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Food & Aging, Anti-Viral Drugs & Cancer to Life Extension, Growing Younger & More

I was up early researching the new Merck anti-viral drugs & related antiviral compounds on Wikipedia when I dove into the genetic information & stem cells & found a powerful truth about the most common cause of aging & all diseases that I am inspired to share it with you.

Some foods & drinks use up more of the bodies stem cell components when consumed, during the integration of those bio-molecules into the body. Some proteins in particular help heal while others promote disease by advancing aging by using up our stem cell & ROS reduction enzymes. Lack of sleep similarly requires the body to use up more repair enzymes that decline with age from nutritional overconsumption & abuse specifically of alcohol, smoke, sugars & simple carbohydrates & combined with dehydration. 

Eating too close to bedtime also causes the body to use up stem cells faster & delays repair mechanisms during sleep that require the body to be in a fasted state. 

Cancer cells become immortal by disabling the telomere DNA Gene end cutter enzyme through a mutation that enables the cells to maintain a youthful state & produce perfect copies of the cancer cells. Its a bold guess, but I suspect those mechanisms that underpin cancers are a pathway to life extension, age reversal & maintaining healthy youthful skin & organs & brain cells longer. 

Cell signaling with hormones & peptides & growth factors like TNF-beta & Insulin, when we eat processed junk foods & anything that causes an insulin spike in the blood, it stresses the bodies & uses up stem cell repair components. 

The human body is an DNA coded enzyme driven polymer creation system that uses small molecules created by gut digestion to make new biopolymer bases amino acids & cell biochemicals to make proteins & fat & other tissue that comprise all of the flesh in the body. 

Most of the body repair stem cells come from bone marrow & this explains leukemia & why drugs like stimulants accelerate aging & reduce the bodies repair mechanisms.

Calorie restriction & eating nutritionally dense foods & some vitamins & nutrients promote longer lifespan. Eating too much accelerates aging by a variety of mechanisms that explain obesity & it's like to cancer, diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, dementia & Alzheimer's. 

Too much of the wrong food too late in the day accelerates aging dramatically. Large servings at dinner, too many carbohydrates, not enough healthy fats or fiber or high-quality proteins, & servings that are way too large. Alcohol causes hangover because its metabolite, that of dehydrogenase on ethanol, acetaldehyde causes stem cell & liver enzyme depletion that explains why alcoholism causes liver failure & cancers. 

Never fasting accelerates aging rapidly. Fasting *watch YouTube "The science of fasting" puts the entire cell system in the adult human body into a repair mode in the absence of food processing or nutritional onslaught of molecules. 

Not sleeping enough accelerates aging rapidly. Not sleeping increases stress & cortisol levels & artificial light from screens & light bulbs suppresses melatonin levels. You can take melatonin supplements near bedtime to help a bit. 3 hours before bed even better for melatonin. 

Key Insights 

Eating too much too late increases aging

Eating too many sugars increases oxidation that saps stem cell levels 

Insulin, insulin, insulin, over secretion to cope with too many carbons increase stem cell depletion

Stem cell abundance & enzyme abundance are responsible for faster healing. Children have more of both which is why their skin looks so nice & why some people stay younger looking longer.

Calorie restriction & eating clean, healthy fats, fiber & enough protein & water & less carbs, explains why some diets promote healing & anti-inflammation 

Servings that are too large stress out your body badly & at night promote low quality less restorative sleep. 

Light exposure is a stimulant that increases cortisol & reduces sleep quality

Alcohol consumption stresses the pancreas & liver 

Sugar consumption stresses the pancreas, think pancreatic cancers 

So the Formula to Stay Younger Longer

1. Go to bed earlier & avoid light before bed & take a melatonin 3 hours before bed

2. Never eat within 5 hours of bedtime

3. Eat less & less often & skip meals

4. Focus on eating a large healthy lunch, one meal per day, interval fasting

5. Get more movement & keep your cardio system tuned, heart & lungs, also good for your brain

6. Keep your body mass in check automatically by interval fasting & fasting

7. Stop consuming sugary drinks, sugary foods, alcohol & candy

8. Less smoking & avoid pollutants & pesticides & other carcinogens like used motor oil

9. Keep researching relationship between fasting, sleep, cancer, antiviral drugs, stem cells & RNA & DNA mechanisms to gain much deeper insight / always cross disciplinary research to blend ideas to find novel mechanism of aging & tricks to steer clear of preventable aging as noted above! 

If you have any other anti-aging tricks, please share them as comments! 

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