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Violet Wand HF Argon Plasma Tube Electrical Skin Therapy

I was watching a YouTube video about plasma physics, specifically an emerging ion thruster design, when I saw a electromagnetic old school professional violet wand being demonstrated. I hopped on Amazon & searched for such a device & found a cheap made in china electronic high frequency power supply wand with argon tubes for skin treatment to help Meg. I asked her & she green lit the $30 purchase. 

This solid state unit cost optimized, fragile, easier for beginners & low enough cost that its a great starting place for someone new. A salon or spa charges $50-70 for a treatment with a professional or clinical much high quality version of this cheap high frequency argon tube ionizer device, which is purported to stimulate collagen production. Here are some tips about how to best make use of these plasma tube skin treatment devices safely & effectively to possibly improve the look, feel & wellness of your skin! 

October 12th, 2022 Meg & I tested it & it works great. Meg had to reset her G6 CGM sensor since it expires every 10 days, so she can do an HF plasma treatment every 10 days or 3x per month. I performed a facial, did her neck & chest, lower back, abdominal sides, tummy & parts of her hands. She played with it two. We did it in the bathroom with the exhaust fan on to extract any ozone smell. We left all our electronics in another room & noticed the LED lamp plugged into the same socket with the HF wand was varying its brightness a lot as we were using the unit. We tried all the tubes & they make a lovely violet glow that can be seen much more easily in dim or dark conditions. We achieve darkness by unplugging the lamp, turning off the bathroom lights & closing the door & that made the violet glow of the argon tubes very vivid & bright to observe, something we both found very beautiful. Only time will tell if the effect of using it work, but so far it was at least psychologically & mentally & social fun to do as a couple, bonding & talking about the tech & how it can remove fine lines & wrinkles & firm up skin, help to heal acne & other small blemishes by stimulating a healing response. I used it on my ankles, hands, under my eyes, & Meg applied a treatment to some wounds of my legs & acne spots on my back as well. It was fun & the warming effect of the plasma bulbs was enjoyable. I am hopeful that the plasma bulb HF treatment will reduce pain in my joints. I will add an update with a more complete review, anecdotal or subjective as it may be, just our personal review as a couple, Meg agreed that this was a good idea! 

No Metals or Electronics On or Close to Body 

Remove all electronics, metals in your hair like hair clips, any metallic jewelry, any smart watches or Dexcom G6 wire sensor & transmitter or freestyle glucose tracker puck on your arm. Only use these when you are going to remove your CGM & before you install a new tracker. Remove any fitness trackers, smart watches, smartphones, game consoles, any portable electronics should not be on your body, in your pockets or mounted to your clothing, remove all metals or anything metal like rings, bracelets or chains. 

No Smart Clothes, Smart Rings, Smart Watches or Smartphones

You must not have any electronics on your body while using these or the high frequency electrical energy can skip across your conductive skin & fry your electronics, including CGM sensors, so be forewarned, you have been warned to remove metal & electronics from your body before using a violet  argon or orange neon or RF skin treatment, static skin treatment or any electrical skin treatment technology devices like the one in this link. 

Ozone Smell Normal

Due to the way these units use very high voltage high frequency low current electricity, the wand tips can produce small amounts of ozone by activating oxygen molecules in the air. This can smell like burning or burnt electronics & is normal. 

Warming Normal 

Diathermy heating of the skin normal as the wand electricity warms the skin & the gas filled glass tips warm up as they are used, as the plasma inside warms the glass. The HF electricity & warmth stimulates blood flow to the skin, which can reduce acne healing times. Some people use them to reduce wrinkles & dark spots beneath their eyes, to reduce fine lines too. 

Wash Your Face First

Since women are most likely to use this, make sure to remove makeup before you start. Most women who use these use them for facials, so wash the skin of your face or area of skin you are treating with warm water & soap, then dry your skin. You want dry skin when using the wand. Wet skin can cause the electrical interaction to intensify too much. Start with low power settings at first, especially when working near your eyes or on other sensitive skin of the neck for example. 

Keep the Wand Tips Moving

Move the wand around. It should take 15 minutes to do your entire face, never leave the wand tube in any one palace for longer than 10 seconds. Your goal to move the energy & warmth around to stimulate blood flow to the entire skin area, not just a spot. If you want to treat a specific acne sore or lesion, use the fine tip & no more than 20 seconds max on that spot. 

Skin Peeling 48hr Post Treatment Normal

The process of stimulating the skin with the light, electricity & heating from these "gas discharge tube wands" can stimulate a healing response in the skin that causes old dead skin cells to sluff away faster, which can give rise to peeling away of the outermost damaged skin, revealing fresher looking younger skin layers underneath, giving a more youthful appearance. 

Moisturize Skin After Treatment

A quality skin moisturizer with SPF protection, for 48 hours after treatment a really good idea, to help hydrate & protect your skin while it recovers from the healing stimulation violet or orange plasma bulb treatment. 

Consider the Tip Size

Electrode tubes that have larger tip area are less intense with a more diffused output than smaller tips which concentrate the output more. The mushroom tip the best for doing an entire facial, while the tight tips are better around the nose creases or on specify acne spots or scars. 

Do Not Take This Post as Advice

I am not an esthetician or dermatologist or medical doctor & am going to try this product just like any other normal person who might buy something like this. I am just a regular guy. I happen to also be educated as a scientist. I know a lot about physics & chemistry, and have an interest in skin restoration techniques that do not consume serums or creams or other costly chemical products, engineered fluids & other cosmetics. I do not wear makeup, but do wash my face & use moisturizer, especially after shaving! I wear SPF protecting moisturizer in the summer, when its sunnier outside, when I am more likely to turn "orange" with tanning of my otherwise very pale skin color :P lol // 

I spend a lot of time indoors, under artificial lighting, working & writing these blog postings, shopping online, reading the news, watching content, streaming music online. This means I get less solar exposure, so I take D3 as a supplement with my other vitamins, more during the winter & either very little or none during the summer since I walk outside during the day & get at least 10 min of UV exposure that keeps my skin tinted lightly, naturally. The sky light & sunlight exposure also charges the phosphorescent paint in the watch dials of analog wrist watches I regularly wear on my left wrist. I like these glow in the dark paints used for the hour markers & on the minute & hour & second hands. That way I can check the time when I wake up in the middle of the night, to know if its time to wake up or near time to wake up for the day. I wakeup early, naturally, around 5am, before 6 am on the late side, perhaps 7am if I am sick & not feeling well. I get ready for bed around 8 pm & try to go to bed by 9pm, sometimes staying up till 10 pm or even 11:30 pm, though I feel like I am hung over if I do not get enough sleep. I need at least 6 hours of sleep to feel ok during the day, to have enough energy! I feel even better if I get 7 hours, better still with 8 hours, but past 9 hrs of sleep I am left feeling drowsy during the day with sleep inertia or something I call a "took the melatonin too late, hangover" 

Do Your Own Research Online 

Be it red light & near IR laser wands for pain management or electrical RF & ion wands, do your google searching & review & learn what you can. 

I consider $30 a practical contrivance or "lets see if it works" review price for such technology, especially given the limited buying power of such a small amount of money. I am not giving out medical advise & know little about this tech, just enough to want to try it & let Meg give it a whirl too. 

Early stage google reviewing shows good to moderately good results with violent wands for common skin issues that people care to resolve as they age. Even people in their early 20's use these kinds of products daily. 

If you have used or tried one of these devices, been treated with one of the plasma tube HF skin treatment tools at a spa, at home, at a clinic, doctors office, dermatologist, health retreat or health spa, please leave your thoughts below. 

Thank for reading my blog & for "Thinking about it" "Argon Plasma Tube HF Skin Treatment Devices in this posting" / keep learning & enjoying the benefits of your ever expanding knowledge! 

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