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Cold Does Not Exist, It's Only an Absence of Heat Energy
Energy, not the absence of it! ENERGY, ENERGY,
A Moral Imperative to Broadly Decarbonize
We must stop emitting pollution now, and nuclear reactors offer the safest way to make electricity for 200 billion people for thousands of years with fuel breeding nuclear power reactors that make more fuel than they consume while operating 24/7/365 making clean cheap abundance electricity for everyone to use! Carbon combustion finite, limited, & its immoral to continue burning carbon. Carbon energy is a dead end & everyone knows it!
Went to Bed too Late, Woke up Early, Hard to Wake Up | Sleep
Getting enough sleep important for health. Many life factors can cause sleep disorders or keep people from falling asleep, staying asleep, getting enough sleep, sleep disorders became more common after the widespread diffusion of artificial lighting technology during the early 20th century.
More Love People / The Law of Attraction / Praise God & Help Other People & Nature
Let the Love Well Up Inside your Soul & Overflow & Shower It On Other People with Random Acts of Kindness Motivated by the Healing & Restorative Love that God wants to Share with you through Faith in Christ Jesus as Christianity All About Embracing Love, Showing our brothers & sisters compassion, empathy, helping to raise up & lift up our neighbors, random strangers, our friends & family, by sharing the powerful disruptive truth from quantum physics about the Law of Attraction that is confirmed by every chapter in the New Testament of the Christian Bible!
Law of Attraction | Sharing A Powerful Secret
Embrace the Law of Attraction! Focus by visualizing the achievement of your Goals & Dreams, your Wishes & with a positive intention so the universe can reconfigure to give you what you really want; a better lifestyle wealthy with better real friends, better family relationships, better faith & spirituality, deeper connections to other people, nature, animals, ecosystems, so that you genuinely feel good, loving yourself & everyone else more, making a positive difference in ways that you never imagined possible, before applying the Law of Attraction!
Write Your Life Story / Abundance For Everyone if You Believe It & Manifest It Into Reality
What you think about becomes your future. Embrace thoughts that make you feel good. What is true for those other people does not apply to you. Set yourself free & be ok with having more abundance, there is more than enough to go around!
Agency & Free Will are a Gift from God
So choose carefully, live fully, feeling your emotions but also using your logic & reasoning to control your impulses.
Take every thought captive and compare your thoughts to what you know to be morally good, ethical, fair, honest, decent, reasonable, that aligns with what you intrinsically know about being socially accountable to your family & community, about making a positive difference to make the world a better place helping other people any way you can imagine.
We all depend on one another & are brothers and sisters as one human people on one planet Earth. Everything is connected in life, so make good choices that improve your future & that help you to help other people improve their futures too!
Children are the future & we owe it them to be nicer to each other, to stop corruption & crime, to end war, to stop hurting each other & nature. We can do a much better job in all ways in life & everyone knows it! So stop thinking about it & make plans & make it happen! Be accountable & have personal integrity & treat yourself & other people with dignity & respect! Good luck & warm regards, I believe in you & know you can do it!
Inception E-commerce Self-Reinforcing
I woke up early at 4:34am today, Friday Oct 28th 2022, and was making an espresso shot around 5:10am, when a series of thoughts about "how I ended up with this complicated expensive espresso kit happened"- what factors were involved that convinced me to spend money while I was between jobs without meaningful income.
Rechargeable Batteries
Here I give a brief overview of different rechargeable batteries that were developed throughout the 20th century, from early lead acid batteries to modern lithium ion batteries, going to NiCD & NiMH along the way.
Sodium Ion Battery Emergent
Say, Sodium Ion EV's, Much More Cheaper Sodium Ion Batteries! Batteries for Billions of People without Lithium or Cobalt cost increases or limited supplies globally! Sodium Electric Vehicles! Sea levels are rising, but sea water rich with sodium, so we can tackle rising sea levels by harvesting the ocean water & rending sodium & other valuable mineral elements like gold & uranium from the sea water!
Trash to Treasure / Reduce Reuse Recycle / Clean Energy
Reducing Waste | Reusing Existing Things | Recycling Degraded Things || There are many ways we can improve fashion by reducing garment waste. Cardboard, paper, glass, aluminum, steel, copper, plastics & many other things can be recycled into new materials, especially metals & glass.
British GBP Imploding like China's Economy & the USD
UK Government debt spending drives up inflation, a phenomenon well understood by economists studying fiat currencies, which are all subject to inflationary pressures. By Sept 26th, 2022, the GBP reached value parity with USD, an inflated currency that has lost much of its buying power during the 20th century, most noteworthy now in elevated home & rent prices, increased food & fuel prices, the essentials selling at a higher consumer price index, making life basics less affordable.
A metabolic state of elevated ketone bodies in the blood, breath & urine. Ketosis a normal response to low blood glucose levels, such as those produced by a low-carbohydrate diet, ketogenic diet, interval fasting or fasting. Ketones produced by the liver provide energy for the brain & other body cells, allowing homeostasis to be maintained in the absence of food consumption.
Fasting for Better Health
Fasting has numerous health benefits, specifically for overweight adults, more especially for adults suffering from metabolic syndrome diseases & disorders from eating the western diseases of civilization diet or SAD standard American diet with excess carbs, not enough fiber, too little healthy fats & not enough quality proteins. Sugar, Insulin, Sugar, Insulin - stop the madness, give your body a break, thin about fasting & watch the Science of Fasting Video to get started!
China's Economy Imploding
Ghost towns, fake developments, unprofitable expensive railways, millions of home owners defrauded out of their mortgages, millions more unable to access funds in their banks. Rising labor costs inside China leading to outsourcing of labor, further weakening the economy.
Restoring Tools Cool
My latest YouTube videos explore simple fast at home DIY restoration of rusted hand tools!
1 Restoring a Tool; Removing Rust, Nickel Electroplating, & Lubricating
Tobacco Industry Criminal Negligence & Worse
Peoples lives are being smoked away by tobacco, especially exposure to second hand smoke that lingers, fouling things nearby with tar. Smoking one the most powerful causes of preventable death & disease, just like coal power emissions, vehicle tail pipe emissions & other air pollutants that sicken, harm, hurt, & kill people!
Block Heating in Winter
Block Heating warms up your vehicle faster, reduces fuel used on cold start, reduces the worst tailpipe emissions after engine startup, makes your engine last longer, and saves money, even after you pay for the electricity to run the block heater! They pre-heat engines in Formula 1 race cars, so you can too!
Rain Improves Air Quality & More
I have never been so happy to see rainy weather arrive. For over 6 weeks it do not rain once, during a time when many wildfires were burning out of control in the cascade mountains nearby. These wildfires were covering most of western Washington State with forest fire smoke that made many people ill with respiratory illness, acute onset from the continual smoke exposure; fine particles sucked into their vehicles HVAC system, into their workplaces air, into the air of their homes, making it unsafe to perform physical labor outdoors or to exercise outside, so many people had to refrain from walking, jogging, running, hiking, riding bicycles & other forms out outdoor activities.
Mr Nobody & Vanilla Sky & The Matrix : Sci-fi Drama Philosophical Reflections
How do you even know that you are real? How do you know that you exist? What if what you think about reality turns out to be completely wrong? How can you know for sure that what you believe is right, true, or factually correct?
Vladimir Putin Has Lost His Sanity, His Humanity, and His Heart; he has become a Sadistic Evil Despot
I was wrong in the past when I said that I liked Vladimir Putin for defending Russian culture, telling people that move to Russia to adapt to the culture of Russia or move back to wherever they came from. I kind like that idea, such that each country unique, with unique food, unique holidays, unique cultural elements with different music, events, and other aspects of a society that can be & often are distinctive.
Allergies from Fear & a Way to Freedom from Allergies
Scientific research shows that some allergies are related to fear, the negative emotion, especially dread or inhibitory chronic fear, a kind of stress that can set off the immune system reacting to pollen or other common irritants with a histamine response that gives rise to allergy symptoms, runny noise, itchy eyes, itchy skin, rashes, flushing, redness, pain, irritation, soreness, sore throat, nasal drainage, eye drainage, things that cause people to use expensive allergy medications, when sometimes those allergies are actually caused by FUD or fear uncertainty & doubt.
Powerful Words to Encourage Excellence
"Be Imitators of God"
Chapter 5
1 Therefor become imitators of God, copy him and follow his example, as well-beloved children imitate their father;
2 and walk continually in love, that is, value one another, practice empathy and compassion, unselfishly seeking the best for others, just as Christ also love you and gave Himself up for us, an offering and sacrifice to God, slain for you, so that it became a sweet fragrance.
3 But sexual immorality and all moral impurity, indecent, offensive behavior, or greed must not even be hinted at among you, as is proper among saints, for as believer our way of life, whether in public or private, reflects the validity of our faith.
4 Let there be no filthiness and silly talk or corese obscene or vulgar joking, because such things are not appropriate for believers, but instead speak of your thankfulness to God.
5 For be sure of this; no immoral, impure, or greedy person, for that one is in effect an idolater, had any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God, for such a person places a higher value on something other than God!
6 Let no one deceive you with empty arguments that encourage you to sin, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience, those who habitually sin.
7 So do not participate or even associated with then in the rebelliousness of sin.
8 For once you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord; walk as children of Light, live as those who are native-born to the light
9 For the fruit, the effect, the result, of the Light consists of all goodness and righteousness and truth
10 Trying to learn by experience what is pleasing to the Lord, and letting tour lifestyles be examples of what is most acceptable to him- your behavior expressing gratitude to God for your salvation
11 Do not participate in the worthless and unproductive deeds of darkness, but instead expose them by exemplifying personal integrity, moral courage, and godly character
12 For it is disgraceful even to mention the things that such people practice in secret.
13 But all things become visible when they are exposed by the light of God's precepts, for it is light that makes everything visible.
14 For this reason He says, "Awake, sleeper, And arise from the dead, and Christ will shine as dawn upon you and give you light"
15 Therefor see that you walk carefully, living life with honor, purpose, and courage; shunning those who tolerate and enable evil, not as the unwise, but as wise, sensible, intelligent, discerning people
16 Making the very most of your time on Earth, recognizing and taking advantage of each opportunity and using it with wisdom and diligence, because the days are filled with evil
17 Therefor do not be foolish and thoughtless, but understand and firmly grasp what the will of the Lord is
18 Do not get drunk with wine, for that is wickedness, corruption, stupidity, but be filled with the Holy Spirit and constantly guided by Him
19 Speak to one another in psalms and hymns, and spiritual songs, offering praises by singing and making melody with your heart to the Lord
20 Always giving thanks to God the Father for all things, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ;
21 Being subject to one another out of reverence for Christ.
Authentic Original
Do you have any real products, real originals, one off oil paintings or samurai swords? Do you own anything custom made that is unlike anything else? In todays 4IR era of mass produced goods does the concept of original even cease to have meaning?
Be The Best You!
I dream of cheap abundant clean electricity, reliable cheap space access, interstellar travel at faster than light using quantum spacetime tunneling & wormhole bridge jumping across space into other dimensional layers, higher dimensional planes of existence where energy & information are all that actually exists!
Counterfeit Cuban Cigars in USA
Business Insider video
#CubanCigars #SoExpensive #BusinessInsider
Why Cuban Cigars Are So Expensive | #Tobacco
Cuban cigars are known as the world's most opulent tobacco product. A box of cuban Habanos can cost thousands of dollars. Here is why!
Paramotor or Powered Paraglider PPG
I was reading on the EAA or experimental aircraft website when I thought of parameters after seeing a picture of a young woman who operates one! Powered paraglider's are the smallest, lightest & least expensive powered aircraft.
VariEze Homebuilt Aircraft
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Homebuilt VariEze Aircraft |
This homemade aircraft gets 45 MPG at 207 MPH. Flying slower with an upgraded Continental O-200 engine equipped with Light Speed Engineering computer controlled injection & ignition system, was able to get close to 100 miles per gallon, winning Klaus Savier the 2009 Fuelventure 400 challenge!
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1926 Rolex Prices Reasonable EVEN ADJUSTED FOR INFLATION !!! |
See this video <- explains why ROLEX so expensive // I dislike the fact that you could buy a real Rolex in the past for a reasonable price that normal working people could afford; ~ a few hundred dollars.
5th Wave Science Brewing Espresso Shots Precisely
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Espresso / Latte / Cappuccino (C)AKS2022 |
Get out your analytical balance & bespoke Espresso machine made in Italy & similar Italian made espresso grinder configured with a setting so tightly tuned that the grind resulting has a uniform particle size that a communist party official would approve! How do I know about going off the deep end with coffee? I did!
Electric Transportation Energy
Electromagnetic fields generated by current flowing through electric motor windings to push against magnetic field from Neodymium Iron Boron magnets in IPM motors or other electromagnetic fields from rotor windings in induction motors with VDF or variable frequency drive.
Intelligent motor controllers that can precisely modulate the magnetic fields inside electric motors, enabling them to act as a traction motor to propel vehicles, but also to accomplish regenerative brake energy recovery to charge the vehicle traction battery as the vehicle coasting, braking or going down a hill!
Your the Most Important Nut to Tighten in Your Vehicle
Transportation safety regularly relates to the drivers skill & attention level, focusing on safety & being polite, respectful, careful & observing rules of the road, obeying transportation laws & regulations! Most vehicle accidents are caused by human error, made worse by tiredness, intoxication, anger or stress. People make driving mistakes when they are distracted, when their focus broken or diverted by looking at their phone screen or making radio adjustments or looking in the back of the vehicle!
Slowing Down & Taking Your Time : Battery Electric Micro-Mobility In-City @< 10mph or 16km/h
Here, I am talking about going under 10mph or 16km/h on battery electric micro-mobility devices like a Segway self balancing scooter, E-bike or electric kick scooter, electric unicycle, other wearable vehicles that let users glide, roll, fly; the idea un-car or alternatives to automobiles, cars, trucks, SUV's & other heavy expensive & overkill for typical single occupancy commuting purposes, to get people where they are going & back home again!
Micro-mobility Electric Society Transportation
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Meg said yes, $605.54 Hiboy S2 Pro 36 lb Battery Electric Kick Scooter 500 Watts, 19 mph, 25 miles range |
Think highly efficient, energy efficient, tiny, powerful electric kick scooters that can go faster than you would probably ever want to ride them! In city use on paved surfaces ideal for a machine like this, though you can get higher power off-road electric scooters if your willing to spend a lot more!
Electric Kick Scooters
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WOLF WARRIOR 11 PRO + $2,749.00 |
Wow, as of 2022 there are dual motor electric kick scooters that can go 80 mph; see-> , with 12 kilowatts of dual motor power from 3+ kWh of lithium ion batteries, with dual hydraulic disk brakes, regenerative braking, hydraulic suspension, that cost many thousands of dollars! High Performance Electric Scooter ^^
Violet Wand HF Argon Plasma Tube Electrical Skin Therapy
I was watching a YouTube video about plasma physics, specifically an emerging ion thruster design, when I saw a electromagnetic old school professional violet wand being demonstrated. I hopped on Amazon & searched for such a device & found a cheap made in china electronic high frequency power supply wand with argon tubes for skin treatment to help Meg. I asked her & she green lit the $30 purchase.
Toilets & Sanitation / Fresh Water Conservation
Many people are sick with digestive problems and many children die of gastrointestinal illness caused by a lack of access to clean potable water, a lack of access to sanitation, and a lack of access to clean toilets or sanitary products to wipe; sanitary napkins, tampons, pads or other consumables used for hygiene, like soap dispensers & soap & a sink with running water to wash hands after using the toilet, to remove fecal coliform & other pathogenic bacteria that can be on the hands after wiping the anus with toilet paper for example!
6W Photovoltaic USB-C charger & 26,800 mAh Power Bank (Orange) Solar Battery
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Amazon Link to Product in Image |
I had donated blood recently & was sent an Amazon gift card, so I used it + a coupon to buy this super cool battery bank with a folding 6 watt solar PV array with USB-C output so that I can charge my portable electronics with solar energy ^^ I am very excited to test this in worst case conditions in fall / autumn & winter!
Brain Waves & Psychoacoustics
Did you know that certain music or sounds or binaural beats can influence your brains state, slowing down or speeding up your mental processing frequency, but you have to use headphones to get the best effect.
Healing & Miraculous Disease Remission By Believing in Healing
Mind body emotional connection where thoughts influence health & healing. You must choose to believe in God or whatever spirituality that resonates with your soul. You must believe in Healing of disease, just like cuts on your hand heal without intervention. You have to embrace Forgiveness! You must forgive yourself of others, of people from your past who hurt you. You have to let go of negative emotions & choose to embrace prayer & mediation on God's word or whatever spiritual health that resonates with you. I highly recommend you watch the linked Amazon video in the next section.
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Watching this Movie "Heal" will unlock your minds ability to heal your body! Here is the link to the Amazon video <click the hyperlink, blue text)
Nuclear Electricity Important for the Decarbonization of Energy
To reduce air pollution, energize electrical grids to charge electric vehicles, to desalinate sea water & to make green hydrogen, to decarbonize transportation, its fuel breeding fission reactors that have the most positive potential to improve energy systems on Earth, on the Moon & Mars & in spacecraft & space stations, where solar PV too limited especially & where the fuel mass paradox of chemical rockets limits space access with high cost per unit of mass launched & can never enable big scale space development. To greatly reduce air pollution toxic to public health, to make more clean renewable electricity, we urgently need more new nuclear reactors, the best of IFR or or fuel breeding reactors that make more fuel than they consume by enriching fertile elements placed in with the fuel bundles to make new fertile fuel elements that continue energizing the fission processes! We are talking about clean renewable nuclear energy for 10 billion people for thousands of years!
Carbon combustion emits trillions of tons of CO2 & large quantities of CO & NOX & SOX & PM, soot, smoke, fumes, all components of air pollution, & that air pollution toxic to public health, causing preventable diseases that increase healthcare costs.
Every Time Someone Rises Up There is Someone Else Looking to Drag Them Down
Does the term vertical mobility mean anything to you? That's when the guy shoveling coal into a processing furnace at Proctor & Gamble can study & become a chemical engineer in his spare time, slowly climbing up positions until he become a head chemist & develops amazing products like Tide laundry detergent.
Device Repair & Consumer Rights to Fix Stuff They Own + Lithium Ion Batteries
When a person buys a consumer electronic item like an iPhone or Apple Watch, that item is their personal property to do what they see fit with, so long as they do not use it to violate laws or others peoples basic human rights & freedoms! Device repair eco-friendly by reducing e-waste. Lithium Ion battery recycling important too!
Government Serves Who
Take a ride into what irritates & annoys me & many other people & see what I mean by feeling like the Government not giving its constituency any representation, all the mud throwing negative political ads on TV rights now are gross & unethical & filled with lies & factual inaccuracies.
Vladimir Putin an Evil Psychopathic Maniacal Sicko Guilty of War Crimes & Worse
The Invasion of the Ukraine by Russian Military forces highly immoral & unethical. I stand with the Ukrainian democracy & its independence as a country! Most of the Russian people are angry with Vladimir Putin, because his war against the Ukraine costing the Russian economy an enormous amount, vastly negatively & broadly damaging the Russian economy, while causing crazy costly fallout on the Ukraine, its people & infrastructure & environments heavily damaged, killed & destroyed & degraded because of the munitions the Russian military has bombarded parts of the Ukraine with. Many of the Russian troops disagree with Vladimirs orders, since those Russian troops & many other Russian people in Russia have friends & relatives & family that live in the Ukraine.
Applied Science & Technology
After reviewing most available technologies in the world, you might come to the same conclusion as me. It does not make sense why so many problems with pollution, land & water & ecosystem degradation, crime & corruption & other crony capitalism collusion & insourcing & outsources & currency manipulation & trade manipulation, slavery, bigotry, ignorance & confusion are so common & trending in the world today.
Weight, Core & Cardio Training
I started workout out exercising more recently, weight training, cardio & core exercises & feel a lot better, and stronger with more endurance too!
Eletromagnetic Induction & Electricity Magical (Creating Wealth & Prosperity)
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The interaction between magnetic fields & electrical conductors happen such that magnetic fields moving through coils of wire produce current flow & voltage, governed by Faraday & Lenz's law respectively #physics. Fueling global wealth creation & economic prosperity, electricity the magic powering society today!
Apple Watch Series 8 Midnight Black GPS 41mm
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Image from Apple |