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Aliens from Outer Space (Extraterrestrials) Visiting Real People on Earth All Throughout History!

Consider the Drake Equation by the late Dr. Frank Donald Drake, who recently died 9.2.2022 sadly. An astrophysicist & astrobiologist, who's eponymous equation a statistical probabilistic estimate of the number of active, communicative extraterrestrial *space aliens* civilization in just the Milky Way Galaxy, where our Solar System, the Sun & Earth & Moon are located, orbiting a relatively small black hole, in our local celestial neighborhood of a spiral arm of the Milky Way Galaxy! 

I want to start by stating publicly, as a scientist polymath, that I believe without having active direct evidence, that extraterrestrials have visited Earth many times in the past & that their visitations seemed to increase after the development of nuclear bombs & hydrogen fusion weapons immediately after that, weapons of mass global destruction potential that can wipe out life on Earth if misused in world war three or WWIII the next global world war coming up in the near future; mainly because of what Russia doing in the Ukraine & related invasive activities of the CCP / PRC in the ROC or Taiwan (Republic of China one of my favorite countries, along with Japan, Germany, France & South Korea)(America #1 in my book as a patriotic American, maverick spirited can do attitude, make it happen & just do it DIY enthusiast) 

I furthermore believe that many different extraterrestrial civilization exist in the Milky Way & in many other galaxies. I think it is ignorant to suggest that humans on Earth are alone as an intelligent global civilization with advanced applied technology to access space, with the international space station, Hubble, JWST, Spitzer & other space telescopes & the latest gear from SpaceX & Blue Origin & ULA respectively + NASA in a big way & the ESA in big way too. Even China landing stuff on the Moon now :) sending moon rocks back to Earth for scientific analysis. China building its own space station, a rotating kilometer long station vastly superior to the ISS in many ways, albeit & largely because of stollen intellectual property, technological advances since ISS was built many years ago, kind of like comparing JWST to Hubble // We have come a long way since then. Similarly it would be like comparing a Tesla Model S Plaid to a Muscle Car from the 1960's with a carbureted V8. ) noting that "Model S Plaid has the quickest acceleration of any vehicle in production)" as of 9/22/2022 

When people who claim to have encountered extraterrestrials in real life claim that the aliens communicated with them telepathically to warn other people to "Not Destroy Life on Earth" - I believe these people are having encounters with super intelligent beings who are millions of years more technologically advanced with "magic" light propulsion technology similar to the Breakthrough Starshot project that aims to reach Alpha Centauri star system thats 4.37 light-years way, going near relativistic velocities with "light sail interstellar probes" with funding & special R&D inspiration from Yuri Milner, (back then) Stephen Hawking & Mark Zuckerberg today :) 

I have stood outside staring at the dark clear night sky on many occasions asking outwardly & in my mind "for any aliens to come down & pay me a visit, even if they want to perform painful experiments on me, I would love to learn about them, talk with them, interact with them, even if they manipulated my brain or genome, it would be a real honor to interact with super intelligent extraterrestrials" something like that or a similar variation thereof. I do not think that humans are alone in the universe, even though NASA claims that pondering this question about where life exists in the universe one of the most profound questions to ever arise. 

People all around the world believe in God, who by definition is not a human & thus via his supreme unmatched intelligence, power & endless longevity, is therefor an extraterrestrial in a higher dimensional space or plane of existence, considering that we exist in the 4th dimension, with hight, depth, width & time + mass - though quantum physics & dark matter & dark energy are giving quite the stir in the scientific community today, especially noteworthy because of all the empty space inside normal atoms of chemical elements. The outermost or valence shell electrons participate in a way that controls the principle modes of action in most chemical reactions between elements & molecules. But what about the space between the protons & neutrons in the nucleus of the atoms & the orbiting electron clouds, what comprises these spaces inside atoms? See much mystery remains in science thankfully, so we can keep learning more about reality for a long time. Consider that mapping the wiring diagram of an individual human brain requires the same amount of digital data that the entire world produces in annually as of 2018. 

The CIA, NSA, FBI & Pentagon have put a lot of time, manpower, resources & money to discrediting anyone who comes forward with evidence about unidentified arial phenomenon UAP's or "spacecraft of unknown origin, that seem to fly at transonic speeds unattainable by any known technologies, even classified ZPE spacecraft propulsion, that rapidly materialize, enter Earths atmosphere, decent to the surface airspace, have landed, have taken people from the general public into their ships & performed genetic editing experiments on them & other biological sample extractions & simile. Around the time of WWII fighter pilots died chasing these UFO's, who were able to travel much faster & perform high G maneuvers that would liquify a human fighter pilots brain against their skull bones. Some of these UFO's appear in rural Africa, the Middle East, Europe, South America, America, Canada, Mexico, there is evidence of UFO visitation scraped into the sides of cave walls with drawings from thousands of years ago. 

Even CHINA has come forward saying they have formal evidence of UFO visitation that goes back thousands of years. I suspect that humans on Earth are a genetic engineering experiment! I have reasons to believe that some of the repeated UFO visitations might be followups on those earlier experiments. To understand why, consider how vastly different humans are to every other lifeforms on Earth! Consider how unnatural our existing technology appears to be - that enables me to type & upload this posting that other people all around the world can then read at at future time if they have electricity & internet access & the service that hosts this page is still up & running. We live in Amazing times today, living on the shoulders of giants, like Robert Noyce, founder of Intel (one of my Hero's) along with Jesus Christ, Albert Einstein, & Donald Sadoway! 

It might sound as quacky as calling the Earth flat, but I really do believe that other intelligent extraterrestrial civilizations exist, that some of them have visited Earth with their scientists or scouts or probes & or spacecraft made of materials not on our periodic table of elements, propelled with light photo propulsion or phonon propulsion, fusion energy drive technology, zero point energy capture, faster than light travel, warping space time, using wormholes & other "magic" until we discover how with "then new technologies" in the future, if humans do not destroy Earth along the way // with runaway climate change, acid rain, air pollution & other problems created by combustion at the terawatt scale worldwide continually like it is today with gas, coal, diesel, gasoline, crude oil fuels, natural gas, carbon, biomass & other things that people burn, which also waste atmospheric oxygen making CO2 which makes rain water acidic, which is bad for lakes, rivers, streams, fisheries, oceans & other bodies of water, along with dilute nitric & sulfuric acid in rain from oxides of nitrogen & sulfur present in common fuels burned in combustion engines by the million today! 

With 8 billion + humans at the same time, carbon combustion a dead end just like diesel gate! We urgently need to build more nuclear reactors, bring them online going critical & more recycling reprocessing of the spent fuel rods with fuel breeding reactors that can also desalinate sea water & produce green hydrogen from sea water! We need more energy storage paired with intermittent renewable energy sources like the highly popular wind power turbines & solar photovoltaic panels being installed all around the world today! We need to stop polluting the biosphere of earth with toxic chemicals, plastic waste & micro plastics. We need to stop wasting fresh water & electricity & start applying more energy intelligence & efficiency optimizations to everything, so that heat pumps replace less efficient HVAC, so that that fridges use less electricity, so that more people can have a variable power microwave oven, boil water for cooking in an energy efficient pressure cooker that makes soups & stews with 65% less energy that open pot cooking. 

I know that we can do much better with more efficient vehicles, electrically assisted bicycles, better faster public transportation & currencies based on Energy Physics, not stupid political fiat currencies subject to inflationary pressures & other failure modes that require currency manipulation like interest rate adjustment & quantum easing to stabilize. We can engineer human babies to remove flaws from the human genome to make a new generation of people free of inherited genetic defects. We can further this technology to develop people who are able to travel in space, in radioactive environments that are very hot or cold, very harsh conditions, without dying of cancer quickly, who can live for many hundreds of years, since space is so vast & traveling fast like light photons no easy task & very energetically demanding, even with emerging propulsion technologies like ion drives that are starting to diffuse in aerospace applications for space satellite station keeping & for space probes & other space access technologies to send people back to the Moon & to Mars! 

God an extraterrestrial by definition, not from Earth & not human! Same for Angels & Demons! So that means that most people on Earth already believe that alien beings exist that are more intelligent than human people & have existed for a millennia or longer. God in particular posses "magic" technologies, able to create star systems & life by simply thinking about it; able to know everyone & everything about all topics; that God is the most powerful, most intelligent & most amazing being in existence! Praise be to God! Thats who I really follow, God! I don't trust other people unless they give me good reasons to trust them, and many people do & I try to love other people who I am lucky enough to interact with, especially in first person. I am trying to be an ethical, loving, kind person who treats other people with dignity & respect! 

If your alive reading this, you are lucky. Your special & wonderfully & beautifully made in God's image according to the Holy Word of Christianity, my Faith in Christ Jesus, the religion thats all about love, showing other people & nature love by being a considerate, fair, reasonable, honest, decent, generous, loving person who treats other people with dignity & respect; a steward of the beautiful life all around us on Earth, someone who promotes the development of pollution reducing technology, energy intelligence efficiency that reduces electricity waste, fresh water & soil preservation technology, soil production technology, water purification via desalinization of sea water & other advanced clean technology that do not harm or hurt nature or animals or other people, ethical technology! We can, should & must improve everything to be more eco-friendly! Its our choices & thinking as people, our philosophies that are in urgent need of upgrading & improvement! We need to remodel the ways we think about the world with more facts from science, physics, chemistry & real knowledge & real truth about reality! We need to upgrade our minds with what is objectively factually true! This is how we will develop cheaper space access, better space propulsion technology, how we can become a sustainable civilization on Earth while also become an interstellar civilization exploring & colonizing the universe in the Milky Way & other galaxies with advanced human DNA life & more beautiful aspects of Earth's biosphere thats living & alive. Life is precious and worth defending with any means needed. We need more love in the world, less crime & less corruptions. We need to help other people & animals in nature more! We can do a lot better in all aspects of life & everyone knows we need to, that we have not being doing the right things when we know better, as flawed hypocrite sinners like me, sadly! 

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