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Faith in God Improves Mental, Emotional & Psychological Health

Examples of specific verses, phrases & excerpts from the Holy Bible from Christianity, a religion based on teaching, sharing & engaging Love in all of its honorable, honest, genuine priceless forms that makes life precious & special & worth defending.

You were beautifully & wonderfully made in the Image of God, with a sound well balanced & self-controlled mind. More than 126 elements formed in stars larger than the Sun comprise your body & its 100 trillion cells. 

You started as one cell inside your mother's uterus, as the gamete fusion between your father's sperm & your mother's egg & formed into a self-assembling person by making a connection to your mother's body to extract cell ingredients, blood & oxygen like a cancer tumor at first & then through novel genetic & epigenetic factors your DNA transcribed & differentiated into your body as you became a baby. 

You were born through your mother's vagina or surgically extracted from her abdomen by C-section by an OBGYN surgeon. Everyone alive today entered the world, Earth, via one of these ways. Men are born with XY genes & women are bone with XX genes, a scientific fact beyond debate! 

Men are on average bigger & stronger than Women & should not be allowed to compete against women in sporting events, even if a man undergoes gender reassignment procedures & hormonal treatment to "become" a "woman" in the transgender sense, that is ok for anyone to do as long as they agree to the above terms about engaging in sports as their original gender. 

From "Blessings Romans 15:13 || 30 Portable Promises with Scripture, a keychain memory card gift that my lovely wife Meg was given for Christmas.

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him"

"Lord, thank you for filling me with your joy, hope & peace today"

"I will bless you & you will be a blessing"

"Lord, you've poured on the blessings in my life. Please help me be a blessing to others" 

"The Lord will bless & protect you"

"Thank you, Lord, that you've sent your angels to watch over & protect me"

"God, having raised up his son Jesus, sent him to bless you"

"Father God, your love overflows to me though your son, Jesu"

Examine the ideological core of these statements above. The goal here, not to type up the entire work & post it on my blog. I am showing you these phrases & ideas from a portable daily devotional that helps a person pick a positive, healing, redeeming, encouraging, uplifting or health concept to ponder, reflect or meditate on; to bounce around in your mind for a while. 

Excellence In = Excellence Out

If you fill your mind with "good" ideas, you are more likely to have good thoughts & nice thinking. When you choose to forgive yourself & others of wrong doings, errors & mistakes you are letting those things go in a liberating, chain breaking, mentally healthy choice to move on & leave the past behind. 

When you change your thinking & focus to be a good person, to being the best that you can be in all that you do as a person to Honor the Lord thy God, your Creator, the penultimate highest power, greatest intelligence, strongest & most powerful creative super artists & all-knowing scientist with all the answers, there is no equal to God & God reigns supreme above all entities & dimensions & multiverses, inhabiting the highest dimensional space. 

God is beyond comparison, the beginning & the end, the one True God, the only God, the God that you shall bow your knee too & give praise & glory & honor & pray too as a humble, contrite, member of the Kingdom of God, in your mind, in your brain, in your spirit, in your soul, to God's honor, glory & splendor forever & ever Amen! 

These statements are the basis of my values, ethics & morality as a person & despite searching for years & have not found a better religion or ideological framework & I challenge you, especially those who hate God to demonstrate how they have a better mindset / willing to bet that no one can either / there are lot of reasons people are still talking about Christ Jesus even though he died thousands of years ago! 

My main faith theory or theology that Christianity the most mentally healthy religion because of how it encourage people to be good to one another & to treat animals & nature with respect as stewards of God's beautiful creation, Earth, the planet spacecraft we are all living in today as one Human People all working together & dependent on one another & food webs in nature, forests & streams & fungi & dirt & soil & plants & bugs & biota in our gut's & on our skin & it's really miraculous that I am even alive & able to type this posting & share it online if you think about it; built on the shoulders of innovative giants who came before, those epic inventors in the technology space that transformed modern life with a pragmatic application of science, into something we call the internet today; electricity & computers, some where are handheld with 5G networking called smartphones & smartwatches. 

Confused Christians & Fake Christians

Some agnostic people justifiable dislike Christianity because they a history of encountering people who claimed to be Christians & then spoke to & treated these people with rude, judgmental, dishonorable & disrespectful conduct & speech which was off-putting & offensive. Having had bad experiences with people claiming to be Christian turned these other people away from the loving faith that was misrepresented by confused fools who do even understand their own faith, the one the espouse to practice & believe in. 

Fake Faith Misrepresenting God's Word

There are sadly false profits, false preachers, false doctrine, fake churches, fake news & charlatans who parade around with signs saying you will go to hell if you do not take up faith immediately. They are missing the main central tenant of Christianity. That God so loved his creation, people, that he gave his only human son who was persecuted & crucified by hate filled heathens spurred on by encouragement from the Jewish Leadership that resented Christ for embarrassing them in different ways because of their blashphemous inequities being committed in the house of worship, like money lending with interest (usury) & other profit motivated banking activities in synagogues of that era. 

Get your Jesus Christ Faith Straight! 

Let me say that another way; Christ Jesus said we are as christian's to pray to God the father & that we are to treat ourselves & other people with forgiving love, kindness, respect, honor & humility by turning the other cheek when wronged & walking away from toxic interactions; responding instead of reacting; being benevolent & generous to help other people; to honor God & your country & your family name & your character by being the best version of yourselves motivated by fearful respect of your faith based relationship with God! 

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