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Government Surveillance Systems like Project Prism in the USA

Every connected device with a microphone & internet connection is spying on you, uploading anything you say, type, every website you visit, everything you buy with a credit or debit car, everywhere you modern car travels, everything about you built up as a personality profile built up into a government database that stores and analyses information about everyone or anyone that ranks highly in its search parameters that are actively changing in response to global trends, changing public sentiment, social media posting, the way people act, cameras connected, tracking people, vehicles, spending, postings, any information able to be collected about anyone is compiled and added to the Public Index, not just by the PRISM Mass Surveillance program of the USA but by many other world government public mass surveillance programs that I don't know about but know for certainty that they exist at least in the CCP or China, in Russia or the Russian Federation, in North Korea, and probably in most other countries. 

At some level internet access, mobile internet, smartphones, smart watches, they are actively being used to collected highly personal sensitive information about every person connected, a privacy violation, but more sinister because of how these bits of information cab be misused by government agents to freeze your assets, to shut you down, to disenfranchise or murder you to keep you from speaking out about things you might be correct about that powerful forces are wrong about. For most of history it has been very dangerous to be right about matters for which powerful forces are wrong. If you operate against the interests of powerful special interest, they will get rid of you. You have no value to the elite income earners. They are interested in one vile maxim, "All for us, and nothing for anyone else" and you anyone else, the public, the majority. 

Mass surveillance been a major government initiative for many decades now, ever since radio and TV service enabled controlling mass media to influence the general public and public opinion. This is right out of the 10 principles of the concentration of Wealth and Power that Adam Smith wrote about in his epic work "The Wealth of Nations" / to control the media, run the regularly, break up solitary, reduce democracy, marginalize the people, in essence you the reader have no value except commercially as a consumer of businesses products and services that feed revenue streams to the wealthiest players. The game of life exists as a transitional globalization force of a tiny opulent elite that controls all world governments, and uses this global political control to exert economic control to control the outcomes of all nations economies, all aimed at funneling more money and power into the hand of the most elite among the elite, the tiniest opulent minority of a few people with trillions of dollars, who have more wealth as people than America or the entire US economy. These people yield powers greater than all nuclear weapons, greater than all bioweapons, they are manipulating the entire global human economy for their personal benefit, and cannot be controlled by anyone. These are the masters and they will not allow anyone to get in their way. Stay clear of them, keep your head down, down break the law, pay your taxes, help other people and be the best version of yourself and say out of their way, never try to stop one of them or they will make you disappear and you have been warned. 

Commodore PET personal computers produced 1977 Commodore International

Personal Computer Revolution 

Amazingly this all-in-one personal computer had a case that combined a MOS Technology 6502 microprocessor on a motherboard with commodore BASIC read-only memory, a full keyboard, monochrome monitor, and a cassette deck for memory or data storage.

January 1977; 47 years ago || Introductory price US$795 (equivalent to ~$4,100 in 2024)

Today in 2024 there are many people in many countries that do not have a computer, internet connection, or even understand why they might want that or what they would do with it if someone gave it to them, including hooking it up online so they can read wikipedia or watch YouTube videos, do spreadsheets, publish documents, print recipes, share ideas, communicate with other tribes nearby, networking with other people, social media and much much more.

Some NGO's have gone to rural tribes in South American countries and helped to setup a desktop and satellite based internet connection along with bringing a translator and teaching the local adults how to use the computer and what it might be useful for in their personal use cases, mainly for social networking with other local tribes to create increased solidarity and improve communications to add resilience and strength to their communities by sharing useful information quickly.

I am sharing these ideas and typing this posting on a 2019 iMac Retina 4K, 21.5-inch with 3 GHz 6-Core Intel Core i5 Processor, a Radeon Pro 560X Graphics Card with 4 GB of GDDR5 Memory, 8 GB 2667 MHz DDR4 Memory, via a bluetooth keyboard and Magic Mouse that came with the computer. 

Meg & I purchased 2 of these iMac's off-cycle for a discount at Costco saving about $600 vs buying them new from Apple. These models were the last Intel iMac's since Apple started using Apple Silicon chipsets in newer models, like M2 Pro, M3 Pro, and M4 Pro, and the latest come in fun anodized aluminum colors too, as this one is raw aluminum color :)

Smartphones are handheld touchscreen computers where everything integrated onto the mainboard and the brains or chipsets are condensed along with memory, CPU, GPU, Networking, IO, onto a fingernail sized super complicated SOC system-on-a-chip computer chipset ultra complex integrated circuit made by TSMC in a double sized compact motherboard with power management for wireless and lighting charging the integrated Lithium Polymer Battery of iPhone or Samsung whatever, latest smartphone models all have the same basic platform or layout or system design with a frame, battery, touch screen and mainboard logic SOC based computer containing all the information and power technology, often with a small daughter board for the charge port or antenna or some other fingerprint scanner or similar feature.

The most advanced computer systems today mimic the way the human brain does rapid energy efficient burst processing for pattern recognition & prediction or anticipation or "safety focused driving of a vehicle" & Spiking Neural Networks are the most brain like.

Every human being starts a single cell combining DNA from their biological XX mother and biological XY father, from the egg and sperm of their natural parents Babies don't know anything at first, it takes many years to teach children how to become high functioning adults. So don't be surprised if it takes a moment to program your LLM large language model, ChatGPT whatever version chatbot, artificial intelligent agent or whatever virtual digital assistant like Siri or Alexa or Ok Google via voice search with natural spoken language into related devices. 

Your body, brain, eyes, ears, taste, smell, thinking, perception, emotions, are analog self assembling system of cell systems comprising membranes, electro chemical nerve signals, brain neuron pattern & prediction memory learning system adaptively changing structure & function

All living things on Earth contain analog chemical systems that respond to changes in environments, or analog physical chemical phenomena An orb weaving spider brain for example can use its eyes & working memory to build variable web structure to catch flying insects to eat

Some jumping spiders and hunting spiders have ultra complicate brains able to track prey using eye information, with exceptional pattern recognition, adaptive learning, work and long term memory, and hunting ability that makes them Apex insect predators

Neuromorphic describes analog, digital, mixed-mode analog/digital VLSI, & software systems that implement models of neural systems (perception, motor control, & multisensory integration). Discovered ways to mimic human nervous system through liquid solutions of chemical systems

Implementation of neuromorphic computing on the hardware level can be realized by oxide-based memristors, spintronic memories, threshold switches, transistors

Training software-based neuromorphic systems of spiking neural networks can be achieved using error backpropagation, e.g., using Python based frameworks such as snnTorch, or using canonical learning rules from the biological learning literature, e.g., using BindsNet

With the development of very-large-scale integration (VLSI) technology, Yannis Tsividis' group at Columbia University revisiting analog/hybrid computers design in standard CMOS process

2022, researchers reported development of nanoscale brain-inspired artificial synapses, using ion proton (H+), for 'analog deep learning. Onen, Murat; Emond, Nicolas; Wang, Baoming; Zhang, Difei; Ross, Frances M.; Li, Ju; Yildiz, Bilge; del Alamo, Jesús A. (29 July 2022). "Nanosecond protonic programmable resistors for analog deep learning" (PDF). Science. 377 (6605): 539–543. doi:10.1126/science.abp8064.

Implementation of neuromorphic computing on the hardware level can be realized by oxide-based memristors, spintronic memories, threshold switches, transistors

Analog computers superior power efficiency when solving problems involving continual variation of electric, mechanical or hydraulic systems producing analog signals Way more efficient than software running on digital computers to accomplish the same tasks, also much faster

Mechanical or automatic wrist watches are examples of analog computer, with energy stored in spiral springs, released through a gear train to spin hands displaying seconds, minutes, & hours on the dial, so the wearer can know "what time it is" to a few seconds of precision

Stereo amplifiers used to boost or amplify weak input signals to produce strong current output signals to drive speakers to produce mechanical oscillation to shove air molecules into waves that move the sound data as pressure undulation patterns to our Ears for brain to listen

Analog computers continue to be used today as the Fuzzy logic controller of automobile automatic transmission shifting, in the latest direct-shift 10 speed of the Toyota Camry or Lexus models :) Those these transmissions are also partially digital & can be updated with software

Other examples of digital analog systems can be seen in military missile guidance computers Inertial Navigation + gyroscope data, IMU data, analog part mixes data from many sensors in a power efficient way with rapid switching control of active steering fins to strike target

Some ASIC FPGA systems with Digital to Analog or Analog to Digital for Synthetic Aperture Radar are yet other examples of composite analog digital systems

Before Ti graphic calculators, Slide Rules invented in the 1620s, allow multiplication & division operations to be carried out significantly faster. A slide rule is a hand-operated mechanical calculator consisting of slidable rulers for evaluating mathematical operations such as multiplication, division, exponents, roots, logarithms, and trigonometry. It is one of the simplest analog computers.

Very early computing for math & accounting, to calculate larger numbers that would be hard for most people to do in their brains working memory. Consider the Abacus.

Record keeping, tax records, inventory management Early Fertile Crescent civilizations had to have a method for keeping track of agricultural production stored in clay vessels, to know when such was stored & how much, to keep spoilage to a minimum with first in first out idea

Several mechanisms by which strings of digits can represent numbers "00012345" represents 0001.2345 scientific notation scaled by a power of 10, orbital period of Jupiter's moon Io 152,853.5047 seconds in standard-form scientific notation as 1.528535047×10^5 seconds

Binary machine code a long set of strings of "0" and "1" encoded data to switch transistors in the CPU integrated CMOS circuit system for processing to produce DATA output that executes the instructions in the binary, originally entered into large computers with punch cards

Early computer took up entire rooms and required multiple people to operate then, and cost so much in capital and electrical operating costs, that only large companies and well funded universities could afford such machines, like the well selling IBM 360 line used by Airlines

Foating-point arithmetic (FP) arithmetic represents subsets of real numbers using an integer w/ fixed precision, called significand, scaled by an integer exponent of a fixed base Refers to number's radix point, can "float" anywhere to left, right, or between significant digits

Speed of floating-point operations, often measured as FLOPS floating point operations per second A metric to compare computer performance, useful to known to heavy mathematical operations in machine learning or simulation

Directly Copied TLDR OS information from

The BASIC included on the original PET 2001 was known as Commodore BASIC 1.0; Microsoft supplied Commodore with a source listing for their 6502 BASIC, essentially a port of BASIC-80, and Commodore performed the rest of the work themselves, including changing the startup screen and prompts, adding I/O support, the SYS command for invoking machine language programs, and fixing bugs. BASIC 1.0 still had numerous bugs and IEEE-488 support was broken, so that when Commodore later came out with disk drives, they could not be used from BASIC (although the kernel routines supported them), and only supported 256 array elements. The PEEK function would not work on memory locations above 49152 so as to prevent the user from viewing the copyrighted code in the system ROMs.

Aside from the 8K BASIC ROM, the PET also included a 4K character ROM and an 8K kernal ROM. The first half of the kernal contained screen editor functions (the screen editor on 80 column PETs differed from 40-column models) with the second half containing a number of function calls for tasks such as inputting and outputting data to and from different I/O devices, reading the keyboard, and positioning the cursor. In addition, the kernal ROM received system interrupts and scanned the keyboard. The kernel, an idea of John Feagans, was the first personal computer OS ROM to be a distinct entity from BASIC. The character ROM was 4K in size, containing four different 128 character tables, the uppercase/graphics character set and upper/lowercase character set, plus reverse video versions of both. This included a number of graphics characters for creating pseudographics on the screen as well as playing card symbols (reportedly because Jack Tramiel's sons wanted to play card games on the computer). On the original PET 2001, the uppercase/graphics character set and upper/lowercase character set were reversed compared to how they would be on later machines; PET owners who upgraded their machines to the BASIC 2.0 ROMs often also swapped out the character ROMs for the newer version

Peak Oil Illusions, Smoke & Mirrors, Political Rhetoric & Worse

Coal & Natural Gas + Biofuels made from Crop Waste & Used Cooking Oil + Plastics Recovered from Oceans and Used Tires + Methane containing Hydrates on the sea floor, we have propane, butane, natural gas, hydrogen and oxygen from seat water, nearly endless possible sources of fuel via GTL or gas to liquids FT chemistry. Fischer & Tropisch invented a way to convert coal to gasoline, diesel, kerosine and jet fuel for the Nazi war machine at Hilter's orders during WWII

Thus Shell the Dutch oil company refined and perfected FT fuel manufacturing from a variety of possible input feedstocks, from biomass or wood or corn cobs, or used veggie oil, or used motor oil, or plastic waste remover from the oceans and dumps. We can literally make trillions of gallons of fuel for 300 years using alternative sources long after crude oil supplied are depleted worldwide. 

Now making fuel from wood dust, coal, natural gas, we are talking about $9/ gallon US 2024, so way more expensive than petrochemical fuel. But consider that Toyota already broadly sells worldwide a Hybrid Corolla (Latin for Little Crown as the name) such that it is EPA rated at 52 MPG but can give way more like 64 MPG, see for examples of Corolla Hybrid that get north of 70 MPG on regular unleaded fuel. The Corolla is big enough to move 4 adults and 850lbs of cargo in the trunk or hatchback area or utility space. 

You can get around in Corolla Hybrid or similar and get fantastic fuel economy. This hedges you income from high fuel costs in the future. When you select high fuel economy vehicles that means they use less fuel so fuel prices make less of a difference in the operating costs. That means you will save more on fuel over the life of your fuel efficient car than what you paid for the car new in capital costs. That means a hybrid sedan can save you $40,000+ on fuel over its 10 year life, or longer if you keep and maintain it, possible even 20 years with 1 hybrid battery change. 

Ding, Ding, Ding, if you drive on paved roads you do not need a Land Cruiser, G-Wagon or Land Rover Defender. A simple cheap used passenger sedan thats fuel efficient can easily move you and bags of groceries, too and from work, to the supermarket or grocery store or even on long road trips to visit distant relatives that live far way in America. 

Sure peak crude oil production may have peaked in 2004, but we have many alternative fuels like ethanol, ethane, methanol, methane, natural gas, DME or dimethyl either for diesel engines, propane or butane conversions of gasoline engine vehicle fueling systems and much more in terms of bio fuels of many kind, like biodiesel or bio hydro diesel or even peanut oil or used veggie oil, crop waste ethanol cellulosic and more like natural gas to gasoline or coal gasification to gasoline, diesel and jet fuel.

As outlandish as this sounds, we can even exploit atomic strong force in LENR or low energy nuclear reactions to make electricity in EV's to energize the motor for movement or to charge the battery slowly trickle speed while its parked 20+ hours per day

Finally at the bleeding edge of physics, vehicle energy can be optioned with Warp Field Interferometry (WFI) WFI exploits galactic expansion pressure differential Using a cleaver atomic magnetic technique, incredible amounts of electric energy can be created in small devices to energize electric automobiles of many different kinds. Electric drive ships and electric turbo fan aircraft. We can make electric trains with WFI power generators and endless electricity. I am talking about radical energy abundance that revolutionizes all aspects of human activity with cheap abundant clean electricity for everyone's benefit! 

As outlandish as this sounds, we can even exploit atomic strong force in LENR or low energy nuclear reactions to make electricity in EV's to energize the motor for movement or to charge the battery slowly trickle speed while its parked 20+ hours per day

Peak Oil Already Happened in 2004

Global economic activity energized by the first half of the Oil Age from 1900 to 2000 saw rapid development worldwide of wealth in OECD nations mostly, financial markets, investments, broad complex economies with many parts. First piston engines fueled by gasoline & diesel, though battery electric had an early peak before in the late 1800's, the gasoline engine and Ford's production line of reduce labor complexity with machine or robot assistance gave way to mass manufacturing of automobiles such that Toyota for example, in Japan, has made millions of exported vehicles sold in most countries around the world. 

99% of the vehicles in world require fuel, gasoline or diesel. That includes all the airplanes, ships, tanks, trucks, trains, most it burns fuel to make energy.

Fueling all human activity with finite fossil fuels has created an economic trap of transitioning away from wasting oil to conserving oil carefully in hyper efficient vehicles like the 2022 Toyota Corolla Hybrid that gives me 64 MPG all day long in city & highway use averaging well north of 50 miles per gallon on regular unleaded gasoline, nothing special, though I tend to add ethanol free gasoline distributed by CENEX and don't like ethanol in gasoline because ethanol has less energy and hygroscopic as in ethanol in gasoline attacks moisture from the air, and a I live in a rainy area where it commonly overcast and sprinkling for many days in a row. 

Governments do not even address this issue, because its been known since the early 2000's that all the easy oil has been burned up, so any new oil mined from Earth going to cost way more, even using every industrial oil mining trick under the sun! 

Even agriculture increased output in response to petrochemical fertilizer availability, along with many herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, and pesticides made from downstream chemicals made from crude oil or natural gas as input ingredients. Say Black Gold, crude oil contains chemicals that can be converted into millions of other chemicals. UPF foods have 10,000 different chemical additives, most of which are probably not healthy to consume. 

Peak oil easy to understand. If you have glass of water, cup of tea or coffee, it starts out full, then as you drink it you deplete it and it runs out. If we consider an oil well like a giant glass and oil mining like a giant straw to suck the oil and gas out, then eventually the well runs out of oil too. 

We are coasting on fumes of ancient sun light that became plants buried over millennia, under heat & pressure converted into oil, crude oil or petroleum. Ancient sunlight is what fuels aircraft and automobiles today. But it took millions of years to make all of that oil and we have burned up most of it in less than 100 years increasing human population from 2 billion people alive at the same time to 8 billion people and most of them want a car now :) How are we going to sell cars and fuel those cars, for 8 billion people? Exactly, a hard problems to solve, even with every generation of new biofuels, the oil party ended in 1999. 

Roads made of asphalt for vehicles fueled by gasoline, it seems we have enslaved oil as a material, chemical feedstock and fuel, increasing human popular 6X along the way. Today we have resorted to boiling tar sands with natural gas heat to make heavy tar sands oil and other previously unprofitable hydrocarbons are now resources used by oil refineries. 

As the price of oil increases over time the oil companies will conserve the existing oil fields to drag on their ability to generate profits. 

Fueling society with gasoline and diesel almost like giving each person an army of slaves and land. We liberated huge amount of cheap easy energy with early 1950's oil industry expansion, but we can't just drill more into a finite resource. The way we waste fuel today not sustainable and will cause gasoline and diesel to become very expensive in the future. 

Fabrics are made of petrochemical plastic fibers, like Polypropylene, nylon, rayon, acrylic, spandex, lycra, elastane, fleece, viscose, velvet.

Many lawn and garden chemicals, packaging for laundry soap, tooth paste, tooth brush handles and the brush fibers, plastic inside cars, in the bumpers, dashboard, side skirts, even the front window made of a glass sandwich filled with clear plastic. 

Polymers and plastics made of oil are everywhere. Vinyl windows and siding or plastic deck boards that do not rot. Plastics are in many consumer products for washing hair or conditioner, as acrylic polymers, microplastics people are bathing with. Even the shower nozzle made of chrome or nickel plastic plastic and the nozzles and gaskets are polymers made of oil petrochemicals. 

In agriculture diesel fueled machines convert hydrocarbon energy into food calories then fuel the shipping of those foods, fruits, veggies, to distant markets, in a fuel wasting energy intensive system integrally dependent on cheap fuels. The airlines today only pay $1 per gallon US of Jet A fuel for commercial passenger aircraft and complain that if the fuel any more expensive it would not be profitable to operate an airline for passenger air traffic. The air quality near airports terrible because nothing clean tech like an automobile engine exhaust catalytic converter was possible to adapt to airplane engines. 

Combat Siege Browser Game Terms & Conditions & Privacy Statement DITOGAMES

Here is a great example of lengthy TLDR legal agreement for an online browser based game from Swiss gaming company. I read stuff like this to gain insight and understanding into legal terms of conditions, so that I can understand reading such things and precise language redundant and explicit, as a kind of rhetorical tactic to convince other people that radically reducing pollution very important, for example. Mostly because common pollutants are harmful to human health and bad for animals and nature. 

Flaring at Offshore Oil Rigs and at Oil Refineries like Burning Money or Profit

The chemicals burned in flare stacks could instead be cooled, compressed, cracked by catalytic decomposition or isomerize into higher valued petrochemicals or fuels, like propane, butane, hydrogen, lubricants, wax, jet fuel, diesel, gasoline, solvents like hexane, heptane, octane, used in chemical laboratories and in manufacturing. 

These chemical recovery products that could be harvested from the flare feed stream by redirecting the chemicals to be flared off instead into holding tanks for petrochemical small scale onboard refining into higher value added products, downstream sold in markets where such are very valuable like Norway or Japan where people pay more for fuel or petrochemical feedstocks that could be easily made profitably from the flare stack feedstock. 

Even natural gas thats normally flared off could be cooled, compressed and liquified as CNG and loaded into CNG ships for use as fuel on the ship to move other goods or to move bulk amounts of CNG to markets abroad where they cost enough to make shipping them around the world profitable. In this way many oil refineries and oil rigs are burning money by burning chemicals in the flare gas stack, literally making air pollution instead of increasing profits. 

Air pollution near major oil refineries largely originates from flaring, or burning off chemicals in the flare gas stack or flaring stream output, when that is literally like burning money while producing toxic air pollution thats bad for public and environmental health or deleterious and harmful to people working and living near the operations, including the workers on the oil rigs and people who work at or live near oil refinery operations. 

This means the oil industry could improve profits while reducing pollution by upgrading oil rigs and oil refiners with flare column recovery units that redirect chemicals that would have been burned off senselessly making air pollution, redirecting those energy dense chemical substance to catalytic cracking or isomerization or further downstream processes to make higher value added petrochemical products to sell for increasing profits. 

Psyche & Persona Easily Damaged (Emotional, Social, Intellectual, Physical, Financial)

Health & Wellness

Break down the word disease into dis & ease, or not at ease. What does it mean to be at ease, to rest and digest after a nice meal for example.

Flavor, taste, aroma, smell, the experience of eating produce a enormous cascade of chemical changes in your body as all the food your put in your mouth and chew with your teeth and saliva has to become a liquid after bile and stomach acid break it down more so that the food chemical components can become biochemicals in your body, after passing through the membranes as a liquid mixture in your small intestines which eventually also gets safety filtered through the portal vein into & out of your liver and further filtering by the kidneys.

Food is made of fats or lipids (so are membranes in your body), amino acids (DNA) from proteins, and carbohydrates are stored as body fat in adipose tissue after fist becoming blood sugar after we eat sugars, starches or carbohydrates. 

Losing weight means radically cutting back carbs, starches, and sugar consumption and replacing it with more omega 3 healthy fats and high quality proteins, probably skipping breakfast or dinner with interval fasting or intermittent fasting and doing a 3 to 5 days water only fast a few times per year. You will also need to go for longer walks regular, starting out for 5 minutes if you have been inactive for a long time and working up to 30 minutes or an hour or more. Carbs, sugars and starches are fuel for your muscles to move, and if you eat them and do not move actively they will be stored as body fat increasing. 

Your brain is an organ made of many kinds of cells, mostly from lipids and amino acids from fats and proteins in our diet, in a system of systems that support nerves and neuron functioning as your brain is the most important organ in your body. Without your brain your body cannot work, because the brain sends out thousands of substances to regulate the body. 

Your thinking controls your movement, muscles, speech, conduct, behavior and aspects of your mind are your personality to persona or character and how other people perceive you. The science of traumatic brain injury highlights the mind body relationship clearly. 

Healing from injuries or accidents strongly influenced by your thoughts. The mind body relationship firmly established in medicine and physiology also mirrors what Christ Jesus talked about in the New Testament of the Christian bible thousands of years ago. 

Recovering from cancer largely depends on the cancer patient having a strong will to survive, something to look forward too, a good reason to keep living. Having a strong positive outlook if you have cancer increases your odds of living longer by a lot. Many people have been able to cure cancers by removing all processed junk food and sugars from their diet, water fasting, interval fasting and improving their mindset and outlook on life. 

It was true, is true and will remain to be true that what you think about strongly influences your health, largely by regulated what and when and how much you eat and drink, since food and beverage are the largest input of chemicals into your body. This is also why artificial colors and synthetic preservatives are not food and bad for the body. This explain why heavy metals and pollutants are harmful to the body. This means we have an urgent moral imperative to teach everyone about real food and to radically reduce all forms of pollution emissions. 

Hunger for example created as the brain releases ghrelin the hunger hormone. When we feel full our brain sends out the satiety creating hormone leptin. 

When our brain releases norepinephrine it motivates us to get up and do something, to be active and happy and motivated to make it happen.

Dopamine & anandamide are special reward pathways chemicals released for example when you have to go poop really bad and have to wait in order to access a toilet or way to relieve yourself, when you finally do relieve yourself your brain sends out a huge pulse of dopamine and anandamide that produce bliss, relaxation, euphoria, joy, and happiness feelings that make reliving yourself highly enjoyable so that we continue to do so in order to expel waste products created by digesting foods we eat. 

This whole hunger, food, digestion system can be highjacked or gas lit or manipulated by UPF junk snack foods made with "Bliss Point" engineering, making such things as Oreo cookies super satisfying to eat and probably also very addictive since eating a bliss point engineered UPF highjacks the reward pathway in the brains nucleus accumbens (NAc or NAcc) or pleasure center of the hypothalamus where reinforcement learning is biochemically solidified. 

Understanding how a UPF can become additive or why people gamble obsessively or abuse drugs or alcohol as addictions, these abuses of life all exploit the same biochemical pathways in the brain that make having fun or doing something entertaining enjoyable, like watching content where your brain takes flat 2D images on the screen and projects the imaging into your brains working memory as an inner mental projection so that other parts of your brain can compare the imaging to derive facts about the story, characters, assets in the scenes or other aspects of the content so that you can make sense of what you are watching on YouTube or TikTok or Instagram or Apple TV or Hulu or Netflix or whatever. 

If we invert the idea of bliss or fun or joy or happiness we see negative emotions

Fear or anxiety or anger or depression. People are really hard on themselves, unforgiving inwardly, while generally fast or quick at forgiving other people. This inner self hatred or self unforgiving can over long periods of time become dis-ease or diseases, and because a causal factor in why people abuse food, drugs, gambling, themselves, other people, animals or nature. 

Obsession can cause people to abuse watching content, listening to unhealthy music with despicable ill repute dirty lyrics and nod their head along to the nice beat without thinking clearly as those messages are subliminally programmed into the listeners brain, causing the person to unwittingly engage in the subconscious idolatry of money, wealthy, power, fancy things, nice stuff, luxury, zip codes, with envy, jealousy and rage at not having the things that other people supposedly get to enjoy. 

I enjoy my Corolla Hybrid at lot more than a man I recently spoke to about his Porsche Macan GTS. He said "It cost way too much, over $90 thousand, loses value fast, costs a fortune to fuel, insure and maintain, and everything from basic fluids, to tires, belts, hoses, costs a fortune in operating cost, while it also requires premium fuel and gets really terrible fuel economy compared to the RAV4 Hybrid he traded in to clime up the Jones latter to a "nicer life" but commiserated that it was really a hollow victory as his life expenses kept up with his increasing income so that he is just a broke without liquid capital to flex as he was when he made a lot less money. 

Having nice things only makes you happier if your superficial enjoy to actually enjoy spending more for things that are not meaningfully better. Consider the Toyota RAV4 Hybrid as more reliable, less expensive, more durable, stronger, with better construction, better parts, lower operating cost, able to use basic gasoline and gets fantastic fuel economy and has very low tailpipe emissions and costs a lot less in all ways than the Porsche Macan GTS "upgrade". I told the Porsche Macan GTS guy get a Lexus RX450h if he wanted the best of both premium luxury and reliable high fuel economy with low emissions.

The word "Premium" implies of higher quality, and that would make a vehicle more reliable and more efficient, so obviously the Lexus Hybrid SUV vastly more premium than the Porsche Macan GTS. Premium means you get more for your money, more quality, higher reliability, higher efficiency. Consider a $500 mini-spit air source heat pump system with a COP or 3.1 when the $1,650 version has a COP of 7.1 / which is the Coefficient of Performance, because the more expensive one has larger well made copper alloy heat exchanges with class leading brushless motor & CFD optimized fan blades that move more air across the radiator with less electricity and can vary the speed from 1 RPM to thousands of RPM to throttle in a broad range of temperature conditions so the nice premium system has better performance all year in all weather conditions and able to heat or cool indoor spaces more effectively with less electric and also longer lasting. When you pay more in this example or air source heat pumps you actually pay a premium for a premium product thats substantially better in many ways. The Speed Queen washing machine designed to last 23 years of daily use is a premium longer lasting product with ultra high reliability. The Sun Frost fridge uses 90% less electricity with cleaver compressor pumping heat intelligently and lots of extra insulation and intelligent design, so the premium you pay for the better fridge uses 90% less electricity and last a lot longer. 

Premium emissions controls make use of multiple O2 sensors, 3-way catalytic converters, a detailed 3D engine map, variable ignition timing and variable valve control, variable multi- pulse direct fuel injection + port injector to keep the valve seats clean of carbon soot deposits that plagued early GDI engines. Using multi technology emission controls and fuel injection means that modern automobiles release 85% less pollution in the tailpipe emissions than older carburetor large displacement engine vehicles from the past. Modern vehicles get better fuel economy and have more performance, more torque and power, are more reliable, more fuel efficient and have radically lower emissions than classic cars from the 1960's or really pre-1980 when the tailpipe emissions had way more HC or hydrocarbon vapors, way more NOX or oxides of nitrogen, way more SOX or oxides of sulfur, and much more PM or particulate matter emissions. Those components of smog are harmful to humans damaging lung tissue and brain and kidney tissue and even harming the liver. In urban areas where gasoline and diesel use common, SMOG from vehicle emissions including tire and brake dust, are the major source of pollutant exposure making people sick with preventable diseases that could be radically reduces with clean energy technology including improves emissions controls. It costs more to put catalytic converters and O2 sensors and a better ECU and fuel injection into a vehicle engine that could be fueled with a cheaper simpler easier to work on carburetor. In this way emissions controlled vehicles have a premium value in that they are less polluting when operated.

What is a UPF (Ultra Processed Food)

These are foods you find in the middle isles of a grocery store of supermarket, ready to eat or super easy to prepare. UPF items often come in colorful boxes or bags with a long ingredients listing on the back of the package containing at least one complex chemical ingredient that virtually no one cooks with at home and that most people can't pronounce or even understand what the chemical additive is. 

Bliss point engineering means that UPF foods are made of powders pressed together that taste bland on their own. They have no water or fiber so they have a long shelf life, but to make them palatable sugars & spices and artificial colors & natural and artificial flavors are added, some of which are straight chemicals derived from coal tar, they way gasoline derived from crude oil, or unhealthy and possibly toxic if consumed in larger amounts. I am talking about common synthetic artificial color pastes, powders, gel, dye, the make the UPF vibrant in color since we "eat with our eyes first" Essential oils are added to make the bland UPF smell like real foods. 

Americans eat up to 73% of their food calories as UPF items, like Doritos or Oreo Cookies or soda pop made with high fructose corn syrup from GMO corn crops owned by Monsanto (banned in most European Counties entirely) / these are foods proven to make people sick with metabolic diseases via all the added sugars, removed fibers, lack of omega 3 fats, too many trans fats and inflammatory omega 6 fats, low quality bend damage prion proteins and super heated garbage like Vegetable Oil made from rape seeds, yuck. Cooking with cheap oil almost as bad as cooking food in pesticide. 

All the real foods are around the outside edge or border of the super market or grocery store and have been foods in traditional food cultures for thousands of years. I am talking about dairy, meat, fish, veggies, leafy greens, root vegetables, nuts, seeds, fruit, berries, spices, herbs, salad greens, natural foods high in healthy fats, healthy doses of fiber, good quality proteins with good bioavailability with high quality full spectrum amino acid profiles. Nuts like almonds are nutritional wonderland, walnuts, pecans, hazelnuts, and seeds like pumpkin seed, sunflower seed, coriander seeds, think a vegan wonderland of colorful natural organic foods that are healthy and that everyone can identify as real natural food that has been food for most of human history. 

Here is a picture from Dr. Sten Ekberg, an Olympic Athlete who shares facts about health foods to eat! 

Actually Healthy Food to Eat as Part of Your Diet

Clean Air Pollution Reduction with Vehicle Emissions Controls & Electronic Transistor Based Fuel Injection Variable Control & Electronic Transistor Variable Spark Timing Control + Exhaust Catalytic Converter with O2 sensor exhaust gas temperature voltage signals to ECU for dynamic Engine Control Maps

From mechanical fuel injection, to MFI & Port Injection to Direct Injection

Transistor chips enabled precise electronic variable control of injection timing & spark timing making it possible to use O2 sensors & an advanced catalytic converter to remediate NOX to N2 and O2 making the exhaust radically less smog forming or much cleaner, up to 95% reduction in tailpipe emissions of HC or brain & kidney damaging hydrocarbon vapors burned off on the hot catalytic surfaces inside the catalytic converter than also break NO2 & SOX down so that nitric and sulfuric acid forming NOX's and SOX's are remediated so the tailpipe emission contain 95% less smog forming emissions, thereby reducing acid rain formation and urban smog formation. 

Engines with Pistons are air pumps where fuel injected so that the combustion of fuel with air generates hot expanding pressurized gas to shove the piston down generating torque output to the transmission and wheels to move the vehicle. Internal combustion engines are the prime mover or energy conversion device that converts the chemical energy of gasoline or diesel or biofuels or DME or propane, into useful work in the form of rotational toque, in engines able to vary their operating speeds, similar to how your legs work with different gears on a bicycle to vary the bicycles travel speed or the amount of effort your exerting as the bicycle rider, the engine is like the person on the bicycle, the source of energy, where the person eat foods for metabolic fuel the gasoline or diesel engine needs hydrocarbon liquid fuels as energy inputs, and where the muscles in your body crank the pedals on a bicycle, the pistons and hot expanding pressured combustion of gasoline or diesel and air are cranking the engines output shaft with torque to spin the gears in the transmissions that ultimately turn the wheels to move the automobile. 

Rotary Vane vacuum pumps use an electric motor to spin a shaft offset inside an oval housing where the vanes are spring mounted in the rotor produces a swept volume change, such that if the vacuum pump were reversed we could inject air and fuel, compress it, spark or glow plug ignite it, vent the hot expanding exhaust gas pressure after it exerts work on the rotor shaft producing torque output, then start the process over again, suck, squeeze, bang, blow, thereby making an internal combustion rotary vane engine thats superlative in terms of extracting most of the fuels energy and converting it to torque output with incredible thermal efficiency, more torque earlier in the RPM range, more peak power, lower fuel consumption and radically cleaner emissions. 

ICE fuel based engines with piston have been refined for more than 140 years, while the Felix Wankel Rotary engine was nifty, we can obtain the best of both in a light weight power dense clean hyper efficient gasoline or diesel fueled rotary vane engine. Less mass, more torque sooner, cleaner emissions and less fuel consumption mean the best of all engines for road vehicles of all kinds. Combining rotary vane meninges with axial flux electric motors in PHEV and HEV vehicles means event greater fuel economy above 100 MPG or miles per gallon, with a low mass composite vehicle made of carbon fiber able to get more than 200 MPG using cleaver CFD tuned aerodynamics drag reducing design tricks like the Aptera Motors aircraft inspired road vehicles.

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Transistors (Electronic Switches)

Transistors are the most manufactured product ever in history, & almost as influential as electricity itself. 

NPN junctions, effectively electronic switches. At the most basic level, all digital computers operate with 1 on or 0 off binary streams of data, or compressed summaries thereof the RAW data that take up less memory footprint on SSD's or hard drives which store data, or tape drives for bulk big data storage. 

Amplifiers, power supplies, mother boards, switching information and current flow, power and data, the transistor a pervasive product in the form of chips that contain billions of transistors in each chip. 

Watch this about doping silicon diodes & transistors, replacing tiny amounts of pure silicon with phosphorus creates a lot of mobile electrons in the P doped silicon, so applying a voltage to P dope silicon wrapped in N (Boron atoms) doped silicon, means the P junction can easily be turn on to allow current to flow from N1 through P1 to N2 forming the NPN junction transistor switch where N1 the source, P1 the input, & N2 the drain. 

At chip fabs of Intel, TSMC using ASML hardware, transistors are mass manufacturing 24/7 in high volume lithography based chip making equipment on huge wafers cut from giant crystal of doped silicon, later ion implanted with phosphorus ions and nitrogen ions to make PN junctions.

CO2 laser blasting droplets of liquid hot tin to make deep UV light mirror optically controlled to reflect patterns laser etched into nickel plates into hundreds of layers of logic & connecting wires copper bonding all the transistors together with miles of tiny wire networks in tens of billions of transistor systems etched into up to 256 chip layers in complex CPU like the latest Lunar Lake lower power high efficiency mobile focused chips for ARM windows via Intel :) 

Designing a chip takes hundreds of electric engineers specialized in IC design using special chip design software on high performance desktops, working together in small teams clustered into huge teams to make new leading edge chip designs to be later validated and put into high volume chip fab wafer processing production. 

SSR Solid State Relays in higher power systems controlled by micro-controllers, used in CNC, autoclaves, brewing systems, AC systems, chillers, fridges, microwaves, ovens, washers, dryers, many appliances operate with switches, relays, SSR, chips in microcontrollers. A typical 2024 automobile has more than 120 IC chips or integrate circuit chips, like the SOC or system on a chip brains of a smartphone. 

Say "Rolling Data Center" The Tesla Model 3 effectively a car crossed with an electric motor battery system and tablet computer all connected over mobile broadband 5G connection present in the ECU of the Model 3, that streams sensor data to Tesla Cloud Computer for Autopilot Training that Tesla sells to other automakers for self driving technology, as Tesla Motors makes more money selling autopilot training data collected from all the Tesla EV cameras and sensory than Tesla makes from selling BEV's to the public worldwide. Big data is worth farm more than all the cars sold by Tesla every year. 

That's why the chip shortage during COVID19 debacle slowed down automakers since they lacked the IC chips needed to complete the assembly of the vehicles they make & sell, and thats just the tip of the iceberg of problems created by COVID19 outbreak and corresponding market slowdowns, product shortages, and price gouging for flour, toilet paper, crab meat, and even automobiles selling used for higher prices than brand new. 

Watch This

Computer Memory

Micron CMOS Texas Instruments SK Hynix Sony Toshiba Intel AMD TSMC Chips

GDDR6 for Graphics Cards or Discrete Graphics Chips

DDR4 or DDR5 for computers, desktops or laptops

Computer memory so the CPU or GPU can fetch or store information chucks to apply instruction set level add subtract multiple divide manipulation of binary source code into useable software functions at the end user level with colorful GUI graphics to click on to tap touch select on touch screens. 

RAM or random access memory in your laptop or desktop, or on chip SOC cache connected to the SSD solid state storage modules & CPU & GPU cores of the SOC system in a chip smartphone brain architecture with its AI driven on bit networking arbitrator executing human level intelligence to power balance the smartphone CPU to hang within the 8W TDP peak & 3W TDP nominal thermal dissipation limitation so that a small Li-PO battery can power the smartphone for about 1 day or 24 hours of moderate use, more or less depending on smartphone gaming app use and similar GPS use by Uber Drivers all day long or so, vs the lighter user that only unlocks their smartphone a few times per day for core use cases as required today in modern societies. 

Going into the history of computers with 8K, then 16K, then 32K, 64K, 128K, 256K, 512K, 1024K, 2048K, 4096K, 8192K, 1.6384 MB, 3.2768MB, 6.5536MB, 13.1072MB, 26.2144MB, 52.3288MB, 104.8576MB, 209.7153MB, 419.4304MB, 838.8608MB, 1.6777216 GB, 3.3554432GB, 6.7108864GB, 13.4217728 GB, and after 8GB of ram, thats about when computers were rapidly diffused world wide with access to high speed internet. At the 8GB level of RAM a typical desktop, laptop or gaming computer like an Xbox or Sony PlayStation can pump high frame rate gaming information to displays with controller interfaces or keyboards for playing Esports titles or gaming computer games, even on gaming laptops, something that the chipset shortage of 2020 covid 19 related issue, meant that more people started working remote using high speed internet, and many students did school online. This along with automaker demand for chips in modern SUV, cars and other automobiles that feature more than 100 chips as virtual rolling data centers connected over 5G NR mobile broadband internet. 

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And this

Plant Based Biodiesel "Peanut Oil" Inventor of the Diesel Engine intended it to run on plant oils in the form of Peanut Oil (Vegetable Oil Biodiesel)

Grease instead of petrochemical diesel fuel, waste oil from deep frying food generated by millions of restaurants daily for example. Waste oil from kitchens that prep food at grocery stores & supermarkets. Used motor oil from auto parts stores. Even oil can be extract from road cleaning machines from all the engine oil leak drippings on the asphalt, concrete and similar modern industrial roads cleaned regularly street sweepers. Oil is commercially extracted from tar sands in Canada using huge amounts of steam and solvents.

Endlessly Renewable Fuels

Renewable fuels made from waste oil, recycled oil, even old car tires, or plastic recovered from the oceans, lakes, rivers and streams. We can make renewable gasoline, renewable diesel, renewable av gas, renewable jet fuel and renewable fuels for rockets. In other words we can empower transportation by switching away from finite crude oil resources and embrace renewable feedstocks. 

Turning Grass into Gasoline Video

Vehicle Energy Economy Focus Boosting Fuel Economy & Lowering Emissions

At the same time improve thermal efficiency of new engines so they use less fuel while making more power and torque, there are many ways to optimize combustion engines of all kinds, especially mixing the engine output with electric motors that make torque instantly and can also act as generators so the engine can turn off and stop burning fuel when the vehicle making electricity to charge the battery with brake regeneration when slowing down or going down a hill, saving that energy in a battery energy storage module system or bank of ultra or super capacitors for later use in the electric traction motor so the vehicle can accelerate on electric power from the battery or capacitor or to help the gasoline motor early in RPM where the electric motors early torque optimized as the engine spools up to higher RPM where the electric motor is worse and where the engine is stronger at it peak power output RPM. Toyota does this in Prius for 20+ year by mixing two electric motor generators with a fuel efficient Atkinson cycle optimize gasoline piston engine, as is done in almost all Lexus and Toyota Hybrid vehicles of many different models today. 

Plastic to Fuel Video

Small Scale Biodiesel

There are YouTube videos of rural farmers in southeast Asia that save up spent fry oil from their community level wok cooking in most homes nearby. They then cook the oil with sodium hydroxide and use inverted plastic water jugs in a DIY frame with a valve to act as a separator funnel to drain off the waste fluid & save the resulting biodiesel that is then used as fuel in small simple diesel engine farm equipment in very rural locals where petrochemical diesel fuel not feasibly to purchase as its sold in glass bottles far away that is costly in terms of energy, fuel & time to access. It's much more practical and cost effective to make the biofuel diesel from spent dirty fry oil used to cook foods in woks or conical steel pans with handles that are used to stir fry veggies & meat & mushrooms or insects in hot oil, along with herbs and spices for seasoning, flavor, taste & aroma improvement, like hot chilies, garlic, shallots, pepper, salt, etc. 

How to Make Biodiesel At Home in 5 Minutes Video

No stir peanut butter has HVO or hydrogenated vegetable oil added as a stabilizers to keep the sugars, peanut oil and peanut solids from separating, but HVO a source of toxic trans fats proven to damage arteries, veins or the cardio vascular health of people who eat a lot of trans fats. Natural or organic peanut butter (read ingredients) made from roasted peanuts & salt, does not contain anything else & when sitting on the shelf the peanut oil rises to the top of the jar. Peanut oil incredibly energy dense, but to make a peanut butter paste again the jar must be stirred with great effort to evenly mix the peanut oil back into the peanut solids. 

Here is a deep dive TLDR video about making Farm Scale Biodiesel

How to Make Biodiesel on Small Scale in 4 Days


70 grams of lye

1.9 liters methanol

3 gallons of filtered waste oil, collected from spent used cooking oil. Waste Veggie Oil! 

Add the lye to the methanol in a jug, allow it to dissolve completely. Do this outside as the warm hot methanol vapor bad for your eyes, kidney, liver, & brain. The methanol vapors will mix with water vapor in the air & achieve gas diffusion dilution remediation quickly automatically in outdoor air. Do not do this inside where the air stale or not moving as you could be exposed to methanol vapors that are poisonous. 

Once the lye is dissolved in the methanol, add this mixture to the jug containing the waste oil and you can watch the reaction take place almost immediately. This is called esterification of the glycerol similar to making soap from lye water & olive oil, except we are making biodiesel FAME liquid or Fatty Acid Methyl Ester. 

Cap the jug tightly & shake it or agitate it violently to mix up the lye methanol and waste oil to help the reaction production of FAME proceed fully. Not let it sit for 4 days. You can repeat the process in many other jugs of waste oil with lye in methanol added as the FAME production catalyst. This batch production can be done in small cheap plastic jugs to keep you overhead costs low in terms of equipment. 

After a few days, you will see a dark layer of glycerin + waste junk at the bottom of the jug, gravity separated. The warm brown clear liquid on top the biodiesel FAME product. Decant or poor off the biodiesel fame into another jug you can use to fill your fuel tank or vehicle with biodiesel. 

If your doing this to make biodiesel for an on road TDI automobile, make sure there is a gallon or so of regular petrochemical diesel in the vehicles fuel tank, since you can probably run up to 80% biodiesel without issues like fuel gelling in warmer temperatures or warmer weather. In colder locations you can probably run 30% biodiesel and a cetane additive can be added to the tank to reduce thickness or viscosity of the fuel mix in winter cold freezing conditions. 

Cleaning the biodiesel during production by washing it with water 3 or 4 times to reduce the PH so it does not corrode your fuel system, injectors, etc, and filtering it more will make a cleaner fuel to avoid clogging your vehicles fuel filter faster and prolong the life of other components. Water washing also takes oil more of the remaining glycerin. I highly recommended cleaning the biodiesel if you're using it in a daily driver.

'You also might be able to buy B20 or B30 biodiesel at a fueling station. HPR diesel from Propel even better //

Making Renewable Fuels, Biofuels, Synthetic Fuels, its very easy to repurpose existing oil refinery technologies & technologies widely commercialized by natural gas & the downstream petrochemical industry, industrial fluid and gas processing equipment to make renewable, cleaner burning, sustainable fuels to energize future transportation engines of all kinds. 

Renewable Fuel Making at Industrial Scale
Important to Increase Availability & lower Cost