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Healthy Lifestyle Choices

Making healthy lifestyle choices not obvious to everyone. So many different topics in the world to distract & divide peoples attention. I think content & internet abuse gives rise to some ADD or attention deficit disorders. I think content can be just as addictive as common drugs of abuse, like alcohol, cannabis, cocaine & opioids like rainbow colored fentanyl that is killing people now sadly. Sitting around too much cause blood to pool up in the legs, increasing the risks factors for stokes, clotting & embolisms. 

Staying hydrated very important for brain & kidney health, yet a dehydration epidemic rages on to such an extend that there are not enough kidney dialysis machines to keep up with demand, according to one gentleman who runs a fleet of mobile kidney dialysis clinics mounted inside large diesel vans. He said "I cannot buy the vans fast enough to keep up with demand for the dialysis services I offer at a reasonable price." Each of his trucks can handle 3 people at a time, each session lasts about 4 hours, so each truck can handle about 6 people per day, with one trained nurse driver operator running the truck. Alcohol abuse & caffeine abuse are implicated as causal factors in dehydration, since both increase the bodies elimination of urine & are known as diuretic drugs respectively. 

Boost Your HR (heart rate) to 130-150bpm for 10 solid minutes daily & get all the benefits of staying active, like improved mood, improved sleep, improved balance & coordination, improved sex, enhanced endurance, greater physical strength, muscle building, cardio performance enhancement, staying fit good for you & feels great. 

I find that anytime I am feeling low or lightly depressed, a good workout of moderate intensity to make me sweat & hard enough that its hard to talk & breath at the same time, for 10-30 minutes makes a world of difference, especially while fasting, in the morning, while drinking only black coffee & water on waking. I skip breakfast most days. 

I wake naturally at 5:45 am, drink two glass of water, take some NMN, make black espresso, then start to move around to get my blood flowing. I often go workout & then write these postings. I do all of this before work, though I am between jobs at the moment, thankfully, a real blessing to have time off in the summer like this. 

10 minute of moderately intense activity, HIIT exercises, enough to derive most of the benefits of staying active & physically fit, maintaining a good body weight & good metabolic functionality. There are a myriad of different activities, like going for a walk outdoors, indoor aerobics or dancing music, running in place, stretching, meditation, going to the public pool for water aerobics or swimming, playing tennis, skiing, snowboarding, skating, skate boarding, roller skating, roller blades, ride a bicycle, play racket sports like tennis or badminton or racket ball, indoor & outdoor rock climbing, weight training, strength training, resistance training, elliptical machines, indoor bicycle workouts, free weights, rowing machines, bench exercises for core training, you can even use gravity & do sit-ups or pushups or a use a bar in a door frame to do pull-ups, there are all sorts of calisthenic exercises using your body, the floor under you & gravity to get exercise, with how to videos online, YouTube workout videos, personal fitness videos, even devices you can bolt to a wall like the Tonal with video interactive touch screen guided workouts at home for a mere $6000, or you can spend that much on a ultra low mass bicycle made of carbon composite, though I opted for a $1k aluminum specialized dope bicycle to replace my 20+ year old mountain bike. Meg has a vintage Marin triathlon bike from the 1990's that we have modded with used parts from a bike shop in Fremont, in Seattle. 

Check your blood sugar with a finger prick & test strips & a cheap blood glucose test machine or get the Abbot Freestyle system that works with your smartphone for 2 weeks per puck that your mount to your arm so that you can tap your phone to the little white electronic button to get your blood glucose readings. Your smartwatch or fitness tracker can give you all sorts of real time biodata about your heart rate, sleep, movement levels, breathing rate, blood oxygen saturation, while next generations devices will have optical  LED blood glucose measurement as an FDA approved feature & function. 

Eat more fiber & healthy OMEGA3 fats & less sugar & less salt. You know the SAD or standard American diet causes preventable lifestyle diseases of civilization that are making people fat, sick, tired, sore, inflamed, painful, irritable, sleep deprived, emotional unbalanced, frustrated, anxious, fearful, afraid, doubtful, pessimistic, negative, not fun to be around, hard on themselves, judgmental & mean & disrespectful cynical haters & nay sayers & doubters & skeptics with paranoid conspiracy theories about the Earth being flat in shape or confused thinking about common vaccines causing autism, tantamount to misinformation like the YouTube video that encouraged 10K + children to eat Tide Pod's or laundry detergent pouches that sent those children to hospital emergency rooms with severe gastrointestinal problems as laundry detergent is toxic to the gastric system, aka phosphate poisoning. 

Drink alcohol & coffee in moderation. Think buzzed, sometimes.

Healthy thinking, being appreciative & thankful of the amazing times we live in today. The age of precision, aerospace excellence, lower cost space access, high speed internet, broad access to grid power electricity, appliances that wash & dry our clothes & dishes, hot showers, toilets that flush into sewer treatment plants, fresh water & natural gas 24/7 access to information, energy, a season-less grocery store with food all the time, toilet paper & paper towels, vehicles of all kinds, cars & motorcycles & scooters for anyone who wants one, pay per mile insurance dongles with wireless networking, wearable information jewelry & smart furniture, smart lights, smart locks, smart phones & smart appliances, wifi connected, wireless WIFI, Bluetooth, NFC, LTE, 5G, satellite radio, GPS satellites & google maps & Apple Maps, mobile navigation systems, fiber optic networks, quantum compute emerging, artificial intelligence & nuclear energy renaissance happening right now, the whole work from home remote connect laptop & desktop information service jobs sector, online schools, telecommuting from home, there are new emergent ways with grocery delivery services & same day Amazon Prime deliveries, soon to take to the sky with Amazon Air drones dropping small packages on peoples porches. You can download games like CS:GO from the STEAM platform website, play them locally on your discrete CPU computer, gaming laptop or graphics intensive desktop, even game consoles which are dedicated gaming computers, can enable someone to play amazing 3D CGI games in real time at home on their flatscreen TV etc! 

Its amazing how fast things have improved with technology in so many applications, there seems to be more solutions looking for problems while many problems with weather & climate change & air pollution & carbon energy acid rain & similar remain unsolved as energy a complicated subject with lots of interests colluding with crony capitalism, bribery, & other perverted government involvement, & weird stuff like catalytic converter theft- obviously with crimes of many kinds ongoing its not all roses & sunshine, but there is also a silver liner to every situation. 

Sometimes life emerges from the ashes, as they point out in the Deadpool movies. From the misery & pain of many who came before us, better quality of living possible today, so extensive that people in wealthy countries can afford to barely move & own a home, nice vehicles, investments, even people at the popper income level, Americans' of all income levels live very lucky blessed lives with so many nice things, while people in the Ukraine are not so fortunate because of that depraved psychopath in charge of Russia, Vladimir Putin, a war criminal despot who must also be a sociopathic narcissistic whacked out evil person based on what he says & how he conducts himself & choices that he makes that harm & hurt so many other people in Russia & the Ukraine & elsewhere. No one has to be like him, he is bad example as a person, a really bad person, someone who I think should be put to death as a punishment for his crimes against humanity & gross violations of basic human rights, violations of UN conventions of all kinds, real war lord level evil of so many kinds. 

You have a choice about how to conduct yourself & you know right from wrong just like most normal other sane balanced people, the overwhelming majority of people worldwide intrinsically know moral & ethical precepts, part of their persona, their philosophies & beliefs, their faith, that they learned from family & friends creating a sense of social & moral accountability to not hurt others or themselves & basic right & wrong concepts about human conduct, about being honest with integrity to do the right thing even when no one else looking, to have personal accountability, to take responsibility for your words & actions. I think most, something like 99% of the general public are aware of basic moral & ethical principles of right & wrong. I also believe that most people are confused about their thinking, falsely believing that they have no agency to choose what they think about. 

You do have free will & agency with thought, the ability to make good or bad choices. I believe each person has tremendous potential to make the world a better place & that's part of why I publish these blog postings, hoping to inspire other people to think about it, life, more, so they can stop & reflect & ponder about who they are as a person, how they are conducting themselves in life, the kinds of choices they are making & what kind of legacy they are leaving behind. 

I want people to be more considerate of other people, to not throw trash out the windows of their homes or vehicles. I wish other people were better at recycling, better at how how they choose to speak to other people online & IRL. I wish other people treated each other with more dignity & respect, kindness, honor, humility, generosity, fairness, justice & tolerance. I wish other people were more accountable, that there were more high quality high functioning people in the world & I know that making that happen starts with addressing each person with these ideas, so they think about them & integrate ethical & moral precepts into their thinking, conceptual & cognitive frameworks of understanding so they can make more fully informed better quality choices about what they think about, how they move & do things & how they choose to treat other people & nature. It is how we shift our focus & what we focus on that determines how we continue changing during life. That's why sometimes people become divergent from mainstream trends & why we have so many different kinds of people, with so many differing viewpoints, so many different interests competing to be heard in the mainstream news. Consider what is trending now, what was trending in the past & what will be trending in the future! Information! Intelligence. Energy. We urgently need more cheaper cleaner electricity worldwide & I believe, with many logical reasons, that newer 4th & 5th generation nuclear fission reactors are essential to phasing out coal & natural gas power generation. I know that intermittent renewable energy sources like wind & solar need a lot more energy storage capacity to match common grid loads 24/7 in ways that serve the people who pay for these premium efficiency technologies. 

Your brain changes its structure & function in response to what you are doing, such that we literally become like what we do the most. That's why its important to hang out or spend time with other high quality people, because we rub off patterns of thought & ideas on each other, often passively or unintentionally. 

You become more like the people you spend more time with. These truisms are obviously true & observable through common personal experiences in life that most people have! Most people just need to stop, think about "it" more, adapt & keep improving using the insight they create by pondering the mysteries in life, by admiring God, by acknowledging that we are flying blind through the universe on spaceship earth as one human people responsible for the health of the biosphere, environment, ecosystems, all dependent on each other & systems in nature for our air, water & food, without which nothing would be possible. 

We are only recently looking into the heavens with sensitive IR imaging space telescopes to see through the dust & particles that were blocking optical light making traditional visible frequency telescopes unable to see the fully extent of the brilliant majesty in the celestial workings of the universe, in star systems being born & dying, that cycle of birth & live extending to every scale of existence, each mirroring the other in spectrum of complex interactions. 

We live in the condensed matter phase where the phenomena happening are government by quantum forces we are only just starting to understand in formal physics & science, the applications of which will revolutionize every aspect of society in the future. Quantum computing is poised to completely revolutionize all information technology such that whoever controls information in the future will also control the economies of the future, all governments, all currency systems, all content, its a win all race to answers to every problems, all diseases solved, age reversal, infinite life, exploring the universe & colonize other galaxies with human life & ecosystem life from Earths biosphere, so that even when our local Sun burns out human life, genetically engineered future humans, will take the human experience intergalactic, to infinity & beyond. 

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