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Your Getting High On Neurotransmitters

When you pee or poo, when you eat & enjoy it, when you watch a movie you like or listen to music that you like, when your sleeping, when your at work, when your driving, when your walking, everyone getting high on neurotransmitters constantly. A 3 storm of electrical chemical activity coursing across your brain between 2 & 50 times per second, billions of neurons hosted by glial cells, burning glucose thinking in waves & 3D patterns of thought that underscore the functional basis of consciousness, the mind, or the software running on your brain computer cells. 

Think brain neurotransmitter signaling cytokine & peptide molecules made from DNA information that enable the electrochemical cascade system processes in the brain to happen in order to fascinate the executive functions & thinking processes in the mind or consciousness. Fire & wire together adaptive neuroplasticity. We become like those people we spend time with, our personality & thinking shaped by what we do with our finite time alive. What we think about furthermore influences what we then think about. Learning a cumulative process throughout life, where you gain knowledge, skills & information as your brain changes its structure & function to adapt to incoming sensory information, endlessly, until you succumb to age related declines & die. Aging is a disease that can be cured, as Dr. David A. Sinclair points out in his excellent book "Aging, Why We Age & Why We Don't Have To" I am talking about neurotransmitters that affect all aspects of thinking, moods, emotions, sleep, wakefulness, activities of all kinds, what people do & create, what we eat, how we communicate, how we select mates to reproduce with, every aspect of human activity relates to what people are thinking about, getting high on their own internal endogenous supply of neurotransmitter drugs constantly.







Nitric Oxide

Carbon Monoxide

Substance P


These neurotransmitters affect mood, emotion, thinking states, motivate, reward, activation, inhibition, knowledge or information acquisition, modeling & prediction, short term working memory, long term memory storage, visual pattern recognition, high speed burst performance information processing as every neuron & glia cell combo both the CPU & the memory, literally wiring together as they fire together forming systems of systems of thought that are actively being studied in order to develop effective therapies & possibly cures for ADD, ADHD, Dementia & Alzheimers, with hundreds of billions in research & development in brain pharmacology & drug discovery development happening all around the world. 

From Wikipedia on Neurotransmitter 

Structure of a typical chemical synapse

neurotransmitter is a signaling molecule secreted by a neuron to affect another cell across a synapse. The cell receiving the signal, any main body part or target cell, may be another neuron, but could also be a gland or muscle cell.[1]

Neurotransmitters are released from synaptic vesicles into the synaptic cleft where they are able to interact with neurotransmitter receptors on the target cell. The neurotransmitter's effect on the target cell is determined by the receptor it binds. Many neurotransmitters are synthesized from simple and plentiful precursors such as amino acids, which are readily available and often require a small number of biosynthetic steps for conversion.

Neurotransmitters are essential to the function of complex neural systems. The exact number of unique neurotransmitters in humans is unknown, but more than 100 have been identified.

Until the early 20th century, scientists assumed that the majority of synaptic communication in the brain was electrical. However, through histological examinations by Ramón y Cajal, a 20 to 40 nm gap between neurons, known today as the synaptic cleft, was discovered. The presence of such a gap suggested communication via chemical messengers traversing the synaptic cleft, and in 1921 German pharmacologist Otto Loewi confirmed that neurons can communicate by releasing chemicals. Through a series of experiments involving the vagus nerves of frogs, Loewi was able to manually slow the heart rate of frogs by controlling the amount of saline solution present around the vagus nerve. Upon completion of this experiment, Loewi asserted that sympathetic regulation of cardiac function can be mediated through changes in chemical concentrations. Furthermore, Otto Loewi is credited with discovering acetylcholine (ACh) – the first known neurotransmitter.

As explained above, the only direct action of a neurotransmitter is to activate a receptor. Therefore, the effects of a neurotransmitter system depend on the connections of the neurons that use the transmitter, and the chemical properties of the receptors.

  • Glutamate is used at the great majority of fast excitatory synapses in the brain and spinal cord. It is also used at most synapses that are "modifiable", i.e. capable of increasing or decreasing in strength. Modifiable synapses are thought to be the main memory-storage elements in the brain. Excessive glutamate release can overstimulate the brain and lead to excitotoxicity causing cell death resulting in seizures or strokes.[16] Excitotoxicity has been implicated in certain chronic diseases including ischemic strokeepilepsyamyotrophic lateral sclerosisAlzheimer's diseaseHuntington disease, and Parkinson's disease.
  • GABA is used at the great majority of fast inhibitory synapses in virtually every part of the brain. Many sedative/tranquilizing drugs act by enhancing the effects of GABA. Correspondingly, glycine is the inhibitory transmitter in the spinal cord.
  • Acetylcholine was the first neurotransmitter discovered in the peripheral and central nervous systems. It activates skeletal muscles in the somatic nervous system and may either excite or inhibit internal organs in the autonomic system.[11] It is distinguished as the transmitter at the neuromuscular junction connecting motor nerves to muscles. The paralytic arrow-poison curare acts by blocking transmission at these synapses. Acetylcholine also operates in many regions of the brain, but using different types of receptors, including nicotinic and muscarinic receptors.
  • Dopamine has a number of important functions in the brain; this includes regulation of motor behavior, pleasures related to motivation and also emotional arousal. It plays a critical role in the reward systemParkinson's disease has been linked to low levels of dopamine and schizophrenia has been linked to high levels of dopamine.
  • Serotonin is a monoamine neurotransmitter. Most is produced by and found in the intestine (approximately 90%), and the remainder in central nervous systemneurons. It functions to regulate appetite, sleep, memory and learning, temperature, mood, behaviour, muscle contraction, and function of the cardiovascular system and endocrine system. It is speculated to have a role in depression, as some depressed patients are seen to have lower concentrations of metabolites of serotonin in their cerebrospinal fluid and brain tissue.
  • Norepinephrine which is synthesized in the central nervous system and sympathetic nerves, modulates the responses of the autonomic nervous system, the sleep patterns, focus and alertness. It is synthesized from tyrosine.
  • Epinephrine which is also synthesized from tyrosine is released in the adrenal glands and the brainstem. It plays a role in sleep, with one's ability to become and stay alert, and the fight-or-flight response.

Major neurotransmitters:

In addition, over 100 neuroactive peptides have been found, and new ones are discovered regularly. Many of these are co-released along with a small-molecule transmitter. Nevertheless, in some cases, a peptide is the primary transmitter at a synapse. Beta-Endorphin is a relatively well-known example of a peptide neurotransmitter because it engages in highly specific interactions with opioid receptors in the central nervous system.

Single ions (such as synaptically released zinc) are also considered neurotransmitters by some, as well as some gaseous molecules such as nitric oxide (NO), carbon monoxide (CO), and hydrogen sulfide (H2S).[28] The gases are produced in the neural cytoplasm and are immediately diffused through the cell membrane into the extracellular fluid and into nearby cells to stimulate production of second messengers. Soluble gas neurotransmitters are difficult to study, as they act rapidly and are immediately broken down, existing for only a few seconds.

The most prevalent transmitter is glutamate, which is excitatory at well over 90% of the synapses in the human brain. The next most prevalent is gamma-Aminobutyric Acid, or GABA, which is inhibitory at more than 90% of the synapses that do not use glutamate. Although other transmitters are used in fewer synapses, they may be very important functionally: the great majority of psychoactive drugs exert their effects by altering the actions of some neurotransmitter systems, often acting through transmitters other than glutamate or GABA. Addictive drugs such as cocaine and amphetamines exert their effects primarily on the dopamine system. The addictive opiate drugs exert their effects primarily as functional analogs of opioid peptides, which, in turn, regulate dopamine levels.

There exists a number of different wikipedia articles on the brain, neurotransmitters, thought, thinking, cognition, sensory input, digestion, gut biota & gut neurons, and many other interrelated medical science & scientific articles about the human brain & body & how it works together with physiology, psychology, metabolism & other processes. 

What we think about as people affects every dimension of human civilization. Consider how people working together modify the landscapes & environments of the world, the scale of human activity so vast that its causing climate change to intensify faster with billions of tones of CO2 released from carbon combustion emissions that also cause acid rain that damages infrastructure & air pollutants that are harm public health & drive up healthcare costs in all countries by causing preventable lung, kidney & brain diseases from breathing in tailpipe & exhaust component pollutants like PM 2.5 or super fine dust that gets jammed into the lung tissue where it causes scare tissue to form in processes that can give rise to COPD, asthma & other breathing disorders that reduce cardiovascular effectiveness, making it harder for people to breathe & driving many lung diseases like lung cancer. 

People also get high using alcoholic beverages, caffeinated beverages, prescription & illicit drugs. People developed psychedelic mind altering substances like LSD, while natural magic mushrooms & cannabis grew wild in nature & are now deliberately cultivated. Opium the white latex drippings of an poppy seed pod that is pierced with a needle. These poppy plant dripping contain the opioid morphine & other psychoactive alkaloids. When morphine chemically reacted with acetic anhydride, the producing of heroin results. This some drugs are semi-synthetic. Further chemical manipulation of naturally occurring compounds produces designer drugs or analogs of other psychoactive drugs. 

People have been using mind altering drugs for thousands of years. In the amazonian rain forest, shamans deliberate consume a drink that contains an MAOI inhibitor vine extract & a root bark extract that when heated produces a mind altering psychoactive psychedelic drink call Ayahuasca, that affects all the senses, altering the consumers thinking, sense of time and emotions, causing the Shaman to hallucinate, seeing & hearing things that obviously do not exists or are highly distorted perceptually. 

Anil Seth gives an interesting talk about how we as humans "Hallucinate our Reality Actively" 

Consider how the human body makes energy with the citric acid cycle, liquifying foods to make carbon to oxidize in the lungs as we inhale oxygen laced nitrogen gas & exhaust CO2 laced nitrogen gas. Nitric Oxide & Bicarbonate & CO2 in your blood, a system of buffered acidity where hemoglobin in your red blood cells carries oxygen to perform electron exchanged to make ATP from ADP in your cells mitochondria, 20 amino acids mixed with DNA information coordinated by epigenetic analog information to constantly transcribe flesh into existence as the information theory of aging causes us to deform as we get older, as the analog information in our epigenetic mechanism damaged by toxins & radiation & other factors as we live. When the epigenetic factors are damages, the NAD+ levels decline, the Sirtuin's 1-7 are down regulated & we get older. Take some NMN & Metformin to shut that aging pathway down & become younger longer. Age reversal technology already upon us. The next 10 years of bioscience MAB awesome Pharma are going to unlock cures to diseases, but like hepatitis C drugs that cure it, the costs are going to be high because of greedy evil people that own the intellectual properly. So lets steal it & make the magic in developing countries like India & hook people up with the Hep C cure for $300 instead of $40,000+ or more 

When we work together with Love guiding our interactions we can accomplish tremendous positive change. Look at the works of large corporations arranging thousands of people together. We can make amazing products like the Boeing 787 happen. Look at all the cool musical instruments, all the medical advances, all the chemistry advances, all the physics advances, all the applied technology, clean water, water cleaning, air cleaning, filtering technology, reverse osmosis, energy production of electricity 15 different ways, energy storage, information technology, content streaming, humanity always away in different time zones. Our minds are connected in more ways more of the time in more places as more people get online, shop online, write online, share online, communicate, video conference, online school, working from home online, paying bills online, more ways with more technology. Electricity so important that if someone turns it off for a long time most people will die. To make tomorrow better than today we need cheaper cleaner & much more abundant electrical energy generations, think thousands of 4 & 5th generation fuel breeder reactors worldwide. 

Brain injuries show us that the brains health affects the way the mind able to work. Even if we consider the mind like software running on a brain computer, if the computer is damaged, the software function seems to change, if you examine the kinds of lifestyle changes & degradation in executive function typical of traumatic brain injury. One of the long term side effects of brain injury, depression, seems to result from dopamine & serotonin systems with impaired transport, reduction in synapse concentrations, receptor down regulation, reuptake enhancement & general cell damage to the nucleus accumbens. When the brain hits the skull due to car accidents, sports accidents, slips & falls or other sudden velocity changes, the brain cell damage causes acute inflammation, swelling & other cascade malfunctions that can profoundly alter brain function, thinking & executive function, normally in a highly deleterious or negative way. Rarely if ever does anyone experience an improvement in brain function or thinking or intelligence from brain damage. More likely, brain damage nearly always & probably always reduces brain performance & negatively alters the way the mind able to work. Consciousness remains mysterious because everyones brain slightly different. Our brains are actively rewiring in response to every experience, & since everyone personal experience of life slightly different, the way their brain works slightly different. I do not even think people are seeing or hearing the same thing when someone else is experiencing the same phenomenon, that experience is highly subjective & that the way someone experiences something has more to do with that person that it does what is actually happening. Consider how people in the same situations often have radically different personal experiences. How people hold different ideologies & perspectives about the same topics. How people have hypocritical illogical beliefs, views, bias & opinions about similar of the same topics world wide. Consider growing income inequality & how that is viewed by most people? The number of topics to consider for review by an individual generally increasing making life more complicated. You can of course zone out & space out, now watch, listen too or read the news. You can disassociated & still work, pay your bills, buy food, cook, clean, have & keep care of a home & or vehicle, mate, have a relationship or friendship, become a friend or parent to other people etc. You do not have to be constantly jacked into the geopolitics of whats happening in the world to live a decent life. I think knowing too much a recipe for sadness & depression, not a happy life. Knowing too much very disappointing. It will only show you all the ways that mankind failing, illogically, inconsistently, unfairly, immorally, unethically, with corruption, mental illness, crime, greed, evil & worse. 

I learned about the brain getting high on its own supply by Dutch super athlete Wim Hoff & his amazing breathing techniques. I tried some of them while hiking & experienced a profound shift in consciousness so exquisite that I rarely do it out of fear of the kind of neuron-plasticity change that it could create. I like who I have become & do not want to change my mind too much. When I tried Lysergic Acid Diethyl-amide back in 2017, the experience was so profound that it gave me a favorite color, bright neon green, yellow glowing green highly vivid almost annoyingly bright glowing vivid green, think safety vest fluorescent green, or hyper green. Special thanks to my boss back then (Nick) who hooked me up with that amazing experience. When I ate the small bit of paper at 6:30am am on my day off and took a shower, I thought it was going to do nothing & then had my mind completely expanded. My visual field started fluttering at first, light the artificial lights at home were blinking. The rest of the day was a fantasy of relative pleasant sensory overload. I took apart our home vacuum cleaner & rebuilt it after fastidiously cleaning & lubricating everything properly & now it works better than when it was new. I have never been more awake before. Its was as though a conscious volume knob thats normally varies between 30%-100% was turned up to 900%. I have never heard or seen like that before. My senses felt widely amplified. I have never been so awake. I feel like normal reality almost like being partially asleep & that make sense when you consider that many class leading scientists worldwide are macrodosing lately. Active at promoting enhanced wakefulness & creativity at 10-15 micrograms in a 160lbs adult human, it has almost no toxic side effects at such low doses. Too bad its so illegal in so many locals. The brilliant inventor, Albert Hoffman lived with a bright vivid mind until he died in 2008 at the age of 102. I do not think its wise to use illegal or many prescription drugs & would like to discourage anyone from every breaking the law, taking risks in acquiring illegal drugs, consuming illegal drugs & associating with criminals needed to gain access to them. I think more people need to read about the prescription drugs they are taking to understand the risk to benefit ratio & learn about the effect the drug has on their body, which systems of the body are being affected. I think people would benefit by considering how much water they consume in order to stay well hydrated to avoid damaging their kidneys. I would suggest less is more with alcoholic beverages & caffeine too, since they can cause dehydration when consumed in excess. 

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