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Trash to Treasure / Reduce Reuse Recycle / Clean Energy

Reducing Waste | Reusing Existing Things | Recycling Degraded Things || There are many ways we can improve fashion by reducing garment waste. Cardboard, paper, glass, aluminum, steel, copper, plastics & many other things can be recycled into new materials, especially metals & glass. 

Recycling not the only way, since intensive processing weakens recycled plastics vs their virgin plastic equivalents, especially noteworthy because many common garment fabrics are made of polymer fibers like rayon, nylon, PET, polypropylene, the same plastics used in common single use beverage bottles, plastic grocery bags & similar plastic dishes, toys, shoes, car interior & bumper parts, waterproof marine plastics, aircraft parts & many other plastic products worldwide! 

Many of the environmental problems with human global activity originate in the enormous scale at which landscapes are modified with industrial mining to make the raw materials used in high volume manufacturing of popular goods. Consider all of the mined metals & mineral elements used to produce digital chips like GPU's & CPU's or SOC's in the latest smartphone. Think of all the metals like steel alloys & copper wires used to make a new automobile in 2022! Think of all the concrete used in roads, buildings & other infrastructure. Think of all the steel used as rebar in concrete installations to add strength. Think of all the paper used in books, amazon box cardboard, packing & packaging materials. Think of all the wood used in home construction, furniture manufacturing & in fashionable decorative items that people use to decorate their homes & workplaces. 

Think of the waste stream created when an automobile crushed & shredded, all the iron, glass & plastic, much of which can be processed at scale just like they did at the mining facility where those raw materials were isolated from natural materials in the first place, especially the recovery of gold, copper, silver, platinum, iridium, and other valuable metals like aluminum & steel. We can do a better job with all up-cycling, reducing waste & improving recycling of all kinds, and we owe it to the health of future generations to improve every system on Earth in all sectors, in every country, for the collective benefit of all people now & for the benefit of all future generations of people! We owe it nature to stop polluting our air, water & land with waste & pollutants that toxic & which cause preventable diseases that elevate healthcare costs! We know better & can do a lot better that the way things happen worldwide today! 

I believe everyone has an implicit intrinsic sense for morality & ethics, such that they know basic right from wrong & have an understanding of why positive personal characteristics & personal integrity are important; that going the right thing feels good, even if its harder & no one else looking! We all have the ability to help someone else, to make the world a better place by lifting our brothers & sisters up with edifying words of encouragement & motivational words to inspire them to elevate their thinking & choices so that they can continue to become a more loving, wiser, smarter version of themselves throughout life as they age, even age having a virtue since everyone can contribute something valuable & we can all learn something from someone else! 

That's why I am writing this posting! I want you inspire you to think differently so that we can create culture change that translates into economic & political change so that human activity becomes more eco-friendly & less damaging to nature, since we all depend on ecosystems for life, for our water & food, for the minerals & elements used to make all the goods, for the energy to energize our lives, vehicles, appliances & tooling & equipment at workplaces! 

Energy is everything & we need radically more cheap, abundant, clean, safe, renewable energy for everyone, energy made without burning carbon using the best available nuclear, renewable & energy storage technologies as they continue emerging with new & better solutions available commercially right now & will keep emerging as we forge ever newer ways to improve everything with scientific research & applied technology, but also improving the social intelligence of all people, since everyone depends on one another to live! Everything on Earth is connected & that's why pollution is evil, because pollution harms people & damages ecosystems, putting toxins into our air, water & food, toxins that make people sick with preventable diseases, all to subsidize the profits of a tiny opulent minority of billionaire who own & control nearly all the money worldwide. 

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