your eyes closed facing upward with a mind blowing state of bliss and true happiness vibrating up and down your body as your mind experiences colors and patterns and shapes of unimaginable variations with your eyes closed, you might even smell the music or feel the music as your brain makes new kinds of connections while under the influence of LSD25. 

I tried LSD in 2019 and bright neon lime green became my favorite color after that, since I got to see the world in neon lime green wire frame detail while under the influence on that fateful Saturday of the 3 day weekend such that work started again on the following Tuesday so I had Sunday and Monday off to come back down and integrate the experience. 

I think it should be legal for adults over the age of 21 to buy 1 effective dose of LSD at a pharmacy over the counter with a drivers license registration, one time annually, with a high precision pharmaceutical grade LSD dose of 120 mcg in a single dose dispenser that blocks heat and light for a reasonable price like under $50. Giving people 1 dose of LSD25 can erase their ego, helping them to become socially intelligent and recognize that all other people, animals and nature are important. The same should be true for magic mushrooms or doses of psilocybin to help people overcome depression, anxiety, fear or PTSD safety at home, the way many people enjoy a serving of beer or whisky or wine in the evening on Friday night after the work week. 

Watch this

LSD activates parts of the brain where higher level conception, planning, estimation, predicting, learning, analysis and that which makes us human so different from the other animals is happening in the brain, causing LSD to light up the hole brain with more connectivity or more connections, hyper connecting the brain in novel ways that make the LSD trip so entertaining and dangerous. 

Science means to know about phenomena in the world, about light, heat, energy, chemical reactions, physics, biochemistry, DNA, epigenetic factors, ecosystem functions, the biosphere, life, agriculture, manufacturing, chemical processing, and in terms of applied technologies scientific R&D or research and development at Sony of Japan for example gave rise to the BSI CMOS imaging sensors in everyones smartphones today. Science mirrors nature in the sense that understanding nature helps us appreciate natural ecosystem, animals and nature more through increased understanding of how it all works together t to make food, air and water that enable human civilization to exist, for if people cannot eat food and drink water or breathe air, they will die in very short order. 

Without air death in minutes, without water death in days and without food depends on how much body fat and how old the person is, but many adults can survive fasting for up to 40 days in emergencies, while water fasting to improve glucose metabolism for up to 5 days a couple of times per year very safe for people with Type 2 diabetes or other metabolic syndrome diseases as fasting forces a major reset of the body and has been part of all traditional culture for thousands of years. If you want to die younger and live with sickness for the last half of your life then eat huge meals 3 times a day until you have indigestion gas bloating farting and worse all the time. 

Will Power Verses Sweet Tooth

Do you enjoy confections, baked goods, pie, cake, ice cream, candy, soda ? Well these high glycemic foods are very popular worldwide. If they are sold as shelf stable long shelf life items on the shelves of isle of grocery stores or supermarkets and come in colorful bags or boxes with lots of graphical images and strange nutritional claims, then they are probably UPF and made with modified starch, artificial colors, GMO rape seed oil treated with bromine to enhance shelf life, strange questionable preservative chemicals and any of 10,000 + FDA approved UPF food additives applied to ultra processed foods proven to increase obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancers, and are effectively the basis of diseases of civilization or what is wrong with the SAD or standard American diet, rife with up to 73% UPF items. 

UPF means Ultra Processing something thats very hard for anyone to do at home using a stand mixer or similar common kitchen equipment. Most people do not have artificial colors, artificial flavors, preservatives, BVO or any of the 10,000 + FDA approved chemical food additives in their pantry or fridge, so virtually no one cooks food at home the way industrial food processing companies make common well selling UPF items like Dorito chips flaming hot or Oreo cookies, though I could include Skittles or M&M or any other junk food or snack food made in with industrial UPF methods to enhance shelf life and maximize profits even though UPF are proven with high quality science evidence to increase cancer risks, risks for developing type 2 diabetes, causing chronic inflammation that becomes heart disease, elevating the risk for stroke, clotting and embolisms that no one wants. 

This is why I hate the FDA and why the FDA is a crooked dishonest sleaze example of a corrupt bribery inhibited government regulatory agency that provides special favors for industrial food processing companies that use the Tobacco industry playbook to market their unhealthy UPF items to children who are unable to make sense of what is and what is not an ad, as their young developing brains cannot discern the intentions of companies marketing things to them. Shame on Governments that allow companies to sell people unhealthy foods and beverages, since many UPF are the base calorie input to so many American diets. Many children are unwitting victims of their parents buying UPF items and bringing them home and letting their children eat UPF the child viewed in a tablet or smartphone ad or free game. 

2003 The Year I Made the Worst Mistake

I joined dark forces in 2003 and it took until 2006 to finally realize that the military industrial complex of America was really just a mechanism for the New World Order to execute depopulating the world through complex genetic manipulation known as GMO & so called vaccines which actually at least in some way are to sterilize people so they can't have children.

To understand what I am talking about you have to first acknowledging that the "War on Drugs" executed by the DEA and FBI inside America is contrary to the trafficking of illicit narcotics into America by the CIA using help from the DIA and NSA. In this respect government debt spending racking up increasing national debt in America is logically contradictory in its aim and funding of programs that oppose one another's operating basis or principles of operation, funding or objectives contradictory or illogical. 

Now take into consideration the Lost Generation in Japan, the global loneliness epidemic, obesity epidemic, diabetes epidemic, and UPF ultra processed unhealthy food increasingly popular causing all the above problems to become worse along with the kidney failure & heart disease epidemics from chronic inflammation from GMO rape seed oil sold as Canola Oil or included in UPF after being brominated as BVO to increase the shelf life of so many popular snack and junk food items sold widely to billions of customers daily who have no idea what they are eating, some 10,000 + FDA approved chemical food additives of highly questionable nature, nothing I would feed anyone that I love personally, I would ban and outlaw UPF items if I had the power to do so. 

I hate greed, lies, crime, corruption and the sick UPF industry which harms way more people than big alcohol or big tobacco, car accidents, plane accidents and gun crimes combined. UPF are the most damaging and deadly thing executed against the public interest with greed and evil at the highest level possible, with elite income earners benefiting from the mass production and global sale of so many UPF items. 

Back in 2003 I made choice to date a liar who manipulated me to get to my money, thinking she could gold digger her way to a comfortable life by misleading me and gas lighting me to manipulate in every way possible, so that every time I was home from missions working as a contractor for the Pentagon, I was over at her place in Seattle. We were hiking in Issaquah one day when she started asking pointed specific questions about my financial history and position. 

It was on this day in 2006 that I realized what was happening, she was engaged in long term inception, trying to get into the deepest parts of my mind and emotions to sabotage me, under the guise of loving me in all ways possible as a kind benevolent giving lover, but she was doing it deliberately to trick and confuse me into obedience, to program me into giving into her manipulative plan hidden in the shadows of her mind as she sugar coated her output in voice, action and behavior, personality and person all with the aim of seducing and confusing me into legal bondage in a fake marriage without a real basis, something I never entered because ironically after that fateful hike questioning sessions she broke up with me, possibly the best thing that ever happened to me, other than having that useless sperm donor father of mine take off when I was baby never to communicate with in any way ever, probably better too because only a completely price of crap human does something so low as to ignore his children lifelong, but sadly there are many fatherless children and sperm donor low quality men today, part of the reason for the hyper feminist anti-male cultural shifting in America today in 2024. 

God knows the truth and facts about all of this and why I still feel sad and bitter about all of it today, even though I forgave the other party for her treacherous conduct, since I never let her back into my life after that for good reason. Her greatest fear was becoming overweight and guess what happened to her ? UPF induced morbid obesity. 

In 2007 I met a very lovely honorable young Christian reader doer of the word level lady who had been in a bad relationship for several years with a guy who was 10 years older and going no where. She ended up moving away to Africa as a missionary, after working locally as a social worker for a few years when I met her. We never actually dated, rather went on walks and talks for hours together, but never more than that. I was never keen on the idea of going to any country in Africa for a variety of reasons. To this end I had to say goodbye. 

Incredibly in 2010 I met the most Amazing woman on Earth, the lovely talented intelligent and gifted Megan that I am fortunate to call my wife today, since 2013 in fact. We dated for 3 years because I was deeply skeptical after some other relationships that I left out of this posting. I was mislead and manipulated many times and Meg was too. We were both lonely damaged goods when we met and able to understand each other more as a result. 

You know that what happens to you in life refines your soul, mind, spirit and emotions. You become more like who you spend time with and what you focus on, in a compounding ongoing cumulative way. I have been driving school busses for nearly 5 years now, so my brain has an extensive driver control section for how to safely pilot a school bus filled with children. 

I found a relationship with God though Christ Jesus in 2020, just 4 years ago, having been raised catholic growing up, the public outcry against pedophile priests being shuffled around by the papal authority and a wake of victims all over America who had been molested or raped by Catholic Priests, this information caused me to embrace agnostic views after 2003. It was during this time that I began engaging in the dark arts, which I now recognize was wrong. I was avid about Lucid Dreaming and Remote Viewing and manipulating electronic systems of all kinds with mental energy or telepathy, and used this for great amusement and personal benefit, to myself well healed and safe in dangerous places against powerful forces who hate young white American military personnel. 

2003 was a weird time and I reflect on, having watch the movie Lost in Translation back then. I have watched it a few times since then and really like the fun loving romantic platonic friendly vibe, music, comedy, focus on ephemeral enjoyment of experiences, flavor, taste, aroma, smells smoking, music, social engagement, travel, leisure, work, something that hit home really hard. Think sexual energy, tension, pressure, apatite, desire, lust, feeling, pleasure, your body, sensory perception, focusing intensity on the now, each passing moment, harnessing your focus to maximize experience intensity in every possible situation and circumstance to be more engaged and to live a more dynamic and intense pleasurable stimulating life even in simple ways in simple places, find joy and happiness in strange places, finding beauty in the negative spaces, seeing the silver lining and learning to find loving kindness to spread and share with others in beautiful social exchanges with dynamic discussions that I love abundantly. 

Watch and listen to this YouTube video to get the vibe I am trying to describe //

Food Laws

Many governments impose strange food laws. In France for example they criminalized poverty. Italy said that starving people can steal small amounts of food without going to jail, and not guilty of a crime, but it has to be a very small amount of food.

Is a sandwich a sandwich if it doesn't have bread. How much sugar vs flour can be used before it's considered cake or bread? Ireland said that the bread of Subway contains too much sugar.

Long been widely known that there is a Scientific link between too much sugar consumption and obesity. Chili banned companies from advertising high sugar or high fat items to children. Mexico banned cereal mascots designed to market to children. This is often done with quasi free tablet and smartphone games produced and distributed by industrial food companies that sell popular UPF or ultra processed foods like an Oreo Cookie to make Oreo focus games for young children that are effectively brainwashing children into becoming lifelong addicts or customers who regularly buy and consume unhealthy sugar rich ultra processed junk food, such as Oreo cookies, which are totally fine to eat sparingly in small amounts, but metabolic toxins that harm the cell mitochondria with high blood glucose levels when such things are eating regularly in large servings, enough to constitute a meal of calories. 

UPF are effectively a slow food based assault on the bodies of people who regularly eat UPF because of the added artificial colors and any of 10,000+ FDA approved food chemical additives that are called "Natural Flavors or Spices" in the long ingredients listings on the back of the packaging. You can easily identify a UPF if it comes in a colorful bag or body containing more than 9 ingredients and at least 2 chemical ingredients with names you do not recognize and have a difficult time pronouncing, chemicals that almost no one cooks with at home, like BVO or brominated vegetable oil, which is made by cooking GMO rape seed oil with bromine, added to UPF because it enhanced shelf life & profits, but not healthy to consume as rape seed very high in inflammatory promoting Omega 6 oil and the GMO aspect questionable, but bromine is poisonous, as in consuming brominated substance has a toxic negative effect on the body, like other heavy toxic metals such as arsenic, lead or mercury. 

Children younger than 15 cannot understand what is an ad or what is not an ad. Its is far easier to learn good habits when we are young than it is to unlearn bad habits when we are older. This makes marketing unhealthy junk food to children morally and ethically abhorrent or an abomination to sensible thinking. No loving parent would deliberately feed their children something poisonous or toxic, but these industrial food companies are blinded by trying to maximize profits endlessly every fiscal quarter in order to increase profits in what is effectively the idolatry of money at a systemic level, something that also caused many pollutants harmful to public and environmental healthy to be released. 

I am thinking of the cancer causing foam blowing solvents used at many foam factories that make foam for furniture and car seats and similar, where hexane was chosen over CO2 because it was cheaper, but not safer for the foam factory employee, few of whom lived past the age of 60 having died of cancers scientifically linked to chronic hexane exposer to the foam blowing agents that workers at foam factories were exposed to daily for years, resulting in a class action lawsuit now. 

Did you know that greed is consider evil according to the Christian Bible and described as such. the Bible also says that polluting is evil and the people doing things that result in pollution are idolators who place profits and money making over the health of other people & nature. Greed causes many people to do sick, immoral, unethical things that harm or hurt other people. Greed is also toxic to the mindset of the greedy person who ends up living an isolated lonely sad life of superficial materialistic empty loss where their children do not love them and their spouse files for a divorce. Greedy people sacrifice their family friends for money, making greed a kind of mental illness or psychosis. 

In other words the employees of the Federal Reserve Banking System of the USA are greedy idolators who will be rejected by God when they die and stand before God as he says to these greedy idolatry, "Depart from me, I did not know you" to workers of inequity who fail to repent for their sin. They are some that stop working for the Federal Reserve and turn away from a life of habitual sin to embrace faith in God, repenting for their sins, and being remade as a man or woman of God serving the Kingdom of God on Earth for their remaining time alive so that when they get to heaven to face God for their final judgment the Lord says "Welcome my beloved child" that is not to say that such people live a blameless life, for all people sin, and have fallen short of the glory of God, but people who love God and live a blameless life of humility, doing their best to never offend God, respecting the Lord and holding close the valued of Proper Christian Conduct as described, but such people must repent regularly to be sanctified, such that no person can boast, but only some shall be healed by sincere respect faith to God in the name of Christ Jesus. It says in John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, so that whoever believes in Jesus Christ shall not perish, but have everlasting life, after death, in the afterlife. 

Ketchup and Barbecue Sauces are notoriously packed with added sugar in high levels, that most people are surprised to learn such sauces have so much sugar, almost like liquid candy. There is an obesity epidemic worldwide, particularly in latin American counties, China and India, because they largely have no laws against blatant marketing of unhealthy foods to children. There are even cleaver ways to circumvent strict food laws regarding child marketing in France, where the UPF company pays an app developer to make a fun free tablet or smartphone game for Android or IOS, that centers around a given UPF item like an Oreo cookie. 

I like bash Oreo cookies because I actually eat them sometimes and really like the Oreo chocolate cookie flavor, probably because its made with high technology bliss point engineering by adding 56 essential oils in tiny quantities to make Oreo cookies have a distinct amazing flavor, even though they are largely empty calories like other candy or alcohol. 

Big tobacco and big alcohol cannot market to children anymore, at least not in America. Candy cigarettes were something that my wife and I encounter as children. In 1994 that all ended with a ban on tobacco advertising to children. Big daddy Coca Cola slangs HFCS and massive Sugar Added acidic tooth eating soda pop that's respoible for a diabetes epidemic, a high blood sugar epidemic, kidney failure epidemic and making people fatter and sicker in countries like Mexico where the local water unsanitary such that most people drink UPF soda, made in a factory with RO water or filtered purified and sanitized water, before the questionable HFCS and other chemicals are added. I don't drink soda anymore and neither does my wife because we avoid UPF items prevent by hard science to slowly sicken people who eat them regularly. 

Many new food laws are designed to reduce the consumption of unhealthy foods and to promote the consumption of healthier foods, including increasing public education and increasing awareness about scientifically accurate nutritional information, so that people edified by such make healthier food choices through their increased nutritional intelligence or greater understanding of what is or is not healthy to eat. 

Crips, Chips, Snack Cakes, these are usually UPF cooked in GMO seed oil and sprinkled with many different strange artificial chemicals and additives to give them amazing flavor and taste using bliss point engineering. I am thinking of Dorito chips with flaming hot powder added to an overcooked mixture of modified starch powder that would taste bland like eat cardboard, so they spray the UPF base with oil then sprinkle strange chemicals and additives that bind to the chip, with bright colors and amazing flavors, but almost no vitamins or minerals or virtually no or very low nutritional value, as yet again empty calories. 

Understand that sugar, starches and carbohydrates all break down into higher blood sugar after you eat them, and that's great metabolic fuel for walk, run, jog, bike ride, yard work, or anything like working out in VR that gets your heart rate up, that makes your body hotter and sweater, and causes you to breathe so hard that its hards to speak more than a few words without gasping for more air in your next breath. Thats called LEVE 4 workout that you can get doing HIIT exercises fast cheap and easy with no special gear almost anywhere at any time. Eating such things without moving causes body fat to form as the increased blood sugar triggers and insulin release that tells cells to uptake or take in sugar, and that become glycogen and then body fat. 

Excess sugar consumption creates more body fat. If you want to lose weight, cut out all added sugars from your diet. Stop eating carbs and starches, and start eating more fat and protein. No UPF foods or junk foods or soda or candy. Eat real food, traditional food, in reasonable serving sizes. Drink enough water to stay hydrated and get off your duff and move around more. If you handicapped you can still workout sitting. Swimming is a low impact way to workout for people with skeletal joint pain issues, like many older people or people who have been in car accidents or are injured at work or while skiing or snowboarding or similar. 

Norway & Austria for example banned a lot of foods containing artificial food dye, since scientific studies have proven a link between the consumption of such dye and an increasing rate of ADD and ADHD in children who regular consumed UPF items with added artificial food dye, which is also made from coal tar or petroleum. Emerging science shows that many artificial food coloring agents promote cancer, or are carcinogenic or carcinogens. 

Artificial colors come as paste, liquid, powder or gel and are added to make bland boring UPF base foods more interesting. The industrial processes used to make the UPF food base powders remove almost all flavors, tastes, aromas or smells and even colors, such that they bland boring modified starch, which the UPF company then adds tons of sugars, spices, coloring agents, artificial flavors, perfumes, dye, preservatives and other strange chemicals to boost shelf life more. Thats why UPF are unhealthy, because of how they are made and what they are made of. 

Singapore outlawed chemical gum in 1992 because used chewing gum was being found everywhere and to be a public nuisance. Violating the gum law in Singapore can net someone a $100,000 fine and 2 year prison sentence. 

France implemented a Baguette law in 1983, Decret Pain or Bread Decree, describing what French Bakers can or cannot do when making a baguette, a national symbol of French culture, as there are more than 10,000 bakeries in France that bake bread fresh daily. 

Many countries have strict biosecurity issues at their border crossings, at airports and other transit terminals, to minimize the movement of pest species that can cause devastating harm to agriculture. Many illiterate or unformatted travelers from abroad try to bring food with them when they fly to America, only to have border agents take the food and put it in a disposal wet grinder into the sewer. Locally I am thinking of highway signs when entering King Country about an Apple Maggot Quarantine Zone, though the sign looks old, as in many decades old. 

Protecting ecosystems and agricultural industries as major aim of border biosecurity measures, to protect farmers and livestock with important commercial value to the economy. The idea is to minimize vectoring of insects, fungi, bacteria and viruses that can have devastating impacts if trafficked internationally, usually unintentionally by people trying to bring local foods with them when they travel abroad, something that sounds absurd to me as an American, but I am not a rural citizen from a third world country who obviously placed a higher value on food than other aspects of life. 

Australia is plagued with rabbits for example brought there is the 1800s and which have become a nuisance ever since. Australia has some of the most stringent biosecurity measures to prevent invasive species from being trafficked into Australia by international passengers traveling abroad. 

All Thoughts Become Changes in Your Body

Your mind is the battlefield on which a holy inter dimensional war being played between the Kingdom of Heaven, God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, Angels and God's People and the Kingdom of Hell, Satan & Demons

Your thoughts become physical biochemical changes to your brain and body, and all aspects of chemical signaling and control of the body, cells, cell systems, organs, flesh and bones.  

When we learn something good or bad, it becomes parts of our brain which is part of the mind or where the mind operates the mind body relationship. 

This is why brain injuries cause such profound mental problems long term as many former professional boxers and football players have experienced with depression and PTSD from profound brain injuries or traumatic brain injuries. 

Many people that haven been in bad car accidents and survived have long terms problems because their brain hit their skull when the vehicle rapidly decelerated due to the energetic vehicular accident. 

All thoughts cause protein synthesis in the brain, becoming part of the structure and function of the brain~ 

Therefor take all thoughts captive to the obedience of Christ Jesus to embrace wisdom and real knowledge, that which causes people to abandon lives of sinning habitually to embrace cleaner honorable Godly lives of proper Christian Conduct, treating themselves, other people and animals with sincerely loving kindness, helping other people at all times with random acts of kindness, saving wildlife or animals from harm, reducing pollution with smarter intelligent technology and upgrading our minds and technologies for everyones collective benefits, to eliminate all pollution, to make the biosphere of Earth healthy, happier, and better for all life. 

If all people were obeying God as described in the New Testament then most of the existing world problems would not exist. They would be almost no crime of any kind. 

People would be connected in more ways with more money and more opportunities and amazing lives of energetic abundance with cheap healthy foods that are eco-friendly, regenerating soil and dirt, making ecosystems function better than they were when we previously ignorantly polluted them with evil pollutants from greed and idolatry because the people in Charge were not living accord to the Holy Word and were living lives of habitual sin, placing increasing profits above the health of other people & nature. 

Join Team Jesus and become an important part of Gods Holy Kingdom. If you worship the Lord and reject evil and satan, satan and demons will flee from you. Read the Bible out loud as these evil being hate hearing God's holy word. 

If you speak the Bible out loud the demons and satanic will flee because they hate hearing it. Evil opposes God's holy word. 

Read the Amplified Bible for better clarity and increased understanding and pray to God before you read the Bible asking God to help you remember the Holy Word, for the Word of God is your weapon against evil powers, principalities in heavenly places, dark forces, satan and evil, the evil doers and people who hurt or harm other people listening to evil thought injected into their mind by the kingdom of hell, since we know that satan is the prince of the air of this world, the same reason that air pollution of many kind abounds harming and hurting other people & nature with increasingly runaway climate change, ocean levels rising obliterating coastal regions and causing widespread destruction with increasingly energetic hurricanes or tropical storm systems of ever increasing intensity. 

Inner Destruction, Self Hatred, Feeling Rejected, Abandoned, Hated or Judged

The way you think, especially towards yourself, strongly affects your mind, mind body connection, health and wellness. Toxic negative thinking of any kind becomes diseases of many kinds by causing disturbances of homeostasis by causing hormone and cell enzyme levels and cytokines and other signaling molecule systems to be knocked out of balance. 

These thought based biochemical imbalanced from negative thinking become manifest as disease pathology or disfunction of cell systems, regularly becoming auto-immune disorders or 83 known common kinds or any of the cancers, often from bitterness, unforgiving, harsh hatred, anger unresolved, from envy or strife or PTSD or Rejection

Forgiving other people very important, but its even more important to forgive yourself

Ask God right now out loud, say "Lord forgive me and help me forgive myself" "Father God I come to you as your son or daughter to ask for forgiveness" "I recognize that what I said or did to harm myself or other people was evil and wrong, I repent from engaging in such thoughts or behaviors, and I am asking in the holy name of Christ Jesus for your forgiveness Lord, and I accept your forgiveness and since you are willing to forgive me I am also willing to forgive myself. 

Put off your old self, call your mind, body, will, emotions, soul and spirit into obedience to the Lord and be remade in God's image, sanctified and purified, cleansed of all unclean spirits, free to be the best version of yourself that God intends for all people. God has more thoughts about you than there is sand particles in the world or drops of water in the oceans. Jesus Christ, God, the Holy Spirit, they love you and want you to stay with them in prayerful consultation about all matters in your life. 

Violence, Blood, Pain, Suffering, People Hurting Other People Senseless : Nothing Good Comes from Violence

Keep your hands to yourself

Study, learn & share what excites you

You like being treated kindly, so why not treat others with kindness?

Everyone wants to feel part of something bigger than themselves, a social group, a connection to other people and God and their country, national identity, core persona, personality

Passion, obsession, feelings, learn to lean into that which drives you

Apatite, drive, ambition, perseverance, curiosity, knowledge aquisition, problem solving, solution creation, creativity, arts, science, technology, innovation, research, development, manufacturing

Excellence as a person and in all systems created by people

Universal Exceptional Healthcare for All People

Cures to All Human Disease

Age Reversal via Genetic Reprogramming

I am talking about communicating with God in all matter to find solution to all problems

One human people on one planet Earth

One Father God, Lord God the ultimate creator and only legitimate supreme being responsible for all of creation in all realms

One Christ Jesus who died so that anyone who calls upon Christ Jesus as their Lord and Savior shall not die, but shall have endless life in the afterlife, returning to God in Heaven, free of all pain, all lusts, all desires, perfectly content and supremely happy with all joy and all enjoyment of all kinds perpetually satisfied and completely saturated with the amazing energy field emitted by God in heaven, a life perpetuating endless holy light that enables living forever without limitation in God's presence. 

One Holy Spirit that God sends to anyone who calls upon the Lord in the name of Jesus Christ and asks for God to send them the Holy Spirit to encourage and edify and empower ongoing faith in God, a peace that transcends all understanding, without anxiety or fear of any kind, perfected as to the Obedience of Christ Jesus, fearing and respecting the Lord in all possible ways, at every thought, during all choices, when you execute behaviors with prudences and wisdom, living as the Bible Instructs in the ways of Proper Christian Conduct in the New Testament. 

Resist yourself & the satan or the devil or demons, any thought that causes harm or idolatry of any kind sets itself against the Holy Word and opposes the Kingdom of God or people who love God, as many do unwittingly worshiping darkness or agents of hell or principalities in heavenly places, serving satan as their master who seeks to kill, steal from and destroy all human people, because satan hates God and is bitter than God cast satan out of heaven to a hell of eternal torment and eventual destruction. God will eventually destroy all demons and satan himself such that people who do not serve the Lord our God with reverent fear and respect will also be cast into hell for future destruction by the Lord or only real God! 

Yield Before the Lord Our Only God

God, the father of Christ Jesus, triune being with the Holy Spirit, the supreme creator above all other gods

God has all the answers, knows everything about everyone everywhere at all times

Nothing can be hidden from God, all is exposed by his infinite light, power and limitless abilities of every possible kinds able to do anything without limitation of any kind. 

Omniscient, God knows all about all

Omnipresent, in all places, without a timeline limitation, in history, in the present, in the future, in all times and all places in every dimensions simultaneously

Omnipotent, stronger, more powerful, more dangerous, more capable, without any limitation, unmatched and unparalleled as the only supreme deity above all others. 

Yield before the Lord our God

Give God thanks and praise, singing from your heart thankful and appreciation for life, for your life, for the life of other people, animals, nature, ecosystems, the Earth, Sun, Moon, our universe, our dimension, our finite time alive, our interactions with other people, for food, air and water, for anything or everything, give God thanks and praise, centering your mind always on that which is pure, decent, honorable, fair, kind, loving, polite, reasonable, helpful or edifying, making the world a better place by always helping other people at all times at anytime you are able by any means possible. 

Its about being the best version of yourself, doing random acts of benevolent kindness helping other people, children, elderly people, animals or wildlife, calling polluters and greedy people and evil doings to task, exposing their evil to the bright illuminating light of God, bringing their evil actions and illegal activities to the DEA or FBI and reporting corruption, bribery, theft, fraud, abuse, neglect or other illegal activities, to bring the wrong doer to justice. 

Pay attention when you are driving and yield to wildlife crossing the road, they don't understand like you. We are called to be Stewards of Gods creation, that means doing our part as individual to not cause harm, either by action or inaction, so that means paying good attention when your driving a motor vehicle that can harm, injure or kill other people or animals if your paying attention and cause accident. Put your smartphone down and stop using it while driving, thats more dangerous than drunk driving statistically. 

Speak Healing Blessings Praying Kind Ideas Over Other People Your Lucky Enough to Encounter in First Person & Interact With

You can ask anyone "Do you mind I pray for you?" almost all people will say yes

Say "Father God, Lord God in Heaven, Christ Jesus, Holy Spirit, bless this person with healing, health, safe travels, peaceful rest, recovery, physical health, mental health, financial health, that they will find more joy, more love and more happiness and encounter other people who are edifying in such ways, that they will enjoy their food, sleep and life more in all possible ways and that you are thankful to have the opportunity to pray for them. Amen. 

The person you just prayed a bunch of loving kindness blessings over will probably sincerely thank you for saying such kind things over them, and will be deeply appreciative and achieve mental emotional healing that improves the health of their body via the mind body relationship already firmly establish with high quality science from medicine and physiology research respectively. 

Verbal Murder : Rejection Causes PTSD like Emotional Damage Echos for Years of Torment

 Rejection hurts a person in a deep lasting way that continues to harm their mind, psyche, emotions and mental health. Being rejected by the father, your worldly father the worst as the most desired thing amongst all people worldwide is approval by their worldly father. My worldly father was a sperm donor who took off when I was still an infant and have never heard from him in any way and have been unable to find him and have no idea if he is even alive. 

Thankfully my adoptive father, the legendary Ken Black, was exceptional as a father even though I was adopted son. He taught me how to use tools to fix and repair machines of all kinds, how to do home improvement, to create plans and solutions and how implement them and make it happen. He was patient, loving, kind, respectful, friendly, and taught me a lot about the world and helped me to find ways to learn even more, eventually such that I became a college educated scientist. 

I was rejected in school by foolish hateful students who called me a faggot or queer or gay, even though I am none of those, and am heterosexual and married to an honorable amazing woman today. I never liked being verbally harassed with gay slurs, something that is a hate crime and bullying thats prohibited in schools today, though it still happens online where the schools have limited ability to regulate or control it, on social media apps where people text messages disparaging or harsh or harmful cruel words to other people in order to bully or manipulate or gas light or similar forms of disobedient witchcraft or evil. 

The bibles warn that our tong is fire, a dangerous rudder to the ship of our body, able to speak both blessings and curses, to lift up or tear other people down. That we are to take all of our thoughts captive and be obedient to God as to Christ Jesus and the Holy Spirit to think on that which is pure, honorable, decent, loving, kind, respectful, of good repute, that aligns with God's instruction in the New Testament of the Christian Bible about Proper Christian Conduct and to be imitators of God, godly, treating all other people with loving kindness, with a humble contrite heart, putting other people up as better than yourself, acknowledging that you are a flawed hypocrite sinner prone to thinking and doing inappropriate wrong things, but are able to use your free will agency to make better choices inspired by the Holy Word in the Bible, or real knowledge that is edifying about honorable human conduct to other people and the rest of God's creation or all life on Earth. 

It further specifies that greed is evil and must not even be hinted at amongst the Kingdom of God or God's people on Earth. It says that polluting and polluters are evil because they place profits above a concern for the wellness of other people, through idolatry of money and wealth emitting toxic poisonous pollutants that harm other peoples health and damage ecosystems and environments, for the sake of increasing profits, when a cleaner process available that would cost the owners or masters of society a small amount more to do the same process in a eco-friendly non toxic or less poisonous way.