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Tetris Effect
I got a soldering project kit on Amazon, and it took me less than an hour to build it & get it working on 3xAAA batteries or around 4.5vdc of alkaline primary battery energy. While it contains 5 different games, I was immediately drawn to a version of Tetris (not official) that reminds me of playing Tetris on Nintendo Gameboy & Original Nintendo as a child of the 1980s. Cool. Meg was playing it in no time too. My current high score on day two, 212 lines ^^
Not Sickening Yourself with Hangover
Expensive, hard on the body, interfering with REM sleep, perhaps alcoholic beverages are better consumed in smaller servings, less often, sparingly, earlier in the day, only until buzzed, & maybe getting drunk with too much also very unwise! Consider the RDA for ethanol & how brewing yeast kicked off the bioscience & lifescience revolutions.
I think its better to drink slowly for enjoyment of the flavors & to savor that fun buzz ^^ A wise drinker drinks with moderation, for enjoyment, on occasion, with friends & flavor to savor in memories made of good times spend with friends!
I like beer, wine, spirits. I even regularly think about building or buying a still, about gin & tonic, about IPA, lager beers, about tasty wine. I like whisky, bourbon, vodka, dry gin, dry wine, hoppy beer, stuff with more flavor, even sour beers are interesting ^^ Cheers!
I am not against consuming alcoholic beverages! But, maybe less is more, perhaps having 2 drinks is better than 5, perhaps only drinking 3 days per week better than everyday! I don't think most adult men are going to be harmed by having a beer at the Saturday barbecue event they hold with their buddies & friends on the weekend. I am not some kind of teetotaler zealot or part of the teetotalism movement where its practitioners abstain from all forms of alcohol consumption.
Consider that hangovers are caused by dehydration, that the costs of expensive liquor, wine & beer bad for your budget, that ethanol interferes with your sleep architecture & stresses out your liver cells, makes you have to pee more in the night & to avoid a hang over you have to drink a bunch of extra water, which makes the night time urination issue worse.
Is alcohol really so bad for your body to justify the surgeon general putting high contrast warning labels about the negative health effects of drinking alcoholic beverages on the bottles & packages. Probably, consider what drunk drivers end up doing because of their impaired judgment.
Drink to be merry & not to be drunk the wisdom the Bible shares about drinking alcoholic beverages, but I have another idea. Drink less so you do not weaken & sicken yourself. Sicken yourself with alcohol. But Aaron, when the body consumes carbs they ferment in the gut and produce ethanol & CO2 so you burb, say beer belly buddy, & this allows alcohol to enter the blood stream naturally when people eat common popular foods. Ok, I get it, but the dose different & the dose of ethanol is what makes the difference. Just like 1 shot of espresso different than a quad shot!
Think about how adding milk to the espresso makes a latte by changing the fluid volume & adding all sorts of other substances to tame the intense espresso flavors to something more palatable & enjoyable to others, thus the popularity of cappuccino & latte drinks, swelled ice coffee drinks & similar from Starbucks that are trendy & that sell well worldwide. I learned that instant coffee made of freeze dried coffee making a comeback with younger people who do not know about premium coffee or espresso or other complicated to make coffee drinks ^^ but who also do not want that bitter acidic over-brewed battery acid coffee made from commercial pre-ground coffee can coffee's made by huge corporations in high volumes, popular with peoples grandparents, who drink pots of this mediocre coffee all day long. My grandpa, Wesley, used to drink 20+ cups of coffee, God rest his soul!
Treat yourself as a reward after being productive all week, not to close to bedtime either. Give your body a few hours to metabolize your drinks before going to bed for the night! I drank a 24 oz 8.1% beer at about 5:05pm a few days ago & it knocked me out. I feel asleep on the floor shortly after the peak effects of the ethanol were noticed. Admittedly I had been using espresso shots to cover up the accumulated sleep debt & tiredness associated with sleep debt, so what the GABA receptor agonist ethanol did was enable me to catch a badly needed nap, even though I still probably had a fair amount of caffeine in my system.
Ethanol consumption creates oxidative stress on the body, just like sugars. Sugars are the new alcohol, since alcohol losing popularity with the general public sorta like smoking cigarettes did in the 1990's. The trending beverage with millennials Redbull & other energy drinks with B-vitamins & caffeine from several different botanical sources. Some energy drinks have 400mg of caffeine the entire RDA for adults according to WHO or the world health organization. Other countries like Italy, where espresso was developed, recommend a maximum daily caffeine intake of 300mg, so what is an effective RDA for ethanol? Who knows? A few grams perhaps, I don't know. Lets consider the alcohol content of a standard drink consisting of 1.5 shots of 40% hard alcohol, 12 oz of 6% beer or 5 oz of 14% wine
Ethanol Dose Math ( 1 standard drink )
1.5 fl.oz or 44ml X 0.40 "80 proof" = 17.6ml or 0.6 fluid ounces ethanol or about 17 grams et-oh
12 fl.oz or 354ml X 0.06 "12 proof" = 21.2ml or 0.71 fluid ounces of ethanol or about 20 grams et-oh
5 fl.oz or 148ml or 0.14 "28 proof" = 20.7 ml or 0.699 fluid ounces of ethanol or about 19 grams et-oh
Few adults are going to get a good buzz from 1 drink, so many will drink 2 or 3 drinks / so something like 5 oz of liquor, 3 beers or 3 glasses of wine / would be a maximum RDA - obviously there is no minimum
No one has to drink alcohol, ethanol or spirits or beer or wine. People like the flavors of these drinks & because they get a buzz from the GABA receptor activation when ethanol enters their blood stream & hits their brains GABA receptors, making it feel a little bit like they are asleep, while they are awake, disinhibiting people by removing some of their mental filters so they lighten up, ease up, relax, able to socialize better at parties where adults drink alcoholic beverages.
Beer popular at scientific conferences, the magic of yeast fermentation so valuable it help fund a tremendous amount of scientific investigation into biochemistry, pharmacology, medicine, infact many essential drugs like insulin are made with GMO yeast, just like brewing beer in large stainless steel vats, large steel vessel called bioreactors, which are just like high capacity fermenting vessels used at large breweries. Thus its cheap to make insulin & Lantus & other analogs of insulin in large volumes, easily scaled with another bioreactor as the GMO yeast, just as brewing yeast, can be cultivated in a sterile room using sterile techniques, to perpetuate the yeast, strain type them, keeping genetic diversity, selectively breeding to create different cultivars.
Special yeast strains were developed to brew spirits, yeast that can survive in fluids with up to 40% ethanol content. Brewing gave rise to a lot of bioscience, biology, in fact the compound microscopes first big applications was to study yeast used in beer making. At the time, it was thought that beer was made of water, malted barely, & hops, as the open vats would intake wild yeasts that blow around in the air naturally. In wine making the yeast on peoples feet stomping the grapes would contribute to the attenuation of fermentation process.
Produced when yeast consumer starches & sugars, its a simple two carbon alcohol, it can be burned in gasohol blends of gasoline & ethanol, including E10, E15, E35, E85 in flex-fuel vehicles, though ethanol contains about 30% less energy than gasoline, so I buy ethanol free gasoline from The Grange in Issaquah Washington, though Pure-gas has a website where you can fine other fueling stations that sell ethanol free gasoline. In pre-2008 vehicles, that were never designed to use E10, they ECU can produce better fuel economy settings with the correct fuel to air ratio & pulse width settings of the fuel injector & ignition timing settings running on straight gasoline 87 octane, regular unleaded gasoline without ethanol. The reformulated fuels mandate was a governmental measure in the United States that resulted in E10 gasoline & now E15 where fermented GMO corn ethanol added to gasoline to reduce the US dependence on foreign oil, since corn ethanol a domestic fuel, ignoring that foreign diesel fuel powered equipment utilized to grow, harvest, move, processes, manufacture, distribute, etc corn ethanol & its an energetic wash when you consider the energy inputs to make corn ethanol vs the usable energy in the ethanol produced, a wash, though it does produce a lot of economic activity & value added job creating activities in the USA/
Ethanol is a polar solvent like water, able to solubilize a wide variety of chemical substances & utilized to produce tinctures, to sterilize surfaces, as hand sanitizers active ingredient in some formulations, as a carrier in perfume & cologne since the ethanol readily holds a mixture of oils & fragrances suspended in a solution that can be dabbed or sprayed to add scents to the body, personal items or clothing. I use small droplets of sandalwood oil in this way, without ethanol. Some varnishes, stains & paints are suspended in solutions that contain ethanol as a solvent. Sometimes neat or pure ethanol used to rinse lab glass & can be used to sterilize skin prior to scalpel cutting, though iodine solutions are superior. Before anesthetics, ethanol was given to patients to intoxicate them prior to painful surgeries, so that they could endure the surgery, which was brutal in this earlier era of medicine.
Ethanol has a lower boiling point than water and higher vapor pressure (evaporates more easily than water) because it does not participate in strong hydrogen bonding like water, the two carbon chain interferes with the intermolecular forces such that ethanol boils at 173.1 F or 78.38 C, vs 100 C or 212 F for waters boiling point respectively.
Ethanol also called ethyl alcohol, grain alcohol, drinking alcohol or sometimes just "alcohol" EtOH, its chemical formula with 2 carbons, 6 hydrogen & 1 oxygen atoms respectively CH3-CH2-OH or C2H5OH or C2H6O / The dhydrogen saturated double carbon chain called ethyl for 2 (methyl is 1), considered volatile (goes from liquid to gas phase easily), its flammable (thus used as an additive fuel oxygenator in ethanol gasoline blends like E85. Ethanol is a clear colorless liquid with a strong floral metallic flavor & odor similar to wine. People consume ethanol for its psychoactive properties as a recreation drug & ethanol is the active component of alcohol drinks, spirts, wine & beer.
From the IUPAC the systematic name Ethanol defined by a chemical compound consisting of an alkyl group with two carbon atoms (prefix "eth-") having a single bong between them and an attached functional hydroxyl group -OH (suffix "-ol") the name "ethyl" assigned 1843 by Justus Liebig, which he named from German "aether" used to describe diethyl either C2H5-O-C2H5, from the Ancient Greek "Aither" for "upper air" and "Hyle" for "substance" or "Upper Air Substance" when combined. Today the word alcohol refers to a wide variety of different chemicals in chemistry as there are many alcohols, though specifically the word commonly used Alcohol refers to the alcohol present in wine or "The alcohol of wine" as was first recorded in 1753.
With up-to 25% of 50 proof, many medication not soluble or insoluble in water are dissolved in ethanol solutions, including pain medications, cough and cold medicines, mouth washes, & ethanol used as preservative in the liquid preparations of more than 700 different medications.
Different body enzymes break down ethanol into an intermediate called acetaldehyde, a known carcinogen that poses significantly greater toxicity than ethanol itself. Hangover & other unpleasant side effects of drinking alcohol from the formation of acetaldehyde by ALDH or aldehyde dehydrogenase enzymes. Some people have a mutation in the ALDH2 gene that renders this enzyme pathway dysfunctional, which contributes to the alcoholic flush reaction which is from toxic side effects from the acetaldehyde. Even worse, the ADH1B gene codes for increased enzyme activity in 80% of East Asians that improves catalytic conversion of ethanol to acetaldehyde, making the hangover worse faster.
Getting Enough Sleep Healthy
Getting enough sleep (7-9 hrs) vital to brain memory function, consolidation of memory, forgetting non essential information, building long term memory required for skill and knowledge development, a wide range of cell repairs like muscle strengthening, bone remodeling, bone marrow immune boosting, cell clean up processes called autophagy & other essential maintenance cascade restoration that occur during 4 different stages of sleep, during your sleep cycles or blocks of sleep.
Antarctica Amazing
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Eastern Antarctica is to the right of the Transantarctic Mountains and Western Antarctica is to the left. Via |
Many teams from around the world are conducting science on the enormous fresh water ice dominated & least populated continent, Antarctica!
Rameses B "Fallen Angel" Lyrics
I was listening to Pandora streaming music on "Blackmill Radio" channel, when the song from the title started playing with thought provoking lyrics about being a genuinely good person vs a wannabe. I took the pleasure of transcribing these lyrics & found the source of the material from Alan Watts via google searching!
Ought, Should, You Know Right From Wrong
99% of adults of a sound mind, the vast majority of people know basic ethics of right & wrong behaviors, social accountability to not hurt other people, to not commit adultery, to not covet false idols, to not kill, to not betray, to only do good things & never do bad things; basic human morality of knowing "right" from "wrong"
Aliens from Outer Space (Extraterrestrials) Visiting Real People on Earth All Throughout History!
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Consider the Drake Equation by the late Dr. Frank Donald Drake, who recently died 9.2.2022 sadly. An astrophysicist & astrobiologist, who's eponymous equation a statistical probabilistic estimate of the number of active, communicative extraterrestrial *space aliens* civilization in just the Milky Way Galaxy, where our Solar System, the Sun & Earth & Moon are located, orbiting a relatively small black hole, in our local celestial neighborhood of a spiral arm of the Milky Way Galaxy!
Consumptive Eco Clean Lies
Electric vehicles are not free or eco-friendly, it takes a lot of pollutant emissions industrial mining to make the metals, glass, plastics, batteries & electronics, utilized to manufacture modern EV's, especially the lithium ion batteries. Lithium production, cobalt mining, nickel mining, there is no such thing as an eco-friendly metal mine. Cobalt is produce in the DRC with child slave labor. So wipe that smug look off your face if you have an EV, you are not saving anyone from anything. With more than 100 onboard computers & miles of wiring for ADAS & differing levels of autonomy, all of those integrated circuits are made using toxic manufacturing processes that release pollutants into the biosphere of Earth, where other people are breathing, drinking & eating it!
Crony Capitalism
Frugality intelligent, just like honest business exchanges between one person & another where money from one person exchanged for a good or service from another person. When the government becomes the customer the seed of corruption enters the military industrial complex with lobbyists paid for by corporate special interests that undermine the foundation of capitalism & produce a plutocracy where billionaire & transnational corporation granted personhood have more representation than citizens in government.
Chocolate Chip Walnuts Cookies : Baking At Home DIY
Chocolate Chip Walnuts Cookies
Ingredients & Volumetric Amounts
2-1/4 cup all-purpose baking flour
1tsp baking soda
1 cup (2 sticks butter) softened
3/4 granulated sugar (sucrose crystals)
3/4 cups brown sugar (w/ some molasses left)
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 large eggs (or 3 smaller eggs)
2 cups or 12 dry oz Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips
1 cup chopped nuts (we chop whole walnuts)
Baking Procedure
Preheat the Oven to 350F
In a small bowlCombine flour, baking soda & salt
In a large bowl mix butter, sugar, brown sugar & vanilla extract until creamy (KitchenAid Classic Mixer)
Add eggs one at a time to the large bowl, mixing well after each addition
Gradually add in the flour
Gentle stir in the chocolate chips & chopped nuts
Place a rounded tablespoon worth of the result cooking dough on a baking sheet, repeat this step, leaving space between the dough balls for the cookies to expand without merging during baking
Bake the cookies for 9-11 Minutes
Makes about 5 dozen, or ~60 cookies (I got 37 large ones, cooked for 12 min since bigger)
They Dry Out Fast & Freeze Raw Dough Immediately
They lack preservatives, or other strange ingredients, and dry out quickly, so I recommend storing any uneaten immediately cookies in an air tight plastic, glass or metal sealed storage container. You can also cook less of the dough & wrap the remainder in plastic film or vacuum bag it & freeze it for several months, to later remove / thaw / bake them.
You have to move fast to freeze the unused dough since it contains raw egg & can spoil if allowed to warm, as warming promotes bacterial growth. In food safety procedures based on science, cold stuff stays cold, hot stays hot & warm is dangerous! Warm only ok for on-demand consumption. Keeping rice or dough or pasta near body temperature promotes bacterial pathogen growth & can cause food born illnesses if such warm bacteria contaminated foods are consumed.
Coffee to Industrialization
The first industrial revolution thought to be stimulated by the global diffusion of coffee out of Ethiopia then to Yemen, then by trade to Europe where in the 15 century tap water was unsafe & nearly everyone was drinking beer all day. Coffee proved superior to alcoholic fermented beverages, stimulating lively discussion & intellectual inquiry by stimulating people to learn more.
3D Printing History SLA to SLS then FDM or FFF
While 3D-printing might sound like a modern or newer technology, the concept of additive manufacturing from the 1980 & an inverse of subtractive manufacturing, for example with machining where a solid block of metal shaved away inside a CNC by high speed cutting tools that chip or cut away metals very precisely, in a process that is time consuming & expensive, such that custom CNC parts are costly.
Interval Fasting (skip meals) Easy
Stop Eating Immediately to Save Your Life. Think about Interval Fasting by skipping a meal, breakfast or dinner. If you want to lose weight, reduce the amount of carbohydrates & sugars you eat. I am not saying never eat sugar or carbs, just smaller servings less often, make them special sometimes not all the time. Consider the science of nutrition & metabolic syndrome diseases & what causes high blood sugars & all the diseases caused by constantly elevated high blood glucose levels.
Coffee Not Caffeine
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Coffeepot (cafetière "campanienne"), part of a service, 1836, hard-paste porcelain, overall: 19.2 x 17.6 x 10.8 cm, Metropolitan Museum of Art |
Exceptionally tasty decaffeinated whole beans & pre-ground coffee are widely commercially available. Ethyl Acetate or Supercritical CO2 or the Swiss Hot Water Process, these methods are widely utilized to selectively solvate away caffeine while leaving the flavors & other compounds naturally present in the coffee.
Keto & Fasting Body Energy
How do your muscles & brain get glucose when your not eating, when your sleeping, when your interval fasting or fasting for 3-7 days ? Gluconeogenesis the biochemistry of survival & why fasting is healthy for overweight people and people with diabetes & hypertension & other metabolic syndrome disorders.
Insulin, Insulin, Insulin : Diabetes + Obesity Epidemic
Diabetes & obesity caused by it, are a silent killing epidemic worldwide, affecting children as young as 6 years old. There are pathogens that cause diabetes, genetic disorders that cause diabetes, viruses that cause diabetes, parasites that eat the pancreas. Pancreatic cancer made worse by high blood sugars. Sugars feed rapidly dividing cancer cells. Sugar is a metabolic toxin when its consumed in excess because doing so raising blood sugar & elevating blood sugars cause progressive organ failure, cardiovascular disease, neuroendocrine disease, brain degeneration that makes ADD, ADHD, Dementia & Alzheimers diseases worse faster, just like trans fats.
D&J Voet Biochemistry 2nd Edition & ^^ Behe "Darwins Black Box" + Mental Illness Causing Gun Crimes
I am at chapter 20 in a biochemistry textbook that I borrowed from Meg's employer Olga the OBGYN Doctor of Obstetrics, in association with reading Behe's wildly interesting book "Darwins Black Box" about how evolutionary microevolution cannot explain blood clotting, the eye or any other complex living systems actual origin or how these very complicated delicately balanced living systems could evolve by a tiny mutation drift event over long periods of time.
Sugars Killing People with Obesity
"Obesity and corporate greed | DW Documentary" <- Click Hyperlink or by the following web link directly
I am only offering scientific metabolic facts from a personal example. Sugary starchy foods, many junk foods & soda pop & alcoholic beverages, when consumed in excess, elevate blood glucose levels.
Over time this kind of SAD sweet carbohydrate heavy diet makes people fat, sick, and hungry. In response to evaluated blood glucose levels, their bodies increase pancreatic production of insulin into the blood stream where the hormone insulin tells cells in then body to uptake or intake glucose via GLUT1 the glucose cell membrane transporter protein, which turns into glycogen stored swelling up the liver, filling the muscles, then bloating fat cells with inflammation. This in turn increases visceral fat around the organs & produces the characteristic spare-tire belly fat that so many people struggle to reduce.
Animals Have Emotional Feelings That Make Animal Cruelty Immoral & Unethical
This is why animal cruelty bad or wrong, because it causes animals to suffer. Especially and including when people hurt, harm, damage or kill one another.
Your Getting High On Neurotransmitters
When you pee or poo, when you eat & enjoy it, when you watch a movie you like or listen to music that you like, when your sleeping, when your at work, when your driving, when your walking, everyone getting high on neurotransmitters constantly. A 3 storm of electrical chemical activity coursing across your brain between 2 & 50 times per second, billions of neurons hosted by glial cells, burning glucose thinking in waves & 3D patterns of thought that underscore the functional basis of consciousness, the mind, or the software running on your brain computer cells.
Have I lived Before / Reincarnation / Did God Send Me Back When I Asked
I have no idea where these "memories" or "ideas" come from, but I distinctly remember living in ancient Persia, as a nobleman who grew old & very lonely, having never made a lifelong friend or wife, isolated & lonely waiting to die. I wanted nothing more than to come back as a regular person. Perhaps that is what this life is, as Aaron Schwarz. There are smells & flavors from Persian culture, incense, and other aspects of Persian culture that seem deeply familiar to me. I do not understand why either.
I like to research drugs that my doctor prescribes me. In this case lisinopril. From wikipedia we can learn a lot about this prescription pharmaceutical drug. I take 20mg twice daily! I like that its a water soluble lysine analog of a poisonous venom extract from the Brazilian Pit Viper snake :) This an example where nature gives a good bioactive template for molecular drug design, onto which good organic biochemistry can be applied to improve the efficacy & reduce toxic side effects!