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Cold Does Not Exist, It's Only an Absence of Heat Energy

My wife disagrees with my title :P 

Like Faith in God, Nuclear Energy or Atomic Power makes heat without combustion, which can saturate the cold with energy. This means that Nuclear offers a pathway to abundant cheap electricity without burning carbon or releasing CO2 or other air pollutants! 

Nuclear Energy enabling mankind to gain control over climate & weather to stop climate change, improving agriculture & economic development, since improving energy inputs to society increases wealth & prosperity in every way! 

Energy inputs are the most important way to increase the value of currencies, to stop inflation, to energize society with broad electrification in transportation & to enable the complete phasing out of coal power, gasoline & diesel, so there is excess electricity to charge EV's of all kinds in every sector worldwide, electric vehicles for 200 billion people! 

Energy, not the absence of it! ENERGY, ENERGY, 

Faith in God is not the same as not believing in anything bigger than mankind. Consider the dark ages, World War 1, the Great Depression, The Holocaust, Nuclear Weapons. Mankind not oriented towards an inspiring source of Love teaching morality & ethics & why it's important to respect life, ones self & other people; why being a good person & treating others with dignity is important! 

Those without spiritual health are just missing something big & important, something that without which causes people to hurt each other more, to pollute, to commit crimes, to steal, cheat, kill & destroy, the way that Evil is widely depicted in media. There are some really bad people in the world, like Vladimir Putin, leaders who I pray for, that God will appear to them in their dream's and appeal to them in exactly the right way so that these despots will have a shift in their thinking, an adjustment, so they stop hurting other people!

Worldly science wants to say that violent criminals are missing something from their brain, that sociopaths & psychopaths when examined in an FMRI scanner to do not show activity in the brain regions responsible for normal social intelligence, compassion, empathy, morality, kindness, love or appreciation, thankfulness or gratefulness; unable to follow the Law of Attraction, filled with malice, hatred, variance, but outwardly good, doing what they think other people want them to do so they appear normal, hiding in plain sight. 

These greedy sicko's often rise to positions of power in government offices of leadership like Donald Trump. They are not honorable, honest, fair, reasonable people like you & I, they are self worshiping narcissist who don't care about anyone else. In their worldview, they are the most important person & everyone else is less in a big way. No one actually wants to be genuine friends with someone like this, especially because we as people become more like the people we spend time with, and who in their right mind would every want to become like that?

They are missing something, a relationship with God! They blaspheme the Lord & habitually sin & despite appearing wealthy & successful, they are empty inside, without of love in their family, without God's blessing, without real friends, without faith, they might have a lot of money, power, influence, clout, respect politically, but they have no real love, no passion, no moral sense of real right & wrong, they just care about being worshiped, being in the limelight, being in the public eye, vanity & fame concerns these types & their reward is in this broken fallen world around us. 

When I say the world is broken and fallen, I am talking about all the countries where people are being killed off for corporate special interests. Organized crime, the war in the Ukraine, human trafficking, fraud, corruption, crime & all the problems that loom on as more & more people keep turning away from Faith in God! Blind confused hypocrites who are missing Faith the way cold air in winter is missing heat energy.

Yield before the Lord thy God now, humbling yourself & admitting your sins to the Lord, asking forgiveness & accepting God's healing forgiveness, then turn away from sin & stop habitually sinning. Embrace your inner character attributes & your inbuilt knowledge of why it's important to be socially accountable to people in your life, to be loving & kind to yourself & others. This is why you sometimes treat yourself with something cool that you buy or enjoy, sometimes its a special food or drink or smoke or book or clothing article, something specific to you that only you can fully enjoy. 

Giving God praise & worship means elevating your mind above all the broken societal problems with the deliberate intention of bringing on inner healing of your mind. Healing your mind with Faith by reading the Holy Word of God in the Bible can also heal your body because of the scientifically proven mind body connection that is talked about widely in many worldly documentary films. 

Faith brings about inner healing that causes people to turn away from a life of sin, so they stop hurting themselves & other people & start making better choices, helping other people, doing random acts of kindness. You know how I know about this, I was a bad person before I discovered the Be In Health Ministries & attended their retreat in Georgia, USA. I learned what I was missing when reading from the Bible, that humans were never meant to live with disease. I came home & ended up watching the Amazon Prime video "The Secret" about the Law of Attraction from quantum physics & then everything I learned at the Be In Health retreat clicked; I finally understood the truth that I needed to revolutionize my mind. 

Immediately I took to Twitter posting about the criminal negligence of polluting companies, since pollution sickens & kills other people with preventable diseases caused by pollutants entering their body, often as air pollution that permeates the thin membranes in their lungs as they breathe these industrial toxins emitted so that some tiny opulent minority of greedy people can make more money, even when these people have so much money already that they literally want for nothing! 

I started calling out the soda pop companies like Coca-cola for criminal negligence, since their acidic sugary beverages are destroying the teeth of small children very rapidly, such that children as young as 2 years old are requiring oral surgery to correct damaged caused by their parents giving them commercial engineered carbonated acidic soft drinks, and those drinks will soften your teeth. The phosphoric acid can eat away the enable and dentin and cause cavities & gum disease, just like smoking tobacco. The immense amount of sugar added to soft-drinks also makings consumers of soda pop fatter & causing diabetes rates to increase worldwide. 

I am reminded of Tobacco companies marketing cigarettes to children. I remember seeing the Tobacco executives on TV as a child featuring the Marlboro Man, the penultimate depiction of the maverick American man. I remember heating Tobacco company executives telling Congress or the Senate that they had no knowledge of the negative health effects of smoking tobacco products. Tobacco companies even paid doctors to tell the public that smoking is healthy in disinformation & misinformation commercials on TV & Radio & in Print. Tobacco companies hired scientists to produce mountains of fake science studies publish to make it seem like there was no empirical evidence that smoking was the cause of any diseases, it was just one of many factors including genetics, diet, exercise, hydration, outlook, mindset, perspective, ideologies, stress levels, employment, wealth, age, social connections & other factors involved with disease, so that no sane person could reasonably suggest it was tobacco smoking that was causing health problems, even though the internal science done by Tobacco companies as early as the 1950's showed that tobacco smoke damaged the lung tissue, oral tissue, & other organs of research animals they were testing with cigarettes smoke exposure, 2nd hand smoke, forced smoking, passive smoking, & other R&D manipulations on rats & bunnies & pigs, to determine what tobacco smoke did to these animals. It made the age faster & develop a whole range of different medical diseases & disorders.

I have been on a moral crusade since 2008 to encourage others to stop pollution, more recently by promoting decarbonization & phasing out carbon combustion with new Nuclear Reactors, specifically IFR & similar 4th generation nuclear reactors that make more fuel than they consume while also burning up dangerous nuclear waste products known as actinides. These fuel producing breeder reactors can energize human civilization with broad full electrification of all aspects of human activity to the benefit of 200+ billion people for many thousand of years! Nearly all scientists approve of nuclear energy & many environmentalists are promoting nuclear, because it is an empirical fact that Nuclear Energy the safest & cleanest way to make electricity & heat for all kinds of applications worldwide! 

Nuclear power has the highest reliability of any energy production technology. Nuclear can make heat energy where no other technology will work. The Pentagon uses compact nuclear reactors on aircraft carriers & in nuclear submarines, and have refined these compact highly enriched uranium fueled pressurized water reactors with 9+ generations of innovation. 

MMR & SMR are small, compact, sealed reactors designs that can be volume manufactured when the NRC removes regulatory hurtles & enables broad commercialization & widespread installations of new compact nuclear fission power generators in electrical substations, large homes, office buildings, schools, government building & for processing heat to desalinate sea water to make more fresh water & to lower sea levels, while also making enough excess heat to produce green hydrogen from the fresh water, while releasing oxygen in the atmosphere that improves human brain function! Green hydrogen by splitting water with electricity will literally enable everyone to gain IQ points! 

Like Faith in God, Nuclear Energy or Atomic Power makes heat, which can saturate the cold with energy. This means that Nuclear offers a pathway to abundant cheap electricity without burning carbon or releasing CO2. This means that Nuclear Energy can enable mankind to gain control over climate & weather to stop climate change, improving agriculture & economic development, since improving energy inputs to society increases wealth & prosperity in every way! 

Energy inputs are the most important way to increase the value of currencies, to stop inflation, to energize society with broad electrification in transportation & to enable the complete phasing out of coal power, gasoline & diesel, so that there is excess electricity to charge EV's of all kinds in every sector worldwide, electric vehicles for 200 billion people! Energy, not the absence of it! ENERGY, ENERGY, 


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