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Consider These Sustainability Topics

A lot of different things influence human civilization or the trajectory of Mankind in Earth's Biosphere! Future looking, past focused, we imagine how to make the world better while few people actually work to do it! Let us examine a list of sustainability topics to consider the focus fragmentation that paralyses people away from pragmatic action & making positive changes but are also key points for renewable energy development & improving sanitation & reducing pollution.


Jobs, money, pay, income, work, bills, buying & selling, currency & government. 
Mining materials from nature, reworking them with production technology to make goods
Resource management of fresh water, fish stocks, forests, land soil & dirt 
Accounting, keep actual data about the way things are going 
Regulation, passing laws to reduce pollution & to encourage better solutions
Consumption driven by materialism & selfish focus, greed & ignorance
How people use things, apply the things they have, what they do with their stuff 
Labor, humans doing things, making it happen, agriculture, manufacturing, making 
Welfare, how people are doing, their mental & moral & physical health, the public good
Technology & how its applied to create wealth & prosperity to make life better
Infrastructure that lets people travel easily & affordably to facilitate economic function 
Wealth, investment, passive income, fiscal instruments with applied math & finance tech
Income inequality due to loss of currency buying power, inflation, quantum easing
Distribution of wealth or size of the middle class, rich vs the poor, think equity & fairness 


Organizational structure & function. Businesses & Governance 
Taxes, controls & regulations to improve public welfare
Laws & swift justice to hold wrong doers accountable, parenting for everyone
Communication of news & information, fake news vs real truth, science 
Social & cultural movements to embrace electric vehicles & solar energy for example 
Representation like unions protecting workers for companies forced to compete in hard systems of cold business intellectual property theft & worse, like software patents. 
Negotiation, using rhetoric to come to a fair & balanced equitable solution 
Security to reduce crime & make a safer society with swift justice 
Accords or public disclosure to adhere to ethical principles, like Engineering Oaths 
Ethics or doing the right thing even when no one else watching
Accountability, being a responsible, sane, reasonable person


Understanding the importance of nature, food webs & ecosystems that make the air, water & food that everyone needs to live. That our actions that result in pollution degrade nature & introduce toxic agents into the food webs that end up sickening people with preventable diseases. Think breathing coal power emissions as an example. 

Materials & how they are sourced from nature, fair trade, eco safe mining
Energy, how we power everything, burning carbon or renewable energy
Water essential to plants & people & life in all ways on Earth
Air important for everyone & a good reason to phase out combustion emissions 
Flora or the plants & algae in nature that turn sunlight & water & air into life 
Fauna the animals in nature that are like humans that eat plants & other animals 
Place or where you are at, the feel or economy or vibe or environment, weather
Space or spaces where people congregate or meet up or inhabit or natural spaces 
Construction & how we build building, insulated & efficient, sustainable practices
Settlements & people that occupy, make use of or control a specific area
Emissions, things emitted by processes, some are non-toxic, other are pollutants
Waste, trash, garbage, sewage / composting, recycling, reducing, more intelligence 


How people engage with topics or other people 
Personality, persona, psyche, identity, what people think of themselves
Performances in the arts or when cooking or fabricating or designing 
Creativity to make things or solve problems or develop solutions, novel & emergent
Memory & how our brain stores information, short working memory or long term 
Projections, how we impose our personal thoughts onto objective reality
Beliefs, faith & ideas that people believe that affect their thinking & choices 
A sense of meaning, something different for everyone, find your own special way 
Gender, non-binary, male or female or transgender, we need to accept everyone 
Generations or thinking about the legacy you are leaving behind for others 
Enquiry, curiosity that drives people to develop greater understandings 
The scientific method, designing experiments to isolate variable of interest & test lots 
Learning & teaching & education so important because it enables people 
Health, healthy lifestyle choices, activity & fitness vs food & hydration 
Wellbeing, mental & moral & social health for a person 

My Spin or Extensions of Thought 

See, there is a lot to consider! It's not a simple subject to make life better for everyone since everyone special & unique, beautifully & wonderfully made with a sound well balanced & well controlled mind, ideally, obviously not everyone. 

We should at least have a shared goal to strive towards better degrees of excellence in all ways, using the topics above as a rubric to work on, targets to develop solutions, to investigate & develop cleaner cheaper renewable energy, how to phase out pollution, how to gain control of climate change on Earth & how to go to space cheaply for space mining to remove pollution & material constraints from Earths biosphere. Earth should be a nice natural place for people & plant & animals like it was for all of human history until we started burning coal & kicked off the first industrial revolution. 

Today we are living in the 4th industrial revolution or emergence of the information age big data explosion, artificial intelligence with general intelligence like a bright intelligent person, just on the horizon. Small molecule drugs giving way to mono & poly clonal antibody biologics. Exoskeletons to help injured or weak people to function, to restore function with automatic physical therapy, to help weak people become strong, to help elderly people, to reduce workplace injuries, to make stronger army's & to make people able to do more with their life, giving them the ability to leverage machine power like a wearable electric vehicle, the Exoskeleton, on my short list to prevent geriatric decline if I am lucky enough to make it to old age & not die before then from illness or accident or the consequences of a bad injury.

I want to mix the personal assistant AI like Siri or Alexa directly into by brain & body & become transhuman with an exoskeleton that makes me stronger than I was at 23 with better mental function, more endurance & greater abilities to have fun & to build & make things! Sadly, this transhumanism or wearable force multiplying appliance controlled by the brain directly, conflicts with my Chistian theological beliefs & faith. In the sinful fallen reality people find themself in today, we have toil to make anything happen. No free lunch in physics a way of saying this.

I want to see applied technology help restore sight, hearing, taste, feeling & mechanical strength to weak or feeble sick & elderly people, but also see it suspend aging, reverse aging & restore mental & physical functions. I especially want to see applied technology make people more intelligent, since this would enable solutions to all of the problems that remain unsolved today with people in their natural state of slow aging decay & decline as elucidated from the science of gerontology in medicine & physiology. 

It has nothing to do with living forever, just about having a vibrant unstrained by illness life while we are alive. Exoskeletons will be like wheelchairs or mobility scooters, but wearable, made of plastics & metals, motors & batteries & an AI controller that reads signals from the body constantly to make a fluid interface that's intuitive & easy to use, natural feeling & comfortable, with the movement finesse, agility& balance of a adult house cat but the strength of the world's strongest men today. 

Obviously, the capabilities of a given Exo will be related to its price & availability. The first models already in use by car makers who let their employees wear exo's to reduce workplace injuries. Tools just give us more ways to do things faster or better. Better tools equal better workplaces, less injury, fewer L&I claims, for the public good. The Pentagon in the USA very interesting in Exo to help increase the capacities of soldiers, so they can carry more mass further with less body strain, to reduce joint & muscle & bone injuries, especially of the spine, neck, ankles, knee's, hips & brain. YMMV, Godspeed & safe travels. 

I pray that your aim is true & that you pursue greater excellence in all ways too, especially if it helps to make your life good enough that you can be inspired to help other people thrive more too, not just by handing out money, but to actually meaningfully lift your brothers & sisters, your children & neighbors, to elevate, heal, help or inspire them any way that you can think of! Once your ship is right, help to level the ships of others! We all in this life together on Earth & accomplish more in better ways when we work together ethically & morally, with the best ideologies & ideas applied to solve all the problems in the world!  

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